Trade Fair

New professional challenges on trade fairs are looking for Germany is the leading location for trade fairs and exhibitions. Five of the ten largest exhibition companies in the world are located here. The leading global trade fairs of the individual sectors about two-thirds in Germany take place. The most important advantage of the German trade fair is its internationality: more than half of the exhibitors a third from countries outside Europe come from abroad, it. A perfect opportunity for visitors to talk shop with the company representatives not only of current industry developments and innovations, but also the sensor to reach out to potential new career challenges. Job search are compact for companies measuring one of the most important tools in the marketing mix at all. But also for applicants and job seekers interested in trade fairs offer an excellent opportunity to record contact with company representatives of from different companies from different countries on the days of the fair.

Nowhere else you can experience the regional medium-sized world market leaders literally wall to wall with huge global corporations. A more effective way to inform themselves in personal conversations not only about new products and trends, but also specifically to find out what open positions can offer the employer of choice, there are hardly any. Just at the trade fairs, the important local contact persons are not necessarily the human resources managers of the companies, but Managing Director, sales executives or professionals from the development departments. In other words: The decision makers in the companies that sit on important key positions and often very early to estimate when and in what areas vacancies in the company will be. Two-thirds of all job vacancies are not publicly advertised. At the trade fairs, there is the possibility to get these hidden jobs and order to obtain a competitive advantage in the job search.

YEStrade Cooperate

Seamlessly into the trading software YES4trade Heidelberg integrated payment services, March 15, 2010. heidelpay (, Internet payment service provider headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, has integrated its services in the trading platform YES4trade ( YES4trade is a comprehensive trading software that optimally controls various distribution channels. More and more dealers rely on different distribution channels. There is, for example, eBay power reseller who use other platforms, open their own web shop, or want to enter in the stationary trade.

For such traders, who set up several sales channels or already operate, YES4trade is the right platform,\”explains Burak agri, CEO of yes websolutions, the YES4trade has developed and distributes. Because the software has been designed specifically to process a high number of orders and orders efficiently and with minimum effort. Now YES4trade offers even more comfort and service its users, because heidelpay payment services are available now seamlessly integrated into the trading software. We are concerned in particular the comfortable processing of payments via credit card for buyers such as for traders\”, so Barbara agri. In most Web shops, it is now the custom for the customer who wants to pay by credit card, must first login and store personal data.

It brings a high purchase leaving with them.\” With heidelpay you realized why another way: the customer is simply in the familiar environment of the shop his credit card data as. The settlement in the background including extensive security checks heidelpay takes over. On the Bill that the customer receives is of course as the sender of the dealers on it, in which you made the purchase.\” For the dealers, this approach offers several advantages: he can offer easy payment through credit card, without risking a high purchase dropout rate. On the contrary, he also increases his sales opportunities through this way of payment. And he has neither the Credit cards Akeptanzvertrag or have to worry about IT, even to the security of data and processes. It regulates heidelpay for him.

Secure Online Shop

The ‘maptrade24’ of the Columbus publishing webshop offers even more security for online shopping. The shopping experience is complete by an improved product presentation and informative value. In the Web shop of led by the Columbus Verlag Paul Oakley GmbH, also high-quality cartographic products of other manufacturers are offered in addition to our own Globes and maps. Launched in November 2008, the Publisher reports positive outcome to now less than a year. Torsten Oestergaard, Managing Director: looking at the course of the first year, so we feel confirmed to have taken the step to the large online market space with maptrade24.

Agree the sales and total customers take the store very well. We can see that in the almost exclusively positive feedback. Nevertheless, we see of course the onus always customize the shop to the current safety standards. In addition, it is our goal to provide the customers with a most satisfying and optimal shopping experience. As tags are here “for example, to name a few: a wide range, a good product presentation and informative value added.” To the customers more security for online shopping has to offer, is maptrade24 voluntarily by trusted shops “, checked the market leader for the certification of online shops. More than 100 quality criteria on issues such as cancellation or return, price transparency, customer service, privacy, shipping and additional costs, etc. had to be met in order to present the trusted shops seal of approval in the Web shop. is proud to meet these requirements and to be able to offer a unique buyer protection the customer as well as a reputable and trusted shop with trusted shops seal of approval.

That to more publishers and steadily growing new products range of webshops is enhanced by an improved product presentation recently. Through the so-called zoom function”the customer has increased now strongly the possibility of each product, and thus also in detail, to be able to look at. So, the previously static and restricted viewing size of products belongs to the past. A small but fine Glossary”rounds off the shopping experience. The customer can look directly emerging, but unknown technical terms E.g. in the product descriptions”. The short and understandable explanations, the reader receives not only answers to his questions, but it is awakened interest in cartography and related topics. The illustrations complement the text and images that are associated with some key words are worth highlighting. Feature elaborately to edit the provider of such specialist lexicon, rather is seldom found, this, in dictionaries or specialist encyclopedias of this way although it can deliver for not to be underestimated the Viewer, explanatory information.

Universal Telescope

The resulting image in the eyepiece will be different. There is an absolute limit the quality increase: the aperture in millimeters multiplied by 2. Further growth will increase not to add new details in the picture. The image will grow in size, but it will also more noise. It turns out better picture will be on a telescope with a large diameter lens! Additionally, you can buy any eyepieces that form the 'increase'.

What is the goal – a telescope! Select first telescope: The role of the first swallows may recommend to the 110-130 mm reflector Newtonian refractor 70-90 mm or 90-100 mm Maksutov-Cassegrain. Telescope for a child: Children usually are not as demanding instrument. Cheap 70-80 mm refractors and reflectors will feel your child all the charm of exploring the starry sky. Observations of the planets: To study the planets, the best option would be 120-150 mm refractor. These tools have no central obscuration, and hence give a clear contrast images. Observations of distant objects space: For observations of faint galaxies, clusters and nebulae, the best tool to be 200-250 mm reflector with equatorial mount or mount Dobson.

Universal Telescope: Telescopes in this category ugotovleny people did not decide which space objects will be seen in the first place. For such is better to take 100-120 mm refractor, reflector, 130-150 mm or 127 mm use short-throw refractor. Telescope for astrophotography: The photographs of celestial objects at long exposures is useful to you stable equatorial mount with smooth running, equipped with motors along two axes. Telescope for ground-based observations: For the exploration of terrestrial objects at a time of short-focus refractor and Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes, which are equipped with oborachivayuschey prism (a prism gives direct image) and azimuth mount. And where is the unearthly beauty, as in those pictures? Do not forget that photos of Cosmos, which you see on the excellent pictures, obtained by professionals from major observatories. This you have in your home telescope will never see! But even today, amateur astrophotography at home will allow, with minor financial outlay and patience to get good pictures of objects Cosmos

Holiday View

” The staff were perplexed, and I’m in a terrible embarrassment. Did not explain anything, because I still can not believe it. On the table in this case serves traditional beers and fish and / or seafood, vegetables, meat and sausage in slicing. Very cheap, nice, interesting and healthy option for a birthday. But shikanut dress, hairstyle, shoes and jewelry will not have to. On the other hand, it is cheaper restaurants (in Depending on the status of baths: cost me only time in the amount of about 1000 rubles, as the institution was quite prestigious, but for a drink, appetizer took about 500 rubles. In total we had 5 women). In my opinion, very successful from a financial point of view and from other points of view, is celebrating the holiday in nature, especially in the presence of disposable tableware.

No need for a thorough cleaning and decorating the apartment, and the table, the long cooking and washing dishes. Several kilograms of marinated meat, vegetables sliced, boiled potatoes. Of the appliances a grill, skewers and transportation, which will go to you and your friends, and luck is necessary. Although the event might break on because of the weather. A couple of years ago my birthday began with rain, but I’m prepared to travel into the countryside. Had to quickly come up with something from the already pickled meat, guests had to prepare urgently festive attire. But it should be noted, the holiday was not ruined even that. Cake recently, having been a guest of one of my new friend, I tried absolutely stunning cake.

Water Molecules

The observations were carried out using a "lunar mineralogy mapper," NASA or M3 (Moon Mineralogy Mapper) ('M cubed "), mounted on board the spacecraft Indian Space Research Administration Space Chandrayaan-1. Two other NASA spacecraft Cassini (Cassini) and epoxy (Epoxi) confirmed this finding. 'A very long time water ice on the Moon to scientists who study the moon, was something of a Holy Grail '- said Jim Green (Jim Green), head of the department for the study of the planets at NASA headquarters in Washington. "This amazing discovery came thanks to the skill, perseverance and international cooperation of NASA and the Indian Control of Space '. Sitting on his "perch" in lunar orbit, a modern spectrometer mounted on the M3, carried out measurements of light reflected from the lunar surface in the infrared (IR) region of the spectrum by splitting the spectral colors of the lunar surface at a fairly small component to show a new level of detail in the surface composition. When the research team analyzed the M3 obtained with using the instrument data, found that the absorption spectra of the reflected light are in good agreement with the standards of the absorption spectra characteristic of the water molecules and hydroxyl groups. 'When we say "water on the moon," we are not referring to lakes, oceans or even puddles "- explained Carl Peters (Carle Pieters), principal investigator for M3 from Brown University in Providence, United States, Rhode Island. "Under water on the Moon imply the water molecules and hydroxyl groups, which interact with molecules of rock cliffs and dust specifically in the upper layer of the lunar surface, a thickness of several millimeters. .

Buying Furniture

First of all, the furniture should be functional, designed for high load and continuous operation. This question is answered very easy – just buy quality furniture, and seek an assurance on the seller's after-sales service. Warranty terms vary by market from year to 4-5 years. In spite of all evidence of this fact, many owners Salons are oriented primarily on price, without having the quality requirements at all, relying on quick payback. On the one hand so, however, proved that the low saloons recouped much longer than their more status counterparts. A status implies, in turn, and the furniture a different level. Therefore, saving on quality, you will not only set the upper limit of its interior "for a budget audience, but also extend out to payback. Customer focus enables you to accurately determine that the phrase "financial crisis" will not kill a man feeling fine. Coming to a beauty salon client wants to be attractive. Agree on the excellent work and were satisfied with the master cabin is much easier to sit in a comfortable armchair, surrounded by a stylish interior, rather than being a Chinese hard seat that comes into disrepair even before the the first year of life. Well does not mean expensive, of course, not everyone can afford vip lounge, but hands down should not be in the end, it is because it is your lounge and only you can decide who you want to see among their guests. Do not forget, there's always the golden mean.

Thoralf Mobius

Beamers don’t have unlimited life time, the lamp inside is mostly for 1000 2000 Operating hours. After the operation period is a changing of the light bulb. The price for a lamp depends in turn on the light output and starts up to several thousand euros for very large at about 100.00 for the smallest devices. Projectors to buy or rent? Beamer is there anywhere to buy in the shop around the corner and in the shipping trade. The price of a projector typically varies in its light output. Do you need a projector for small and totally darkened rooms you want to use? In this case, the purchase of low-cost equipment can be worthwhile. Devices in this category are usually very cheap, but provide a correspondingly low light intensity and quality.

Do you need a projector for a short period of time like a party, event, presentation, fair use, celebration, etc.? Here is the most cost effective option for rent. Rent! Rent has the advantage that you save by investing in a beamer and the corresponding lamp. You pay only for the Rental period and thus save a lot of money. Beamer can be rented in many places. In large cities, there are many local vendors. Outside it looks there already something darker, but there are solutions. sent Beamer throughout Germany and to rental pick up again they can be.

The benefit to save the time around the unit to pick up and to bring back. The selection ranges from small projectors (1600 lumens) to large (4000 lumens). Projector rent online is the most convenient and cheapest way modern and for the customers. No annoying pick up the equipment, no hassle return. The post office delivers the projector to your front door and picks him up again. Leaving you more time for more important things! Thoralf Mobius

Bank Accounts

As regards the invoices and transfers, it is best manage change before closing the account to avoid oversights and, consequently, debts. Payrolls, in principle, should not be a problem. However, should know what conditions led to this bank account. Many times, banks offer financial benefits u material objects (like computers, telephones or crockery) to household payroll with them, but, instead, require a minimum of permanence. Leaving before the agreed time will result in a penalty. Cancel an account is equivalent to rescind a contract, an agreement between the client and the Bank in which both parties assume rights and duties.

For this reason, study the contractual obligations is very important when it comes to terminate the relationship. Two clear examples are accounts with fixed term deposits and those in which mortgages are constituted. In both cases, anticipated have commissions, a general rule of 1% on the outstanding balance for mortgages and 4% for term deposits fixed. Even so, in this latter case banks undertake to not penalize the customer with a number of top money to the interests that have paid to date. If there are no outstanding commitments, banks do not penalize customers to cancel their accounts, but many charged the expenses of management and the proportion to the cost of annual maintenance of the account. To terminate an account, the signature of the holder is essential. If the account belongs to more than one, you have to include the consent in writing of all.

In this sense, there is no doubt: who opened it in his day must agree to close it. This rule applies in all types of accounts, even in so-called solidarity or indistinct. Although in these cases the holders have total freedom and independence to operate without an authorization of the proprietors, they can not cancel it unilaterally. The death of the holder is the only exception to this rule. In this case, his legal heirs must present the death certificate, a declaration of heirs and the awarding of the inheritance. There is the mode in which spread assets, including money from the account, which has become part of the patrimonial mass. But with the new inheritance law, in force since January 1, tax deductions have been made more flexible, this process involves expenses notary and the payment of sales tax on the total of inherited heritage, not only of the capital that you have in the account. It is not advisable to leave the account to zero and remove all the capital without canceling it correctly. The entity not interested in accumulating accounts overdrawn and even less the holder that can be found with a debt after a while. To avoid errors and problems in the future, it is convenient to Bank request proof of the termination of the account; a written document that reflects that the contractual relationship has ended. And, of course, retain it. Where any incident or misunderstanding later occurs, it will be essential to make the corresponding claim, both in the entity as suede in Bank of Spain if necessary.

Managing Director Bmst

And this is true not just for the hearth itself, but especially for the chimney. And here we come in play. No living air ventilation for living space heating, geothermal heating, no air heat pump works during power failure. Since only heating with a stove is possible. Therefore we recognize lately an increasing demand for LAF fireplaces (air exhaust chimney for solid fuels) in passive and low-energy houses”, the weight forward. Managing Director Bmst. ing.

Edmund Drohojowski the positive feedback. Where does the journey go? There are different currents of opinion on the future of the tiled stove in the passive house construction. Also, this topic was discussed in common conversation. About short or long passes there is no way to save energy. Follow the predictions of some experts and researchers, will be an energy crisis with security. The trend is that every new building in passive quality is built in 5 years at the latest”, Adolf Strigl by Holzbau Strigl shows glimpses of the future from Lunz am see. Wood will the fuel be also in future, which is relatively easy to procure and inexpensive when compared to other energy sources.

The local supply creates a high degree of independence from other energy suppliers and the House Builders appreciate it. And this trend will further increase. “, considered the developments Hafnermeister Nemecek. We also see the trend towards passive house building with a tiled stove. Energy efficiency is an increasingly important topic at the House farmers. And this trend is right in our direction because by appropriate chimney systems for new construction or renovation long term money and energy are saved “, as the gew. Managing Director Bmst. ing. Edmund Drohojowski. I can join the. I’m oven Builder for 36 years and we work together successfully for about 30 years with Ahrens. A well-trained staff, quick and accurate solutions, know-how and highest product quality are critical for me and I get that when Ahrens,”Nemecek Hafnermeister describes the years of Cooperation with Ahrens. See for the full interviews on the subject. For further questions regarding the ambient air-independent heating the free energy available hotline: 0800 / 201550. For more information see: Ahrens chimney technique GmbH pond way 4A 3250 Wieselburg Tel.: + 43 / (0) 7416 / 52 9 66-0 fax: + 43 / (0) 7416 / 52 9 66-33, press contact: Mag. Petra Punzer, like. (FH) “Ursula Puhringer fresh blood” brand management & Communications GmbH at the Winterhafen 13, a-4020 linz, tel.: +43/(0)732/ 37 16 16-18,