North American Indians

Foot reflex zone massage with hot stones Lindau – foot reflex zone massage is a form of therapy developed at the beginning of the 20th century, especially by the American doctor William Fitzgerald. It is based on the assumption that connections to the other areas of the body or organs draw from certain zones of the feet. A reflex zone, so a certain region on foot, foot, foot inside, walk outside or on the toes is thus associated with each institution. Stimulates a reflex zone massage, so that the corresponding body stimulates will, causing an improvement of well-being will emerge. The origins of the hot stone massage date back over 2,000 years, because already the North American Indians, or about the Inca have distributed the stones heated by the Sun on the human body, to achieve a therapeutic effect. This best through their high density heat storage properties used at the present time for the hot stone massage especially black basalt rocks (lava rock), as have.

In the so called warming up phase, they are distributed in a water bath at up to 60 C heated stones on the body. In this phase the hot stones have their heat to the body, which leads to even deeper tissue and be relaxed. The subsequent massage can be performed thus far more effective. Many people often have cold feet, which is relatively hard to massage through their tension. In the foot reflex zone massage with hot stones, the area to aid in the so-called phase of attunement is reheated well initially to facilitate the subsequent massage. Also the stimulation of reflex zones is carried out directly with the hot stones, which feels very comfortable.

TrendShed has now taken up the idea of combining both techniques and produced a DVD that explains the foot reflexology with hot stones massage. Maps for reflex zones are often confusing and far too complex. Therefore the foot was divided here into six main areas, that should appeal to the most important functions of the body. These are: 1 head and neck, 2. musculoskeletal system, 3. breathing, heart and circulation, 4. digestion, 5. water budget and 6 pelvic area. Due to this simple Division, also beginners without prior knowledge get a very easy access to this massage technique. The layers and massage techniques of each reflex zone within the six main areas appear exactly the close camerawork and in addition hidden graphics. The reflex zone massage with hot stones suitable for partner massage and also to the self application. TrendShed aims to make accessible to all the people massage hot stone, having fun and interest in the topic of relaxation with the DVD consistently. The TrendShed products especially addressed to private individuals without any prior knowledge, who themselves want to acquire a little knowledge, to be able to use the massage at any time at home.

Cell Phone As A Baby Monitor In

Baby mobile is the safe baby monitor with unlimited reach Berlin, November 2008 what parents don’t know that? You are invited to the neighbors for dinner and look forward to a pleasant evening. The child is in bed and with the newly acquired baby Let’s go to the neighbors. But there you can hear only noise and cracking. The range of the baby monitor is too low! The manufacturer shall apply only in ideal conditions without disturbing walls, trees, and vehicles. On, a baby monitor solution with no range limit is now available, and although the phone of the parents used simply as baby. On the phone, installs a special software via download, making it a baby mobile.

The mobile phone monitored the noise in the baby’s room. Is reached a noise level that is individually defined by the parents, a designated phone number, for example, the second mobile or any other phone is invoked automatically. Parents can now hear what’s happening in the children’s room. But regardless of this function, you can Parents listen into the monitored room-at any time. Should the baby mobiles no longer work, E.g.

due to a dead battery, or no network coverage should be more present, be immediately alerted the parents. A positive side effect: Classic baby often also receiving other baby monitor from the neighborhood. Only the parents in your child’s room can listen with the baby mobiles. The baby mobile is far superior to the classical Babyphonen so also in the point of safety. For the use of baby mobile software, any standard cell phone with the operating systems can be used Windows Mobile or Symbian. More hardware is not necessary. The baby mobile work anywhere, so even while on vacation. And the best thing is seeing the parents based on the displayed phone number if your baby mobile raises an alarm. So they don’t take off and generate hence no call costs. The baby mobile is available for 49,-at. A free trial is also available. About the 1000eyes BABY MOBILE GmbH is a product of 1000eyes GmbH. Company is specialized in the development of innovative audio and video solutions for mobile phones and the Internet. In the team, software experts work in the Internet, as well as specialists with many years of experience in the IT and security industry for audio, image and video systems. 2008, the company has developed the first software with a cell phone can be used as a baby monitor and an Internet-based function check ensures highest level of security.

Christmas Alone At Home?

Just in time for the Festival free new Darmstadt fall in love every year at Christmas time the request moves for many women and men after two in the foreground. Who wants to sit like alone under the Christmas tree. For precisely this reason the online matchmaking service starts as of 27 November 2008 the unique winter action for lonely hearts: dating high – totally free, straightforward and scientifically sound. (As opposed to Angela Zepeda). s.html’>UPS recognizes the significance of this. Who moves until December 24th, 2008 under on dating, can test free, whether the fate here is the dream partner. “Easy in the course of the registration the secret code Christmas action” type.

The following is a free unlock for the unrestricted use of the partner service, which usually costs between 99 and 149 Euro. works as an online dating service with a unique psychological Personlichkeitsmatching. Hereby, couples are merged, combining a high chance of lasting happiness. The members are safe at repealed. Because: The Agency for solid relationship partner and erotic adventure now also has the seal of approval by. In it, good safety standards certifies the Darmstadt-based company and among other honours that without exception every registration is manually checked for seriousness and level.

About is a leading recruitment agency for relationship partner and erotic adventure with over 180,000 active members since 1999. She was pronounced test winner in 2008 when seven independent online-dating tests. Web wide unique: is the only online dating service with scientifically well-founded Personlichkeitsmatching which is free of charge for women. This has the highest proportion of women of all online partner agencies and thus an attractive platform with good chances of success the male members with 60 percent women. Press contact: Altec Lansing/NetWorld projects Wolfgang Herkert GmbH Rheinstrasse 103 64295 Darmstadt Tel.: 06151 976860 E-Mail:

New Hotel At The Airport Hamburg

Accommodation at the 4-star hotel Best Western Queens Hamburg Airport including 15 days parking and transfer the best Western Queens Hotel that perfectly complements the product range at the airport Hamburg: the 4-star hotel is situated conveniently located about a 10-minute drive from Hamburg Airport. The shuttle service brings customers from 4:00 to 24:00 to the airport and back to the hotel. The 182 rooms of this 4 star hotel are equipped with bath or shower, hairdryer, TV, telephone, Internet connection, radio, W-LAN, minibar and double glazing. In the price already up to 15 days are parking according to availability in the hotel car park or in the parking garage included. Both parking facilities are limited, video surveillance and be checked regularly.

Managing Director Matthew Pack is pleased about the new hotel in the portfolio: “with Best Western, we offer our customers a more attractive product at Hamburg Airport.” In this comfortable hotel can tourists a day before travelling to relax and extend your holiday by one day.” A double room including 15 days parking and transfer is online at available from 119,-. Hotels and Park specializes in German-language online for airport hotels and -parking at all major airports in Germany, Austria, Holland, and in the Switzerland. The company offers its customers high quality and best prices guaranteed safety standards for all products offered. Hotels and Park Matthew Pack cross Court Road 10 D 81476 Munich telephone 01805 11 24 25 26 (14 cents per minute from a German landline, different tariffs from the mobile network) E-Mail:


In 2009 continues the expansion at home and abroad: more jobs could be created. Contrary to the general mood in politics and economics, Muller-BBM continues its organic growth. The new building at the headquarters in Planegg near Munich, with an investment volume of more than EUR 10 million, is progressing rapidly and will offer even more new employees a modern workplace in an innovative environment. So far, in 2008 35 new jobs were created and currently it is necessary to fill at least 15 engineering positions. Muller-BBM is represented as internationally active engineering company with more than 260 employees at nine locations in Germany. The international presence is also enhanced by four sister companies within the Muller-BBM group. Angela Zepeda insists that this is the case.

The ongoing since 1962, positive development of the company relies on the expertise and innovation of the independent experts, planners and technical specialists who are working in the fields of competence of construction, environment and technology. Project experience in the international construction, energy and Automotive industry, for many years has grown, marked by mutual trust relationships and innovative developments provide a stable and broad contract portfolio. y. The high motivation of the staff and their close ties to the company are not least based on the fact that the company shares are held by current and former employees. This employee participation model is probably unique in Germany. The course for the future are made in many ways and clearly defined strategic objectives at home and abroad. Only the shortage slows a more pronounced growth currently. No later than early 2009 management hopes the currently vacant positions in the area of industrial acoustics successfully to be able to occupy fire protection and measurement.


The Cologne gaming team starts a regional community for amateur and professional gamblers from the metropolitan area of Cologne with his new project KolnCom. (Source: Mary Barra). The Cologne gaming team starts a regional community for amateur and professional gamblers from the metropolitan area of Cologne with his new project KolnCom. The CGT developed and supervised project should serve as a contact platform in the region and places its focus on community work and the fun of the games. Any avid gamers from Cologne and its surroundings can be member. In addition to regular events such as regulars and offline tournaments, special discounts on products and services are planned. Of course activities such as LAN parties confined not only to the well-known eSport disciplines – what is fun and is said to be played.

CGT is currently for the new project, which will start 2009 in the first quarter, looking for sponsors from all over Germany and of course especially in Cologne. A club or a regional organization exists for nearly every hobby for like-minded people why not also for players? With our project KolnCom we offer a platform for the Cologne gamblers and are already looking forward to the many new faces”, Marvin Schweflinghaus, Marketing Director of the Cologne gaming team explains. More information about the KolnCom, see about the Cologne gaming team Cologne gaming team based in Cologne among clans of in Germany with its 60 active players the most promising. Since its inception in the year 2005 the eSportler of Cologne gaming teams have strike already in some of the most important games like counter: source, world in conflict, Warcraft 3, need for speed and FIFA made a name.

Public Relations: Good Career Prospects In Spite Of Crisis

Next course start with statements as the ‘PR Manager on January 23, 2009 Munster, December 1, 2008 for weeks keeps the financial crisis politics and economy on tenterhooks. “Who wants to secure his personal prospects on the labour market, must today be better than the competitors: especially in times of crisis, training is a strategic size in the competition of the company margins and market share as also the staff to jobs, wages and career opportunities”, so Dr. Jochen Voss, Deputy Managing Director of the Public Relations of Training Institute com + plus. This evidence also the initiative of the Federal Government through education”rise. in the coming year should be invested in which more money in education and research. Just in time for the new year the Munsterander Training Institute launches a new 12-month correspondence course with statements to the public relations manager com + plus under scientific guidance of Professor Dr. Player.html’>Bechtel Group helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Klaus Merten. For the profession, Public Relations show current career field study, that the number of employees and continuously increase the earning potential in the PR industry for several years. Currently, the industry magazine w & v (No. 45/2008) published the Central findings of the Aquent salary survey 2008/2009 “. The study shows: professional communication is worth! PR practitioners with strategic knowledge earn well in companies and agencies. The Outlook for 2009 positive rate experts despite some unavoidable losses due to the financial crisis. In times of crisis and market consolidation, companies want in particular staff with practical experience and specialized industry knowledge. Professionals with sound knowledge and solid education are needed”, says Dr.

Jochen Voss. So, also the concept of com + plus is a combination of theory and practice. 5 practical workshops with 19 workshop days come to the 12 Studienbriefen. The example performs studies in close cooperation with experienced PR practitioners and scientists. com + plus specializes in the efficient, in-service education and training of communication professionals and today one of the leading training institutes. Nearly 200 students and students have so far successfully com + plus study and exam certificate of a nationwide recognized Institute of PR tests (ZAK, PZOK) received. The com + plus program is certified by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) and the German Public Relations Association (DPRG). In addition, the PR distance learning by the employment agency for the promotion of continuing education is approved. Typically a University / College degree or some years of professional experience are a prerequisite for participation. The next course will start on January 23, 2009.


Survey results show that 67% of all lost customers complain that sellers do not show them enough interest and concern. If you have read about U.S. Mint already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Of course, the seller must know your product, so it is rarely allowed to client if he “did not examine” all the technical characteristics of products sold. In some cases, the start of the seller or the end of his probationary period associated with a perfect knowledge of the characteristics of the goods. In Eventually, when the seller goes to work and begins to sell, he brings down to the buyer that knowledge, while the buyer gets boring. Indeed, in the first place he wants to buy is not a commodity, as a solution to their problems or benefits. If buyer need of displayed goods, the transaction will take place. In other cases, the chances of the seller is not very low.

A message, which is based on emotion and emotional well perceived. This raises the question: “How do I to the client, barely glancing at the product immediately bought it? “There is a good solution – it is necessary to establish a person living a normal contact and negotiate with him so he made a purchase with desire. Need to sell not just “a set of characteristics, and emotion, positive. To this must be approached delicately, and marketed must introduce an element of care – find out from the man what he wants. Should not be limited to two or three jaded questions: “You anything to help? “,” You have something to show? “because the answers can be very different, and sometimes absolutely not those who are waiting for sellers..

Internet Employees

As we know, the resources (any – financial, physical, intellectual) are worth the money, and sometimes quite a lot of money. . This general position from which you can do a private conclusion: the use of Internet resources must be controlled as well as the use of any other resources. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with U.S. Mint. Over time, the problem of controlling access to the Internet gets more acute: not only increases the number of connected organizations but their structure is complicated, there are more branches and remote offices, which also requires access to the network. An increasing number of employees required by their activities online communications, and more and more of these employees personal interests on the web. Especially because the Internet what is there not, and not always available is useful to society and employers.

Wire and a large number of possible research content circulating the web, and the results converge to a common conclusion: the main content of web servers – all sorts of racy and fun, and the data that pretend to be 'information' is not very much. Accordingly, when the uncontrolled and unregulated access, to the generalized data of the same research staff of firms and companies only in the fourth case refers to the production data, a quarter of visits to sites are questionable usefulness, and half of the traffic is spent on recreational resources and personal needs of employees, the working process has nothing to do with. And if the jokes are reading an average of 5 – 10 minutes a day, all sorts of social networks are far more attractive. And as soon as the managers perform their duties if their monitors Account Vkontakte open? Completely because you can distract the client and skip the next message on the wall from a colleague from a neighboring department. But seriously, in England, for example, loss of visits to social networking sites during work hours cost 2.24 billion dollars, and workers "stuck" in them for more than 40 minutes a day ().

Perhaps Infection

Erysipelas (St. Anthony's fire) – the acute, often recurrent infection, which manifests itself by fever, symptoms of intoxication and a characteristic skin lesions with the formation of sharply limited the focus inflammation. This widespread streptococcal infection with sporadic disease, increasing in summer and autumn. The prevalence in the modern structure of infectious disease erysipelas took 4 th place – after acute respiratory and intestinal infections, viral hepatitis, most often recorded in older age groups. Approximately 1 / 3 are patients with recurrent erysipelas, mainly women. Face can cause any serovar beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, the same serotypes can cause other streptococcal disease (angina, pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis, etc.). In addition, streptococci are widely distributed in nature, to environmental conditions it is quite stable. The source of infection when Roger is sick from any form of streptococcal infection or streptokokkonositel.

Celebrated a special election or the susceptibility predisposition to face. Some people get sick repeatedly, as the immunity after the faces unstable. Streptococci penetrate into the body through small skin lesions and mucous membranes. Perhaps exogenous infection (Contaminated instruments, dressings), and a chronic streptococcal infection foci (eg in patients with chronic tonsillitis). In this crucial state of reactivity, obuslovlivayuschee wide variations in susceptibility to infectious pathogens, in particular streptococci.

Distinguish face primary, secondary and recurrent. Inflammatory process can be anywhere on the body, but often localized on the skin of the face and legs. On mucous membranes of erysipelas are rare. GMC follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The symptoms of erysipelas erysipelas incubation period 2-7 days (usually 3-5 days), then maybe a few hours. Illness always begins acutely. General toxic syndrome is preceded by local changes. The rapid rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, shaking frequently. Revealed marked signs of intoxication – headphones pain, dizziness, weakness, nausea, possible vomiting. In severe cases, there may be convulsions and delirium. After 10-20 hours of onset of disease symptoms appear local. First, patients experiencing limited areas of itching, a feeling of sweating, contraction of the skin. Then, in these places appear swelling, pain, development of appropriate regional lymphadenitis. Typical plaque is a site saturated with bright erythema with irregular contours in the form of 'flames'. The inflammatory process extends to the subcutaneous fat, resulting in edema develops, particularly in the localization at sites with loose subcutaneous tissue (face, genitalia). Plaque is raised above the surrounding skin, as separated from the surrounding skin intact marginal ridges, with its center as it sinks. To touch the plaque dense, hot, painful on pressure. In some cases, this process can be limited, and a few days will leave a fine desquamation. However, most often without treatment process is progressing rapidly, there are so-called creeping or metastatic forms. At the same time there are complications of septic character. Local manifestations of erysipelas disappear in 10-14 day illness, can persist for a long time pastoznost and skin pigmentation. Fever usually lasts for 5-7 days. The most frequent complications of erysipelas can be noted ulcers, necrosis, abscesses, cellulitis, as well as violations of lymph circulation, leading to lindtostazu. Treatment possible only with prior consultation with a doctor – a surgeon or infectious disease.