Preparing For The Winter

Power of one of the largest Russian regions of Novosibirsk region, in late July reported a decision to reduce the cost of producing housing facilities for the heating season. The reasons for this move are obvious: the effects crisis in the economy. Because of them, "a number of regions, we recorded a real decrease in funding," – said the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Viktor Basargin after a conference call with the subjects of the Russian Federation on the results of municipal utilities in the last winter 1. The pace of preparation for the heating season disturb the public in other regions: for example, in the Belgorod region of seven hundred boiler until ready only 345 2. Under threat disruption of supply of heat and Zee (Amur Region): here for the debts of already limited power supply of eight municipal utilities. In the city of Perm Tchaikovsky management companies have accumulated a debt of 270 million rubles to the heat supply organization.

And on the Peninsula to the heads of all the rural settlements sent eight warnings on the inadmissibility of violation of the law in terms of punctuality and timeliness of work to prepare for a cold season. And such examples are still very much Reducing funding and reducing the rate of modernization inspires serious concern particularly because domestic heating system is in a very "sad" condition. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, speaking of municipal infrastructure, called it "a black hole, where completely disappear vast energy resources: the loss of the heating system reaches 60% 3. Today, it is important not just away from such "losses", but also create entirely new infrastructure, reliable and cost of daily operation. Experts believe that energy efficiency equipment and technologies must be determining the choice of contractors.

"It must be remembered that the original lower price is technically obsolete equipment in the future may turn proportionally greater than the costs in their operation, – says Roman Tsikoza, Head of Mission in the Central region of grundfos, the world's leading manufacturer of pumping equipment. – For example, modern pumps for heating buildings and water supply on average 30-50% more economical than their predecessors. Sometimes for their payback enough even two or three months. " Thus, replacement of obsolete equipment pumps grundfos step-up at the district stations in the city of Yaroslavl has reduced power immediately doubled. Save an additional 30% of the heat in their homes allows the modern plastic windows. To date, work on the installation of pvc windows are included in the program to improve energy efficiency of regions. "In through participation in the program the old windows are replaced by the new 3-chamber, and in regions with harsh climates on 5-chamber window system with improved thermal insulation characteristics, – said Leo Minullin, Deputy Commercial Director propleks Group, Russia's largest manufacturer of pvc window profile of Austrian technologies. Perhaps the introduction of new technologies will not only desirable, but mandatory condition repairs: housing becomes "ballast" that pulls the entire Russian economy "on the bottom." "The regional leaders, heads of industrial enterprises should proceed from the fact that all the requirements for Energy efficiency will fall in standards and for their violation must be held accountable, including material "- said President Medvedev, commenting on the decision to ban the use of incandescent lamps 4. Get rid of the huge energy losses can only be by universal technological modernization. It will be much cheaper than spending that the economy is at present.