
GET in the game & via AUDIO – play over 10,000 questions and answers via speech quiz like – contacts you like and deny common game evenings? At the same time want you spice up also your general knowledge? Bull’s eye! A huge amount of knowledge in the form of questions and answers for free via voice output available is immediately easy to access on the database server of the app owner. All questions and answers (now over 10000) were recorded via microphone and stored together with the text under the appropriate subject name on the server. And the issues are becoming more and more. How can I use the diversity of this data in the game? With the function on the home page of PlayandLearn download ‘Import topic’ click any topics (each approximately 20 to 50 questions and answers) from the server – no matter whether literacy, Bundesliga, literature, music, movies, politics, sports, languages, terminology, superlative, medicine, vocabulary, comics, animals, plants, food, drinks, etc.). If you then have themes on your mobile phone and Select also the first question will be issued.

The whole game round is now time to consider and to record the answers until the Director says at the end of the reflection period. He is recently simply click anywhere on the display now give the correct answer via speech. Each player receives 1 point for a correct answer. If everyone is ready, the facilitator click switches continue to the next question – etc etc. If a round is finished, you are asked whether you want to repeat the game.

The multiple repetition is highly recommended, because all the players watch extremely clearly, how quickly you learn with this game. So PlayandLearn up to even its name. And this is true for all topics. So that all players can clearly hear the questions and answers, it is recommended the audio signal from your iPod, iPhone, iPad over a small table-music dock station to spend. There are 20 euros in the electronics shop. For all who play alone suffices the earphone headset supplied by Apple. Conclusion: Who likes to play quizzes and happy new to learn has a modern, contemporary game with a huge selection of quiz topics from various fields – and on demand here in between music from your iPod. More on the Web page price: 0.79 only available in the app store