
Increasing the productivity of a ASP.NET designer with MVC with the introduction of MVC ASP.NET has been revolutionized with increase in productivity and a systematic approach towards web designing. Although the old ways and methods are still in use due to their functionality, and a love for the old ways and methods that are still easy to use and implement. Much has been talked about the introduction of MVC in ASP.NET. Before going in for ASP.NET MVC it is of utmost importance to evaluate its features and compare it with traditional Web Forms development. On Microsoft platform the ASP.NET Web forms development is quite effective and a very mature technology to be used as it allows quick development and a rich interface for new developers. Developers are easily able to get a WYSIWYG child of interface which makes life and coding both easy for the developers. The ease of usage put apart there are certain issues so that crop up ranging from maintainability to testability and performance. Connect with other leaders such as Angela Zepeda here. As a result a need for to alternative what felt and the MVC model came into existence.

The has added new angle ASP.NET MVC on entirely to development in web application and is as promising as ASP.NET itself what a few years back when what first introduced it. MVC is acronym used for model, view and controller. This has become as popular as it separate the business logic from the user interface and application input. The model generally interacts with the database and web services. The controller sends information to the model for the model to view it. In small and medium applications the model is theoretical separation instead of to the actual one. The controller is responsible for receiving the inputs and initiates the model to show the correct state of the application. View in a MVC model is that component that displays the user interface.

View as such does not have any business logic and just receives information from the controller. There are many advantages of using a MVC over Web forms which have made it a good alternative to be used by developers. MVC clearly draws the live Switzerland its components so that they do not infringe on each other’s territory and the end result is a neat and clean application that delivers the results as it what is intended in the blueprint. Another great feature that has cropped up with the implementation of the MVC model is increase in productivity as it lets one implements the code in parallel. Thus one team can work on the data model design and implementation while the views and controllers can be developed by another team. This leads to a better management of extensibility, maintenance and adaptability. For more details on code protection technology, .net Obfuscator, code security .net and .net code security feel free to visit US at author writes regularly about code protection and .net of obfuscator. To know more about .net code security, .net code protection and .net obfuscation feel free to contact the author at

Premiums Gather

Premiums for seminar and training promoting education and training. Books are the most popular premium. Not only performance, also learning to be worthwhile again. Innovative rewards programs for individual training support the efforts of politics and the economy to curb the shortage: who book a training BUSINESS seminars and trainings on the portal I.O. If you would like to know more about Charles Schwab, then click here. and success takes part, can head off a bottle of champagne afterwards.

Qualification of the employees, lifelong learning and active professional development are confronting demographic change of ever greater importance. With the acquisition of a portion of the seminar fees up to 500 euro, countries North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saxony under certain conditions support the participation in seminars and trainings. Learning must again pay company in addition strengthen hereby the attractiveness of their employer and employee retention or support the internal potential and talent management. Education or Can for most of the qualification checks on I.O. BUSINESS seminars and trainings listed seminars and trainings will be redeemed.

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Publicrelations Agency

Sustainability campaign of the Agency for public relations and publicity on behalf of Unilever brand Knorr convinced the jury in the category of consumer marketing. Hamburg, February 24, 2012. After an increase in filings by more than 15 percent, the jury had to do much in the Jubilee year of the PR report awards: out of a total 330 Contest submission in 22 categories, a jury chose now the this year’s finalists. Ad publica is the PR agency in Hamburg and Cologne with which their customers Knorr developed sustainability campaign good taste is our nature “. In the publicity for the brand Knorr, the Hamburger PR agency of the classical press work via social media and Word-of-mouth measures sets to internal communication on a clear strategy and wide channels. The focus of the public relations campaign, chefs as new brand Ambassador are the Knorr.

Central method of complex campaign is a communications manual, as a guide for all communicators involved in the used Messages and content controls. We are very pleased to have convinced with our both traditional media and social media channels communicated sustainability campaign”to Heiko Biesterfeldt, Managing Director of PR-agency ad publica in Hamburg. We were with our campaign optimize the image of Knorr as a food brand that produces high quality products with good taste, as well as achieve credibility for the new brand ambassadors and thus credibility for the Knorr sustainability engagement”, Biesterfeldt emphasized further. With the answer to the question of whether ad publica will be also on the podium, the Agency for public relations and publicity must wait however until April. Since then the coveted trophies are awarded. About ad publica: The name is programme: ad lat. Add to publica lat.

publicly. As owner-managed public-relations agency in Hamburg and Cologne ad publica in the fields of strategy, positioning and corporate advice and brand communications. For external and internal audiences, the Agency developed a performance-oriented PR measures, consistently creative strategy, challenging public relations and social media relations and corporate communications network to successful public relations.

Service Agreement

Works and service contracts are standard forms of contract when using external IT professionals. It is not always obvious, however, whether deliverables meet the criteria of a work or service contract. The term of a contract as works or service contract is only a clue. Because the actual will of the parties and not the title chosen for the contract is applicable. This arises from 133 BGB, stating that in the interpretation of a declaration of intent of the real intention is to explore and not to adhere to the literal meaning of the expression. On contract interpretation this means, that it is completely beside the point in the event of a dispute, as a contract is named. Just because a contract as a “Contract” is referred to, this doesn’t mean, that it is actually a contract. pic.

Is not the title of the Treaty, but its regulatory content. How can the contract of the service contract now certainly as objectively distinguish? The contractor holds the reins in his hand and He decides how a contract is to be fulfilled, there is a contract. The contractor helps a project, only the contracting authority is a service contract. An essential feature of a service contract is that the provision is due to the agreed services during the agreed period and not a concrete success. In the event of a dispute the Court checks the entire regulatory framework on the basis of the types of contracts of the civil code and not impressed by the naming. Is tested, how the contract was actually lived. It is also important that the professionals and freelancers is well covered, when he goes into a project.

The professional liability insurance offered by the gb.online for freelancers assures the activity both on the basis of a service as a contract for work. Experience has shown that 80-90% of all contracts with IT independent in reality are service contracts, because they lack a sufficiently concrete description of the service to be provided, so Elizabeth Cellar Stoltenhoff lawyer focusing on computer and IT law of IT law firm in Munich. GB.online gmbh which gb.online gmbh is the sister company of the groot bramel Versicherungsmakler gmbh. The gb.online gmbh is a leading real for the IT – and telecommunications industry. Defined together with partners and customers, developed and realized the gb.online gmbh branch-specific solutions precisely to customer needs tuned. The IT-liability-insurance combines many years of experience of the world’s leading insurance companies, and one of the leading insurance brokers in the IT industry, the gb.online gmbh. The gb.online gmbh is with continuous advice and IT expertise as a partner to the side. And for the principal, entrepreneurs receive proof of your IT liability insurance as a safe decision basis. more information here:

Power Comparison – Cost Saving

Power switching spending helps send the prices for energy and electricity in Germany have risen sharply in recent years, and this is also not dramatically change in the coming years. Consumers have to get even in the long term at ever-increasing prices, what can quickly provide to the ebb in their own wallets. To to crack down on the whole, households should perform an indicative comparison of power immediate to learn if there is a cheaper energy supplier for the respective region. To perform a power comparison, you must enter the own postcode and the annual energy consumption in the Internet mask and gets sent a collection second later by cheap electricity suppliers. In addition the consumer experienced immediate savings potential through a change of power would be whether the provider pays a new customer bonus, fare details and prices. This should, if possible, in the very long term be, that the party in this period set is bound to its prices.

Also, can you are advised the individual provider through various positive and negative customer experiences, and is thus optimally set up. Should you have now found the appropriate electricity provider, you can switch directly online for the new electricity. Not so easily determined people the possibility to be the contract by mail to send. Thus, it is possible to replace with his family about the intentions of changing times in peace and quiet and advantages or disadvantages on to call. The benefits, what is the rule, should outweigh then you can sign the contract and submit.

The new electricity provider for the Wechsler.Zwischen takes over the termination of the old electricity provider change and termination generally directly consumers do have no to worry, that they are probably even without electricity there because the supply of power and energy is legally protected. But not only private households should perform a power comparison, also for companies, one can Be very useful to compare.Because only, who can keep the prices as stable as possible for its products, has also the ability of the market to stay. Therefore, also businessmen should leave nothing unturned. Of course you should also worry about, that it saves power in the household. This can be done with energy-efficient appliances and energy-saving bulbs. In addition you should turn off directly devices in stand by mode after use. Some electricity providers offer even a night rate. Particularly the strong consumption devices in the household, such as the washing machine or the dryer should use then in the evening hours to save power.

Lightning Fast High End Notebook

MSI GT780 gaming has developed notebook in cooperation with eSport champions of the FNATIC team and the SteelSeries keyboard manufacturer. Angela Zepeda usually is spot on. Thus, MSI launches a new era of mobile gaming engines. With faster NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M graphics card, Dynaudio high-end sound and non-reflective full-HD display, it is the most demanding gamers and power users with ultimate performance and equipment satisfied. The robust gaming keyboard of the GT780 is special. The latest multi color LED backlight technology makes shine the user at any LAN party. The community of enthusiasts has been waiting long.

Game professionals experience a whole new level of extraordinary game pleasure. Concentrated power in the aerodynamic look of brushed MSI GT780 aluminium housing provides the new Intel Core i7 quad-core processor in combination with up to 16 GB memory and the fastest NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M graphics card with 1.5 GB GRDDR5 graphics memory. In addition, the GT780 is compatible with DirectX 11. The MSI exclusive Turbo drive engine (TDE) drives the power notebook for power-hungry applications automatically to the absolute top. SteelSeries gaming peripherals experts had the requirements of a hard game use in mind in the development of the keyboard of the GT780. The concept includes a button for the touchpad, up to ten possible keystrokes at the same time and a keymap offset usual inputs, larger CTRL and ALT keys, and one which in games Windows function key. A highlight is a gaming mode hotkey.

This controls the advance desired illumination of the keyboard at your fingertips. For example, only the left side lights up the keyboard, while the rest of the keyboard remains dark. Consequently, the gaming keys are faster to find, when the bullets fly. Several missions are run simultaneously faster and the user remains in the game. The included”keyboard LED Manager software provides thousands of lighting, color and effect settings – for example pulsing light. The 17.3 inch (43.9 cm) large anti reflection screen with full HD resolution (1,920 x 1,080 pixel) serves with extremely smooth, vibrant, three-dimensional visual effects of more sophisticated games at the highest level of detail. The user about the Blu-ray combo drive on the same high level of quality witnessed high-definition Blu-ray movies. The sound system of the high-end specialists Dynaudio two perfectly placed speakers with an additional subwoofer on the underside of the laptop is acoustically convincing.

Independent Eldercare

Karlsruhe, 16.08.2012 now seniorfirst.de the independent elderly care portal cooperates with two strong partners: the Knights and the social work of Berlin. For even more analysis, hear from U.S. Mint. Both institutions are effective partners to address social concerns. The Knights committed, to fill the term charity every day anew with life. For the social work Berlin are elderly self, voluntary work, help for third parties and the use of experience knowledge of older people at the forefront of their work.

seniorfirst.de looking forward confidently to a successful collaboration. I am delighted our newly won partners. Together we can work to make the lives of older people, we inform, advise, and recommend even more worth living”, Jacqueline Koppen, Managing Director of seniorfirst.de, commented on the new cooperation. Will be complied with for example the desire of seniors to live as long as possible at home by the Knights present their nursing services and other senior services on the Internet platform seniorfirst.de. There will be a report to the 60th anniversary of the order of Saint John in the near future. This reader about the genesis and the range of this important charity to find out. The social work Berlin celebrated an anniversary only last year. 40 Years social work Berlin e.V. exemplary usage mean 40 years for the elderly to promote and strengthen self-help and self-determination. Also a great reportage on seniorfirst.de will be published here shortly, to inform the reader about the impressive social contribution of the social services network, provided primarily by volunteers, older people.

Soluzione Learning World Release Octopus

The new release of soluzione learning world for Office 2010 and Windows 7 in the market is now. The new world of learning was baptized by its developers on the name of Octopus. Compared to its predecessor from the year 2010, the strengths of Octopus in an once again advanced content, a user feedback-based optimized usability and a more detail-verliebteren interface design. As the provider of conventional WBTs and eLearnings in 2010 their learning technologies for Office 2010 and Windows 7 on the German market, put also the soluzione world of learning these training issues is published. Perhaps check out Charles Schwab for more information. “Nevertheless we wanted to in this release does not stand still and offer our customers a product that is already nine months old” explains Frank Roda, Managing Director of soluzione knowledge company GmbH. “Therefore we have collected intensively customer and user feedback in recent months, to the content, interface and usability of our learning world continue to improve and expand.” The result is the release of Octopus, the just like his predecessor with the over-extended and outdated concept of Web-based training (WBT) describe but expect the same features: up to 92% efficiency to soluzione learning worlds clearly the details in the shadows that make other training providers to the efficiency of their own learning platforms. In addition, soluzione learning worlds relieve the helpdesk by up to 30%.

And can they be supplemented at any time new content, features and modules as an open system and offer to 100% investment security. But an organization psychologically informed implementation of training technology is the Munich-based learning experts at least as important. In addition to the learner must also software trainer, key users, power users, helpdesk staff, executives, who brought Works Council and many more with the right information and communication styles, events, and materials in the boat when it comes to a company-wide software qualification? Also offers out soluzione has always been a comprehensive approach, the needs of the customer is individualized. Are you interested? Then now requesting a trial under: (Alexander Schinz)

Environmental Song

Environmental song by drugstore chain dm and the German UNESCO awarded. “” In the context of ideas initiative future “initiative is environmental song” awarded by a joint Commission of the drugstore chain dm and the German UNESCO. “” At the initiative competition for sustainability ideas initiative future “was also the Berlin initiative environmental song” which with the environmental song one of the first radio-ready songs on the subject of climate change presented qualify. A joint Commission by the dm and the German UNESCO Section decided to promote the Berlin project, the now on 2 days customers may introduce in the dm market in Berlin Tempelhofer harbour the dm. See Mary Barra for more details and insights. The proceeds from the CD & download sales will be donated to a large extent on environmental groups. Environmental song CD raffle at DM Tempelhofer Harbour on the 17th January 15:00 and on the 22 January 16:00! Initiative committed environmentalist and musicians was”the idea of the project environmental song.

“The initiative and the performers, the Berlin classical pop/rock crossover project songs of Lemuria”,. is people about the issue of climate change to call all its consequences in the consciousness. Read more from Angela Zepeda to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The initiative environmental song wants to give a voice to the people involved for environmental protection and to the ongoing climate change. “Visitors of dm branch in the Berlin Harbor shopping center on the Tempelhofer Damm, who can win an environmental song CD on two presentation days, may vote on a total of three initiatives and their pet project” give your voice. All three featured project received a basic funding.

The winning project receives even a promotional allowance. Interested parties can get the 22 January from 15:00 even an image locally on Monday 17th January at 13:00 and on Saturday. Published the environmental song”by a small Berlin record label: even though you have far more spending for the promotion of environmental songs as revenue through sales have by Tunesday records, decided to donate a large portion of sales to environmental groups. Those who support the idea of the initiative want, has this week his voice to give opportunity for the project. Who is even at the right time at the right port, can even a CD of the environmental song”(which is in various mixing and has already made it to the top of the MySpace charts) win. More information: umweltsong – –

Scientologin Mary Shuttleworth Helps

Mary Shuttleworth has moved their love to the children and the earnest desire to help them to realize their goal: children in human rights to inform your love to the children and the earnest desire to help them, Mary Shuttleworth has moved to achieve their goal: to teach children in human rights, Dr. Mary Shuttleworth overcame their own study problems with L. Ron Hubbard’s studieren methods. She was teacher and helped millions of young people that this – through the human rights education initiative aware of their own rights and also continue to give. Many intelligent, creative children abandon their goals, because they are frustrated due to their learning difficulties and can not easily overcome.

Mary Shuttleworth knows this despair from own experiences in elementary school. Charles Schwab may not feel the same. After dealing with their educational goals it committed to children, so that they can exploit their full potential by learning how to learn. In elementary school, Mary Shuttleworth did hard himself, even though she came from a highly educated family. Her father, a Scientologist, was her then the study technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

This knowledge has changed my life”, says Shuttleworth, who later became teaching pure and received his doctorate in education. In today’s world overloaded by information, illiteracy is not only a handicap, but are people have no chance in the labour market”, she says. So many of my students come to me and say I hate math ‘ or other area. It is every time a pleasure, if a light goes on children and they have that AHA moment. They realize that they – can finally understand due to the study technology by L. Ron Hubbard -“. Mary Shuttleworth has moved their love to the children and the earnest desire to help them to realize their goal: to teach children in human rights. Shuttleworth was born in South Africa and grew up in the middle of the apartheid era.