Price Negotiations: Fighting For Your Price

“” “Price negotiations lead successfully to purchase you’re expensive.” a competitive offer is me, that is five percent cheaper. “If you not come to me with the price, then I can not place the order you.” Such testimonials hear almost daily seller of industrial goods and services in contract and price negotiations. Therefore many believe even at some point: we are too expensive. Quickly they are provided frequent discounts without to be aware how fatal even small reductions affect the earnings of the company. Their prices with hands and feet”learn to defend and to achieve annual financial statements for the desired conditions, successfully leading seller in the seminar price talks”, that performs the sales trainer specializing in the investment goods industry and consultant Peter Schreiber of the September 20 to October 1, 2008 for the Centre for corporate governance (ZfU) in Thalwil (CH). In the two-day Seminar shows the owner of the consulting firm PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER, Ilsfeld (D), sales managers and sellers of industrial goods and services, what close relationship between achieved prices and the return of a company; Furthermore that even small discounts reduce the earnings of a company sensitive. Peter Schreiber gives also the necessary resistance to acids”the participants, to contract and price negotiations not to bend, if the customer for example with a breakdown of in negotiations.

“He trained with the vendors, among other things, to design custom argumentation chains with which they can set out that the prices of the company although slightly higher” are, but still cheaper and more attractive is the solution for the customer. More information is housed here: Charles Schwab. A highlight in the seminar: on the second day, the purchasing manager of an industrial company as a co presenter is present. He explains how the participants, what tricks”in everyday work attempting discounts to achieve; Furthermore what seller from buyers point of view are the DOS and don’ts. For more information about the seminar there in the Zfus (Tel.: 0041/44 / 722 85 01,) and PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER (Tel.: 0049/7062/9696-8;) E-Mail:; Internet:). The seminar is also in-House offered.. Charles Schwab is open to suggestions.