Private Health Insurance

What customers, prospects, and OOo must note as soon as the second half of is canceled, skip the insurer even with activities and ideas for a change to the 1st 1st. Although officially a change within the private health insurance (PKV) is not required, so this is only half the truth. Changes in the private health insurance? Is this even possible and advisable? Generally the insurance coverage in the private health insurance should be selected so, that this can remain for the entire duration at a company. Options and change permissions are necessary, conditions must fit and the selection criteria for the car should be discussed at the beginning before graduating so far. Unfortunately, this is more wishful thinking than reality but in practice. Therefore, cases occur again and again, where after submitting an invoice or by talking then comes out, not to have insured services.

In such cases, the insurance cover with the desired services should to keep inappropriate insurance coverage because of the provisions. Imagine, have a small car from ancient times. Just because you here lots of money in repairs invested have and want that not losing is not appropriate for today’s family with children. Now how do I get the right cover? In my blog post “preliminary inquiry or request? The right way to the matching car “had I some points mentioned, which are to be considered. Applications for insurance coverage as of 1st January 2012 can be made now already at most companies. What advantage does a submission now? First, the advantage is that sufficient time is available and you do not use pressurized (homemade) time.

Insurance cover can be selected on the basis of the questionnaire and further talks and discussed, then plenty of time for the selection, request and obtain the tariff remains. Another aspect is the State of health. Today, know this, but do not know themselves like this in the next Weeks and months changed. By a submission of a company and its acceptance to the car offers the possibility to exclude the “risk of deterioration” and thus the health free of charge to preserve. Of course that goes well with the options, benefits and supplementary insurance plans, however, this is connected with costs. When can and I must terminate because the existing insurance coverage? Usually the period of notice of 3 months to the end of the year apply in case you have a private health insurance coverage. Some companies have exceptions and require a termination after the insurance year, not a calendar year. A complete list is here: minimum contract duration and termination dates PKV/GKV persists a special right of termination at a post boost in the car. This is but most of the companies until quite late so that announced the tariff selection and risk assessment work only pressure of time, which is not really beneficial. More info also in the post: Not prematurely terminate contribution increase applies to insured persons in the statutory health insurance (GKV) a notice period to the end of the following month. Special minimum periods for the insured in selection rates are to be observed, this can be one or three years. In any case (even if something else by the statutory health insurance is sometimes said) the 18 months period for a change in the private health insurance do not apply.