PKVroad Show Kick

Fund financial Broker service GmbH starts on March 30, 2009 with the first station in Berlin its road show series together with the KV professional Thorulf Muller. A total of 14 nationwide cities the PKV road shows of the Munich-based broker pools held financial in accompaniment with the KV professional Thorulf Muller Fund. In the part of the road show series all the key points around the new world “in the car handled. Moreover, it goes in the lectures on the many changes that are currently on the car market and once again raise questions when the mediators. To confront the difficult market conditions, the participants of the PKV Roadshow get additional sales momentum along the way.

It is especially important that no questions remain more open the mediators through the participation of our road show to us. Therefore we have taken the concept this PKV Roadshow on more quality and we are sure that the participants more than seminar series will take advantage of the Roadshow”, so the Fund financial head of Department health insurance, Christine Liebenow. The road show will be accompanied by 12 well-known insurance companies. The participation is free of charge for all. The registration can be made at events. A film on the PKV Roadshow 2009 of the Fund financial found here.

Link to the movie of the road show: film to the road show link on the subject of old age provision: T horulf Muller on the subject of old age provisions Fund financial is one of the largest independent financial broker pools in Germany. The Munich company was founded in 1996 and offers comprehensive services for free brokers and multiple agents. Managing Directors are Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Commission revenues were in 2007 over 40 million euros. The company has 75 employees and over 10,000 connected broker. The portfolio includes life insurance, health insurance, investments, open-ended funds, property, finance/savings and much more. For brokers, there are seminars and E-learning modules with product videos. A comprehensive service platform supports the broker in its day-to-day work, E.g. by comparison software, tools and applications. Fund financial support through world vision sponsored many children all over the world. We will send you photos you on request. Press contact: Fund financial broker GmbH, Ferial Abu Riesstrasse 25 80992 Munich Tel.: 089 158815-380 fax: 089 158835-0 E-Mail: Web: