Silver Platter Served Shippers

How the transport sector can realize significant competitive advantages, shows a Brandenburg cooperative Beiersdorf-Freudenberg, September 21, 2009 – German carriers increasingly suffering from the economic crisis. The actions in the transport sector is basically for years to hear. High fixed costs and to labor in international comparison are called causal factors. Once in the past, smaller carriers had fired numerous employees, come now even the big industry increasingly under the wheels. The drastic increase of the tolls at the beginning of the year does the rest. Experts estimate the number of trucks parked on the farms to about 60,000, the leasing or loan rates must be satisfied of course continue.

Meanwhile, the air is thin also for companies who assert themselves so far in the market. But there are ways to realize significant competitive advantages. Membership in an energy cooperative, such as the energy cooperative Freudenberg is a way in Brandenburg shows: here are the companies their own diesel producers. The cooperative projects currently four plants will be extracting high-quality diesel fuel of brand CEHATROL from biogenic residual materials (preferably straw). This certified conventional biodiesel bio fuel that II generation is far superior and can be fueled in all truck easily without any conversion. A contractually bound service station network provides nationwide availability. Cooperative Board Member Frank Knauer offers a collaboration all enterprises with high fuel consumption: the highlight for us is undoubtedly the litre price: he is below the half of what is already required at gas stations.

Our Member trucking companies have the diesel price clause usual in the freight forwarding industry”Yes direct influence on their profit margin. “And so of course much more can earn than the competition.” The necessary for the cooperative principle bringing financial deposits startled some interested carriers in the past. Thus financed the cooperative finally operate of their production facilities. Here too, there is now a solution: potent investors demand up to 2/3 of zinslos(!) member deposits to finance. And who stretches his cooperative deposits interest received back after leaving about, for example, five years, can be accessed anyway cheap diesel from the first day to the. Those who are interested in the offer of the energy cooperative of Freudenberg, find detailed information on the Internet-portal.

Deana Collmann

“ it is as far as the shop for all skins since May 2009: all for friends opened the online shop for all skins” a wide range of high-quality dogs, horse and cat articles. The shop is made by farmers for pet owners and their beloved four-legged friends. All products are selected according to high quality and well design standards, and with their own and friendly dogs tested and presented on the page with much love. Well-known brands of European manufacturers such as Hunter, PetzPlus, bamboo, and Rogz can be found here as well as hand-picked and offbeat products such as E.g. the collars by Luti from old Swiss Army belts.

Of course also comfort and safety not to be neglected, for example by the dog beds dog gone smart with great unique dirt-repellent surface or the boxes by PetzPlus. In the area of animal feed are all well-known manufacturers such as ggersmann happy horse, happy dog, and of course happy cat. But also Bosch, Meradog and Josera and many other brands are available. Here it is particularly important that the shop reflects his own life with and for animals the initiator and owner Klaus Rieger. Klaus Rieger and his wife Miriam and are active animal lovers, horse and dog breeders through many years in the dog – and horse-riding.

They are Speyer dog owners with the dog school Cathedral already for several years trained Council with much energy to the side. So it was a logical consequence to supplement the range of dog school by a handpicked range of products. Already for over a year, all offered for friends accessories and feed for dogs, cats and horses in Speyer. Special highlight is the local subscription and delivery service for animal feed. These selected quality should be available to the customers now also nationwide. The animals at the Center are all for friends and so it is also for the horse feed sector managed to win an absolute specialist for horse keeping and feeding for the team. Conny Rohm is one the few independent food consultant in Germany. Along with the native Rheinlanderin all offers for friends seminars and training around the topic of feeding sports and leisure horses on a regular basis. Conny Rohm has a master’s degree in equine science of the University of Essex. Since the end of last year is Deana Collmann in the boat and supports all aspects of marketing your company marketing in motion and complements the product range around the riding. The self-employed marketing specialist from the lower Rhine region is passionate rider, trainer and MOM”a mostly – very charming Terrier Rupels, who is responsible for all product tests in terms of quality and Terrier strength. Peter Korner is the technical management and implementation of high-quality in Speyer. He has more than 10 successful years in the IT field working and absolute specialist for the programming and implementation of professional websites and shops, as well as for content management systems and Online marketing campaigns. The entire team is all questions from customers and prospects available with lots of passion and knowledge.

A Smile For Mother

Survey 2008: What mothers really want some things leave pay is not because they are simply more valuable than all the money in the world: in addition to the smile of a child, each bouquet fadeinner, the smell of a baby can be with any perfume and the adventure which children mean a lifetime, can be balanced with any amount of chocolate. Charles Schwab shines more light on the discussion. But on mother’s day, mothers still have desires and the Hi family portal has conducted a survey, as in the previous years. Healthy children are of course high up on the wish list of all mothers, and this year comes almost already resigned by desire for more financial relief for families. Here families feel at a disadvantage, because the new parents money changes nothing. For the politics of the family Minister of the Leyen, parents gave grades from 1 to 5: 6.49% 12.99% 35.06% yet very worried 15.58% 29,87% are mothers due to the increasing neglect and violence against children. Better protection against Offenders are required by different authorities and fellow human beings, as well as harsher penalties for perpetrators. This includes a better quality child care that supports alert also disadvantaged children and protects.

A further request affects the appreciation of mothers and their families through the company. Housewives want to be respected for work more by working mothers. And also an environment where families feel welcome, is considered very important: family-friendly restaurants, more and cleaner playgrounds, clean public restrooms with baby-changing area and pushchair-friendly shops are only a few examples of improvements. “With children again welcome and not only tolerated feel, this is a major concern of mothers”, says Barbara Schniebel (41, owner of Hi A first start is made easy: every mother, every father and every child but just give a friendly smile that says: I’m glad that It gives you! -and not just on mother’s day. “

Car Or Train – Who Owns The Future?

Rising energy prices cause many people to rethink. Mobility is white with what problems the spontaneous loss of own mobility associated can go since no luxury goods had decades more and who his car in the garage for a day. Not only for purchasing and the annual holiday trip, sufficient mobility is an important factor, even for the own professional existence can be waived not regularly to reach the workplace. (Not to be confused with Stanley Gibbons!). There are people, who would not renounce this her own car, others see secured their mobility in public transportation. But the future belongs to which option? Ever-increasing fuel prices and the upcoming climate change make doubt loud, whether your own car in the future should reasonably be expected to have the budget or whether the shift to rail and bus could be rather than the more contemporary variant of mobility. Also many people not using their mobile approach would a too much responsibility to wear coming natural disasters. But also the public transportation need to be evaluated over and over again.

Apart from the fact that the same polluting fuels share as bus, claimed also by private car, can be difficult to predict, in what way that will develop the public transport network in the future. In particular the upcoming privatization of the railway leaves much room for speculation in how far just in rural areas, only few profitable rail routes in the future can remain available and used by people who are possibly adopted by her own car. Not alone for this reason many people decide to adopt not entirely by your own car, but preferably in the dealership to look at the greener car model. Andreas Mettler

The Black Pirate Coffee Crew Is Ready For Boarding!

Is the world’s first shopping Club for coffee lovers online Bionade, afri cola, Tannenzapfle are consumed in Germany trend drinks to any time of day or night. But drink the Germans prefer? Coffee, that’s for sure. Over 90 percent of the population. Thus, coffee is our most consumed drink still water or beer and, after oil, the most heavily traded product of the Earth. Even in times of the global financial crisis is the ICO (International Coffee Organization) increasing coffee consumption. Charles Schwab can provide more clarity in the matter. But why do you get offered only a same coffee pabulum in most Cafes, grocery stores or supermarkets? Why is still a kind seal of secrecy about the quality, origin and processing of coffee, despite the organic hype in the food industry and consumers? These questions were the two sisters Annika Pamela (27) and Carolin Maras (30), sat in one of the numerous street cafes in her home town of Freiburg and in their looked somewhat watery murky espressos.

When she asked where from come just ordered coffee, desperate shrug off the waiter’s response received, it was quickly clear: Here something has to change. Finally, they had grown up as a real Badenserinnen with a constant flood of information about the wines. Coffee, whose Qualitat based on country of origin and cultivation, at least as well as in the wine is sold, however, still a pig in a poke. Not anymore, the two roofs to and founded the world’s first shopping Club for coffee lovers spot the black pirate coffee crew. Welcome to the Club: Interaction with social shopping the Internet is the channel with the highest growth rates in terms of volume. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mary Barra. According to the IBM and the magazine impulse initiated study IT and E-business in SMEs 2008 “the German Mittelstand is today almost entirely online, where the tendency towards higher quality E-business solutions continues. (IBM_Studie_2008.pdf) Shopping clubs like brand4friends or venteprivee, which offered fashion at friendship prices, make millions sales. But there has been no Club models outside the fashion industry.

Thanks to the black pirate coffee crew coffee lovers can attend now regularly changing specials, where coffee brands are offered, which are characterized by taste, roast or their positioning and that was on the German market previously difficult or impossible to buy it. In addition, a selected range of high quality accessories, the heart of every home baristas will thrill. In all offered coffee, inform the Black Pirates of origin, cultivation and processing and give tips for proper preparation. In addition to the changing specials, there is a fixed shop range, which can be determined by the Club members. Ship AHOI for a new sales channel even as a pirate can be on the road in peaceful mission: the black pirate coffee crew doesn’t want to be seen as a competitor to the existing coffee suppliers, but rather as a new Channel the synergies arise and can be used. Because not only customers, but also companies and traders from the coffee sector will be addressed by the Club model. You can use the Club as a platform to introduce new products of an exact target group or to sell off remaining stock at discounted prices. Press contact: Black Pirate Coffee Crew GbR, Carolin Maras, Tel: 0851-2302387, E-mail:,

SINE, SIGMA, Limbic Types – Master Talk (7 August)

New possibilities and impossibilities, to describe people. Swarmed by offers, Charles Schwab is currently assessing future choices. The master talk takes place once a month. A representative from the practice, the economy or higher education about current trends, topics and trends in the marketing and the advertising and communications industry speaks on each date. With master talk, we want to further strengthen our networking with current professional practice. We invite students of all Berlin’s universities and the interested public to discuss and to exchange ideas with the speakers. “Sine, SIGMA, limbic types.

New possibilities and impossibilities, to describe people.” Lecture by Knut Walter, August 7, 2008, 18:00 believed the statements made by agencies and industry publications, so recipients and consumers of increasingly their write to escape. Disperse motifs and settings lead to dispersion behavior. The despair is growing and so apparently the desire to find yet another possibility to form groups. So the classic “advertising target group of 14 up 49 year olds”, exist at the moment LOHAS and limbic types happily side by side. The presentation illuminated this current and old models and tries to show the limits and possibilities of typological descriptions of consumer. Diploma communication host Knut Walter studied social and business communication at the UdK Berlin. Since 1998 he is as a freelance consultant with a focus on empirical analyses of communication in the field of marketing communication. He holds lectures at the UdK Berlin as lecturer (courses: “Dealing with secondary analysis in communication practice”, “Research concepts for communication campaigns”) and as a lecturer at the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) (lectures: “Information retrieval in marketing”, “Market research”).

After the lecture the possibility is on the three master courses in creative direction (consecutive), marketing communication (non-consecutive) and to inform corporate communications (part-time). Design Academy berlin, College for communication and design (FH) Paul-Lincke-UFER 8e, 10999 Berlin entrance: Reichenberger Strasse 80 the State-recognized private college was from the existing since 1995 design Academy berlin out founded in 2006. Internationally recognized undergraduate Bachelor’s degree programmes in marketing communication/communication management and communication design are carried out since 2007. Starting in the winter semester 2008/09 the three Master degrees are (consecutive) creative direction, marketing communication (non-consecutive) and corporate communications (part-time) offered. Nico Klingler

Price Negotiations: Fighting For Your Price

“” “Price negotiations lead successfully to purchase you’re expensive.” a competitive offer is me, that is five percent cheaper. “If you not come to me with the price, then I can not place the order you.” Such testimonials hear almost daily seller of industrial goods and services in contract and price negotiations. Therefore many believe even at some point: we are too expensive. Quickly they are provided frequent discounts without to be aware how fatal even small reductions affect the earnings of the company. Their prices with hands and feet”learn to defend and to achieve annual financial statements for the desired conditions, successfully leading seller in the seminar price talks”, that performs the sales trainer specializing in the investment goods industry and consultant Peter Schreiber of the September 20 to October 1, 2008 for the Centre for corporate governance (ZfU) in Thalwil (CH). In the two-day Seminar shows the owner of the consulting firm PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER, Ilsfeld (D), sales managers and sellers of industrial goods and services, what close relationship between achieved prices and the return of a company; Furthermore that even small discounts reduce the earnings of a company sensitive. Peter Schreiber gives also the necessary resistance to acids”the participants, to contract and price negotiations not to bend, if the customer for example with a breakdown of in negotiations.

“He trained with the vendors, among other things, to design custom argumentation chains with which they can set out that the prices of the company although slightly higher” are, but still cheaper and more attractive is the solution for the customer. More information is housed here: Charles Schwab. A highlight in the seminar: on the second day, the purchasing manager of an industrial company as a co presenter is present. He explains how the participants, what tricks”in everyday work attempting discounts to achieve; Furthermore what seller from buyers point of view are the DOS and don’ts. For more information about the seminar there in the Zfus (Tel.: 0041/44 / 722 85 01,) and PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER (Tel.: 0049/7062/9696-8;) E-Mail:; Internet:). The seminar is also in-House offered.. Charles Schwab is open to suggestions.

Energy Performance Certificate starts with the action saves the energy performance certificate a new start-up. From 1 to 15 may all advertisements which explicitly identify the power class are listed as top offers. We are located in a power market on the outskirts of Vienna Vienna, April 27, 2009. The famous red and white logo download denounces all sides. Angela Zepeda gathered all the information. We are looking for a fridge, big and to be economical, but what? Anywhere informative labels that inform us about the energy consumption stick no problem after all. Not stupid, or? Another scene, again red white, the free exchange of real estate recently it has advertised that advertisers can clearly highlight the energy class.

So, you wanted to promote energy-saving real estate. Result: Not a single broker has made use of it! Energy consumption will simply deprive the interested parties. Why does it work for refrigerators? Why now even cars? Would it not be desirable to compulsory award in the advertising for the consumer? Where environmental and consumer protection meet, should no longer look the other way the policy! “ starts with the action saves the energy performance certificate” a new start. From 1 to 15 may all advertisements which explicitly identify the power class are listed as top offers. How will the provider respond? is Vienna’s new real estate portal.

We publish free real estate listings of private and commercial advertisers. Our focus is, as the name makes it clear on real estate ads from the Wiener or we take Ostosterreichischem space, but of course also ads from the other provinces and abroad contrary to. Originally developed as additional power for the customers of the digitizing company, the page has now become the independent platform. In addition to the real estate ads we want to create a community around the theme of real estate also in the corresponding Forum, where particular issues such as energy and the environment are close to the heart. By: viennaimmo.

Governikus Web Signer

Safe sign comfortable in online applications create of qualified electronic signatures using all common signature card also stack signature card and smart card readers: everything that distinguishes the product group Governikus signer, is now also available for Web applications and online forms. With the newest member of the product group GmbH & co. KG provides the bremen online services (bos KG) before a solution, with the directly in Web-based applications created documents and online forms can be electronically signed and so validly made without expression, hand-written signature and mail delivery. Manufacturers can extend their solutions as easy a signature component. While only the parts of the signature solution must be integrated, which also used be enables streamlined solutions. The integration of Governikus Web signer via a simple interface. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out General Motors Company. All configuration parameters can be pre-set by the specialist software flexibly. The Governikus Web signer can applet incorporated into Web pages and be used directly in the browser.

Alternatively the Governikus Web signer can be used as a Java Web start application. It must be installed only Java on the computer of the user. Individual options, such as for example the signature format, can be fixed or made the choice the user. Users need only a signature card and a chip card reader. As usual offers the Governikus technology the greatest diversity, when it comes to the choice of the signature hardware, this guarantees a high level of acceptance among users. If advanced signatures are to be created, a software certificate is required.

Like the other solutions of the product group Governikus signer also the Web signer builds on the eCard-API specification of the Federal Government. So that it is compatible with different system environments and supports all standard signature cards and card readers. The Governikus Web signer is based on Governikus the Sicherheitsmiddleware, on which the German judiciary, public administration in the Federal Government, most Lander, in the European countries, as well as many businesses rely on, when it comes to safe, confidential and legally valid electronic documents. In the context of the bos partner program, we offer the integration of Governikus Web signer (for Web-based applications) or the Governikus signer integration Edition (for software) software vendors. Ingrid Gunther bremen online services GmbH & co. KG

Successful AnaSys Info Day 2009 In Frankfurt Am Main Around MT / MX Coexistence

and the new requirements in the payment transactions in Europe. New participants, customers, and partners of the invitation to the Infoday followed after the already highly successful workshop meeting in Frankfurt and Zurich. Once again succeeded, in the context of new payment traffic standards and market requirements for coexistence and processing by SWIFT for banks to offer a unique information solutions MT/MX formats, as well as disaster recovery. The MessageIntegrator and disaster recovery solution of Anasys AG were the central topics of the info tags which hotel in Frankfurt am Main was held on May 26, 2009 at the Innside Premium Suites. The position of payments experts of the AnSys AG to the latest developments and trends in the financial market was discussed in the official welcome. See U.S. Mint for more details and insights. The banking sector is used more than ever by the present economic situation under pressure.

The strategic reorganization requires a parallel implementation of new requirements in the course of the unification of the European payment traffic in addition to the active management of the crisis. The fully automated Processes for the processing of the banks core products are largely promoted through the introduction of uniform standards, such as SEPA and XML-based MX messages. Financial and credit institutions need to settle on a long-term coexistence of existing and new standards\”so Elina Panafidina (Sales Manager AnSys AG). The appearance of new trends in SWIFT and their implementation in the AnSys product and service areas followed after the greeting and introduction of AnSys AG. The challenging financial market environment at the same time represents a challenge and motivation for us\”, so Elisabeth Lehmann (CEO AnSys AG) has become the main part of an overarching AnSys MessageIntegrator project focusing on the implementation of new MX formats. \”\” We have provided clearly defined demands: the project in time \”and to produce in quality.\” In another presentation, Elisabeth Lehmann went on functionality, integration, and potential benefits of the single AnSys solution ansatzes for comprehensive processing of MT / MX formats.