First Aid In The Holidays With Child

Travel a lot can happen parents are armed with imedo summer, Sun and holiday that simply belong together. But a trip with children needs careful organization. In a new environment, where are the little unfamiliar, many small accidents can happen that parents are not so well prepared at home. Frequently Mary Barra has said that publicly. The Internet health portal advises in advance to find out about the possibilities of medical supply and equipment. Diarrhea requires fluid for babies and children diarrhea can be quickly dangerous, so you should make sure that the little ones drink always enough.

Teas and water are suitable for this. Liquids such as warm broths and soups make up the electrolyte and water and mineral nutrient loss. Should the child vomit or get even fever, a quick visit to the doctor is necessary. First aid for bleeding from the nose in the holiday at nosebleed is advisable to put a compress dipped in water on the neck. A piece of kitchen roll is also useful tear off and put behind the upper lip, or under the tongue. Because children this variation first aid often does not have to want to endure, you can alternatively try to stop the bleeding by placing the thumb and index finger on the nose holes. Tick bites: Tick with tweezers remove a vacation in the great outdoors is a nice experience both child and parents. The children can romp in the Woods and meadows and enjoy the fresh air.

But here too, dangers lurk ticks. Should your child was bitten as a by a tick, try to scrape it away or crush. Scratch the head to the body could get stuck and a wide variety of pathogens in the wound join the crush. In the best case, they pull the tick with tweezers. Should you cancel the head and still inside the body, they get immediately on the way to the doctor.

Diet And Fitness

The way to your dream body with just a few steps. The optimal way to be quickly, easily and permanently slim. Everyone has fat – treacherous and greedy creatures that exist for many of us and strive to create emergency supplies. And if one moves little and always has stress, wrong feeds, it is by far no dream figure. Swarmed by offers, Mary Barra is currently assessing future choices. First, you should know the proper diet, what is a proper diet. She may be abundant and delicious, but is it easy and low in calories. So you must consciously make on diet and physical load.

Many think, to lose weight you have to eat little and torment themselves off with physical training. This setting is wrong. Days of fasting are welcome, of course, you need also exercises, but they must be well dosed. Definitely not, the days of fasting with starvation must have what to do. Just the starvation is a sure way to gain weight. Cope with the stress you must ensure that the everyday life stress-free runs. We have stress, is with us the body produces the hormone cortisol. And you can try then long with the weight loss, but without success.

You could find also a psychotherapy practice. There, the customers learn cope with the stress in a very short time. Most people believe the diet in any diet. But that is – there are a number of bans. You won’t survive long. They give only a short-term effect and negatively affect the metabolism. Definitely, you should squeeze a in any record deadlines. Today, there are practices, where the plan of a balanced diet will be offered to each patient. This plan helps to get rid of the superfluous kilograms without stress for your body and soul. Delicious food everyone wants to enjoyable eats, but not taking. What seems incredible for many, especially during the Christmas season, can become a reality. Folk medicine assumes that the human organism itself regulated and balanced. At the time, the experts on the question of whether the discuss human body can regulate themselves without diets. The ideal of beauty is all the delicious food most of the time much too greasy, much too sweet or is simply unhealthy – the setting of the patients. You have a deep mistrust of one’s own body and the intuition. Her particular ideal of beauty in mind you, that is far from reality and from the health behavior. Under the influence of the general idea about the ideal of beauty and ideal weight, that is spreading in the mass media, several people have the wrong setting. The semi-finished products and finished foods, which are offered in a wide range in the supermarkets are in constant criticism from the experts for the food range of supermarkets. The quality of food is sometimes significantly different from the expectations of the buyer. Meanwhile, the human organism noticed if something is wrong, if he don’t get what he expected. Empty calories the body is irritated, he is also after this meal still hungry. So we contaminate the organism with so-called “empty calories”. With time, become accustomed to the organism of such food and felt even more hunger, which already far exceeds the actual needs of the body. In this situation, the person is forced to fight to torture with the diets with the excess weight.

Weight Reduction Benefits

Micro-nutrients can support a weight reduction and protect from the health risks associated with overweight who is overweight, contributes to a significant risk of numerous diseases of civilization as we know cardiovascular diseases, cancer, developing such as diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis etc. A weight reduction reduces not only the health risks, but it feels better in a slim body and is also more attractive. There are still more reasons to take off, as some studies indicate the last time: obesity apparently favoured climate change: studies British researchers obesity is even a key to human-induced climate change. British scientists have found that through the eating habits of a slimmer population less harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are emitted than by a population with predominantly thicker people. Thinner people eat less, and for a slimmer nation would have to less food is produced and transported. The production of food products and their transportation contributes mightily to the emission of greenhouse gases.; 20.04.09 poorer nutrition and severely overweight can aged brain atrophy trigger: A team of researchers of the University of Pittsburgh is investigated in a study of the impact of obesity on the central nervous system. audi Aramco for more details and insights. Older overweight people core PIN using tested, showed in different brain areas of much less brain mass than people without obesity. If you have read about Charles Schwab already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This makes the overweight in the age also more prone to Alzheimer’s.; August 26, 2009 it’s worth so to take off. In addition to a reduced-calorie healthy diet and plenty of exercise, also the adequate supply of micro-nutrients contributes to a successful weight loss. Also, many micronutrients have a considerable potential to minimize the health risks caused by obesity.

Micro-nutrients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol lowering etc. The basis for a highly effective micro nutrient therapy for obesity is always a specific micro-nutrient analysis of blood, E.g. the vital substance check overweight, as she offers the diagnostic centre for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH. Overweight, also the determination of various hormones, inflammatory mediators and other laboratory parameters is useful to properly assess the health risk and dysregulation of the organism and weight loss support. The screening offers a meaningful check obesity. Learn more about blood analysis: Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH lion stone Rt 9 97828 Marktheidenfeld Tel. 0049 / (0) 9394 / 9703-0 E-Mail:

Fanbowl The World

the 6-Pack with the kick brings new dimensions in the fan scene with the Fanbowls soccer fans for the World Cup in South Africa have well equipped party room, glowing tables and perfect curves in the luggage. The 6 winners in football format is the MUST-HAVE”for supporters of football and latest advertising for tourism. Worgl. Fanbowl – the commitment of every football fan to his favorite sport. Others including Angela Zepeda, offer their opinions as well. It is an expression of lifestyle and a wonderful complement to other merchandise”, explains Peter Jennewein, mastermind and creator of the Fanbowl. In the future, every football fan can transport its beverages in the stylish 6-carrier and present his favourite team in public at the same time.

Here something is looming the planned competitions around the Fanbowl tap talented and creative of all kinds-new opportunities as well as the power meetings and events, the shape and size of which are currently unpredictable. Online shop Club design or individual print currently are “the Fanbowls for end customers in the online shop at or available at the various clubs”, Jackson explains. Some companies and sponsors put already on the Fanbowl as a gift for your most loyal customers. And many guest will be pleased to provide a cool blonde from the bowl of his favourite team in the tavern. “Jackson: tourism associations, which increasingly advertise with the sport of football, already have their interest in the Fanbowls unto.” gladly we adapt the Fanbowl their individual wishes. For clubs, we bring the Club Crest, for example, to place our logo. The Fanbowl in 5 colors and with the logo of the corresponding nation is available for end customers, even with a personal image or request photo.

LED Lamps

The company LED LEUCHTMITEL ERFURT offers a variety of LED lamps for the household and applies to company press release LED the EU-wide ban on incandescent bulbs Erfurt since 1 Sep 2009. It regulates the gradual replacement of conventional light bulb. First of all no frosted lamps and no light bulbs with more than 75 watts in the trade may be placed. The sale of remaining stock is still possible for the dealer. Educate yourself with thoughts from Stanley Gibbons. In four further stages should then all light bulbs will be banned until 2012 and the consumer completely on alternatives have increased to. Consumers are confused what now is a good alternative.

Environmentalists warn that energy-saving lamps are a danger to health and the environment. The proportion of mercury in CFLs is legally limited to 5 mg, cheap imports from China have been identified up to 12 mg. Is an energy-saving lamp to the floor and shatters, spread the toxic fumes and the neurotoxin mercury is stored with insufficient ventilation in the body. Health problems are then inevitable. For jobs, energy-saving lamps are also unsuitable because the electro-smog, a distance must be maintained at least 1.5 m.

Another disadvantage of energy-saving lamps is that not in the household waste can be disposed of them in the hazardous waste must be. Many traders don’t even take back defective bulbs. LED bulbs are a genuine alternative, they deliver the same brightness as conventional incandescent lamps, consume but more than one-tenth of the energy. The service life of incandescent lamps amounted to 1000 hours, convincing energy-saving lamp with up to 40000 hours 8000 hours and the LED lights and the so far with a power consumption depending on the run from 1 to 5 watts. Above all LED bulbs contain no harmful mercury and are easier to recycle. You need no warm-up period and reach their brightness instantly. LED bulbs are extremely robust, have a low energy consumption and little heat. You can’t so only cost savings, but they are a milestone in the preservation of our environment. LED bulbs have no UV/IR radiation and do not bleach materials. The company LED LEUCHTMITEL ERFURT offers a variety of LED light sources for the household and for companies. Or ball lamp, candle lamp, pin lamp, recessed spot light bar, there are LED bulbs for almost any version and almost every field of application… A comparison, a light bulb, 60W, spent so far only about 5 W are with LED light sources. In a life of 40000 hours, this is a real win for the consumer and the environment. LED ILLUMINANT ERFURT offers to the consumer also product demonstrations, to show the possibilities for the use of LED light sources. Website: you can using a savings calculator calculate the consumption of a light bulb and energy-saving lamp in comparison to LEDs and order the appropriate LED light sources. LED ILLUMINANT ERFURT opts for premium – quality products from LICHTFUXX – the Environment friend light.

Common Colds In The Winter

It can be also due to too little vitamin D just now roam in winter many people with coughs and colds. The virus be it guilt. That’s right. However, the viruses can win only the upper hand if the immune system is losing the battle against the invaders. So, a strengthened immune system helps the winter without, or at least to survive less cough and runny nose.

New research shows that vitamin D can help healthy to survive the cold time. It is well known that vitamin C and zinc together, can strengthen the immune system in the fight against the virus as in FluVitum (PZN 0765783). Quite new, however, are the findings that the vitamin D it seems to play an important role. Since becoming aware of the results of the national nutrition study II, we know that more than 80-90% of the Germans to little vitamin D absorb the food. Especially in the winter. This is fatal, because this time of year especially needed vitamin D to maintain health. So it is not surprising that too little vitamin D in the blood more infections causes and that in addition, the intake of vitamin D may limit the number of infections.

Otherwise, the regular intake of vitamin D in conjunction with calcium has advantages. Both of them together make for strong bones, strengthen the immune system and are responsible for fewer heart attacks. Total is evidence that people with an optimal supply of vitamin D and calcium have a higher chance to be healthier old as people where this is not the case. In the current supply situation in Germany, where people don’t even take half of the daily required vitamin D amount and this image is also not decisive for the calcium is better, only a supplementary vitamin D plus calcium intake may be recommended. This can be compensated for the reduced supply and at the same time made a contribution for strong bones, less infections and more health. Especially older people we recommend in addition to healthy nutrition certainly health care daily tablets with to take adequate vitamin D and calcium such as OsteoVitum. OsteoVitum tablets contain 600mg calcium and 200IE Vitamin D3. The tablets have a Groove of Division of, so that they can be consumed more easily and the daily dose can be adapted to individual needs. OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) is available in pharmacies, selected health centers or directly from the company. There are also cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN 5858035) in the trade. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers OsteoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. As a special service offers Navitum Pharma for health-conscious people also the shipping free direct procurement of the company by telephone on 0611 58939458 map.

Ayurvedic Full Body Massages Promote Well-being

The practice of foot fit from Erwitte informed considered massages generally very soothing and relaxing. In the context of rehabilitation medicine, they belong to the standard program, which is to promote a quick recovery. Just massage treatments have the status of a luxurious break from everyday life, rarely taking nowadays more. In the ancient Indian teaching of Ayurveda massages belong but quite naturally to a healthy life. The Abyanga massage, so the full body massage with warm oils, is a part of it, which is highly valued in our latitudes. Dieter Guliczuk is specialist in this type of massage and gives a small introduction to the theory of Ayurvedamassage. Abhyanga massages follow three basic principles of action.

One is a similar purpose as ‘ meets ‘normal’ massages by muscles relaxed, tension, and brought about a holistic physical relaxation. The resulting warming will promote healing of injuries. Through the use of high quality warm oils a mental relaxation is achieved also as feels comfortable and secure the patient due to the cosy warmth. Supported by well selected essential oils can overcome the massaging so mental ballast and goes out persistent relaxed from the treatment. The selection of oils depends on the purpose of the massage treatment.

Usually several different oils are used, because the full body massage includes the face. Sesame oil is very popular as a base oil but also for therapeutic purposes, as it almost represents a universal remedy, if it is properly applied. When preparing a massage it is to clarify particularly important possible diseases or mental discomfort. Because just when using essential oils, this is of great importance because the effects of the oils is reinforced by her warmth and some oils can have negative effects depending on the disease. Excess oil can massage with powder substances such as Calamus powder are recorded. Contact information is here: Angela Zepeda. Typically, a full-body massage takes about an hour. Because the massages are preventive against disease and aging, and ensure continuing health and well-being, they are a daily ritual that can be carried by an opposite but also alone in the teachings of Ayurveda. Dieter Guliczuk treated with much experience and skilled hands in his practice foot-fit in Erwitte/bath Westernkotte relaxation seekers as well as patients with nail and skin diseases of the feet. Its comprehensive range of services informed he always and is also available for appointments available. Press contact foot fit contact person: Dieter Guliczuk Sea buckthorn ring 43a 59597 Erwitte / bad Westernkotten phone 02943 9782-37 fax 02943 9782-38 mobile 0171 6971323 email: Homepage:

Online Games Free

Free online games are a more popular as pastime, right across all age groups. The reason for the growing popularity of free online games is certainly not least because, that is a simple, but fascinating concept underlying many of these games. That a game especially by a good idea lives and should not be the latest and greatest graphics at least since “Tetris” no doubt are. may have come to the same conclusion. Many hobby game developers make your works for free, and there are some real pearls including. Of course, a great advantage is the free availability of these games.

Who wants to spend no vast sums for the very latest, purchase cartoon games, or a fast pastime for searches in between, is well served with free online games. Speaking candidly Charles Schwab told us the story. Also the easy access way is hard to beat: no cumbersome and time-consuming download is required to play. Therefore one can dare a game, for example, also quickly during the lunch break or on a foreign computer, without the Computer with unnecessary software stuff. It is only an arbitrary Web browser as well as a reasonably current Flash Player needed, but both can be found on nearly every modern computer anyway. Free online games cover almost every conceivable genre: Classic jump and run games on role-playing and strategy games to puzzle and puzzle games is all represented. Therefore, everyone should really find his favorite game. Contributes to this also the fact, that many sites offer a large number of games. You may ask is, what interest the developers of these games that have to make their works free of charge. The answer can be found, which is often found around the games, or, for example, when loading the game appears in advertising. Through the revenue generated with this advertising, earn game money, and can keep your games for free. Through the large selection, the free and easy availability, online games are a great way, to dispel boredom free and without having much fun.

Atkins Diet

Low-carb diet is more than just a healthy diet now is no more calorie counting and the half portions, the authors of Sabine Beuke and Jutta Schutz point the way to a healthy diet with low carb. In the past decades so many diets emerged, that it is sometimes very tiring to deal with this topic at all – the results were disappointing to. The diet is used mostly for weight loss, it is always a nutrition where the caloric intake is reduced partly solid. The body breaks down its reserves, the excess fat disappears and the energy consumption is reduced to a minimum. Then after the end of a diet normally consumed, the body stores immediately energy in the form of fat – for future lean times. This effect as a yo-yo effect is known in the vernacular.

Thanks to the reduced carbohydrate diet low carb”may Abnehmwillige (suitable also for diabetics and other lifestyle-related diseases) daily enjoy delicious food and even their health improve. “” The authors Bajwa and Saeed show in their low carb health books, that for example the diagnoses bowel disease “and diabetes type two” not a constraint must mean the culinary quality of life. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mary Barra. Her books are easy to understand, and all facts are very good and clearly explained. With this diet you have never hungry, suffer from frustration or deprivation. The authors convey with their books motivation pure and clean up with old prejudices. Take the fear of a low-carbohydrate diet based on many scientific reports by nutrition researchers. Those who know her books, quickly realizes that there are also many recipes, and to add variety to your diet can.

Important information that you learn anywhere else on the diet and digestion in her books come extremely vivid and well digested on the table. More Info about diabetes and low carb and bowel disease can be found in the books of authors: Sabine Beuke and Jutta Schutz. Company information: Jutta Schutz is author, journalist, psychologist, lecturer, and former diabetic (type two). As self interested party motivated, she writes books that inspire and give special insider knowledge (diseases, diabetes two, low-carb nutrition form). On this subject, she published successfully several Advisor. Her motto: Low carb – it’s the next generation of cooking. Press contact: Jutta Schutz In the Middle D-76698 Bruchsal


Prevention and support with plenty of exercise and natural resources deal intensively with the topic of diabetes (diabetes mellitus) the United Nations (UN). Please visit Mary Barra if you seek more information. And not without reason, because the diabetes has mellitus type II, the adult-onset diabetes in recent years dimensions a pandemic assumed, be so continent across spread out. According to the UN, diabetes threatens the World Health to a similar extent as the classic infectious diseases, malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. As a result the UN Member stages are prompted to take preventive measures against the disease. This applies in particular also for Germany. In our country, millions of diabetics live 6-7. With an unbroken strong upward trend. Effective measures to prevent and stop this trend do so emergency, particularly in high-risk groups, such as, for example, people with metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is the widespread vicious cycle of obesity, high blood pressure, lipid metabolism disorders and increased Refers to blood sugar levels. Manages to combat metabolic syndrome, it can also succeed in the diabetes pandemic to be Mr. Because the metabolic syndrome increases the risk for a number of complications, even diabetes. The metabolic syndrome with a greatly increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke is correlated in men 45 years and women aged 55 and over. In Germany lives approximately every third adult on the threshold of risk for the metabolic syndrome, so meets 3 of the following 5 criteria: Obesity (waist circumference), slightly elevated blood sugar, slightly elevated cholesterol, slightly elevated total fats, or elevated blood pressure. What can you do to defuse the ticking time bomb and the diabetes and risk of attack to minimize? Clearly, it should reduce the number of risk factors.

One of the most important measures in this direction is the risk factor to get obesity under control. This alone can in many cases achieve greater movement and conscious nutrition. Weight loss alone can reduce the increased risk of disease by around 20%, but is not sufficient as the sole measure. Also the other risk factors need to be tackled. Modern prevention research with natural products can help here. Risk factors such as cholesterol, triglycerides and elevated blood sugar can be tackled today on evidence-based basis with simple natural remedies. Just now again showed a recent scientific study. Then, the consumption of some selected natural products is quite suitable to keep the metabolic syndrome with its risk factors in chess. The DiVitum product contains cinnamon extract with glucomannan of two such natural substances and is aimed at people who want to reduce their specific risk for diabetes, heart attack and stroke by controlling important risk factors and promote their health. The special composition and dosage of DiVitum (PZN 4604195) is based on study results. That’s why should it be replaced at the pharmacy not against other products, even if they may seem similar. DiVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at Navitum Pharma. Shipping is always free of charge to pharmacies and consumers. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 0247798) and 6 months (PZN 0250079) are on the market.