The Years

I am not new to loud lamentation, explicit requirements and "hysteria" child, when you visit a children's shop, where there is always a 'physical' need for a new toy. Which tricks are not only our children have resorted to to achieve from our performance most treasured purchases: tears, promises, threats, from the magic word "please" to "I do not love you" …. Tears of the children are always present when they are forced to deny something. The psyche of a child not yet knows the set of "sneaky" methods to satisfy their desires, which can be obtained without tears, the children are open to their emotions and tears, this is the simplest of them. Adults over the years, learn to control your emotions. But child is simple and naive, and mourning his always candid, it's hard not be be what it actually is.

Looking into the eyes of a baby, tear-filled living, my thoughts drifted to their memories, when that's exactly the same to me, in my childhood, refused to buy for me a very important and necessary. Conclusions were made with ease: "I do not like," I am the worst of all, "I was not lucky with the parents," I am very unhappy …. I distinctly remembered a small washing machine, which I unreservedly rejected as a subject of expensive and unnecessary. So she stayed on the counter in a row with other toys in my memory as an unrealized dream. I remembered how I swore: what – whatever was to buy a machine of his daughter, which, of course, I have nothing to deny, and never will …

The Same

That is to say, the operating deputies discipline themselves themselves and they are given and with its eloquent speech they produce the dominion from its subjectivity. The avenging congregation that celebrates has said him four common places to the regime could be transformed into impositora multitude. That is what it fears the totalitarian regime more and feeds the spectacle from the own mediocrity on its own deputies. In other words, the totalitarian regime works on it bases to control, but not to destroy, because one would lose the balance of the appearances and the same arms of the control. We could say that it places to " oposicin" uncontrolled in " no-lugar". At the same time, it long satisfies a yearning postponed by the controlled ones, the apparent one to share of the ether. That is to say, the access to the screen. Once intermingled both sounds of the harmful polarization the dominated one becomes rather less than a remainder.

It does not have nothing else democratic that to offer the ether. It is for that reason that, in surely misunderstood phrase while it spoke of insurgency, called to an ontological term. I have said it thus: the policy does not become of outside inwards, becomes of inside towards outside. The regime is nourished of the superficiality of the social components. When everything to that body seems to him most natural of the world, and it unfolds to exorcise with insults, it has done exactly what the totalitarianism of the 21st century allows, that is to say, the bud of the superficiality and executes what totalitarianism wanted, the abandonment of all imagination transcendental. We arrive this way at an incoherence of great coherence. The power has unfolded subtly and conformation feeds back the social it. The regime, thus, has created its own ontological model to which there is to oppose another one by means of other measures of value and of causing that the important thing returns to determine the forms, the measures, the procedures and the behavior.

North America

In such sense it is clear that exportacin has advantages with respect to the cost of the product that can be or or a service, thus is clear that it constitutes an advantage for the exporting company like for their clients or buyers, leaving certainty that these two trmimos ltimos do not have meant equal or does not mean the same. 14. DISADVANTAGES OF the EXPORTS Some jurdicas institutions have disadvantages, in such sense the studied institution has disadvantages like are for example that the costs by international transport are lifted for example the costs of transporting from Spain or the United States to Sud Amrica. Consequently it is clear that the exports that are the studied institution not slo have advantages but tambin disadvantages, thus is clear that we must be careful at the time of studying the exports, since an important cost that it increases in price the product or is the international transport, putting to record that although it is certain that many exist specialized companies tambin is certain that also the cost of exporting continues being high in the Peruvian right. 15. EXPORT OF CAPITALS the trmino exportacin is genrico and in this order of ideas other trminos exist that are but especficos as exportacin of capitals is for example the trmino, trmino that by the way tambin we must know to have slidos knowledge on exportacin, economy and enterprise right, which as much lack makes to the economy and world-wide right, Peruvian, foreign and compared. Other jurdicos trminos exist and econmicos but especficos that to define which we will study to conrtinuacin, like for example exportacin of capitals, in such sense we will take advantage of the present one it soothes to define the same. Trminos agree our propsitos to define but especficos that exportacin like is for example exportacin of capitals, that consists of transferring capitals (money) of a state towards another one, for example is an assumption of exportacin of capitals from Per when it moves capitals from this Pas to the United States of North America or from Per to Spain, or Per to Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, among others states.

Learn English

Learning English is in today's world, both in school, but in real life has become very important. With the inexorable Globalsierungsentwicklung English takes on a major role in our lives. More and more English words make inroads into our everyday lives, so-called special terms. But it's not that the whole thing. According Lerntrainer Ing Paul Kutilin do, 90% of the German population with the hard to learn the English language. Grammar andvocabulary is of course not cram a piece of cake, but with an increasing understanding of the whole thing makes even more fun. Nowadays, it is important to hold 1-2 persons dominate. re. Especially in the labor market a solid English usually helps to get a good spot. Many employers simply presuppose that the candidate is established languages. If this is not the case, this fast and eliminates a disadvantage in the struggle for the long-awaited dream job, especially in occupations in the private sector foreign languages are highly traded. Too bad if fails due to lack of knowledge of foreign languages. The economy has it a GewinneinbringendesBusiness done. Language courses, computer software, books and much more to bring the hoped-for sales in the millions. In bookstores languages take an already full shelf rows. 10-15 years ago that was not so pronounced. This phenomenon did not come over the last few years really expressed. English belongs to the present time to do so easily. Everyone must be able to if he wanted to or not. But the Internet can be very helpful. On numerous websites to learn the language through numerous exercises and tips will be facilitated. Firstly, there are grammar aids, but also multimedia applications, exercises for the debate. Visit us time to learn: www.englisch–


Birds have always been a source of inspiration and admiration, then seen as a beautiful creature upward flight is something that immediately arouses feelings pretty, also the beautiful colors of their feathers and melodious songs of birds have been one of the animals loved by all people, so much so that the birds currently have great commercial value, so much the level of trade that is handled in such that there are already many domestic birds, which are accustomed to life with human spaces and in homes and cages, so to take advantage of the great value of birds, bird shops there, where aside from making the sale of birds, also available to users regarding veterinary services birds, bird stores can also find bird breeders who can teach the owners to give adequate treatment to make life better for birds, another advantage that can be found in a shop birds, are ideal elements for the life of birds, and may be available in stores in birds with the necessary food, cages, elements that should accompany the cages, among many other very useful when you have some beautiful birds. In the stores of birds can get almost any bird can be considered domestic, so that more birds fit this description are the parrots, parakeets, macaws, parakeets, canaries, cockatoos, since it is usually very easy to media climates of the cities, they can also get to enjoy living life in humans; other birds that can be achieved in the stores of birds are chickens, ducks, but these birds has increased to destinacin farms or country houses, which, however, are also pleasing to humans. The bird shops are a great option when looking for advice on the care that must be taken with pets are welcome in the home, so in stores of birds, managers and breeders provide information, as it is better placed in the cages couples, try not to leave the birds all day without human companionship since become depressed, not to birds of different species especially not to small species with large machines also dispense information on food and cages and accessories for all these items are available at the stores of birds. As mentioned earlier in the stores of birds you can find accessories that can be very useful for birds, the key element is the cage, so that they are there, but we must bear in mind that some birds can become accustomed both the presence of humans that can be taken into the house in open spaces and can be put on shelves or rods, one of the elements that are available in the stores of birds, are very important food for birds and something that provides good growth are elements of play and exercise, as swings, pieces of wood or any material that to peck, crossed sticks in the cage, among other elements that are available in shops provide everything for birds where the birds have good moments in her domestic life..

State Constitution

MD: February and October 2003, show the support of military and police elected to power at the polls, even though that meant backing repressive fact mourning and pain to Bolivian families and Tradepa also proposed to call a halt to protest social violence and to eradicate the culture of confrontation, how do you plan to achieve this goal? VJ: Proposing in the Constituent Assembly to achieve a conciliation agreement or compliance and enforcement of the new State Constitution and the laws of the republic, opposing the imposition of a social order that is not the product of a clear provisions in the new Constitution., none of the powers to interfere in the powers of each branch deprivation. You must keep the bicameral system, ensuring balance in the legislature.

The manner of electing the President and Vice President should be through direct elections seeking the 50% + 1 for the first round and, if undefined, the second round for the top two by a simple majority, according to the electoral law. The representatives of the legislative branch also must choose the means of direct election by eliminating multimember representatives and five years. We disagree with the president’s reelection, as this can be manipulated by the government that wants its continuity through warlordism. National projects and well-structured government programs can be implemented by different leaders of parties or political groupings. Continue with the five-year mandate to take adequate account of the implementation of a program of government. In Bolivia there are various nationalities and cultures should respect the differences, advocating the creation of the Bolivian nation.

International Day

p> We rise along with millions of people around the world on this symbolic day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, to show our commitment to the fight against extreme poverty and inequality. We got up because we refuse to accept more excuses in a world where 50,000 people die every day due to extreme poverty and because the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. We got up because we want our leaders to their promises to achieve the , and ask them to go beyond those goals. We join in solidarity with people from over 100 countries to say: The leaders of rich countries: We urge them to fulfill their promises on poverty, debt cancellation, more and better aid, fair trade and gender equality. The leaders of the poorest countries: We ask that your first responsibility is to save the lives of their poorest citizens. We ask you to tackle inequality, be accountable to their people, ruling justly and equitably, to fight corruption and respect human rights. Today and every day we get up and speak out against poverty. We will continue the fight against poverty and inequality, and ensure that our leaders keep their promises. .

RU 486

A new chill shivers to mankind, especially in Latin America, after the FDA approved in the U.S., marketing approval in that country, the drug known as RU 486, since this drug is not new remote use and empiric more dates ancient civilizations such as the Pre Incas in the Andes of Peru, where he used his predecessor's Rue (Ruta graveolens), Oregano (Origanun Vulgarae) and others that were used emmenagogues or regulators, but not as abortifacients, since in these abortion was criminalized people (which consented and who executed abortion were dead as indicated Pedar-Hurtado Pozo). Then we have the findings of Bishop Meisner of Cologne (Germany), who compared 20 years ago, the RU 486 on the gas zyclon B, lethal gas that Hitler and his henchmen used to exterminate millions of human beings in the chambers of death. The RU 486 is an inhibitor of prostaglandin, called mifepristone, synthesized by Roussel-UDAF French laboratories in 1988 and that shame (if any) will put the UK and acts neutralizing the cell receptors of progesterone, a hormone which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy the first few weeks, is effective up to 42 days of pregnancy is legal in several European countries such as Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France , England and recently in USA, comes in tablets of 50 mgrs and is also authorized to produce tablets of 10 mgrs, is 100% effective to cause Abortions. For countries in South America and Central America, probably will use the tablets of 10 mg regimen to treat grossly confusing, since the effectiveness is with tablets of 50 mgrs (But using 5 tablets of 10 mgrs professional will get that effect), its massive use left in the trunk of memories to the Pill Day next, to Ruda, the Oregano, at the same Misoprostol, prostaglandin agonist that is currently used as an inducer of abortions in Peru, so the forces are for life, medical or nonmedical, Catholic or non-believers, but are encouraged by the spirit irrefenable defense Life must put all our strength in tension to give a new battle against these mass killings ahead with the introduction of these human pesticides which are drugs that RU 486 has different trade names, according to the laboratory that synthesized, but we know that Mifepristone is the lethal-Pedro Miguel Palacios Celi.. 59af2dfd127d6fb2c8d49062bcec&oe=5EBC0D78(6 kB)’>Sumru Ramsey.

Web Density

The famous phrase ‘keep it simple “should lead efforts to design web pages. Consider one of the most visited Web portals: Google. Its simple design has positioned itself as the largest portal for use by its simplicity. It has flashy special effects or sounds, or animations. It’s a simple logo whom we receive every time we visit Google.

But content and captive portal functionality to millions of users daily. Simple, plain and simple, that’s the basic rule for designing effective web pages. Accuracy A common practice and ineffective, is to try to publish as much information on the main or ‘home page’. This is not necessary, since the nature of the medium is to be increased consistently, the information. It is better to design a website entry or ‘home page’ access to relevant points. Once you wake up the visitor’s interest for one of the points or relevant links, are accessing the same reward you.

This instant gratification is sought by the visitor. The portal design must be precise and strategically consider the location of the main links. Through the secondary pages of the portal, it provides access to all the other information related to the main theme of the portal. In this way, diversifies the content of this site and increases its density. Density Web pages grow through time. While we plan carefully the contents of the portal, there is room to add content. To the extent that we change, either, products, services or marketing strategies, the portal will be updated. Adding multimedia content or text, we increase the density of the portal. By increasing the density, we diversify the attractions of the portal, and therefore increases the probability of getting more visitors. For example, a portal provides a data input mode makes and models of vintage cars. After two months of publication of the portal, there is a steady increase of visitors. Then the person in charge of web design decide to provide more information and adds three points of interest: (1) Associations of Owners of old cars, (2) Old Cars National Events, and (3) Clubs Local Advertising Agencies. By adding these three points of interest, also increases the density of the portal. It is a fact that traders with a web presence, have an advantage on those who still do not. Access to information is becoming easier (eg, multimedia portable devices) and is more common to see people accessing the Internet to satisfy their need for information. Therefore, having a presence on the Internet through a portal, is indispensable. A portal can be simple in design and still meet their visitors in the measure that provides accurate information. The portal design should consider increasing the content according to the need of the visitors or the implementation of design strategies.

Domain Amazonico

Geography Yungas. Argentina. Selva-Oranense Tucuman. Ecosystem. Climate. Vegetation. Flora. Fauna. Selva predemontana. Montane forest. Montane forest
This domain is vegetation that is floristically the richest of the , being the dominant forest vegetation. The climate is hot and humid, with precipitation exceeding 2000 mm annually in some regions and occasional frost in winter.
Phytogeographic province Paranaense
Selva in the province of Misiones
It is known as jungle-Brazilian missionary, and extends into the national territory encompassing the northeast province of Misiones fully and partly the province of Corrientes. It also presents a modified form of the margins of the rivers Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay, which provide favorable environmental conditions, forming gallery forests. This province is the richest in number of species, which gradually decreases towards the south. The structure of this dense forest made up of different strata in which they operate mainly epiphytes (orchids), lianas, gray, Tacuara, tree ferns, palms (Pindo) and trees that reach heights ranging between 20 and 30 meters. This jungle has its maximum development in the central-northern missionary territory, facilitated by a subtropical climate without dry season throughout the year. The main species of this unit are: cedar missionary Parana pine, Guatambu white, black laurel, and cancharana palmito, among others.
Phytogeographic province of the Yungas
Also known as Jungle-Oranense Tucuman, Tucuman, Tucuman-Bolivian Salte a or extends from north to south as a narrow strip occupying ravines and slopes of the mountain ranges and Sub Pampeanas in the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman and Catamarca. The lush vegetation has a similar appearance to the jungle missionary but with a smaller number of species and other specifications of the Yungas. The climate is warm tropical, with summer rains and frequent fogs, with the highlight another important factor, generating an elevation gradient that favors the condensation of moisture coming from the Atlantic. In the foothills, about 800 m, there is a transition zone with the Chaco forest (forest transition), extensively altered by human activity. From there, and as he goes up the hill, is the mountain jungle. It is here where the forest reaches its highest species richness and development, which are decreasing with height until it is replaced for the forest pastures over 2500 m. As a missionary in the jungle there is also a gradual decrease in the number of species to the south. Most common tree species in this area are: the jacaranda, the tipa, the laurel of the skirt, the gallows-molle, walnut Creole and trade winds of the river, cedar or cedar Salta operated by the very quality of its timber. Biome. Forests. Fauna. Flora. Climate. Selva. Floor. Forest reserves … biome is a climate characterized by warm seasons … jungle …
Find weather for: (Type a city or zip code) … Weather maps. Their cities. Search cities. Search MSN Weather: Water Forest, Tabasco F C …
Aerial view of one of the tributaries of the rio Amazonas. EFE … Peoples of the rainforest in Latin America claim their voice in debates on climate …
