
Trade with catalogs – "new old" method of selling goods, which are beginning to look closely all the more domestic companies. When the competent organization will bring a lot of catalog sales profit, confirmed by international practice. All articles of association according to European mail order EMOTA, global sales of catalog sales is now about $ 50 billion a year. The largest volume of "Remote" sales per capita in Germany – 246 euros, much less in Britain – 186 euros and 126 euros per person – in France. Unfortunately, in this list for a long time Russia was one of the last places – 1 Euros per person.

Unlike in Europe, and especially the U.S., where the market is oversaturated with mail order, mail-order sales in Russia only began to develop. Sale of goods through the mail in the U.S. and Europe do not only hundreds of thousands of specialized companies, but almost all retailers, it gives 10-15% increase in turnover. This type of trade takes about a quarter of all retail sales in Europe and the USA. Services in the West "Goods – mail" is used about 75% of the population. We – about 1%. As a rule, trade catalog attracts consumers because it allows you to save time and money, but also more diverse than in the stores range. However, such modest figures of the Russian market and also say that we have a lot of potential and opportunity to develop a segment of the catalog sales.


The financial forum starts out with many new posters on ADVFN begins the change into the new decade with more information and analysis. In the financial Forum on the Web page, there are now next to the popular Garison’s free market letter ticker for several days now 2 more free exchange letters, the ham and the boy’s letter, the weekly published your current stock market letter in the Forum. One can express also like in addition to the letters and suggestions are welcome. Boy’s letter, also a financial glossary is written so even beginners to convey a broader understanding of the stock market. And the ham ticker today published a glossary of important stock exchange terms in the Forum. With many integration possibilities of charts, images, and links the ADVFN Forum offers an ideal combination and you can find here-honest-minded and long to develop friendships. The Web site of the English company long is an insider tip in Germany for American and Canadian shares also on the small cap market, the USOTCs and Pinksheets. Only in this year, momentum in the stock market are taken up and the success story of the company is to be continued in Germany as well.

This also will be invested in new markets and in the further development and improvement of the financial platform to give the best possible benefits to the users. ADVFN is a truly independent portal to be proud what offers realtime courses for private investors and global securities that then of course also other interests is not as some rivals also with securities. Another proposed innovation the in the course of February should be included to expand the range of the German market prices and to respond to the desire of many user are the courses of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB) so in addition to the Xetra. The FSE courses are offered only at a few portals and thus ADVFN here with real-time stock prices and realtime charts of the values, which are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, can stand out particularly strongly from the competition. Also a new daily newsletter about the current events on the stock exchanges in Germany, Europe and the United States will soon be available from ADVFN free and it several newspapers are summarized in it, so quickly and clearly to share in the morning about a source. In summary words this year much improve and will expand and ADVFN will provide finally a suitable platform the German, Austrian and Swiss private investors to find worldwide realtime stock price information in a central location.

October Lawyer

You can imagine what this type of notice will result. If you cut all the possible ways that the creditor has to collect funds owed to them by Ud is almost certain to use the judicial system to recover part of its debt. Moreover, a large number of lawyers lawyers in negotiation not even do the work for you. You will find several pending lawsuits against these law firms who proclaim that each element in the work of negotiation is completed by an attorney for the nonprofit companies. Which means that it is spending money on the services of a lawyer, but not in a law firm than you this providing their services.

debt consolidation. Well, that’s not exactly correct. The FTC ruling says is that a company that offers help with debts can not ask him fees in advance for his services. It also establishes must base their costs on the results of his work in general. This means that your costs are based on the amount that are able to save you. Now let’s take a look at the way in which charge their fees of liquidation.The majority of lawyers will charge you a fixed fee of fifteen to twenty per cent of the total of your total debt. This rate extends over the first year or two payments that you make. This means that you are paying in advance at the law firm for services that have not even been successfully.

Do also, if you are paying an amount fixed, where this the motivation for them to negotiate the lowest possible amount? Now, according to the decision of the Federal Trade Commission which was established on October 27, a lawyer may charge any fee in advance, unless the consumer has a face-to-face meeting with the lawyer who handled the case. This does not mean that it is inserted into an office building, they shake hands with a lawyer, then have a legal hand that assist you in you paperwork to sign. This does not mean that real lawyer with whom he spoke, examine the details of the program together with you at that time. And that counsel would be the person who will deal with their case. This is simply not the way in which debt settlement lawyers operate… Regarding the statement that only a firm can supply programs this is not only better for the customer, but it also sets the institution an incentive to make the best thing that can be for you. The greater amount of money that will be able to save you more money that the division of money can do. That is beneficial to both parties. Combine that with the truth that you don’t pay a penny for the service costs until the solution is reached successfully. This means that you will actually be able to save more money in cash at a faster rate and obtain the fruits more quickly. I would suggest that you talk to an analyst of debt that is able to review all of your options with you to determine what is really the best within your scenario.

Automotive Industry Is The Focus Of The Second Nn Trade Congress Noeske

The noeske netsolutions GmbH invites for the June 22, 2011 for the second nn – Conference of this year in Darmstadt, Germany. Oberursel, May 31, 2011. Presented together with its partner alfa system noeske there the automotive dealership data control solution”for the optimization of business processes. The system tailored specifically to meet the needs of car dealerships allows the more efficient and at the same time comprehensible process design and provides cost reductions, among other things by reducing printing costs. Allowing cross-site usage, a rapid and direct access to documents, as well as their automated and process-related storage include the additional benefits of dealership data control. In addition, the system provides tamper-proof integration with popular DM systems such as Alphaline, AutoLine, care, formula 1, Vaudis etc. and any accounting systems. “We have us in different projects with car dealerships specifically in the interests of this industry incorporated and our experience in the dealership data control solution integrate”.

explains noeske CEO Helmut Noeske. On our Conference we introduce the functionality and benefits and show the participants how they can reduce costs and optimize their processes.” The automotive solution provides for a significant reduction of the costs of the form and provides access to almost all dealer management systems (DMS) as Alphaline, AutoLine, formula 1, Vaudis, CARE, format, u.v.m. An elaborate rollout is eliminated through the use of Web applications. The system vehicle life files (new car, used car, service) ready and simplified so that access is up and storing documents. The files if needed are immediately available from operation numbers, license plate number, or customer name. Shadow files/mirror files be omitted and a permission structure allows easy management of authorizations for large numbers of employees.


Unfortunately, all this is not true of the linoleum. Here, the coating should be treated more carefully, if you do not want ensure that you have the appropriate signs, mutilate your perfect floor. Furthermore laminate, in contrast to the linoleum, not burnt and is ready to withstand high temperatures. However, laminate floors are very smooth and slippery and your cat here will be difficult to catch on nails. 3. Laying.

Laying laminate flooring requires no special skills, as well as any additional equipment, you can cope well and independently. Secrete adhesives and glueless (Castle) way of application. In the latter case the time required to stow all boil down to a minimum – just need to snap a plate next to each other. Another plus an installation – possibility to replace damaged plates! Laminate pre-leveling floor is not required and can even be laid over old paint. Laying linoleum and does not require special expenses and it is in force any owner of the house. But for linoleum is required even floor because This coating is repeating even the small twists and bumps that are not very pleasing to the eye.

In the laminate, there is one very weak spot – the seams between the panels. If they do not handle a special composition, then they can get wet, mud and sand that can cause damage to the edges of the plates. 4. Ease of maintenance. Laminate is afraid of water, and wash it can only be a very well-wrung cloth and desirable especially for this cover detergents. It needs to be vacuumed using a special attachment for flooring, otherwise you and scratch. Linoleum can be washed as you'd like and what you wish, and even very hot water. However, laminate is not afraid of difficult spots, both on green fodder, oil, wine, etc., which can not say about the linoleum. Conclusion: The pros and cons like linoleum and laminate flooring in there for each of us selected criteria. So, the choice will have to do each independently taking into account what the pros and cons for you more essential, and which generally insignificant. However, remember that this is not an exhaustive list of criteria against which to approach the choice of flooring. And always browse the new trends on the market floor coverings! Here, as elsewhere in the trade, the rule: what was new today, tomorrow will be too old.

Plasma Cutting Equipment Trade

Individual processing of sheets, tubes and profiles for more than 10 years the company MicroStep Europa Butzbachnear offers three offices in Germany their customers combined plasma cutting machines with integrated shaft versions for editing sheets, tubes and profiles. In conjunction with various drilling units with tool changer holes can be automatically carried out up to 50 mm diameter. In addition to the equipment can be equipped with multiple oxy-fuel burners, chamfering units and label units and incorporated in entire production lines. Often copied but never reached the MicroStep group as the market leader in development and manufacturing of combined plasma-cutting machines produced not only complete production lines for the vehicle or ship-building industry, but also many different types of investment for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition the MicroStep group are the extremely user-friendly CNC and software especially in the maintenance and Popular schools.

We design and manufacture our systems only after we have thoroughly analyzed the needs of our customers. We attach much importance on material flow and process optimization. Thus the customers with the new facilities, lots of time and money saved,”says the CEO of MicroStep Europa GmbH, Igor Mikulina, we gladly advise all interested parties”. You can find a complete overview of the machine with different options and accessories in advance on the website of MicroStep Europa. the MicroStep group is a leading manufacturer of CNC controlled machining centres and cutting machines. In addition to the technologies of plasma and oxy-fuel cutting, they offer modern future technologies such as water jet and laser cutting. The product range includes high-tech machines for complex manufacturing tasks, which are sold in large numbers on the world markets. With a number of user-oriented innovations, the MicroStep group provides the world’s increased Market requirements and market-driven solutions offers its customers.

High-precision processing and cutting machines of MicroStep group manufacture precision parts for the automotive industry, and edit the various materials in various industries. The stone, glass, and plastics processing with modern waterjet cutting systems to high-precision metal forming by plasma, laser and oxy-fuel cutting machines in renowned metal processing plants. The MicroStep group has an extensive sales and service network. On MicroStep trained and trained technicians and support personnel in MicroStep group its own sales and service companies are especially systems to customers in many countries around the world available. The sales and service network of MicroStep group are characterized by consistent market orientation, a comprehensive direct marketing and customer services.

Outstanding Trade Fairs On The IPM Essen With EX POMADE

The international plant fair, which presents the world of plants, technology and floristry with approximately 1500 exhibitors is flexible exhibition systems for the international plant fair in Essen the IPM in Essen. Visitors can experience all the trends and new products from 22 to 25 January 2013 and on the world’s leading marketplace of green industry experience high-quality products and services. With 30 IPM in the last year the fair has become an international trade and order platform, which serves as the industry’s leading trade fair. The appearance at the fair is extremely important to important business contacts as exhibitors at the international plant fair in Essen to use and to convince the industry and the demanding audience of the own products and services. The matching stand design used the products in the Center., the platform for the mobile exhibit, offers the suitable measuring systems for the international trade fair. The EX POMADE trade fair system is on the international for the IPM a perfect companion Stage due to its flexible design is perfectly can. High-quality design and the 50 m-high tower, the mobile trade fair system can support the professional appearance by the numerous accessories.

Thanks to the flexible modular construction principle, the EX POMADE trade fair system for more trade fairs can be adapted to the new exhibition space quickly and easily. The simple Assembly of larger systems offers enormous savings, as no use of organizers is necessary. At the same time, the EX POMADE trade fair system ensures an optimal use of the stand area. The inside of the Messeturm can used as a storage room cabin and thus offer an invisible storage area at the exhibition stand. Thanks to a built-in door storage space can be easily opened and closed. The all-over advertising pressure is not interrupted by the door solution. All other information concerning the EX POMADE trade fair system and numerous application examples, visit The platform offer more booths, in addition to the EX POMADE trade fair system which both for smallest stand area from 3 m used or reach a fair system height of 60 m.

Trade Union

More than half of entrepreneurs (56.3%) believe that employers are obsolete.70% Of workers and nearly 50% of entrepreneurs considers bad or regular role of their associations in negotiating the reform of employment. Two-thirds of workers (66%) reject the pension reform, although 22% of them consider it to be the best deal in the current environment. These are the main data obtained from the report of the labour market carried out by InfoJobs in 2011. Most persons in employment, whether self-employed workers or Spanish businessmen, feel poorly represented currently by associations trade unions and employers, as it can be seen from the opinion survey on the labour market. The report also reflects the rejection widespread reform of pensions approved by the Government, and analyzes the views of workers and entrepreneurs about the movement of the outraged. DISTRUST widespread in unions and employers as regards the acceptance of the current work of the trade unions, 70.3% of the workers are not well represented; among them, a 19.2% pointed out that they have lost power of negotiation and a 51.5% shows still more critical and believes that trade unions only look for their interests. Among its own members, 48.5% don’t feel represented in his job by the Trade Union to which it belongs. Although to a lesser extent than the workers, the majority of self-employed and entrepreneurs nor trusts employers associations.

A 58.5% is not considered to be well represented; among them, a 18.8% believes that they have lost force and a 45.3% who only look for their interests. 33.2% Of employers don’t feel represented by the employer that is associated with. In relation to the specific role of Trade Union and employer organizations in the negotiation of the recent reforms of the labour market, 70.2 per cent of workers rejected the work of trade unions (39.2% qualifies it bad and a 31%, regular), while 20.5% consider that it has been good. For its part, 49.3% of freelancers and entrepreneurs is shown not satisfied before the role of their associations (27.3% qualifies you regulate and 22%, bad), to only 18% that valued it as good. Despite the distrust pervasive before the work of the associations, more than half of the workers (53.2%) still considered valid model of Union representation, compared with 45.9% who believe it is outdated. Conversely, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs are more critical and a 56.3% believes that it is necessary to change current representation model for improving employment.

Foreign Trade Sergey Sinelnikov

In addition to legislators and officials of the government economic team in a meeting attended by representatives of business (for example, the president of RSPP, Alexander Shokhin, the president "supports Russia" Sergei Borisov, president of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan, managing director of "Troika Dialog" Sharonov and others) and the scientific community (scientific director of the HSE Yevgeny Yasin, Rector Academy of National Economy Vladimir Mau, Rector of the Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, Academician Sergei Glazyev, executive director of the Institute for Economy in Transition Sergei Prikhodko and others). Start the meeting scheduled at 13:00, Moscow time, but is rumored to have been waiting for the arrival of Vladimir Putin, and the event began in 13.34. Opening it, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, the delay suggested to concentrate not on the outcome of activities in 2009, and the tasks for the current year. Then, Alexei Kudrin, gave the floor for half an hour, Vladimir Putin. Prime Minister said that p in 2009 due to crisis, the government authorized to reallocate the money, and what could go on upgrades, went on anti-crisis measures.

"On full completion of the speak of the crisis is early, too early", – said Vladimir Putin, but comforted by the fact that from January to April, inflation in Russia amounted to 3.5%. And ministers were ordered to continue to lower prices by reducing demand, but due to "improve productivity, reduce costs, Effective anti-monopoly regulation. " And to reduce the budget deficit to 3% of GDP by 2012 and to zero by 2015. .

Trade Union

Requirements that make it at the same time the dynamics of the profession, including character Ethics, specifically when it is engaged in the profession and favorable results they demand competencies and skills necessary to exercise his function optimally and on suede claim to promote quality. New leadership, participatory, proactive, creative, innovative management of human interrelations. Conditions for exercising the Trade Union leadership. Perform functions under dependency ratio in different areas of public sector: management centralized, decentralized, governorates, municipalities, State enterprises, etc. Work in the private sector, production, finance, marketing, information technology, human resources, etc. Freely exercising the profession, through the establishment of a firm or organization or by partnering with other professionals.

Academic positions at institutes of higher education or any other exercise. Should be taken into account in addition to the various skills, that the future of effective administrators, must be framed within a series of individual characteristics that each of them should possess, such as: the desire to manage. The ability to communicate sympathetically. Integrity and honesty. A history of performance (experience) desire manage: successful managers possess a profound desire to manage, influencing others, and obtain results through joint efforts of subordinates. Certainly many people would enjoy the privileges offered by an administrative, such as category and high salary position, but would never get it if they lack the basic motivation for results through the creation of conditions in which people can work together in the fulfilment of common purposes. Communication and empathy skills: another important feature which administrators must possess is the ability to communicate clearly through written reports, letters, speeches and talks. Communication demand clarity, but even more empathy.

This is the ability to understand the feelings of others and manage the emotional aspects of communication. Communication skills are important for effective Intergroup communication, that is, for communicating with persons of the same organizational unit. Integrity and honesty: Administrators should possess a high moral quality and be trustworthy. In your case, integrity means honesty in money matters and in dealing with others, the effort of keeping informed his superiors, the commitment to truth in all circumstances, strength of character and conduct in keeping with the ethical standards. A history of performance: this represents a very important feature; the background to the performance will provide a reliable prognosis on the performance of the future administrator. Definitely the management graduates have great opportunities to rescue his image, actively participate in the management of the companies that need and ensure operability, especially in a business sector that is in crisis. We hope that schools, its Federation, the schools of Administration should be identified with the reality of the current scenario that faces the country, give him passage to a new profile of the administrator and this allows companies to be guided by professional proactive, able to generate changes, provide solutions that favor him. 8/3/09 Original author and source of the article.