The Trader

Very often the trend movement reaches its climax, which is characterized by an increase in slope of price movement on a chart and a large amount. At this point, all traders feverishly trying to ride the trend. The most advanced traders go against the crowd, closing positions on such thorns. Other traders prefer to set goals for their trades. Targets are often placed near the levels resistance for long positions and about the support levels for short. Sometimes also used for placement purposes structural market movements or vibrations, which are also visible on the graph.

Sometimes also to install objective measure of risk is used regardless of the schedule. Finally, there are traders who love the magic numbers (Fibonacci, etc.) and use them for the exits. Maybe you guessed that the correct answer to the No question. Any technique may work well in certain market conditions, but not work in others. You can help trader skills, but there is no evidence that the trader who uses intuitive foot gets more profit than one who uses one every time and tighter tactics. For day traders have some very important psychological aspects of working with the outputs.

Often, day traders enter the market very quickly after opening. In this situation, you have to decide whether you want to use an exit strategy, which requires you to keeping the price, or choose a strategy that will allow you not to sit all day monitor. For me the answer to this question is long.

Reduce Control

Constantly let the idea that the market can begin to move against you – and get ready for this advance. If necessary, adjust the levels of stop – signal where more suitable. Create a plan to exit the market. Therefore, when the market will move against you, you’ll be ready. Protect what you have. Rule 9: Do not peretorgovyvayte Reduce risk by reducing the size of deals and save small bets. Be selective in the risks that you incur. Limit of one transaction, which is the most attractive.

This forces you to perform your homework and reduce impulsive and emotional transaction. Since the transactions will be less, you’ll be patient. Rule 10: Control your emotions all the time traders from time to time experienced severe stress and suffering losses. Anxiety disorder, depression, and sometimes despair, are part of the game on the market. Part of risk management is the ability to control these emotions. Do not let emotions control your trading.

Focus on what you are doing. Trade on the basis of informed, rational decisions, rather than emotions and fantasies. Communicate with other traders is one way of maintaining control over their emotions. Other traders understand the challenges you face and can provide important emotional support when you have lost courage. It helps to understand that you are not alone and that other faced with similar problems and have experienced them. Rule 11: When in doubt, get out of the game personal doubts suggest that your trading plan is something wrong. Quickly exit the market if: Market behavior irrationally, you are not sure of the position, you do not know what to do, you can not sleep at night. Before you put money at risk, you should know exactly what you are doing, and that you’re lucky. In conclusion, based on risk management includes four basic steps: A full understanding of how at risk sdelka.Ustranenie as possible risks, which are not legible in neobhodimosti.Byt how risks can be subjected to sdelku.Bystro act to reduce the amount of risk if the market moves against you. For many traders the key moment of risk control is the ability to reduce losses before they lead to razoreniyu.

Concept Trading

Took it, given the test, about six months. And now the system is ready, held its first Group training and the first followers, who no matter what it does not give up. Sergei was in the first week of training felt the potential of the system and has been actively testing it on demo. And told me that if it expectations are fulfilled, then he’s going to pay me a royalty – a certain percentage of earnings in gratitude for the system. Then we laugh together and I certainly did not take this seriously … Sergei then opened the scoring at 50000 dollars in AMS 19.07.2009 18:01:48 Profit 2006: I recommend to read my blog – it becomes clear why it is better to move to action:) 20.07.2009 22:18:58 FUCH 1 Sergey LOCAL falcon3779 (Yandex): Good evening, too much information with your submission – SP500 and only he, impact and return on capital is very good.

As you recommended, do not be greedy, not more than 1% per day from the deposit, I work from 5 contracts. Thank you very much, but learn to trade something else I do not want (meaning for myself do not see the end of May has invested in 50 000, now counts nearly less than 82,000, your method works like a clock. Sometimes nerves shaken, not without it, but on real single losing day, even $ 75, but a plus). 20.07.2009 22:20:10 Profit 2006::) happy for you, what about royalties? 🙂 By the way, the money shows all as regularly trod on common to all rakes. You earned nothing until brought 100% of invested funds:) 20.07.2009 22:26:24 FUCH 1 Sergey L: Gene, I’m stupidly follow your method of input from ekstremuma inside the channel or usredneneem, nothing more. Then the calm, even indifference and do not be greedy. 20.07.2009 22:26:54 Profit 2006: few have so goes – a unique feature not for the faint hearted, and the amounts used to take risks. Averaging does not understand or simply do not want.

20.07.2009 22:31:31 FUCH 1 Sergey L: I’ll take the money after chas 110000, leave 60,000 in the account, although I think we ought to leave on account of not less than 200000. 20.07.2009 22:33:31 Profit 2006: do the best I have now removed all earned, and left only 50000 introduced first. But this is my personal opinion. 20.07.2009 22:36:10 FUCH 1 Sergey L: Thank you, Gennady I meditate on this. And on July 31, I was pleased that Sergei threw in my purse first royalty – not a lot of not a few $ 500. To be honest – I really enjoyed it. Thereupon I decided to stop the group training, where time and attention on just is not enough – I will take one person, but the gratitude of a trader in retaliation to share profits. In addition, all graduates who were trained in the theory of the concept of trading, will have the opportunity communicate to the branch closed form / forum, as well as to ask me any questions.

Asset Management

You know what the risks and know how to make money? Your work brings you good returns? Money must generate income. Do you trust management? So, trust – it is agreement by which the manager performs Insight Capital acceptance of your assets (in this case, securities and money), putting them into all sorts of assets of the stock market and financial instruments. The main objective in this – to minimize risks and ensure maximum profitability. As well as the very trust involves: – creating and managing a personal portfolio – the creation of individual accounts – can be dispose of their own capital at his own request – the formation of an investment strategy tailored to your wishes. Consider what are the advantages of asset management: a) First and foremost this is a personal approach takes into account individual objectives, as time investments. b) Constant monitoring of market risk control. c) Complete confidentiality of transactions d) Professional ethics e) Maintenance information, financial services, the ability to withdraw funds from the operational management would like to cancel that in today's world, trust has become widespread.

This agreement allows the absence of the required knowledge to become a participant in the market and receive regular income. And also it will help save you time and hassle. The strategy itself fiduciary formed recently. When choosing a strategy asset management, it is important to remember the relationship between risk-return that affect the distribution ratio between the assets. Objects of trust management include: stocks, money, intended for investing in securities bonds.

You do not need a license to perform work on management of securities in the event that management is associated only with exercise, control the rights to valuable securities. It is also a huge popular private banking – it is a private service individuals with large capital. It is necessary to cancel that trust carries a higher yield when compared with placing funds on deposit. Likewise, this strategy significantly reduces these risks: credit, market, system.

Innovation And IT-technology

Tools of information technology can greatly assist in the development of basic infrastructure, which carries out the promotion of innovation. This IT-support can be categorized in three broad areas. Firstly, IT technology supports the management of innovation, allowing companies to track, share, and manage initiatives innovation. However, companies should be aware of those functions and constraints that exist in IT-technology. As a leader in the financial services sector, IT does not generate innovation, but they can speed up after they were born. Secondly, IT contributes to and helps cooperation. This cooperation includes the entire ecosystem, starting from the set of internal functions and ending with the departments for relations with external partners.

Starting from asynchronous interactions, such as e-mail, and to the possibilities of using instant messages in real time to effectively discuss general ideas, IT technology, thereby accelerating the process of collaboration between team members, separated by large distances. Finally, IT enables manage information, carrying out its division and transfer. Tools that facilitate the development of corporate database information can be easily and readily determined depending on the requirements requirements. This information database may be based both on a simple server with distributed resources, to a sophisticated information management system with advanced search capabilities. Considering the use of IT in terms of the broader perspective, we note that it frees up time workers to find new innovative solutions. Need to automate processes as much as possible to release creative potential, it will allow people to focus on business opportunities and urgent problems of the company.

Supreme Arbitration Court

In accordance with this norm is accepted to deduct VAT when the goods were bought for the operations, recognized objects VAT. However, the Tax Code does not establish such a duty. The position of tax authorities based on the provisions of paragraph 3.3.3. Methodical recommendations on the implementation of Chapter 21 'Value Added Tax' Tax Code (Approved by order of the Tax Ministry of Russia from 20.12.2000 BG-3-03/447) according to which if the contributed property in the established order has been made a deduction of tax, the tax on these amounts in the tax year in which effected the transfer must be reduced deduction of the value of property not included in depreciation expense in the production and (or) sale of goods (works, services) or non-operating expenses to be considered when determining the tax profits. But then the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court stated: Case '… the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the obligation of the taxpayer for the recovery and payment in the budget the amount of tax on residual value of property in case the amount of tax deductible and refundable when registering purchased for use in the production of fixed assets after the transfer of these funds to the charter capital of another economic society …'.

Resolution of the Presidium of the RF of 11.11. # 003 7473/03 Details of the decision, see page 34 number 2 of 'BUH.1S' in 2004 after the court ruling said the MNF Russian Order of 11.03.2004 BS-3- 03/190 made appropriate changes to the Guidelines on the application of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code by deleting paragraph 5 of paragraph 3.3.3. Thus, at present fertile ground for disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities the issue of VAT recovery on assets allocated to the charter capital of the organization is liquidated. With regard to accounting operations to assess non-monetary contributions to the charter capital of an organization, it is is the theme for a particular material that we publish in the next issue of 'BUH.1S'.

Moscow Registration

Register organization – an important step toward business development. The most common form of the enterprise is. Characteristic of a distribution of shares among any number of participants. This opportunity to attract more investment from outside, and this implies a rapid expansion of the organization. Registration of regulated by the Federal Law 'On Joint Stock Companies'. Immediately after the intention of Registration of a Moscow should outline how to obtain registration – alone or with the help of professionals. Creation of an organization – it's exhausting and difficult job for a businessman. Register of requests in Moscow costly, extensive legal knowledge, a lot of time.

The increasing danger of a slip in the process and the resumption of the whole process again, and this additional expense, often large, the collection and fill the necessary papers, walking the authorities. All these are the main flaws of the registration in Moscow alone. Of course, these rules apply not to all the organizers, but who forewarned is forearmed. Because true solution will march to the professional team to record of a key. Often law firms provide a clear set of work and some other services for a fee. The usual package of works is: Extracts from the Unified State Register legal persons, the certificate of registration with the tax inspectorate, the evidence establishing the company, work with the tax authorities, making a standard print, getting a bank account, collecting and filling all necessary paperwork.

From the founder for registration of a key law firm asked the following paper, which differ depending on the type of the founder. The individual should provide: full and abbreviated name; name in a foreign language (upon request) contact us about yourself, TIN number. Legal entity: photocopies of the passports of the founders; photocopy of the passport Director General, a list of activities and copies of documents for legal address; the founders' shares and the amount of authorized capital; information to tax authorities. Additionally, some may need more paper, so be sure to clarify all the details of the legal company. Appeal to professionals in legal problems – this is not a publicity stunt, but a reasonable solution for businesses that want to contemplate his prosperous and developing of a minimum term.

Affiliate Programs Internet

In recent years, the World Wide Web under the name of the Internet, just still abounds in many affiliate programs. More than a running project, and often, and not, to the fullest strives to use desire of any person. The desire to earn money or anything without investing and especially of that does not inventing. How? With the help of affiliate programs. Affiliate program – a form of business cooperation between the seller and partners in the sale of any goods or services. Allows the seller to reduce the cost of bringing the final buyer.

In other words, the owner of the product offering to anyone who wishes to use their goods for sale without cheating rates, instead, after meeting certain conditions it is to share profits, agreed to the transaction. But before you rush into this bottomless sea of affiliate programs, should be well to study the proposal and find something that will bring you profit at minimum cost. Together, let us try to understand and put everything on the shelves. So, perhaps start with the most important thing: What we pay money? 1. Pay per sale – The commission is paid when a visitor on an affiliate link or banner goes to merchant's website and carried out there buying. Example – various online stores, individual entrepreneurs, 2. Payment for Action – You get money for every visitor, which leads to the merchant site, where he performs a certain action, for example, participates in their program, subscribes to the mailing list, fill the survey, etc.


Buying a German or other European companies – always a good investment, especially in our difficult times, when many businesses put up for sale at a reduced cost, due to poor market conditions. But crisis will not last forever, and upon its expiration, your purchase will significantly add to costs, multiply your capital. Some experts in registering a new business, say that buying a ready enterprise is connected with a large number of risks, and is much safer to create a business from scratch. We will not argue, but we note that every medal has two sides. In our view, a new business carries risks, no less. After creating it, you are confronted with variety of issues, from choosing the location of the company (and quite possibly the best seats are already occupied), ending the recruitment and, of course, setting-up clientele. And some things, such as: reputation (as important for European firms) and committed patrons are generated over the years, and they can not buy at all. Business, as a rule, have long been successfully solved all these problems, so return on investment for buying an existing firm comes much faster.

Let's look at step by step all aspects of buying ready-enterprise and start with the positive aspects. Ten benefits of buying businesses. 1. Risks. New Business always fraught with risk of failure. According to statistics, 80 percent of new firms 'collapse' within one year after its creation. Even if your business is a 'tracing' successful enterprise located in another place, not fact that an alternate location and other clients will allow you to repeat someone else's success.

CRM Information

In recent years become increasingly popular application of BI on an operational level, when you need to quickly make decisions based on reliable information. In my subjective opinion the reasons when such a trend could be a few … First, in this case does not need to build expensive storage media, which significantly reduces the size of investment in such projects and minimizes the risks associated with the integration of databases and consolidate information. Second, much easier to evaluate the effectiveness of tools such as the results from the use can be obtained virtually in real time. Especially revealing are the results of the BI-applications in CRM: To assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in a CRM-system, a comparison of plan-fact in selling, analyzing outgoing outgoing calls in call-center, assessing the value of customer service, to define the strategy work in the process of Collection and much more.

Third, the most popular BI-application-oriented solutions to strategic and tactical objectives. And it is not only “dislike” domestic experts to various kinds of planning, but there is no real conditions for holding such a qualitative assessment of the volatile economic situation. Fourth, BI-use applications at the operational level will appreciate the convenience of working with tools in the real world at a much lower cost. This, in turn, ensures a consequence of more efficient BI-use applications at the strategic and tactical levels (if the need arises at all). Of course, in this case, do not forget about the shortcomings of this approach.

Naturally, the lack of storage leads to the fact that the data obtained through BI, you will not be retained in full. Ie, BI-applications at the operational level can produce only point one-time snapshots of data at a certain time. But allowance these data are not always necessary. For example, consider the situation mentioned earlier estimate of customer value in its treatment of a service center, which can be carried out to determine the priority and time reaction to such treatment. Often, the CRM-system does not need to keep any and all information about the client. Part-specific information can be found in various accounting systems.