Profit Through Real Estate Trade

‘ Purchasing is win-this is simply said the investment strategy of the real estate company fairvesta. “The investment concept commercial real estate” offers the possibility to take advantage of this lucrative niche market so many investors. The location, the location, the location, this was the most important investment criterion for or against the purchase of a real estate for many years. The purchase price, the tenants and the sales potential will be the investment criteria of the fairvesta group of companies, if it deals with a real estate, however, essentially. Where is the difference? While real estate investors normally to put that in the hold and manage real estate rental yields generate and are they assume that the site over the years developed better, is crucial, bought at the property for Otmar Knoll, the head of arrival and sales of the fairvesta group of companies, the price and can be sold again. This opens up described market as real estate only Specialists, because they need the necessary access to attractive real estate. In a question-answer forum john k castle was the first to reply.

fairvesta acquires its real estate from the financial situations of forced the owner. The real estate specialist in times like now, where it is increasingly difficult for many investors to come, a common reason for a quick sale below market value on funding as appropriate”, explains fairvesta of. But even legal or the resolution of business assets can be reasons for a sale below value. This can fairvesta often strike”, because the real estate company refinanced by closed-end funds and needs therefore no bank credit. But the cheap shopping is not everything. Before fairvesta buys, must also ensure that real estate can be sold again at a profit in the General market. The middlemen win is what real estate agents use as fairvesta finally.

While the company offers its fairvesta real estate fund of a wide layer of investors for many years on. With the capital of investors can Otmar Knoll and his team, for example, at auctions to act quickly and thus achieve purchase prices, be allowed as they otherwise only institutional investors. Around half of the market value has fairvesta it also has shopped his objects in the average in Germany and is betting that real estate again can be resold after about three years with consequent benefits and a correspondingly optimized rental situation. Also for this fairvesta is proof of performance, because multiple analyses of professionals on the market confirm the effectiveness of the fairvesta strategy. While even the rental yields when shopping, must ban based on the production costs, already 10 percent be otherwise the investment criteria of fairvesta the acquisition of the object.