Scientists Physics

It was during this period came a concept of structured water with predetermined biologically active properties, very attractive and promising for farming – the industry. Work on the development of this theory was carried out continuously on all continents. Scientists Physics conducted several scientific experiments, medical doctors and pharmacists have tried to conduct research on homeopathic medicines. In particular, the Russian physician neurophysiologist Nikolai Kardan, at one time participated in research in the field of hyperbaric medicine (the effect of various nano – drugs on the human body in terms of high blood pressure and intracranial) conducted their own independent research into the creation of various nanorastvorov based on the distillate, and vitamins. But thanks achievements of the research group Rastuma Roy Aquabionica Corporation researchers have managed to advance so far to a prototype Bionic water. U.S. researchers have begun to study the transfer of structural information from one crystal to another, and the liquid adjacent to the crystal without reference to its chemical composition.

In the experiments we used crystals of graphite and diamond. By that time, science was already known that having a certain structure in as a template (usually a solid material, but sometimes liquid), may make all the matter in a pre-selected kristallizovyvatsya structure or morphology. These laws have been used for over 30 years in stekloliteynoy industry. Cloud seeding epitaxial growth of crystalline ice on the substrate transferred from the seed or substrate layers of the liquid phase, without changing the chemical composition. Ie water clusters in a cube of ice were transferred to thawed water and kept in her morphological stability. Then the frozen ice cubes in a variety of solid objects and keep track of relationships between groups of clusters. Each time the image of the cluster changed. To This medicine is widely used diffusion technology for preparation of homeopathic remedies. Ie amount of an agent (Note that chemical!) was placed in the water and the method of active shaking and stirring

Secondary School

Jorge and Maria were friendly from the primary school. Together they also made the school secondary. They were able to count the most intimate things without feeling shame the one of the other. They were known to each other as themselves as much. Maria knew very from youngster, not to mean to exaggerate and from girl, that she loved Jorge his heart yet.

But also she knew that Jorge wanted only it like his friend. For that reason never she let to him glimpse his feelings. He was the unique thing that hid to him. Convinced that never it would be his pair in the life, she wanted to maintain his friendship by on all the things. Of to have made the most minimal hint, Jorge would begin to react different in front of her and that was something that she had seted out to avoid at all costs. So it was limited to listen to of him all the conquests that towards.

Its successes and their failures. He had often asked to him who happened to him that she did not leave with anybody. – So difficult he is to conquer your heart asked to him in mocking tone without suspecting that his at least heart was absolutely of its dominion. – It is that I have not found anybody to date that has obtained conquistarlo- always responded to Maria I am young still I do not see because I have apurarme-. – Because he is but pleasant to be in pair that in solitude said to smiling Jorge I to him I only feel only when I do not have it I cannot avoid as soon as I lose one, to leave to look for a replacement and to try to find it but the fast thing that it can. – Thanks for the part corresponds that me of your solitude said between sad and mocking Maria to him Pens that my company did not allow you to feel it, like yours does not allow it my.

Brazilian Society

Its conquest of the world if makes on deep an tonic-emotional one, persisting and becoming closer dependent of all its history affective, exactly deepest. Knowledge on the relationary and functional psicimotricidade With regard to the answers of the questions in the category above, was evidenced that 4 professors have knowledge on relationary and functional psicomotricidade and 2 do not know. As for psicomotricidde relationary professors 1, 2, 3 and 4 had answered that he is the professor who leads, therefore the same creates the possibilities through the displayed materials pupils to play them and the way and the other to play, where through the interactions between, will go to reveal behaviors, that is, to make what it has will and through this they will go to develop its motor gesture, affective, social and cognitivo in such a way alone or with the other. Professor 2 complements this reply with an important story ' ' that the behaviors must be analyzed and be considered in next sesso' '. Professors 5 and 6 had answered frankly that they do not know the two lines. For Briza and Albuquerque (2007) the Relationary Psicomotricidade is one of the conceptions that the main content of this technique is the free and spontaneous game, therefore this prioritizes the relationship between the children and the exteriorizao of the experiences, where it will create options of new learnings of abilities and dexterities, and also of necessary values for the conviviality in group as respect and cooperation, contributing for the character of socially active citizens. One perceives that the answers of most of the professors confer with that the two authors describe, but are distinguished that ' ' jogo' ' he is free and spontaneous. According to Brazilian Society of Psicomotricidade (2010) the characteristics of the relationary psicomotricidade are: the child can play freely, has some models, is more independent, is seen as totality and decides what to make; the psicomotricista aid, understands, interacts, suggests, considers, stimulates the practical psicomotriz, can act with the professor of the classroom and adopts a listening position; the session is with the naturalistic paradigm, free activities and provides that it occurs so waited, corporal contact of the psicomotricista with the children and between them.


Frankenstein – and nosfilsofos Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau, could be evidenced that the man nonecessariamente is by its very nature a bad being but, the society with its stipulated models eregras as correct they can become it, in case that not if adqe the taismodelos and rules. ‘ ‘ Monstro’ ‘ that it finishes committing some crimes. In view of that the process of construction of the being humanoest the grace of the environment shelters that them, if ahead makes necessary a study on apposition of the society of this formation. This has its parcel of guilt namarginalizao of the man. We see the disdain of the society for that diferente, true ' ' daily pay-conceito' '. The society is standard, and quemno follows this model is the grace of not the acceptance of all. Today our children are keeping out of society themselves, or better, we nsestamos keeping out of society our children, we do not believe that the guilt is exclusivadas authorities.

Many times the proper parents contribute for these occurrences, not giving the had attention that a child deserves, when the society if caladiante of the facts or when nothing it makes, it also contributes for this index demarginalizao. The society is elitist, alone thinks about itself. It closes the olhosdiante of the problems that proper it caused. With as much discrimination, injustice, disdain this brings for itself irreparable damages. The project has as purpose to open quarrels sobreliteratura, in view of that all literary text part of contextualizaocom the reality, inside becomes necessary a study of the workmanship (Xsociedade man), to be able to make associations 2 OBJECTIVES Objective general: To show in the Frankenstein workmanship that asociedade molds the character of the man. Specific objectives: l To analyze the man in its ' ' state natural' ' ; l To make a relation between Dr.

Society Reaction

Interesting to also perceive that from the moment that if festeja the Abolition, is demonstrated that the past was discarded with all its moral and social delay, in order to establish new on elements of the identity under the form of ample participation of diverse in such a way civil sectors how much military who would participate of the festejos. In this direction, we conceive the tradition of the parties of redemption of the city of Belm as a supported attempt of social transformation in an ideology that if moved away from the traditions of the empire led for Peter II. In this meantime, the invented traditions had really needed ' ' criar' ' new accessories or languages extending its vocabulary, working the historical continuation that is recurrent so that ' ' traditions inventadas' ' they can be established. From the consideraes of Hobsbawm on ' ' inventions of tradies' ' we find the category of analysis that we can fit the party of Abolition and redemption of the Slavery. In this aspect, we can observe these characteristics in the historical source below reproduced: Party of the freedom With imponent magestade and condigna of huge assumpto, celebrated before-hontem the party of the redempo of 3 districto of Belm, as it was annunciado. Since the 4 hours of the afternoon that the plaza of the Trindade, showy decorated, was pressed together of people.

In an elegant pavilion, express raised there for this end, it was found illustrious directoria of the Society Reaction against the slavery and plus other gentlemen. Inaugurated solemnemente the act of the president of the same o exm advising Mr. Paes of Andrade, diverse people had taken the word, similar to entertain the multitude with speeches analogous to huge objecto d? this solemnidade. Between these people we notareamos Mr. Pacheco, a young man who in them is unknown, a boy, alumno of the Atheneu Paraense that reciting a poetry, true chef d? acurre of inspiration and art, arrojo and fire of expression, warmly was applaudido by the multitude, being hugged by Frank the Tito council member of Almeida; ours collega Antonio de Carvalho who with sufficient energy reciting a poetry of its cultivates, expressive and livened up, also got of the people thundering ovaes; finally, Frank the Tito council member who in one bello improvisation, full of raised saturated concepts of irrefutable truths, more or less said, that the freedom is not arisen of (SIC), because ella never died, always wants ella existed, even though suffocated for the egoism, the preconception, the prejudice; that the day of the freedom of the slaves is the day of our proper freedom; that now we will have who better serves in them, because the mulato, the black color, the white has in the chest the same feelings and good who serves to well appreciates to them work; that the Brazil raised if on all the cultured nations of the Europe and America, in the way I pacify with that the slavery abolished, without spilling of blood and without money spilling of the thesouro (…) the freedom party that was described reflects the form well as the invented traditions are used with the main intention of socialization and the inculcao of ideas or systems of values and until same standards of behavior.

Celia Logical

In this opportunity, I want to transcribe an electronic letter, that to him Celia cousin sent, as a result of which she protested to me with a question: because I, was not going to visit mother? It is logical that she finds out by commentaries of my brothers and my own mother. LETTER: Wanted Celia premium: in this letter I want contarte some things that you already know suddenly but perhaps no, then better you the equal story. I want to begin making reflections about my life, because fodder that stops to be able to include/understand to the others is indispensable to be included/understood to one same one and to be allows of our qualities and defects. Everything what can happen to us in our lives has to do somehow with the fact of knowing, as we behaved in front of the other people, is as is always said: we harvested what we seeded . Memory clearly some things of my childhood. Memory clearly of how mother was patch well, and when remembering and reflecting this I occur story because my mother, to some I listened to it times say: that how now no longer me it decided her if I were patch of boy to her well. This is a logical reflection of this fact, and it cannot take to think to us badly of another person, but it is the result of a logical and reasonable event. The affection that I feel by my mother is unquestionable; and he is the opposite, every time is but great, because when passing the years of our lives and making us but thinking and reasonable, make us include/understand plus the affection of a mother. One of the events that make want more me mother, is when we remained single the three brothers with her because our father died; perhaps at the same moment he was not able to reason this event, since tapeworm 10 years of age, but after married, and with maturity raises, made me include/understand the great sacrifice that this demanded, and the great suffering when not becoming to marry according to us.

Saints Houses

Expressions appear new words creating and concepts, as partnership, corporative citizenship, social responsibility, private social investment, solidarity, voluntariado, extending the relationship enter the three sectors of the Brazilian economy. They start to appear, more recently, auto-sustainable projects, opposing to the traditional ones that they were of assistencialista character. The social organizations start to define and to apply a form of differentiated and participativa management, investing in new methodologies. They do not possess owners or shareholders, they do not aim at the profit and they excessively invest in the qualification and the training and qualification of social managers, beyond facilitadores of teams and voluntary participation of the citizens to deal with the social matters. In the partnerships carried through with the Government through proclamations, licitations and same with other private institutions, the renderings of accounts of the resources to be managed for the third sector always they are gifts (Service of Support, 2009). Better to understand the trajectory of the third sector and its historical sprouting in Brazil, is presented to follow it a commentary of the six described stages as article of Tanya L.

Rothgiesser and that it portraies the actions of filantropia since the Portuguese settling of century XVI until century XXI (Coast, 2001; Rothgiesser, 2004; Service of Support, 2009). In 1543 (century XVI), during the Empire, the Brotherhood of the Mercy in the Captainship was created of Is Vicente, with the purpose to give assistance the abandoned ones. A very narrow bond between the State and the Church existed at the time Catholic who had the responsibility to give to assistance to the devoid communities that were also taken care of by the Orders Third and for the Saints Houses. Also the benedictines, the franciscanos and the Armelites participated of these benemerncias who did not measure efforts to promote action social of assistencialista character and that it lasted until century XX.

Public Universities

Quotas for blacks in the public universities. Brazil is a country consisting of blacks, whites and indians. Of the mixture and interaction of these races they had appeared: the mulato, cafuzo and the caboclo. Brazil is a nation that possesss in the diversity its unit, exists a miscegenation. Inside of this unit each individual has its identity, Brazil has for identity the difference. Or we are black, or whites, or indians, or if not, we are descending of the such. We are and we are not, what we know in fact is that we are Brazilian.

The constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil says that we are all equal ones before the law, in rights and obligations. When I see that one of the races is benefited with something, I perceive that the others had been in disadvantages. With this, I perceive that the constituent principles had been infringed. Then a different form of the government exists to treat the Brazilians. This ideology to determine one portion for a certain group of people, denotes preconception.

Leaving of the estimated one of that preconception means anticipatedly to have formed opinion, without bigger balance or knowledge of the facts, I think that it would be not to give to blacks one due esteem, I appraise or intellectual value. Subentendo that the author of this norm is calling the blacks incapable to concur with excessively a vacant for the ingression in the college. How to coexist ahead of a misfortune of these? Knowing that this ideology left of where must have projects to not only enable the blacks, as well as white and indians, in end, all the Brazilians. They want to decide a problem and they do not show the origin of the same. They want that a black enters in the college? Of a it conditions to study in a well structuralized college with competent professors (and well paid). The quotas for blacks are a form to hide the imperfection of the government that it is not investing in the education, therefore if it was with a good education would not need is yielding quotas for some, therefore all would be capable to enter the university.


It has much people for there losing the family without perceiving. Family is as garden, needs cares every day special. When somebody does not take care of with affection of its family, it loses it a little more, and many do not obtain to understand where moment that so happy family, so joined and pleasant if became a group of cold people, distant and disinterested. We do not have to use our family to reach objectives, the family is the objective. Many would change to the shining career that had conquered, the valuable goods that they had acquired and the influential friends who had made for its families in return. This because it has much people who only coexist the members of the family, but focam with determination the external conquests. A great deceit, if not to take care of every day of the family, it ' ' murcha' ' , the garden is ugly and leaves to exhale the soft aroma of the harmony and the complicity. To take care of of the family it does not need to have much money, does not need to change of car all year and nor to construct a mansion, these things alone have value will be had, in fact, a family for detrs of them, in case that contrary, will be only inanimate ownerships, without life and incapable to cheer and to move.

To take care of of the family she is necessary to have time, and as this is each time more rare, is necessary ' ' fazer' ' time, to open hand of some things that are important, but not essential, the family is essential. She is necessary to love and to demonstrate love. The biggest demonstration of love for somebody is to be with this somebody, exactly that it is making simple things extremely and pparently of small account, however close one it another one. Spouses need to love themselves and if to tan, independent of the time of married that they have, to walk of given hands (the car separates the couples, therefore it prevents the touch), to kiss the face, to fondle the hair and to laugh together. The parents need to look in its children and to perceive them. As it is difficult the times to perceive the children, mainly if these already are adolescent or young. Protecting children who if feel loved and grow and blossom as plants in ground fertile. It has much people for there losing the family. They are investing in other things, many times with the good intention of if preparing to live better days with the spouses and children, but, for many of these, these days simply will not arrive, and if to arrive, nor always the family will be there for tanning together.

Angeli Rose

The lives in letters in such a way can inform, to transform, as to deform to conform, at last, the game is varied. Without losing the dimension of the necessity to earn, for conquest, readers, are necessary to recognize the necessity to continue investing in the releitura for the conquered readers. why not releitura of ‘ ‘ clssicos’ ‘? Our proposal of redimensionar presence of the sea, while poetical image in the romantic poetry of Gonalves Days, in the Song of the Exile, responsible for innumerable versions in Portuguese language, is the inciativa to recognize that the dimensions symbolic and mythical of the sea, already pointed for. the Carlos Secchin in the same text of reference of which we break for this exercise of reading and on which we write down some openings of agreement of the poem, it so only wanted and lovingly to enter in contact with what it would be distant of us for a temporalizado past and that in another way, reveals reafirmador of the atemporal character of what he is poetical in the language and literary compositions ofthe statute of the Song of the exile, as the one that we know in our production. The poiesis make its mark in the reader and the poet, and why not to say in the critic? one mark that evidences presence with its differentiated ways of creation. Of the Creation. in this instant, somebody writes down the flame: the boy looks at the sea behind/, the wall.

(he surprises the poet, philosopher and critic, Antonio Ccero, to the end of its presentation in the event of reference of September of 2010? UFRJ). Rio De Janeiro, October of 2010 bibliographical References: CCERO, Antonio. The Agoridade.Conferncia on the Modernismo in CCBB/RJ, 2004. BENJAMIN, narrative Walter.O, In, Collected workses, volI. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987. GUMBRECHT, Hans.Modernizao of the directions. So Paulo: Publishing company 34 Letters, 1998.