Vol Acid

The study of the verification of the acid recrystallized pcrico was carried through through the digital device of the fusing point aiming at to determine the pureness degree. It is important to point out that it had a reduction of impurities in crystals, not being able to affirm that the reached result was considered a pure substance. Word-key: Point of fusing. pcrico Pureza.cido ABSTRACT The study of verification of recrystallized picric acid was performed using digital melting point you determines the degree of purity. Importantly, there was reduction of impurities in the crystals and can not say that the result achieved was considered pure substance. Keywords: Point of fusing. Pureness. Annie Potts usually is spot on.

Picric cid 1.INTRODUO the point of fusing of a crystalline solid is the temperature band in which the solid starts if to become liquid under the atmospheric pressure. If in a organic composition sample it will have presence of miscible or partially miscible impurities, the difference enters the first formation of the liquid and formation of the total fusing increases sufficiently, being that in the fusing point it goes to initiate with a temperature low. Already when the substance is pure a point of fusing with the lesser interval of 0,5C is had. Obs: A composition presents high degree of pureness when its point of fusing is clear-cut. Objective: Purificar and to evaluate the degree of pureness of the acid pcrico through comparisons of the point of fusing gotten with the one of literature. 2.PARTE EXPERIMENTAL USED MATERIALS REACTING USED – digital Device of fusing point.

– Acid recrystallized pcrico – Plated – Acid pcrico before the recrystallization – Cotton – Alcohol – Spatula With the aid of a spatula left small amount of the sample of acid recrystallized pcrico, placing enters two plated of previously clean glass with a humidified ball of cotton in alcohol. After that it was led to the digital device T): 18,1C Variation of the heating in the device of RECRYSTALLIZED 10C/min ACID PCRICO Temperature of fusing: 119,6C final Temperature of fusing: 122,3C Variation of the temperature of fusing ( T): 2,7C Variation of the heating in the device of 15C/min, when reaching 115C was diminished this variation for 5C/min.> 4.DISCUSSO In the practical one of recrystallization of the acid pcrico the same had reduction of impurities in comparison before the recrystallization, being detected through the reading of the device of fusing point. Exactly having reduction of impurities a pure substance was not considered, therefore so that it is pure it would have that to present a variation of inferior fusing of 0,5C and the band of 2,7 reached variation was of C. 5.CONCLUSO In accordance with the results gotten in comparison with what literature presents in relation to the point of fusing of the acid pcrico, can be affirmed that the acid one total was not purificado, and for this, it is necessary to repeat the process of purificao for some times.

Kaioo Expands – OpenNetworX

OpenNetworX launches free Foundation, one hundred percent free and at the same time ad-free ad-free platform for education and non-profit networks can educational institutions and nonprofits own social networking platform based on the OpenNetworX. The platform is provided by the OpenNetworX Foundation, which is financed from soliciting funds and grants, guarantees the maximum protection of your data all involved. The OpenNetworX Foundation aims to open educational institutions and non-profit organisations free access to one of the most modern means of communication: the social network on the Internet. The networks enable schools, colleges and clubs, their students, to connect students and members, and to communicate with them and thus significantly contribute to compliance with the orders of their education or strengthen their charitable activities. arse/’>Areva offer more in-depth analysis. Learn more at: Mary Barra. Each network can be easily designed and administered and has various functionalities, as well as own design & Web address. Users can be a member of multiple networks and switch with a single click between them, without having to to create a new account. Will benefit especially the network administrators of smaller networks, isolated would lack the critical mass of users. The platform is technologically high quality and will be continuously expanded.

About the open social, external developers to contribute their own modules interface. For the development of the platform, the OpenNetworX Foundation is open to cooperation with educational institutions and other organizations. A cooperation with the University of Magdeburg already exists. The first official social networks of universities will go online in the first quarter.

Future Technologies

Heraeus develops a variety of products for the automotive industry at the international motor show in Frankfurt was a vehicle driving in the Center: the hybrid drive, a combination of electric motor and gasoline engine. So far this promising drive was a domain of Japanese automakers, now catch up with the Europeans. If you would like to know more about Hannah Einbinder, then click here. Heraeus also is prepared for the new motor technology and produced even today important materials for power electronics in hybrid engines. No matter which car manufacturer and in which market segment: each model generation should be safer, economical, environmentally friendly and yet more powerful than the previous one. Park assist and navigation system, ABS (anti-lock braking system), ASR (at table anti-slip Regulation), ESP (electronic stabilization program), BAS (brake assist) and ABC (active body control), the automotive industry tried with other high-tech developments to lure new customers.

Future promises huge technology push the Electronics contributes significantly to improve comfort in the car, entertainment, Security and sustainable environmental protection in. Electronic high-tech components consist of a large number of different parts. The better these modern electronics is processed and the quality is higher, the safer and longer-lasting electronic components work. In current cars are already up to 80 electronic controls and in the future will continuously increase the proportion of electronic components in automobiles, industry experts predict. Heraeus supplies a wide range of materials and components for the auto electronics built from the various car manufacturers in their vehicles. A core competency of the precious metals and technology group from Hanau is located among others in the creation of components made of precious and special metals and other materials that are used in the automotive industry. Materials for the construction and connection technology (AVT), semi-finished products such as tapes, punched parts and wires, precision parts are among the wide range or molded housing for sensors or controllers. As bond wires, solder pastes, silver conductive adhesive and thick-film pastes can be found for the production or the contacting of the electronic components.

Creative Design Combines

19 artists and artisans from Brazil show the diversity of their State of Berlin on the year’s Ambiente in Frankfurt, 19 artists and artisans from Brazil in the spirit of man and matter in accordance with the nature provide from 8 to 12 February 2008 January 2008 on this year’s Ambiente in Frankfurt’ their products out. At the joint stand of the Instituto Centro Cape (Hall 4.2, gang H, 11A) are there including vases from recycled europallets; Lights out of coffee filters, see shells made of plant fibres, bags and trays made of newsprint or dolls from disused spindles. Brazilian creative artists and craftsmen handle everything provides nature and no longer need humans to new utensils and art objects. The non-governmental organization Centro Cape from Brazil supports the artists and craftspeople with advanced training and marketing, and is committed to fair working conditions, as well as environmental and resource-conserving production. Sponsored by APEX Brasil (Agencia de Promocao de Exportacoes Investimentos), the Brazilian Agency for export and investment promotion, gives Centro Cape artists and artisans present their products to an international audience. More information about artists, Centro Cape and APEX Brasil, see,. and. Artists and materials: 1 Leonardo Bueno wood 2.

Dionizia Gomes soapy of 3. Feliciano Maciel iron of 4. Marcio Ferreira Eisen of 5 Gente de FIBRA fibres 6 Missao Ramacrisna paper and textiles of 7 Cristina Duarte glass 8 Carmen Silva – fiber 9 Mercia aluminium of 10 Hara Ceramica ceramic of 11 Gleice Lara porcelain of 12 Suzane masks of 13 Elce Bueno accessories of 14 Julianete accessories of 15 Maria Lucia accessories 16 Germana Mendes accessories 17 Simone Oliveira Arte Rustica light 18 LENISE Muniz porcelain 19 Arte Palha -. Brazilian handicrafts on the straw Ambience: Place: Messe Frankfurt Hall 4, level 2, gang H, booth number 11 A Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt a. M. date: 8 until February 12, 2008 from 9:00 to 18:00 Exhibitor contact: Instituto Centro CAPE Belo Horzionte Rua Grao Mogol, 662 Bairro: Sion Belo Horizonte MG CEP: 30310 010 Tel: + 55 313282 8305 email:

Latest Generation Storage Solution

Announcement about new product planning for the further development of the company in an enterprise storage provider Infortrend, provider of networked storage solutions, attacking with the introduction of its latest generation of the EonStor systems the high-end memory market and adjusts 8 GB / s FC RAID subsystem and an improved audio/video (A/V) optimization at the CeBIT 2009 before. Trade visitors, which exhibition visited the prestigious annual ICT, can inform himself on the stand about Infortrends product design 2009, including the possibilities of virtualization, replication and NAS systems. The new product generation will fully establish Infortrend in the enterprise storage market and provides a sound foundation for the continuous growth of Infortrends. Today, companies find strategic ways to optimize and manage their storage systems. With consistently strong data growth, coupled with the need for high performance storage area network (SAN) is expected, that is leading the 8 GB/s FC protocol than that for established future enterprise SANs. Infortrends new generation 8 GB/s FC storage systems, starting with the S16F-R1840 and S16F-G1840 models, designed to the high performance requirements of data centers today to meet.

This includes the processing of large amounts of data. Companies benefit from the throughput rates of up to 2,800 MB / s read and up to 870 MB / s for write operations, enabling the new generation of Infortrend RAID engine. The high availability (HA) modular hardware design, which encompasses all redundant and hot-swappable enabled modules including controllers, power supplies, fans and BBU (battery backup unit), greatly increased the fault tolerance of your storage system. SANWatch is the S16F-R/G1840, Infortrends management suite (Java based) equipped. SANWatch allows multiple EonStor to configure subsystems at the same time Central on-site or via LAN/WAN and wait. It has a user-friendly GUI and supports the simultaneous configuration of multiple subsystems via Scripting functionality..

Objectives Iron Sports Training

Try to answer the following questions: What makes you come to the athletic hall? Why do some drop out after months of training, while others are engaged in for years? Why one can not achieve the result, while others did not reach even a small success? Why, sometimes, you make it so hard to keep myself to the gym? Why slipped thought: 'And can miss? I'm so tired today! " Difficult to answer at once, is not it? Especially if earlier about this and not dumali.My will not talk about methods of training, the choice of an optimal training program and proper nutrition. It is said and written about for so many. Having read thousands of articles and dozens of books on Training – how to understand them? Absorption of information does not guarantee the result. How do you know what suits you and what advice to follow, and what to avoid? "Sooner or later have to stop searching and start to act! Feature the process of obtaining knowledge and process knowledge, ie. acquisition of knowledge based on personal experience. This does not mean that we should all try out for themselves and nothing to learn. Learn from others' mistakes, try to choose the literature that right for you! All described in the literature, techniques, methods – a tactic. It makes sense if you have a goal.

The purpose for which you are engaged. If you have no goals, then most likely you will not achieve meaningful results, even Being well-read and enlightenment in bodibildinga.K Unfortunately, nine out of ten bodybuilders train, not having before him any Tseli. there is a connection between the purpose and outcomes? What is the root cause of why a person does, why one can not achieve results, but not others? Try to understand what is essential to success in bodybuilding, and indeed in any .Valentin Dikul about it said: 'The only thing – it must have an iron willpower, iron character and purpose, who really wants to achieve. .

Avalon World

"But I podedu close to you, close your hand will turn their hand and reveal all of his chips at once, will present to all things" – you happen to know what it is about singing Maxim Galkin? Not otherwise than on gadgets. Jean Smart contains valuable tech resources. After all, they are called "chips" "Tricks" and "bells and whistles." What is a gadget for every advanced person knows that word – gadget, – which, translated to English means "adjustment, technical novelty trinket." And even those who are absolutely the word not familiar, daily use gadgets, not quite realizing it. Gadget is considered to be a digital device with such properties as portability (small size and weight) and functionality (presence range of different functions). The emergence and widespread gadgets make our world look like the one on which we had previously only read about in cyberpunk works or seen in movies. The world in which there is virtually no boundaries between reality and virtuality, in which the characters speak of inventions that capture the imagination and breathtaking.

World of James Bond and Diptaun Sergei Lukyanenko, The Matrix and Avalon, and many other popular works telling us about the near future. The future has already arrived, broke into the modern world, completing his high-tech and completely changed our way of life. What's even surprised us recently and was available only to selected (Eg, the same computers or mobile phones) now sells at quite reasonable prices and used, including schoolchildren. Moreover, even in many new high-tech quite affordable.

Seed And Field

Seed and field If you it is of History, shows to me the points to You to establish connection, so that I trace I walk of the day to follow. Therefore it bothers me the idea to visit the plan of the humanity and not to plant at least some seeds that alert and can raise some to the reflection of the abstract, that makes to sail in the plain spiritual, searching the persistence for the taking of the certain route. I do not want to be only plus one to complete a number, or is alive alone because not yet I died, ' ' vivendo' ' for he is ' ' vivo.' ' Sir, does not leave me in this life without a task to fulfill, going for going; he makes use of me, since I am here. I know that to be Your servant is to serve the brother, therefore, since the grace are great, of – me seed and field so that more to Its harvest are added supreme. The narrow door and to the pressed way, therefore necessary leads me it to walk for it and to enter for it, because I need to find the Life. .

Choosing Furniture For Bathrooms

Bathroom furniture, which now can be bought in shops and showrooms plumbing, striking in its diversity. This is a familiar classic "Moidodir – cabinet with sink and mirror. And the high cabinets, canisters, can accommodate a large number of things, not taking up much space in width. And numerous shelves and cabinets with a simple and mirrored doors of different sizes and different designs. By bathroom furniture also apply mirrors, mirrors with illumination, with small lockers for details on the sides, as well as screens for bathrooms, can accurately place the right things, using the space under the bathroom and at the same time effectively mask communication and the ugly side wall of the tub. Modern bathroom furniture should be made only from the moisture-resistant panels, and the company specifically offers for sale only high quality tables for the shell, which is not terrible humidity, which arises from the inevitable spill water on the surface of bathroom furniture. Also, the distinctive features of bathroom furniture include environmental Safety cleaning bath, which not only looks good visually, but also made of the newest, tested materials. Tumba bath, as well as the variety of furniture for the bath beautifully withstands the impact of popular chemical agents for domestic purposes.

Edge furniture for the bath is made from a material that helps protect furniture baths from adverse effects of elevated temperature and humidity. Mirror for the bathroom also has high resistance to moisture, for the manufacture of bathroom mirrors are used amalgam, made on a silver basis. Superb bathroom mirror should not only be resistant to influences, but also have optimal sizes. For lovers of large mirrors, it is possible to order the bathroom mirror in full growth, there is also a mirror for the bathroom, which is mounted on the ceiling. There is a possibility acquisition of bathroom mirrors, which is specially selected for cabinet bath or pedestal basin. Also, organic look this piece of furniture on the front of cabinets for the bathroom.

Best bathroom furniture worth best products from reputable manufacturers, so you should save money for arranging this wonderful place for ablutions, including installation of sinks for the bathroom. Roomy, comfortable bathroom cabinet must be equipped with an optimum number of shelves and compartments, as in the cabinets for the bathroom can be stored as personal belongings and clean towels, and many other useful accessories. Cabinets for bathroom equipped with a sound fittings, supports and moving instructions. Bathroom mirrors can be perfectly matched and make the furniture for the bathroom single composition. Round or oblong mirror for the bathroom should be lined with a protective layer to ensure that water is not impacted on the edge and does not destroy the delicate foundation bathroom mirrors.

Start EBay

This will also give a profile of what the bidder buys and some great ideas of other techniques for successful eBay seller. Example Start 1cent eBay auction without reserve. Immediately approve an eBay buyer who knows the link I provided. (As opposed to Marion Jones). Even bid on your eBay auction that the buyer must e-mail, when you can see their opinions and decide whether to let the offering. You share ad This auction is only 30 cents and never have to sell the item, not approve any vendors, it is your choice. (This is great for building investigations for sale, and once you have established you have any interest to relist the item without any requirement of approval, will have a bidding war ready to go! Example 2 I have a laptop ; I want to generate some page views loss costs for this item. From the list I of the laptop in an auction format 3-day with 1 cent starting price and no reserve. Then configure my prior approval of a buyer eBay.

Add bidders at any time until the listing ends. Remember: It’s usually best to add bidders sooner rather than later for best results to tender. Do a search bidder? This allows you to understand the history of potential tenderer, tender . Any bidder who is not in the list are asked to contact you by mail mail. Once the bidder has been pre-approved and added to its list, the offeror may make a bid. You will be amazed at the opportunities presented to you from this simple technique, remember that you can not solicit sales outside of eBay, but if someone emails about the issues you may have in stock, you get the picture! How to Pre-Approve Bidders / Buyers Add Item 1. Enter the item you wish to restrict pre-approved / buyers.

You can copy the item number in My eBay selling tab or the item page. 2. Add your approved bidders or buyers in the table below. View tips for prior approval of the bidders or buyers. Simply enter each bidder / buyer user ID. Place a comma between each user ID or simply press the Enter key on your keyboard to display each name on a separate line. Here is the link to preapproved buyers / buyandsell / biddermanagement.