Peter Drucker

Knowledge is today the only significant resource. The traditional factors of production (land, natural resources, labor and capital) have become secondary because in this new era everything rests on the knowledge, this is known by this specialist as the revolution of knowledge or know Peter Drucker introduction is very serious reality on the formation and training of human resources in the Venezuelan company, especially in SMEs, where there are a significant number of them that have neglected the important, relevant that is to keep trained, trained human resources according to the characteristics of the current national environment, which is uncertain, risky, unproductive, and where the business sector has been very affectedproduct of the actions of the current Government in favour of his interest in making real what have been called 21st century socialism. Some considerations, basic notes Professor of organizational behavior of the graduate’s quality management program and Productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, under my responsibility, within their lines of research, has evaluated what the current reality of the SMEs in the country, where are their main weaknesses, threats, and opportunities and strengths, and to assess each of the basic resources in the operation of the company, especially as regards its human resourcehas been determined, that there is a large gap, weakness in their different categories, from executives, technicians, administrative, workers, leaving much that say, their training, training, very delicate appearance before the competitive reality of the present, where companies must be sheltered from its human capital in order to be able to face the great challenges that ariseboth on the national stage, and the international, requiring therefore a highly trained personnel with new powers at the time of being hired, in order to not only give you opportunities to express their abilities, skills, knowledge, but which are able to bring new ideas, the necessary transformations to succeed, especially in a Venezuelan, turbulent, uncertain, risky, threatening scenario. .