Managing Director

The Berlin financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann informed about the essential aspects of independent asset management and investment advice on a pure fee basis. The German Institute for retirement (DIA) has examined in January 2009 for the first time, what impact the financial crisis arising for the trust, confidence and activities of German citizens in the area of pensions: 46 percent of employed Germans worry due to the financial crisis and the current bad economy more to their statutory pension than before. Confidence in private pension plans has even though total at higher levels a significant damper, so get the result of a long term investigation of IfD Allensbach and own investigations of the slide. 22 percent of the respondents want to do something for their retirement in the next twelve months. Because 57 percent still adequate for the age believed in January 2006 to have made, there are still 36 percent. Exactly with this concern currently many new customers come to us.\” explains Stephanie Niklas, Managing Director and general partner of financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann oHG in Berlin-Grunewald and Berlin-Mitte. Due to the existing uncertainty from the financial crisis, many customers are looking for above all really independent advice on a purely honorary advisors like us.

When assessing existing pension products we are often stunned.\”so a sechzigjahrige customer enters for example last week to us, whose previous consulting to return-rich pensions has recommended an asset management with over 70% equities and a corresponding Fund.\” Ulf Niklas, also managing director and general partner of the Berlin financial planning offices, leading to off. That was certainly profitable, but too risky for the client and their pensions for the earnings situation of the consultant. The current result is shocking.\” Again and again you meet on these cases, in which a stable and serious retirement for the customers behind the profit interests of the respective consultant and product provider stand back.

PKVroad Show Kick

Fund financial Broker service GmbH starts on March 30, 2009 with the first station in Berlin its road show series together with the KV professional Thorulf Muller. A total of 14 nationwide cities the PKV road shows of the Munich-based broker pools held financial in accompaniment with the KV professional Thorulf Muller Fund. In the part of the road show series all the key points around the new world “in the car handled. Moreover, it goes in the lectures on the many changes that are currently on the car market and once again raise questions when the mediators. To confront the difficult market conditions, the participants of the PKV Roadshow get additional sales momentum along the way.

It is especially important that no questions remain more open the mediators through the participation of our road show to us. Therefore we have taken the concept this PKV Roadshow on more quality and we are sure that the participants more than seminar series will take advantage of the Roadshow”, so the Fund financial head of Department health insurance, Christine Liebenow. The road show will be accompanied by 12 well-known insurance companies. The participation is free of charge for all. The registration can be made at events. A film on the PKV Roadshow 2009 of the Fund financial found here.

Link to the movie of the road show: film to the road show link on the subject of old age provision: T horulf Muller on the subject of old age provisions Fund financial is one of the largest independent financial broker pools in Germany. The Munich company was founded in 1996 and offers comprehensive services for free brokers and multiple agents. Managing Directors are Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Commission revenues were in 2007 over 40 million euros. The company has 75 employees and over 10,000 connected broker. The portfolio includes life insurance, health insurance, investments, open-ended funds, property, finance/savings and much more. For brokers, there are seminars and E-learning modules with product videos. A comprehensive service platform supports the broker in its day-to-day work, E.g. by comparison software, tools and applications. Fund financial support through world vision sponsored many children all over the world. We will send you photos you on request. Press contact: Fund financial broker GmbH, Ferial Abu Riesstrasse 25 80992 Munich Tel.: 089 158815-380 fax: 089 158835-0 E-Mail: Web:


The second distortion of trade spread is the following: "You have to pay double commissions when trading spreads." Yes! You have to pay two fees for each extension you enter in the market. So what? You are negotiating two contracts instead of one. The newspapers mentioned U.S. Mint not as a source, but as a related topic. You pay two commissions, as they are negotiating two separate contracts, one in one place and the other in a totally different place. The payment of two commissions of two separate operations is not unfair. Let me tell you what is wrong-the payment of a commission of around one option expires worthless. Why do not we hear about that? You pay half back, and receive only half a lap.

It does not make much sense, right? ADVANTAGES OF THE propagation "N TRADE There are many advantages to trading reduced margin spreads hope not run out of space here before I can tell them all. Let's start with the return at the margin, ie the performance. Performance: As I write this, the scope for trade in an open position in soybean futures is $ 1,050, while an expansion of trade in soybeans requires only $ 250, only 23% at most. If soybean futures moved a full point, that move is worth $ 50. If the spread of soybeans a full point moves, that move is worth $ 50. This means that a 5 point favorable move in the soybean futures or a 5 point favorable move in the spread of soybean operator earns $ 250. However, the difference in the performance margin is extraordinary: In the future the return is $ 250 / $ 1,050 = 23.8%.

Africa History

When thinking about Africa is as an automatic message the co-relation between slavery, misery and exploration on the part of the Europeans. Still we are inserted in one eurocntrica appearance that persists in encircling the pertaining to school banks, creating a certain imaginary occidental person on Africa. This positioning is ratified in the words of Anderson Ribeiro Olivae m its article: history of Africa in the pertaining to school banks. Representations and imprecises in didactic literature. (p.430): If the objective is here to analyze the form as the Africans and the History of Africa had been represented in the didactic literature of History, becomes indispensable to make an incursion for some of the works that had tried to clarify as the imaginary occidental person on Africa and the Africans were gestado.

Boardings of the authors on Africa and its representations in analyzed books are of little contribution to understand its context in such a way politician, economic, social and cultural. In all these analyzed workmanships the authors place that the black was vendido as merchandise in Brazil of century XIX, for reinforcement of the workmanship hand, and as such indispensable age. Therefore it is important to remember that the black did not come of a disorganized continent, without culture, tradition and past. But for the colonizador European of Africa it was different, for this the African black was an inferior being and that it only served it stops to serve, an object, a thing, ignoring its history and its personality. According to Mattoso (2003, P. 24) Africa had true organized empires, with unquestioned tribes and authorities there, also met tribal confederations and cities put with its rich markets in the way of the gold, the spices and ivory. Its markets were rich in varieties of things as salt and until slaves, in all Africa if it found, fishing a people, shepherd, trader and agriculturist warlike what it makes in them to see that the European tried to erase the history of Africa as if he did not exist until its arrival, and unhappyly this eurocntrica vision this being reproduced until today in our Brazilian didactic books.

How To Start A Business

In each case approach is essential. So it is in the business. If we are conceived to do business, you do not need to rely on various promises about earnings nahalyavu type of Forex, etc. – It's all nonsense and no relation to the business has not. Start by little, learn how to do business.

Proceed. Tune in to create a good project, and, my, do not think that someone just give money, and good. An impressive business project requires time and effort, only in this way. You can do the "slack", but how to do business, so the output will be. Someone may say that there are examples where the business takes very little time. They have, I'm not saying that these do not. But this really only when business is "put back on track." When he's done, work is set up and there he was, say, more than one year. Beginner as a businessman is always hard to learn new, to clarify for myself how to do business, to put his case "On rails", so at first time you need to pay in more, until you understand.

You can postpone the work until later, but this "later", as usual, does not occur, and never. Because if you decide to, then we must act now, at this point in time. Can then tighten the other problems, which in the life of each and have enough, and now his business. Give your own business on a full, rest, when I bring it "on track" and, incidentally, will express itself thanks for having created a good business. It is difficult, but this is done for himself and not for someone else, and your success will be deserved. Even if it is to be collected mukulatury, after completing a business, you can already taking businesses. That is the ability you already greatly increased. And that you do not remove, do not steal and do not proest. Good luck!

Executive Design Bureau

Counter (sometimes called "Banister") vertical stand fixed in the stage or the floor. Top of the rack rail is fixed, parallel rails on the rack are prokidy (beams, strings) to fill the space. In the case of children's institutions of For security reasons, the horizontal prokidy not install (that did not work like the ladder on which a child can climb), and set several racks of smaller diameter (the fence) on which the top handrail. Some differences of quality and correct stair railings: pipe is thin wall, the handrail is continuous, the number of crossbars 2, all welds zapolirovany to a state of homogeneity of the metal. Removed color tint, appearing on stainless steel during welding. If the stairs can – racks walled. Prokidy and handrail in the field fences will block the end of the ladder, and should be on the line edge the last stage. Sometimes, for the stiffness, handrail gone into the floor.

If the distance between the marches, more specifically, prokidy also continuous (tied), or gets an additional rack. Standard and most widespread Fence: handrail o50mm, o40mm stand, prokid (bar) 3pc o12-16mm. Rack-rail connection – through the "finger" o10mm, stand-prokid to welding. Stand in the walled stage. Rail connection to the welding of the most reliable, less reliable (but satisfying the requirements) on the mechanics (via ). Fencing (railing) with a connection through , according to many, much richer and more interesting look. If the crossbar (prokidy) bolted to the rack with screws – it is bad fence. Preferably, choose an organization able to meet the maximum number of operation for the manufacture stair railings (railings) on its own manufacture to installation on an object held the minimum possible time.

The more so that usual mounting rail is carried out after completion of construction works. Ideal – a fence made of sections, on-site installation and connection, welding, final polishing. Note that properly welded stainless steel with argon, so if the work is carried out on the street during installation is tied to the weather, wind or rain interfere with argon arc welding. Naturally this requires precise measurements, which produced by the organization and design study. Preferably, the presence and the Executive Design Bureau.

Dota Allstars

Today's society is different significant amount of detailed information that each of us must at the earliest times to process for future engagement. Still searching for information – a difficult task, to cope with the which now enables the World Wide Web. Just a variety of reviews and other cognitive data allow, in principle, easily able to understand and also the most difficult positions in both online as much and the real world. Understand the specific computer programs to learn the latest games or mobile applications to help professionals reviewed or presented analytical articles. With these surveys can not just to get to know Dota Allstars or any more of the popular computer games, but at the same time and actually get access to detailed information relating to specific improvements in computer content.

Besides addition, it is always possible to consult with those online users who had mastered these games and programs, as well as with the creators of the review. But, apart from computer games and news with the emergence of updates, new maps and the like, on the portals of the reviews actually find the description at the same time as the old, to the same extent, and new versions of programs to get maximum depth of impression made by a fresh modification changes. In addition, for example, feedback on Winx Games provides a comprehensive picture of the game in general and in particular the subtleties of control. There is an opportunity at the same time acquire a general idea of an external solving applications. At the same time must be noted that in similar surveys special space is given to professional issues for graphics.

For example, since one of the list of most popular programs for Imaging is a photoshop, just a photoshop lessons can enjoy the greatest demand. After all, their support really understand the implementation of some operations, without delving too deeply into structure and functions of a range of computer software. In addition, for those who interact frequently with the application – on the need to work or personal interest – would be tempting numerous references to fonts, brushes, frames and other located in the background pictures that can be used to create collages and other visual activities. Likelihood to consult on complex issues, as well as set their own work certain functions on the portal at the same time make these kinds of projects to be invaluable. Information – a method of control over the world. Manage the outside world – purchase only the proven and reliable information about the particularly important!

Egyptian Tarot Tarot Gypsy

One of the few arcana whose meaning and interpretation have remained nearly identical from the ancient origins of the tarot in the ancient Egypt, until today is the most arcane X, wheel of fortune. The reading that the Gypsy tarot makes today about this arcane is very similar to the ancient Egyptian tarot. The philosophical roots of the hermetic tradition kept almost intact with its valuable teaching. Understand the message of the wheel of Fortune is to understand the evolution of the universe, with its eternal cycles. An understanding that allows a deep evolution of consciousness and opens the door to a fuller and happier life. For the tradition of the Egyptian tarot, this arcane named La retribution.

Remuneration that comes from the principle of compensation. I.e.: the wheel of life never stops turning, and in its endless twists reaches the regularity, an order secured by the principles of karma and cause and effect. It is a cycle without end, circular, everything back again and again, the good and the bad. This shuffle then spoke of the need to understand this circle as a bridge towards spiritual perfection. In this way, all you return will be positive. This Arcanum also taught to understand fleeting of each of the periods of existence: neither the good nor the bad luck will last forever. The Gypsy tarot picks up in large part this interpretation of the arcane X.

In this case, the letters accompanying the run will be decisive to understand comprehensively the message of wheel of fortune. Accompanied by positive letters, is an indication that who query has generated a good karma, either in this life or in past lives, and can therefore enjoy benefits and rewards that the circle of eternal return brings to him. If it is accompanied by negative or bad dignificadas cards (reversed) is will boost the appearance of transience of which we spoke above. The riches or conquests obtained can then evaporate by magic until we will be able to realize. Once again, the path of spiritual growth, the detachment and generosity, it teaches us this arcane, are those that allow that the eternal fate of the universe will bring only good things into our lives.

MotorCar Problems

Every day hundreds of car owners are faced with numerous problems associated with the accident, the passage of Motor-Car and obtaining insurance. Whom it will seem not so big problem, but for someone Motor-Car goes "sideways." Around the Motor-Car There is a lot of myths and disputes that can not be called unreasonable. First, many believe that the passage through the Motor-Car Insurance Company – too expensive (in all senses of the word), and indeed it is. Sometimes, to an independent Motor-Car – much more profitable and the result will be more effective. What is generally the responsibility of avtoekspertov, what a Motor-Car in general, and that is a myth, and that fact – sort out our survey. Motor-Car – an assessment of the damage being done to redress the material means to their owner. Most often this occurs through insurance companies (OSAGO and casco).

But not just insurance agents have the right to Motor-Car. Independent Motor-Car also has a place to be, and is held in non-insurance case, or if the amount of damages than repeatedly insurance. Likewise, independent Motor-Car is carried out in situations where the accident was caused by a third party. This may be a fall tree and just thrown a rock at your car. Just a very Car owners often resort to repeated (backward) Motor-Car. Sometimes it is necessary (when the owner of Transport does not agree with the assessment provided), and sometimes, so insurance companies are trying to avoid very large sums for the payment.

The Behavior Of Cats

As everyone knows, the main feature in the behavior of cats is their inevitable curiosity is why it is said that: curiosity killed the cat. Being a Hunter animal by nature, anything that moves, by more small that is, it is possible that catches their attention and then do not secure in his around, putting it in danger especially if this in the streets. The behavior of cats is transmitted genetically, making these pursuing objects in motion, beads, wool, branches and even insects; But what more it awakens this behavior of cats (curiously) are the wires and cables. If it is a cat household electrical wires loose or discovered, since it could electrocute should not be left. Another element that cats play are bags of plastic and wood which is climbing. This is another very natural behavior for cats, since thus they develop muscles and they can escape from potential predators. The behavior of cats most common is cleaning, cats can be seen at any time of the day aseando throughout the body.

Felines are generally equipped with a rough tongue that cleans the area where licking, thus eliminating dirt and parasites of the skin depth, the bad thing is that this behavior of cats is detrimental as swallow any hairs that are removed, causing intestinal blockages and drowning. When the cat have very long hair, the owners should brush them 3 or 4 times a week. Purr is a behavior of cats that have 2 reasons; one is when they are comfortable and the other is when these wounded or dying, with this tell us that they accept our care. All cats knead with the pathic, this happens because, since they are small, they push against the belly of the mother to come out more milk, this behavior of cats helps them get more food and feel happy, so when they are happy do this because reminds her mother. Another way to show your affection is rubbing against you; This behavior of cats helps establish a relationship closer to the owner because they expelled an odor from the glands located near your eyes and so is leaving its mark on you. A very strange but common cat behavior is making noise with his teeth while watching a bird or any object that you want to achieve. This means that you can feel frustrated his predatory instinct to see possible prey unattainable.

Something similar happens when your cat is thrilled playing or watching the toilet water, because you are facing the reflection of light in water; This insita behavior of cats and they even try to catch the water. If your cat eats the plants, it is not your fault. Many of them have that behavior in cats because the plants help your digestion, despite being carnivorous also need a little bit of green matter in their diet. On the contrary, if what makes your minino is licking you, this behavior of cats indicates that he has a good relationship with you, you should almost feel flattered, because what you are doing is trying to groom you as you would with his brothers. Original author and source of the Article