Article Muscles

In recent years, in hospitals, even in advertisements often hear the word "myostimulation" or its synonyms: "neurostimulation", "Miolifting. So what is it? This method of treatment and recovery of tissues and organs, activities which were diagnosed disorders, using a pulsed current power safe. How it works. Electrostimulation in fact corresponds to the main data of her titles – "passive fitness. This really a panacea for the lazy: sit near a tv, do nothing, and the muscles tense up at this time and evolve.

In myostimulation is a big plus, which is unattainable with simple motion. Exercise, no matter how different they are, do not use all the muscles, since the human body is arranged very economically. And when it works miostimulyatory, thanks to an electric current to the work included everything innervated muscle fibers (ie, muscle fibers, which are connected to nerves) – that is totally all muscles stimulated zone. Myostimulation lets you download and work through the most profound and often acting in daily life muscles: for example, the inner surface of the femur. Furthermore, when nerve fibers, feeling the impact of current, transmit impulses to the brain, the brain, then, activates the heart and sends the zone of action miostimulyatory command to increase vascular permeability and open the reserve capillaries. That is, at the same time, more and better blood supply to tissues stimulated. That's why myostimulation indispensable for the well to recover and prepare to the normal movement of the weak, the muscles begin to atrophy: for example, muscle, lying sick Or, for example, office workers who suffer physical inactivity But how do we miostimulyatory? As already mentioned, activation of muscle fibers is performed by a small current.

The Menstrual Cycle Requires Special Attention

These menstrual irregularities, as too heavy or too meager monthly long considered one of the main symptoms of the work of female reproductive system. However, quite often women, because shame or disdain for health, ignore this fact. But these symptoms are only the first call, heralding the appearance of a woman's body may very serious gynecological diseases. Prolonged bleeding during the menstrual cycle a woman is harassed. She enjoys nothing, nothing and no one wants to look like the days of one another as twins; menzosa waiting – a waiting woman weakness, exhausting cares associated with this rather painful condition.

For the occurrence of such a state, there are many different reasons. But among them there are two main groups. The first group includes effects of inharmonious sexual life, which is present not only in the lonely people, but also couples. There are plenty of ways to bring in the rate of this beautiful aspect of human life. But almost every woman finds herself an intuitive individual ways of solving this problem, when she realizes the importance of harmonious marital relations. There are other causes of menstrual disorders: poor nutrition in childhood, lack of fresh air, a weak spleen and much more. Here can help to create the nature of plants. The most important – of all varieties to choose, plant species able to provide a healing effect. In such cases, depending on the season, doctors recommend that you add food: petals of asters, sorrel, beets, mountain ash, pumpkin, St. John's wort, strawberry, tangerine, carrot, peppermint, plantain, Kalina, nettle, orange.

Landrin House

Landrin: Unity, excitement, joy, affection – all these are somehow not very modern words whose meaning is, perhaps, hardly, if ever, comes to the people who design and build these skyscrapers. Even the name of some sort of disgusting – the sky scraping. Quick: I generally believe that the house should not be higher than three storeys. The house must be commensurate with the person, then he becomes a house, otherwise people becomes only part of the cell concrete monster. Previously, because as they say: the house of Prince Golitsyn, the house of merchant Landrin House, philistine Skvortsova, etc.

etc. And now, "a merchant>> (read – a businessman) Fedor is Landrin only, and quite obvious application of some homes and apartment number 17 nomer198. Landrin: And yet, I think that not only work in restoration workshops served as a momentum that you almost twenty years tired confess your love of the old Moscow? Quick: No, of course, the choice of topics, especially in painting and art in general, affects a huge number of factors and small, at first glance, the events and details. For example, you told me that momentum, "worm temptation> for your thriller" The heavy fall of>> about finding the Amber Room, was the adventure of our school during the campaign in places of military glory Panfilov Heroes in passing Dubosekovo of Volokolamsk. Landrin: It was such a thing, but the talk now is not about me. Fast: Most likely, the desire to talk about old Moscow finally emerged from me as I wandered the streets now serving on , whereas in fact could pass through thoroughfare


Be sure to take some myself, weep, but remember: this is a temporary difficulty, you chose your way and move on it. Most of his life you have created yourself tumor and now the week is difficult to solve, but you already have results. Force is always in you, and takes the power of pity. Start a love, begin to love life and you will have the strength to go farther away from the line. 16.Nablyudayte for the world around them, draw conclusions and analyze their actions and actions of others. Engage them. And stop self-pity! 17.Vsegda is a day when you have to give yourself a rest from work, you just have to see this day life. 18.Vsegda find successful results and confirm after Your work. Seek and ye shall find. 19.Ischite loved ones, this is your parents, spouses, children, relatives, girlfriends and friends, even to strangers. Do not turn in on themselves, looking for communication and support. And you will find it. 20.Udelyayte account throughout the body, expand communication not only with the body, but also to communicate with other people. Find yourself business, for which we must leave the house. Is where people will be unfamiliar to you. Learn to communicate. Exit from the local environment in the global live communication. 21.Hotite get rid of bad habits – get useful and gradually replace the harmful ones. For example: smoking can be replaced by drinking water. A desire to drink alcohol – a walk .

Apartment Redevelopment

Buying an apartment in the secondary housing market, we are always striving to make it even more comfortable for their own accommodation. This is true for any real estate, and each holder of it. After all, any person constantly moving towards a more optimal. In particular – the better for himself and his little family. Improved personal apartment – a natural process.

As a rule, the change in housing starts to update any home. Only apply for this or just oformitelnye techniques or nuances of the furniture, or else this building remodeling apartments. However, if the first two elections of any secondary registration and approvals are not required, then in a position where you make a change to remake the original plan created during construction of the scheme area will need to pass complex arrangements. Almost All landlords are aware that in the situation whatever redevelopment – even if it's another doorway in a bearing wall, you should create a significant set of papers that will be tested at the highest levels, and not single month. In order that such issues do not complicate life landlord, currently permit redevelopment of apartments can do the professionals. In addition, for each contact with bureaucrats in any case really meaningful stay abreast of various requirements, permitting and not permitting acts that are in this area. Moreover, the need to properly figure out what exactly is included in the package of securities that is required for clearance redevelopment of apartments.

Paper, which is required to provide to the owner in order to harmonize redevelopment of apartments was the most rapidly, from time to time subject to change. In addition, many papers have a definite time limit for life, so they need to collect at one time. And for this you want to save up a lot of experience. What to collect this kind of experience yourself the owner, to entrust wiser such duties to professionals who will gather all the required papers, and organize all the required arrangements and so on. In addition, experience in dealing with administrators, of course, very useful, but hardly yet be useful in reality. Alignment changes plan apartments in the optimal variant is prepared in advance, before the actual redevelopment. But if the work has already begun, the experts prepare all necessary documents at any stage of planning changes. Resorting to the professionals, you gain is really noticeable positive result in a fairly short period – up to six months.

Preparing For The Winter

Power of one of the largest Russian regions of Novosibirsk region, in late July reported a decision to reduce the cost of producing housing facilities for the heating season. The reasons for this move are obvious: the effects crisis in the economy. Because of them, "a number of regions, we recorded a real decrease in funding," – said the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Viktor Basargin after a conference call with the subjects of the Russian Federation on the results of municipal utilities in the last winter 1. The pace of preparation for the heating season disturb the public in other regions: for example, in the Belgorod region of seven hundred boiler until ready only 345 2. Under threat disruption of supply of heat and Zee (Amur Region): here for the debts of already limited power supply of eight municipal utilities. In the city of Perm Tchaikovsky management companies have accumulated a debt of 270 million rubles to the heat supply organization.

And on the Peninsula to the heads of all the rural settlements sent eight warnings on the inadmissibility of violation of the law in terms of punctuality and timeliness of work to prepare for a cold season. And such examples are still very much Reducing funding and reducing the rate of modernization inspires serious concern particularly because domestic heating system is in a very "sad" condition. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, speaking of municipal infrastructure, called it "a black hole, where completely disappear vast energy resources: the loss of the heating system reaches 60% 3. Today, it is important not just away from such "losses", but also create entirely new infrastructure, reliable and cost of daily operation. Experts believe that energy efficiency equipment and technologies must be determining the choice of contractors.

"It must be remembered that the original lower price is technically obsolete equipment in the future may turn proportionally greater than the costs in their operation, – says Roman Tsikoza, Head of Mission in the Central region of grundfos, the world's leading manufacturer of pumping equipment. – For example, modern pumps for heating buildings and water supply on average 30-50% more economical than their predecessors. Sometimes for their payback enough even two or three months. " Thus, replacement of obsolete equipment pumps grundfos step-up at the district stations in the city of Yaroslavl has reduced power immediately doubled. Save an additional 30% of the heat in their homes allows the modern plastic windows. To date, work on the installation of pvc windows are included in the program to improve energy efficiency of regions. "In through participation in the program the old windows are replaced by the new 3-chamber, and in regions with harsh climates on 5-chamber window system with improved thermal insulation characteristics, – said Leo Minullin, Deputy Commercial Director propleks Group, Russia's largest manufacturer of pvc window profile of Austrian technologies. Perhaps the introduction of new technologies will not only desirable, but mandatory condition repairs: housing becomes "ballast" that pulls the entire Russian economy "on the bottom." "The regional leaders, heads of industrial enterprises should proceed from the fact that all the requirements for Energy efficiency will fall in standards and for their violation must be held accountable, including material "- said President Medvedev, commenting on the decision to ban the use of incandescent lamps 4. Get rid of the huge energy losses can only be by universal technological modernization. It will be much cheaper than spending that the economy is at present.

Another Form

The thought of Good in this topic demonstrates the accepted cultural concept in addition until then, of a culture uniform, without contours. As example the common sense can be mentioned that uses the word culture of maken a mistake form ' ' that culture is less avanada' '. What it sends in them of certain forms what Leonardo Boff mentions on ' ' all point of view is the sight of the point … the head thinks from where the feet step on. To understand, olha.&#039 is essential to know the social place of who; ' (BOFF, 1997, p.9) Another author cited in the text base is Alfredo Bosi who sends in them to another form to define the culture from the linguistics essentially, opening a fan of possibilities and dimensions since the total direction can be understood of different forms, on to daily and the relations undertaken in the same. following reflections, of freedom, on who we are and what we are, the real and ideal world, the magical world, the abstract of the easinesses, the dreams and utopias, madness, ' ' ter' ' they are on essentially to the condition social human being and that we live deeply. If to analyze for the social direction and politician, will be enclosing the system which unconditionally we are tied and atrelados of form that we cannot freeing in them. How much to the ideal and real world it is common to mention an ideal world and not to tell the Real, an ephemeral attempt of burlar the daily problems. The magical world is a form to understand or better to understand what it runs away ours it analyzes; to dream in the cost nothing is not? Of ' ' ter' ' social valuation, that is, to search the balance between ' ' ter' ' in detriment of ' ' ser' ' , common in the society.

Zero Percent Loan

Make a car in the court and at the same time not to pay for rate established in the form of the loan. Most still are suspicious of every kind offers of credit institutions with a flattering offer. Yet one guilty pay the price of the courts. Let's see what of myself is of a receipt for the auto courts under a zero%. How often turns out in practice, owners of automobile showrooms in advance than to go to such terms in advance increase the price of cars and thus have a greater benefit from this. Most of the cities in Russia, such a method of selling in automotive interiors is gaining popularity, and in the cis countries. In any case when obtaining a loan on the car must initially soschetat cost of monthly payments from their income. Just when purchasing a new car as a rule followed by the abyss of unforeseen costs, assume a design Casco, osago etc. arrange the loan in the car before a capacity personal monthly income. Enjoy buying a car!

Barcelona Marine Dominion

Barcelona to its prosperity and wealth was obliged to sea. City once dominated the Mediterranean Sea. In Barcelona, there was a huge port, where there was a Royal Navy, who was competing with the fleets of Genoa and Venice. C This port Catalans went to the conquest of the Balearic Islands, the port came after his triumphant voyage, Christopher Columbus. Maritime dominion of Barcelona began in the reign of King Jaume the First Conqueror (1213-1276).

This king has expanded the territory of Catalonia, the Balearic island of Majorca capturing and Ibiza and drove out the Moors. During the reign of this king was developed by a special naval code, which was adopted not only in Catalonia, but also in other parts of the Mediterranean. Barcelona then dominated the seas, and its naval instilled fear into his opponents. Since the Catalan Admiral Roger de Lewry in a sea battle off the coast of Malta in 1283 year, jumped aboard the French ship and killed Admiral Provencal Julien Korner. An even more militant admiral was Catalan Roger de Flor. This served as a mercenary admiral of Sicily with King Frederick Sicily in the years when the island tried to regain the French. He surrounded himself with a team of Catalan and Aragonese mercenaries, which terrified his opponents and was called almogavarami. By this time Barcelona was the richest trading nations in the Mediterranean.

Gold came in the city of North Africa and the Arab East. Catalans differed in the theory of navigation. Over a hundred years before Columbus' ships out of Seville, the great Catalan poet Ramon Lully (1232-1315) wrote the book 'The Art of Navigation, "in which a very detailed description of how navigating with maps. It was in Barcelona in 1494 he returned from his voyage, Columbus, where he met with Ferdinand and Isabella. Alas, the discovery of the New World did not bring any profit Barcelona. Right to trade with the United States have been given of Seville and the Atlantic port of Cadiz. However, the Navy once again survived Barcelona minutes of its glory. In the 16th century because of the Turkish threat to the whole of Catalonia began to cut wood and build ships in the shipyards of Barcelona. Along with a fleet of Venetian fleet defeated the Spanish Turkish fleet at Lepanto city, Greece. This victory is forever joined history of sea battles, and a copy of the flagship stands today at the old docks of Barcelona.

Barcelona Maritime

His meteoric rise in the Middle Ages, Barcelona must, above all, his udobnomugeograficheskomu position. The city is located by the sea and the bay of Barcelona yavlyaetsyasamoy large and comfortable in the western region Mediterranean Sea. Military domination of Barcelona vSredizemnom sea began to hike the First Jaume the Conqueror, who zavoevalostrova Mallorca and Ibiza, and in 1283 a fleet of Catalans in the naval battle of Malta has protected completely defeated the French squadron. Around the same vremyav Barcelona was designed by the Sea Codex ", which was adopted not only in Catalonia and in other countries of the Mediterranean Sea. Differed Catalan sailors ina service of foreign sovereigns.

For example, the Catalan Admiral Roger de Florsostoyal the service of the King of Sicily in the years when trying to Sicily sebevernut French. Roger gained in their teams mainly katalonskihmoryakov that terrified the French and those who were called "almogavarami. It is rich katalonskiebankiry gave cash loans for the expedition of Columbus, and it is in gavanBarselony returned this great explorer. However, it is Opening a negative impact on the subsequent development of the city. Spanish exclusive right to trade with the New World port nAtlantike Cadiz and Valencia in the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, Barcelona postepennopopala in the shadow of other Spanish cities.