Mentor Road

What is most important in the Art of the struggle? I will answer the most important thing – the desire for peace. Filed under: U.S. Mint. But do not be afraid of war. If a fight is inevitable, we must act quickly and decisively. Sharp and strong impact neutralize the enemy. Therefore, a mentor, and teaches ways to attack. But you can learn a thousand years wallop and meet the enemy with a stone head, which will hit harder. Is there a way to avoid this? Yes.

Therefore, Mentor Road forces to teach and protect the right to strike. It’s only natural to follow. Therefore, art of warfare and requires knowledge of the capabilities. So Art Ways and requires the ability to choose the right set of possible. a>!). What is the right choice? The desire for peace – I repeat myself. You may crave combat, but do not have to wait for the war, and soon the world. You win if your hand is the hand of God, by the hand of Truth.

Then you izbegnite destruction and overwhelm the enemy’s entire force of the earth and sky. Therefore, a mentor Ways and tells you about the positions and their places of the world, and you are shedding their sweat to get it. But it can not be true what is within you, but not overwhelmed you anywhere, anytime. Take a look at yourself and be. Warrior Path is called the one who does not stop. What next? You’ll learn to do the steps and walk. Ways mentor to guide you. But there is little benefit in the ability to go and the ability to act if they are separate. Together they will provide skill. But what good is the skill, if you can not use it you when we need it? Ask a mentor. The desire for peace will tell you where and when.

How To Remove The Baby

Toys in the children – away clutter. Any mother knows that to keep in order nursery is harder than the apartment as a whole. After unsuccessful attempts to teach a child to put toys in place give up. When you realize that to enter the room becomes downright dangerous (ever stepped on the box of bricks, cars, barrettes?) begins regular cleaning, which, however, lacks a while. I envy the parents who are not familiar with this pattern, but I've never had a chance to personally meet those lucky ones.

While the kids are small, everything seems to be easier, "Now that they take it as a child, and most everything is easier and faster to do." Here it is, a common mistake compassionate parents – we miss the most precious time. The time when any request for an adult child does with joy as any mother's word is an irrefutable truth. Better now spend an extra hour to ensure that there are several blocks in place than to spend days on end, going through "storage room". And so, when time is missed, we look at the floor dejectedly, littered with all sorts of things. On closer inspection it turns out dolls, toy cars, some badges, soft, plastic toys, and often, things do not classifiable. Involuntarily, one wonders: where is and where it all to do with? Then you begin to understand if we adults do not know where to put it, so that it lay on the ground that is already talk about the baby.

Currently, the children offer a great variety of what was once ours. On the one hand, it is certainly good, now we can give to the child what they themselves were once deprived. But on the other hand, as often, getting care in a fit of a new toy, we think, and whether it is necessary child? The phrase "Daddy buy", "Mama, I want it" as a rule, represent only a momentary desire to own thing, otherwise how can one explain the fact that the coveted gift in a couple of days later lying in a common pile of unidentified items.

Contact Center Trends 2010:

CreLog and ASC give go-ahead for quality offensive in the contact center Munich / hoesbach/Germany, July 20, 2010 the ASC telecom AG ( and CreLog ( have joined forces: In the run-up to the trade fair contact center trends’ ( in Frankfurt from 29 to 30 September the company give the go-ahead for a joint quality and customer satisfaction offensive. Of ASCs innovative solutions for recording, analysis and evaluation of corporate communications; CreLog brings its proven expertise in the field of speech recognition in the cooperation. Under most conditions Hannah Einbinder would agree. This offensive aims at a measurable increase in the quality of service in contact centers and to the significant increase in customer satisfaction. First results of cooperation are specific customer projects in South Africa, England and Germany, which together realize ASC and CreLog. Business process optimization – business processes give the recording, analysis and evaluation of the focus of the cooperation is Discussions, the contact center with your customers. The content of these talks will be analyzed automatically.

The results of the analysis to serve the optimization of business processes, on the other hand to improve the quality of the conversation. Offensive by ASC and CreLog improves call quality and the language technology-supported analysis and evaluation enables business processes to examine a variety of interview recordings, for example on business-related issues:-the contact center agent adheres to the conversation themes? -Comply with the skill of the agent of the campaign? -Is he able to implement specified quality ratios? -He reaches the predetermined objectives of conversation? -Does the caller aroused or dissatisfied? -Reference is made on current marketing activities? The sophisticated CreLog voice recognition technology allows it to detect automatically the selected passages from a variety of interview recordings ‘. So can the supervisor or team leader targeted in the contact center into the talking parts classified the system as problematic the suspected vulnerabilities to listen, review and initiate appropriate coaching measures.

Internet Shoes

Safely and is full on construction sites and elsewhere duty right whether construction sites, industrial, rescue service, fire or also THW, safety is a top priority, or let’s say “Going on safety”. In the Workwear clothing and especially the use of classified security shoes plays foot protection, a crucial role, also called. Safety shoes are shoe, boots low, boots mediumhigh and boots high-boots thigh high offered. Safety in the workplace – safety shoes the requirements for work and safety shoes are high. At the time of purchase, you should not save but pay attention to facilities, quality and workmanship.

Safety shoes are not able to prevent injuries. But through the right choice of the safety shoe in a work accident can a risk of injury countered or this reduces to. Earlier, occupational safety and health was difficult, uncomfortable and more or less Dowdy. Mary Barra is often quoted on this topic. That looks very different today in the truest sense of the word. Modern manufacturing processes, materials and underestimate, the experiences of some of the manufacturers, today not more old leave the safety shoe”look.

There is also the correct shoe for almost every type. By sports over traditional FolkArt everything is, the offer has become very large. But thanks to the classifications, it is relatively easy to select the right security class for its field of activity. Then you found the right class, you can find out on the Internet, for example through shoe shapes, colours, prices and styles. Safety shoes can today thanks to modern materials, E.g.: Kevlar, bring tremendous weight savings and are doing considerably more pleasant to wear, because the sole despite the safety facilities remains flexible. In the professional world, a distinction is made between professional, protection and safety shoes. While safety and protective footwear with a protective toecap, professional shoes come off without this protection measure, but can be equipped with one. Then no further requests are queued but this. Is it a Safety shoe and not to a protective shoe, then meets the double test energies and a much larger force can absorb the toe as the toe of the shoe of protection. There are safety shoes for craft, industrial, fire, THW, rescue and many more industries. In the craft safety shoes are often the manufacturer of ELTEN used. But there are also perse other manufacturers who produce comfortable and high quality safety shoes. In the craft, such as in the roofing trade, ELTEN safety shoes, shoes by Majo Dachdeckerschuh, are like Moose and FHB original worn GmbH & co. KG. Even if the man has become comfortable, also applies to safety footwear: who cares, has more joy in his shoes. This can be the care with leather grease, for example when the shoe leather. A firefighter must carry a different safety shoe as a Baker or warehouse. Who is unsure which shoe (security class) is required, which can inform himself to his trade association. Can the safety shoe and built for work to the traditional Workwear as well be worn, such as the traditional costume of Guild. Also in the leisure, safety shoes are becoming more popular, especially the sneaker safety shoes from the company of ELTEN find their way more often in the spare time. Conclusion safety shoes make work safer and carriers must give neither comfort nor a pleasant wearing feeling. You can be with today’s safety footwear.


Make knowledge from your data and gain important information. There are many software for business intelligence, however it tells you only how it looks on you. How internal processes are structured and how can they optimize. This works even more often, but there are still two problems: 1 business intelligence software costs a lot of money and makes sense from a certain company size and 2 business intelligence software tells you what your customers want or do not want to and that would be crucial to the success of your retail. h. Always remember: knowledge is power! The advantages of the ServiceTabs basic #1: measure what advertising your customer sees. Which advertising channels make sense for you and which advertising is just not relevant to my clients, or does not arrive.

If you know that you can much money, save time and energy. Streamline your Werbebuget with the ServiceTab. #2: is customer satisfaction a word that says everything and nothing now. Prevent this and show your customers how genuine customer service looks. Ask the customers using the ServiceTabs, whether they are satisfied and were or not and immediately receive feedback – also from customers who are angry and not dare to tell you directly in the face. Easy and simple. #3: in times of sensory overload by advertising is very valuable a recommendation and everything should be done for a recommendation. The most referrals occur when a customer has experienced very positive service.

Use this fact, for themselves and you deliver your customers excellent service, then he will tell a love to his friends. You know, Basic #4:, if your campaign is successful, and whether it makes sense? Like the campaign to your customers, or they come too easy, because the location of the store is so good, or because the customer service is simply mind-boggling? Find out what motivates your customers. Why waste any more time with pointless bells and whistles. Want your customers find out what and give it to them. Customer satisfaction and service atmosphere is in times of ever increasingly larger and more powerful Internet trading very important and should not be underestimated. Focus on what you do best – service! Because that is the only thing that differentiates you. Stop the service desert Germany. Quality or price leader price guide can not be, because rent and wages must be paid, but at the same time, the customer base is not easily scalable, as with an online trading. Therefore the quality leadership remains only and you must expand accordingly and also communicate your customers. You are the professional for the solving of a problem – in the Internet, the customer receives only goods, not more and not less. No advice, no honest opinion, no shopping, simply just slightly cheaper. Christian Ehrmann

Mechanical Pinch Valve

Free product flow through compact design In the true sense of a pinch valve is a simple solution of valve, which regulates the shutting off of pipelines and the product flow therein. The pinch valves are used particularly for abrasive, corrosive and fibrous products. A related site: Christopher McDonald mentions similar findings. Thus are the models of AKO in pneumatic systems of promotion, finding in the cement industry, the granules treatment, water treatment, wastewater treatment, or in the food industry. Due to the special design of the hose pinch valve, it is possible to flexibly use the models. Also the products on the various operating pressures can adapt to, for example, still ribs are fitted. Especially the hose pinch valves by AKO fittings & Separat production did to it customers. They offer a high quality and can work reliably. Moreover, a long life for the Schlauchqeutschventile is set because they consist of very durable materials.

The housing consists mostly of stainless steel or cast iron. This material is robust against friction coarse media and damp areas no rust can sit on. The cuffs are placed in the inside of the case of Schlauchquetschvenitle, usually consist of abrasion-resistant rubber. Thus also coarse-grained material to flow through and there would be no damage. Signs of wear after regular appearances are sure to see, but then the cuff can be easily exchanged. The necessary accessories can also be purchased faucets & Separat production at AKO.

Special types of pinch valves are now available. All products are in stock. Thus, the products can be sent quickly and the customers receive the product within a few days. AKO fittings & separation emphasis not only on the quality of the goods, but also a good customer service. For questions and problems can be turned directly to AKO. This can be done via letter, E-mail or telephone. The function of the hose pinch valves is very simple and could thanks to the many years of experience of AKO faucets & Separations can be optimized. The sleeve is by a mechanism, which is controlled with a selectable drive inside the housing. Here is to mention that it is at AKO hose valves with two different drive types. The valves can be manually operated and on the other hand, the handling is effected pneumatically. The main advantages are on the website of AKO… To find. It is possible a free product flow and friction resistance is very low. A reliable operation is guaranteed with the hose pinch valves.

Western Reserve University

Thoughts on self awareness as the basis for the optimization of self. Who looks around in courtrooms and the intransigence of the convicted offender parliamentary work can be, gets a glimpse of how do people don’t know or don’t know. From a variety of guided discussions and assessments with candidates, we can conclude that the majority has addressed the concerned with the topic of self-recognition, nor with sensory issues. The view into the abyss self reflection instead of projection it not very much needs imagination and psychological knowledge to know that the man his shadow becomes reluctant aware. If he risked a look still in the depth of his self down, it will negate the less flattering evidence with great regularity and (unknowingly) project. He constructed an idealized image of himself that is different from the reality. Here are a few important aspects of self knowledge or self-knowledge based: Head in the sand strategy? Life and sense questions of self-knowledge is, to make the most important life – and sensory issues. A head in the sand would mean strategy to pursue, that although short term relief acts, is long-term but stressful and counterproductive not to do it.

That’s why self-reflection rather than projection. Courage to himself to admit mistakes and recognize their own defects are a solution. Thanks to a remarkable study by Dr. Julie Exling, Professor in the Department of psychology at case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, we know that insight into the own fallacy also the forgiveness of foreign debt makes it much easier. I know my thoughts? Action is announced have to ask ourselves questions. My friends, questions about the theme of life, death and dying, who are live I values such as goodness, benevolence, waiver, kindness, forgiveness, self-discipline, commitment, teamwork and tolerance, fairness, what are my personal goals, how others see me and know I models. The list is not finally I would like to highlight only some of these issues as complex Away to the (self) knowledge. Aspects such as mind control and techniques to achieve targets via mental training as well as issues of spirituality, body posture, health and fitness are all decisive importance on the road to self-knowledge.

Our thoughts, attitudes, and ideas (fantasies) control our feelings and our behavior. Action here, because we are not aware of these operations. Saying, it is a most urgent task to become aware of the internal operations to identify themselves and to intervene selectively. Conclusion of personal and professional success is based on self-cognition self-knowledge is an indispensable tool for the selection of measures within the framework of a self-tuning to know each other well. An effective tool towards the personal and professional success.

Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit

WE DO design show new face! campaign: celebrities demand respect Berlin with provocative slogans. On the occasion of the international week against racism face launches ads! a new nationwide campaign. Many prominent advertising on posters with irritating slogans for more respect. About the photo of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit is including the big “I’m migrant”. Among the unexpected confession followed by the text then slightly “If you’re against migrants.” Behind the campaign the Association “face show!” for a cosmopolitan Germany”, which has for years for more tolerance. The design and implementation is responsible for the Berlin agency WE DO communication GmbH.

Also Prince singer Sebastian Krumbiegel participates in the action with the statement: “I am Turk, if you got something against Turks.” Other prominent participants are the journalist Jorg Thadeusz (I’m gay, if you got something against gays), news anchorman Ulrich Wickert (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews). Actress Gesine Cukrowski (I’m Turkish, if you got something against Turks), TV presenter Markus Kavka (I’m black, if you got something against blacks), news presenter Astrid Frohloff (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews), Star DJ Paul van Dyk (I’m black, if you got something against blacks) and comedian Kurt Kromer (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews). The celebrities can be seen on numerous posters in Berlin. In addition, a total 28,000 post cards are dealt. Also on the screens, the motifs appear in the subways and the Infoscreens at the suburban. The current campaign sets a clear signal: it is unacceptable that people due to their religion, their way of life or their skin color be excluded or even threatened and attacked. It is task of the civil society, to show solidarity with those who are discriminated against,”said Uwe-Karsten Heye, first Chairman of the club face view! for a cosmopolitan Germany.

“We are very pleased that so many prominent spontaneous” were willing to support this courageous campaign with their surprising statements. Their provocative statements contribute to the subject of discrimination more and more prominent in the focus of public perception”, so Gregory c. blach, Managing Director of WE DO communication.

86 Percent Of The So Dealer Take Advantage

WAi booster increases range and conversion rate – alternative for Starnberg in email marketing, September 13, 2010 – for the Distributor so the the DCI AG WAi booster is an important and unique information channel to its dealers since the beginning of the year. SO was one of the first companies, which sent its newsletter not only by E-mail, but in addition with the WAi booster on its retail sites prominently published advertisements and content. And with great success: about 86 percent of all visitors to the retail sites now continuously inform the WAi booster. The WAi booster is a business Twitter of kind of”with the company quickly and easily your own content via a ticker on appropriate target groups Web pages can publish. SO Germany is the German branch of the IT distributor and logistics provider so AG. SO it creates with the WAi booster, significantly increasing the range of its rule communication. Traders who can not be achieved, for example, via E-mail, are again Part of the communication. Currently about 5,000 ICT dealers login several times a week in the so ecosystem.

Measurements of neutral partner eTracker revealed that 5,000 dealers about 4,300, so 86 percent, constant use from the WAi booster. Source: Joeb Moore. The weekly about 25,000 dealer Log-In the resistant 19,000 ActiveViews generate that means a rate of 76 percent. The ActiveView is the mouse-over preview of WAi booster. DCI AG Executive Board member Michael Mohr: By the fact that the user via ActiveView opens up content themselves, mediated messages work with the WAi booster especially persistent. Actions are so much more spotted and observed than would be possible with traditional links and advertising formats. Visitors can perceive also much faster the information via ActiveView as in their E-Mail Inbox.” Another special feature is the real time publishing. A special email address that is added to the regular distributor gets for the newsletter. As soon as the content of this address be sent, are the information in real time on the WAi booster online.

Ulrich Rahmani, Marketing Director of so: we achieve with the WAi booster a delivery rate, which is vastly more successful and accepted as any normal newsletter. The tool is a great alternative and complement to our newsletter and become indispensable for our push marketing. The simple publication of content easier and faster our communication immensely. The WAi booster is even faster and easier than our CMS/shop system. I can only say that the tool has more than exceeded all our expectations.” More information under: booster about DCI AG the DCI AG is an expert in digital sales promotion. With innovative technologies and products, the DCI AG provides successful solutions in the field of online marketing, email marketing and content for advertisers, portal operators, publishers and agencies.

Barcelona Products

Reexports opens Office in Levante reexports, has opened in early 2011 Office in Alicante with Sergio Maestre at the front. This company, specializing in helping exporting companies and support to exports through Internet agencies, has decided to expand its offices to give a better service to its customers in the area of levante. Since the creation of reexports, under the direction of Francisco Victor, everything has been a constant evolution. More than 10 years in the world of foreign trade, has led the Organization to constantly evolve with new ways of responding to the needs of the exporter. New technologies, especially the Internet, are his specialty, with the main goal is bring this digital reality to the exporting company. Re-exports also currently has a presence in Madrid and Barcelona (Headquarters). He has collaborated and developed more than 20 products, used by agencies and institutions from throughout Spain. In re-exports have a r & d Department in continuous development in the search for new tools telematics that add value to institutions and support agencies to export, creating new products, as well as products tailored for your customers..