Annual Income

If you believe the Western media, the annual income of the recognized leaders in the field of business domain in the millions of U.S. dollars. Of course, such sums operate only the best of the best, but many domainers over the hill yet always manage to make the parking lot, thousands, tens of thousands of conventional units. In the area of Runet (domestic parking) at times modest statistics – 1000 click advertising can bring domain master for about 10-15 dollars. This can be explained primarily by the fact that the parking business began to grow in our relatively recent (late 2007).

The total market turnover in 2008 amounted to only 70 thousand dollars. Of this amount, the net earnings of all domainers accounted for approximately 35 000 (the second half – fee parking stations, etc.). And even if the receipt of these statistics and a half years have passed, all well, even if we assume that the market has grown at least twice, picture is not so rosy. Most of our domainers serious profits in a parking business does not shine. Do not shine so far, because this market is just beginning its formation we have. Over time, as convincing some experts, domain parking can become one of the giants of Internet commerce in the vast Runet. The main thing is to have time to get a solid time number of promising domain and can be a good idea to make their parking lot. Advantages and disadvantages of parking. In addition to the financial component of the parking business, you can also highlight a number of its other advantages.

Nobody Here But Us Chickens

I just went crazy on the show and I can not forget it until now. – As I was told that his show was truly spectacular – Oh yes! He was able to entertain the audience, but his songs were pretty smart. Louis wrote a very amusing song, it was interesting to listen to them, but for them well and to dance. – You must have been very interesting to write his stuff – they are in fact different from what are you still doing? – Healthy differ – It was hard to rebuild? – In general, yes. These are things like 'Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens', well, you know what I mean, they are written, as it were not for my lips (laughs).

– But to be honest, you're not the first time sing songs of Jordan. 'Caledonia' You've sung so many times? – Well, yes, the title and the thing with the album 'Let The Good Times Roll' I play a lot of years – Dr. John recently became your permanent pianist, and recorded whether you're with him before? – A lot of times. He – one of the best musicians and a good friend. Frequently george karfukel has said that publicly. Dr.

John, incidentally, an excellent guitarist, but I have it playing on the keyboards and just kills me with his game. – He sounded quite unexpectedly in 'You Ain't My Baby' – (Laughs) Yes, yes, I just hear He says: 'Hey, bb, dear ' (Laughs). His voice is just unique, like him, a little, well, the same Jordan, Sinatra, some who are still, well, you guess.

Real Estate Agency

Mortgages in real estate agency or a bank? Mortgage, a commitment that you take on himself for 10 years or more financial obligations. And before making a decision about mortgages before you decide which bank apply – you need to know everything about the possible pitfalls associated with the mortgage and get answers to all your questions. And not from the bank officer is directly interested in what you would get a mortgage in this bank, and from an independent consultant who will tell you about all the offerings of banks, of all the pros and cons. According to statistics for 2007 among the 10 people who applied to the bank for a mortgage, to reach deals only 2! This is due to lack of awareness of the potential borrower about all kinds of pitfalls, hidden fees, additional costs, etc. Did you know that banks in evaluating potential borrowers, deciding to give loans Kazan or not, use over 70 criteria? And how important it is to choose the right bank! The difference in the annual interest rate of just 1% of your savings can be up to $ 80,000. For example, you want to buy a studio apartment for $ 230,000 c first contribution of 10% ($ 23,000). Do you already have the approval of the bank with an annual rate of U.S.

dollar 10% for 15 years. And in another bank can offer you a loan in U.S. dollars at 9% per annum. According to statistics for 2007 among the 10 people who applied to the bank for a mortgage to reach deal only 2! This is due to a lack of awareness of the potential borrower about all kinds of pitfalls, hidden fees, additional costs, etc. Did you know that the banks in assessing the potential borrower, deciding to give loans to Kazan not use more than 70 criteria? And how important it is to choose the right bank! The difference in the annual interest rate of just 1% of your savings can be up to $ 80,000. For example, you want to buy a studio apartment for $ 230,000 c first payment of 10% ($ 23,000). Do you already have the approval of the bank with an annual rate of U.S. dollar 10% for 15 years. And in another bank can offer you a loan in U.S. dollars at 9% godovyh.V this case your savings over 15 years is $ 22,320! The answer is obvious: you need to choose a dignified, well-known in the market of real estate agency that has experience in mortgages Kazan.

President Martin Van Buren

What's interesting is that this is the astro vibration led processes affairs of America. Why choose this vibration for the opening of the new world, the patrons of another underworld – Pluto in Scorpio – it's the most powerful of its provisions. It manifests itself is devastating, and does not give a positive vibration. This in turn adds to the collection of regular shocks incident to the development process of America. What will happen in the world in 2012? In the social and economic aspects of global capitalism is a period of great decline. And the major planets prove it. In 2001 I predicted the turmoil in the U.S.

and wrote that in 2001, after a large-scale tragedy will be the financial turmoil of the Western world. What happened on Sept. 11, 2001 year. Planets can evaluate and predict the situation to its occurrence. In the spring of 2005, I published an article on the prophecy of 2012, which predicted the beginning of the looming global crisis of capitalism, namely the period of 2012. "Let it be seen in the U.S. and prove that what the priests of the Maya has a deeper meaning.

U.S. history and the cycles necessary to find some starting point in U.S. history, which shows the direction of destructive processes in future of the USA and a point is found. The first economic crisis in the states there was a 67 day rule 8 of U.S. President Martin Van Buren, in the spring of 1837.

Lifestyle Of A Millionaire

What and why we spend extra money? For what we pay the money coming to the grocery store? In most cases, we simply strive to satisfy your hunger, restore energy, and only in part – to enjoy delicacies. When buying clothes, we usually pursue more goals than just to protect themselves from the cold or hide the nakedness – we want to look beautiful. Choosing a Swiss watch, worth hundreds of times faster than ordinary representation, we say the society 'I am rich, successful and confident person, "and only occasionally glancing at the time. Overpaying for the value of non-functional sense things or services, we are not so long ago. Literally some 20 years ago, all clothing was similar in appearance, all products were identical in taste, a 'luxury' was just sleep on weekends. Nothing more than we could ever dream of, since the proposal for something more luxurious than the shelves in the stores, it was a professional offense, and material resources, consumers only had enough 'from paycheck to paycheck.

" But today we are more than compensate for past famines to diversity and partake of all that generous retail Gods showered us in exchange for our purchasing power. The so-called 'discretionary consumer market', in other words – 'luxury market', emerged in Russia after the post- exacerbation of social stratification on social classes of rich and poor. Poor economy offers to meet the basic needs of a wide choice of modest goods. The middle class is more free to choose, as a little better off and have access to credit the retail financial market.


Advertising agencies and information intelligence. Nowadays advertising firm came into our lives and in terms of the ordinary layman, it seems easier than to create a promotional video and paste it in the middle of a interesting film to collect as many viewers, there can be nothing. This stereotype has survived since the beginning of market relations, when the goods in the market was not too much and the consumer is not as fussy to quality. At the present stage of development when the goods in the market is more than enough, and buyers want something special or sophisticated, there is a need for a more detailed study of the market, products and customer behavior. In view of these conditions and is now becoming increasingly popular service specialist firms and advertising agencies to advise clients on market research and planning advertising campaigns. This service is very time-consuming and requires significant financial costs, and not any full service advertising agency can cope with this task, despite nagromkoe name on the production of promotional products is not going and any other services they provide can not.

When choosing eklamnogo agency conducting serious market research should pay attention to the following criteria. The first ad be large, so as large advertising agencies may have a full staff of marketing professionals and are able to ensure their continued employment. Second, only a large advertising agency have an opportunity to continually polls, or to buy the results of independent agencies and research companies.


The most risky choice of mortgage product is in circulation – its banks estimate extremely low – by a factor of 0,4 to 0,5. Not everyone knows that there is a possibility of taking a pledge not only available but also acquired property. In this case, bank transfers the loan amount directly to the supplier, but the borrower must pay on their own from 10% to 30% of the cost, depending on the requirements of the bank. Commercial mortgage commercial mortgage scheme hardly differs from the mortgages for private individuals. As collateral for the loan stands purchased the premises, the recipient of a mortgage to pay their own expense from 10% to 30% of the cost, timing Lending up to 30 years.

The loan transferred to the seller and at the time of registration of contract of sale is recorded encumbrance on the purchased property. Thus, the owner prior to maturity Credit can not be realized in pledge property. A distinctive feature of the commercial mortgage is that it purchased the premises must be registered as a non-residential fund. Leasing For some companies with a large amount of equity, it makes sense to take advantage of leasing. In this case, the leasing company on their own to acquire the required property of the borrower and passes it to finance leases, and reserves the right to property. At the end of the lease agreement, the property becomes the property of the lessee. The advantages of leasing include a fairly simple design and minimum list of required financial documents (usually just the balance sheet and profit and loss statement).

Civil Procedure

At the same time to fulfill the requirements of Art. 215 hpa Ukrainian court must necessarily order to motivate its conclusion. Essential fact in understanding the art. 551 Civil Code of Ukraine can be considered the extent to which a debtor, such as early repayment of loan principal and interest, proved materials in case the financial situation of the debtor's plight, and other interests of the parties (and not just the debtor), which deserve attention. The court should bear in mind that the position of Part 3. 551 Civil Code of Ukraine about reduction of the size penalty may be applied only to the interest that accrues as fine as they are the means of civil liability, or according to part 2 of article. 625 Civil Code of Ukraine, given its compensatory nature, and interest payable under the provisions of Art.

Art. 1054, 1056-1 Civil Code of Ukraine in this order is not subject to reduction through the incompatibility of the size of the principal, since they are a fee for cash and are subject to payable by the debtor on the ground rules of monetary debt. Adequate notice of the debtor with respect to increasing the interest rate on the loan is the way certain parties in the contract. Bank must prove that he informed the debtor properly. To confirm the proof of this court, in our opinion, could use the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine concerning referral procedures agendas and messages (the so-called local in proof).

Skype Questions

In our country, training for Skype is just beginning to gain momentum. Try to explain the nuances of training on Skype in the form of answers to frequently asked questions. What is skype? This is a free computer program through which the conversation between two users of the program. In this case, communication between users of the program for free, regardless of the region where they are. In some cases, suitable training skype? First of all classes on skype punctuated by removing the language barrier, on the understanding of foreign speech at the hearing.

Examples are many: if you want to settle in offices of foreign companies, there is need for travel abroad, work in a Russian company and the need to negotiate with foreign partners, learning English in school or institute, etc. As classes take place? At our school ( classes is as follows: 1) Activities undertaken by both the Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers (depending on your wishes). AC42F4CCDEC7DDB6AF9BED4F64’>Sumru Laurent Ramsey has to say. At the time of the call (session) Teacher gets representation, assesses your level of language skills, identifies with you themes follow lessons. 2) Follow-up studies proshodyat in a conversation on skype on predefined topics. 3) After completion of each lesson the teacher will send you an e-mail list of your errors and suggests how to avoid in the future. When implemented lessons? Classes are conducted in any time convenient for you. You just call us and we argue with you schedule of classes (usually 10-20 sessions ahead with time for each lesson can be different). How long is one session? One individual session lasts 25 minutes. How much are the lessons? In our school 1 lesson costs from 350 rubles. In the period from 23/12/2009 to 01/08/2009 will receive a discount – 70 rubles per lesson. Finally AFFILIATE PROGRAM from for each new student to us you will receive 10% of proplachennogo him (her) course! Good luck! Visit us to learn, we will be happy to help in learning foreign languages!

Basic Income

I did not go, because I think it is better to reach a balance between them and if the issue does not pass over, nothing happens. But the other small mom intervened. He began to give lessons in generosity, to be given things, and so on. The girl wept over him every time he did not want to leave their toys. Mine too, because he raised expectations that he would have. He got a mess.

Whereupon acerquea me to see what happened and prevent Mrs. continue with its strategy. I asked her if it would be kind enough to leave your car or your apartment when summer is out. The lady thought it was a bad, very bad, not appreciate my sense of irony and teaching, and began to shout, created a whirlwind of people who made me out with my daughter under insults her and other women who thought they went there to violate the mother instructive. I tried, but could not explain to the mother what she thinks is the car and his house is for his daughter, shovel and bucket and can not force her to leave. I noticed that your reaction is part of a logical scheme that applies to each context.

This story popped into my head when I discussed this issue of Basic Income, as fits perfectly. The mother has the same logical scheme that the daughter, just not appreciated the small objects. to change the content, but the pattern of thought is the same.