
Frankenstein – and nosfilsofos Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau, could be evidenced that the man nonecessariamente is by its very nature a bad being but, the society with its stipulated models eregras as correct they can become it, in case that not if adqe the taismodelos and rules. ‘ ‘ Monstro’ ‘ that it finishes committing some crimes. In view of that the process of construction of the being humanoest the grace of the environment shelters that them, if ahead makes necessary a study on apposition of the society of this formation. This has its parcel of guilt namarginalizao of the man. We see the disdain of the society for that diferente, true ' ' daily pay-conceito' '. The society is standard, and quemno follows this model is the grace of not the acceptance of all. Today our children are keeping out of society themselves, or better, we nsestamos keeping out of society our children, we do not believe that the guilt is exclusivadas authorities.

Many times the proper parents contribute for these occurrences, not giving the had attention that a child deserves, when the society if caladiante of the facts or when nothing it makes, it also contributes for this index demarginalizao. The society is elitist, alone thinks about itself. It closes the olhosdiante of the problems that proper it caused. With as much discrimination, injustice, disdain this brings for itself irreparable damages. The project has as purpose to open quarrels sobreliteratura, in view of that all literary text part of contextualizaocom the reality, inside becomes necessary a study of the workmanship (Xsociedade man), to be able to make associations 2 OBJECTIVES Objective general: To show in the Frankenstein workmanship that asociedade molds the character of the man. Specific objectives: l To analyze the man in its ' ' state natural' ' ; l To make a relation between Dr.