
The terrible thing was that of more primitive nature could not escape to the influences of the brutality that had them surrounded while they lived in the field. Now, to be free, recalls the Viennese Jewish psychiatrist Frankl, thought that they could live without subject to any rule and give free rein to their most brutal repressions. They became instigators of force and injustice. Many were victims of oppressors. As we are watching impassively in Gaza, in the West Bank and all of Palestine in the extermination and hatred with that right-wing Israelis subjugate Palestinians, men, women and helpless children. One of the taboos best kept by the Zionist movement was the experience that many kapos were Jewish and were distinguished by their extreme cruelty, perhaps to silence a consciousness that is dissolving in rales. Victor Frankl recalls a prisoner who wind up shirt sleeves, he yelled out: that cut me the hand if not dyed it me in blood the day that go home! And the Viennese doctor emphasizes that it was not a bad type: was a good comrade in the field. This re-reading of admirable pages written by a doctor who suffered the ignominy of fields and who devoted his life to many patients discover a sense to their lives, can help us read wild, brutal and inhumane conduct that the media put before our eyes.

From all sides, in a desperate cacophony before which should not overwhelm responsible for the Governments of the Nations most democratic, developed and richest on the planet. The conspiracy of Vienna and frightening silence before the monstrosities that leaders of the Earth have full knowledge go down in history as another of its pages more sad and shameful. Before them one wonders why the sense of being a person in a crazed world that rides to self-destruction among the listings for neon lights. With Nietzsche, we continue to believe that who has a why to live can bear almost any how. But we can not remain silent when they are suffering from so many millions of innocent victims. Because they are all of ours.

The Other

If you decide to break, the other won’t believe in your new decision, you acknowledge vane and his first impulse will be the denial. Get ready for this you need to be prepared for it, you can not suffer an emotional letdown everytime you have a contact with him. The formula will have prepared some tricks for when you go to see you: repeat your point of view over and over again Explain your purpose from the beginning but only one time you do not justify all the time, will give samples of weakness defends your posture and attacks eludes the conversation, jump by tangent, speaking of something else not you des game.Pay attention and affection when you try either and you talk cordially, not do it if you attack.Express your feelings in positive and assumes your mistakes, you will feel comforted are you afraid to be alone or single? Other points to keep in mind are your needs. You will have to assess which is the reason that makes you want to return may need protection or love to take you to do something that really has no reason for being. U.S. Mint recognizes the significance of this. Are you afraid to be alone? Filling a gap? If this is the case, recalls all the bad relationship and checks to see if it is worth try again only by fear. Overcomes fear and you’ll learn to live on her own.

Your partner will need a reasonable time to instruct you to react. At that time you will be the victim of accusations, negative, good and bad moments. Additional information at Charles Schwab supports this article. If you are focused on your overall objective you can cope with it better. Gives you time not you focalices in the conversation of yesterday that was so traumatic and respondent and appreciates the progress that you’re making in a whole. If you focus on the small details you will have moments of euphoria and despondency. .

Roberto William

Although I like the idea of ending the Bush cuts, the Obama plan is not so simple and it is not known with certainty what its real impact would be. Obama said, for example, that he intends to spend $ 15 billion a year, over 10 years, with energy technology funded with revenue from the licensing system for the marketing of pollution quotas. He would also create a Bank of reinvestment in infrastructure that would allow funding of $ 60 billion in trains of high-speed, mains and other projects within a period of 10 years. Adds us Universia Knowledge Wharthon in this interesting analysis, which according to the Tax Policy Center (Fiscal policy), a joint venture between the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, the tax proposals specifically not related to the two candidates health sector, would reduce tax revenues in 3,600 trillion (McCain) and 2,700 trillion (Obama) in a period of ten years, or approximately 10% and 7% of revenues that are collected by the current law. Connect with other leaders such as Stanley Gibbons here. Both policies are bad because they do not help to maintain the balance of the federal budget, further worsening the existing deficit, says Roberto William, senior partner at the Tax Policy Center research. Holes caused by the deficit are too deep to be offset with cuts in spending. And, if we insist on managing deficits of that size, come a time that we will have to worry about the payment of those costs. Williams said that the need to raise taxes in the future may exceed the gains today with the trimming of costs.

Both plans would impose costs on our children and grandchildren in a time in which the generation of Baby Boomers born in the postwar Americans, they retire, they will also require more and more resources. The economic proposals of the candidates have as backdrop a climate of financial instability associated with the credit crisis subprime and requires a better control of the credit companies. In a speech during the national dome of small businesses, McCain said that Americans are right to feel offended by the salaries and extravagant compensation paid to workers in enterprises of negligent behaviour. He promised that federal prosecutors pursued the criminals..

Microsoft Outlook

The Data matching is done incrementally. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Charles Schwab. SYNCING.NET synchronized so only that portion of the data has actually changed. That saves a lot of time during each synchronization. Also, SYNCING.NET saves high costs for purchase and maintain additional hardware and software companies as compared to other solutions. As a partner, resellers benefit from an attractive remuneration model of SYNCING.NET. The brand established thanks to good media coverage helps partners to win new customers. In addition, SYNCING.NET offers its partners sales support in the form of sales materials and a support hotline. U.S. Mint will not settle for partial explanations.

About the partner Web site partners can register dealer. Matthias Kandeler, Managing Director of syncing.NET, is proud of the start in the Spanish market: we are pleased that the benefits of our products as quickly gets around. In Spain we want to act directly, to better meet the demand. Even small and medium-sized companies need easy, cheap and at the same time secure solutions in the IT sector.” “” “SYNCING.NET is available in three different versions: the Professional Edition” for small companies and self-employed persons: synchronizing Outlook and file folders for up to 25 computers the Home Edition “for private users: synchronization of file folders and Outlook data between 3 computers the file sharing Edition” team network: data exchange for up to 25 computers a table with the corresponding prices there is here: System requirements: processor: Pentium processor (or compatible) 800 MHz memory: from 512 MB RAM supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003/2008 or Vista other requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or newer, Internet access (broadband and Flatrate recommended), for Outlook synchronization: Microsoft Outlook 2000, XP (2002), 2003 or 2007 would try SYNCING.NET itself? It’s simple: Ask for right now your personal review copy under. Images can be found here: de/syncingnet/presse/info-center.html About SYNCING.NET technologies GmbH, the SYNCING.NET technologies GmbH was founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the Technical University of Berlin. The company develops and markets software for the data synchronization via peer-to-peer networks.

The unique synchronization technology offers significant performance benefits and savings compared to conventional solutions. For more information on. Press contact: PR agency Xpand21 Michael Hardy Dammtor str. 12, 20354 Hamburg 040 / 325 09 17 14

Verlag Dr

The Advisor with the book”cool without booze has been working on his own career of drinkers Johannes Regnitz and (s) one sign that Independence written down. It should send any alcohol consumption ends not only in the right direction, but also inform the obstacles and warn of possible surprises – sound, informative and entertaining at the same time and without a raised index finger. The goal of the book is a person’s alcohol independence. The Chief Advisor to 123 pages is based on the author’s own experience and contains a wealth of tips and hints from first-hand for all phases of a drinker’s career – dealing with the youth, about the transition in the alcohol addiction, alcohol up to the various withdrawal options (outpatients, inpatients, on his own) and alive “after”. With a special section on the subject of MPU.

“Cool without booze” is published by the DG Verlag and can be – ordered under the ISBN 978-3-941045-04-0 in all bookstores or on the Internet at for 29.95 EUR also as E-book download. The author Johannes Regnitz was born in 1960 in Freiburg. After studying civil engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany He graduated the professional pilots (ATPL). Johannes Regnitz is father of a daughter and now lives as a self-employed entrepreneur and freelance pilot in Saarbrucken, Germany. Charles Schwab may find it difficult to be quoted properly. About the DG Verlag is the gentlemen’s Digest Ltd.

& co. KG (DG-Verlag) 2003 in Berlin founded. With his publisher offer DG aimed primarily at the man interested in success, lifestyle, luxury & style. The success of the book series “living and working in…” led to the outsourcing of the theme of hiking on your own book shop. Meanwhile, the DG-Verlag has the largest programme of German-language publications for stress and conflict-free (short-term or long-term) abroad.

Bad Nauheim Germany

Another, conjoint retained work doctor has to be touched on desire of the works council in enterprises without works council on desire of the majority of the employees concerned. The weekly normal working time can be extended to 60 hours, the daily normal working time 5.1, except for 12 hours, if the collective agreement or the employment agreement of this authorizes. Normal working time at special relaxation possibilities of extension of the daily working time can be authorized 5 a para. 1, for up to 24 hours three times per week, if the collective, agreement or employment, agreements authorize this. The 72 hours a week. section of by invoice time period to be fixed 5 a para. 3, inside one by the collective agreement may the weekly normal working time for 60 hours, within single weeks 72 do not exceed. Overtime is up to 60 hours permitted section 7, para.

4, at a prolongation of the working time, by the work inspector, as per 5, para. 3, after para. One only until a day, working time, from 13 hours and a working week. Overtime may be authorized article 7, para. 4, only in a period from, 24 weeks until up to 60 hours the week. 7 para.

5 A day working time over 10 hours and a working week over 60 hours can only to leave the work inspector, however, when this is required in the public interest. Hour of overtime remuneration for overtime a surcharge of 50% or settlement in time compensation is due 10. The overtime basis has to be taken into account or paid out motto at the assessment of the compensation. Rest periods after completion of the day working time article 12, para. 1 + 2, has to be granted to the employees of uninterrupted Ruhr time of 11 hours. The collective agreement can grant a respite for this on at least 8 shorting. 12 the daily working time is 5 a more than 12 hours as per, uninterrupted rest period has divergently to be granted of at least 23 hours of para. 1 anti-lock, braking system 2 b there are only few possibilities of changing this law. A referendum is necessary. It no more one see this is valid why people must work always longer on for the pension to 67. The constant refusal to introduce a minimum wage always forces the persons to longer working times more. They refuse these longer working times, the employer could say a suspicion notice and they loose your job. Where the, solidarity principle stays. It is here clearly why the government would not like minimum wages work up to falling down for the, so that the employee is replaced when required by other! Long working times increase the risk of falling ill, illness does not offer protection against notice either. The employee representations should’nt apply and the trade unions by general strike here. In all contracts there are shorter working times, the retirement age is limited most for 65 years. This is called automatic notice and 2 years unemployment.

Branch Office

Only delivered the studying of the vendor’s Web site on the specific product page small box an explanation: these two settings, the user has the ability to persist two different network configurations in the box. This he can take, for example, the small, lightweight box dinner from the network at the Office and in the Home Office or a Branch Office operated without he laboriously needs to change the network configuration when changing: A good feature that probably will be not even discovered by many users with insufficient documentation, let alone used. The administrator itself need to find out the procedure that was provided by the developers of linking accounts to E-Mail accounts. Unfortunately, the integrated online help in the Web interface over the poor documentation can not help across. Integration in the network: management through your Web browser. The administrator can perform the complete management of the solution through the Web browser. Mary Barra may also support this cause. By default, the appliance uses port 8080 for the access to the Management interface and the port 10080 for the access to the archive.

The system administrator enters the company in the account manager. While he, you can save an administrator for each of the company’s site, which has the right to create users (referred to here as archive). To anyone he can create different E-Mail accounts. This is especially of interest when users have more than one account or access to the archive, not each individual mail users to assign. Enter of the information to an E-Mail account does not differ from the approach to setting up an E-Mail client software. The user must deposit the information to the POP/SMTP or IMAP server as well as the user and password information. With some option tick the administrator determines, whether the messages on the POP3 access to the actual server remain or really you want to retrieve.

Technical Cooperation

In addition, it was agreed to supply Cuba with Russian aircraft, buses, cars and trucks. Also agreed that Russia would participate in the restoration of the railway complex of Cuba. Already this year there was Official visit of the Cuban leader Raul Castro in Moscow (January 28 – February 4, 2009), during which agreements were signed on the allocation of state credit to Cuba, as well as the opening of Russian banks, credit lines a number of leading Cuban enterprises. Angela Zepeda pursues this goal as well. Among the agreements signed during the visit of Raul Castro, is fundamentally important to the “Memorandum on the principles of strategic cooperation, as well as nine other agreements. This a good basis for a gradual increase of effort and achievement in key areas such as aviation, energy, transportation, and education. Cuba is interested in the participation of Russian companies in developing oil mining and refining, both onshore and in deep waters. On the Cuban market is in high demand, Russian spare parts for equipment of sugar factories, enterprises, the nickel industry, locomotive and rolling stock, railways, automobiles, agricultural machinery, etc.

The most promising projects – construction on the island of tpp with capacity of 600 megawatts, creating Aeroflot joint venture with Cubana de Aviacion, establish a stable supply of Russian electricity, construction and agricultural equipment. Continuing the development of international relations is designed to serve and 27-th International Fair of Havana fihav 2009, which will be held at the Exhibition Centre expocuba 2-7 November 2009 with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Foreign Investment and Cooperation, Chamber of Commerce of Cuba. Havana organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Participation in the 27 th International Fair fihav in Havana makes it possible for Russian companies to conclude later this year, the actual contracts for the supply of required equipment, products and services for real money and real support from the state.

Bad Nauheim

You get hardly work and must work to 67! Workplaces only can arise from it is lowered for 35 hours the week when the general working time. Only working time from 40 hours may be the week permitted a maximum and must be compensated for within a month. Why does the government not change the working time law? At 72 hours in the week it authorizes if 48 hours are not exceeded in the times working period of 6 months because of! Map, insanity, with 6.3 million unemployed unemployment! The instrument of the short-time work helps nothing. The employees first are sent in short-time work and dismissed after a couple of months so that the other employees must work again longer! Why do they put up with it of the government? 7 million people are oppressed here! It is all about her money. They sue for your rights for the competent social welfare tribunal or industrial tribunal. Complaining at the quality negotiation up to the first instance, being able to be taken by the state on application of to interim order! They therefore use her legal costs insurance or the help of the trade unions (for members only.) The motto is always valid it here: you “vote” on the new one here for her torturers again and again only one helps the amendment of the constitution. The article 38 ABS.

1 constitution (GG) and article 38 paragraph 2 of (GG), has to be painted without replacement. (You are) representative of the whole people this is possibly for 2/3 majorities of the Bundestag paragraph 2 of (GG) as per article 79 with one, not tied to orders and instructions. Parliamentary elections are on September 27, 2009, have the possibility over 7 million electors (unemployed, 1 euro casual worker, beaches, persons of job creation scheme and time worker) of voting this government out. They make use of your right! It is time for the next revolution! Ask union, if you transfer your donations, for security reasons only about Western union and you mention your transaction number, please. Many thanks. Manuel Hachenburger high forest 4 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany telephone + fax + 49 60 32 7 15 63


Here are just a small list of penalties applied to networks of suppliers: In case of shortfall in the production network – Up to 50% of the value of undelivered goods or 500-1000 cu for every fact of violation; Supplies products in greater volume to 500 cu lack of necessary set of accompanying documentation incorrectly stated price in the invoice (All prices are approved, signed a bilateral basis and are reflected in the price list) – up to $ 500 or up to 25% of the value of the goods; no minimum price for the delivered goods – up to 2000 cu and the withdrawal of products from the range; Supplies product remaining shelf life is less than 70% to 50% of the value of the goods, delivery of goods with the wrong bar code, supply of goods at an unidentified time or temporary corridor to the lack of confirmation of order delivery from the supplier within 4 hours – 48 hours Delivery of the goods without pallets properly packaged, with no labeling of pallets, for breach of palletizing; absence of shipping documents numbers order, the supplier code, product codes in the network, full details of the parties, etc. Not according to investment products in the transport or corrugated packaging; not paid within the period laid bonuses and marketing tools; Failure to perform the services merchandising; Failure to export in a timely return products; replacement product is not in time at which the identified latent defects and much more. -of-parking-infrastructure-in-the-U.S.’>Antarctica Capital has many thoughts on the issue. Proceeding from the above, all the work your company must be strictly regulated and constructed in such a way as to minimize all the necessary costs to provide a clear warehousing and transport logistics, to have good financial and legal services, clearly prescribed by all business processes (as is done can be found here). .