Sense Of Life

A container is molded with clay, but it is precisely the space not containing clay which we use as a container there are many people who wonder what do do at this level, on this planet? What is your reason for being? Why did they come? What is the meaning of your life?, questions that invite reflection to find those answers that help clarify why our demonstration and what is the real meaning of our life. Stated, that the origin of the empty existential in so far as the individual is limited willingness of sense (Frankl) or natural search of a raison d ‘ etre of your life and the things that happen. The existential realization occurs to the extent that each transcend our situation and condition toward a purpose external to ourselves (work, the couple, Dios, studies, hobbies, etc.) Ultimately, experiences and actions in our lives that allow us to leave oneself towards an objective (see values according to Frankl). Carlos Castro It indicates that Tony Anatrella considers that one of the problems of today’s society, called by a depressed society, is in the constant search of satisfying the ego. Jackie Joyner-Kersee may not feel the same. The presence of individualism and narcissism as forms of behaviour are widespread in society dominated by selfish actions that limit the ability of personal transcendence and inhibit the consolidation of an optimum sense of life. Fortunately there is much literature in relation to the existential emptiness in trying to explain what our real sense of live, justly Carlos Castro, reminds us that the daily life of each person is common, usual or expected draws on answers to the doubts raised, and it is presented as a performed reality that has meaning subjective of a coherent world the world in which we live is characterized by the presence of relations face – to face emotional. This ‘surrounding world’ (Umwelt) offers individual existential security and ensures the development of a sense of life, for being the world to which we are accustomed to live in a stable and routine, way out of potential situations of risk, doubt or uncertainty. .

The Wonderful World Of Rice

Starting the year with the first column in this space Web Dalilas Gourmet, before wish you to family, friends, and our readers a happy new year 2009. The reason why we started writing about rice is motivated in the presentation of the web page Dalilas Gourmet, whose initial release message is rice and more!; the preparation of rice is one of our specialties. Rice is a cereal that is cultivated worldwide, there are more than 40,000 varieties of rice and more than half of the world population eats rice as basic dish. Next to the wheat flour rice is one of the world’s most important food. It is an almost miraculous cereal, because it provides the opportunity to prepare countless dishes. Rice is consumed cooked, hot or cold, sweet or savoury preparations. Is also tasty, yielding, easy-to-prepare and economical; contains lots of nutrients; good source of carbohydrates and helps us to have good digestion. If It was little, is low in fat and contains no cholesterol.

The rice plant are obtained flour and starch, rice pasta, noodles and noodles so popular in oriental cuisine and even brandy of rice or sake manufactured in the Japan. The United States exported this grain to more than 100 countries and it is the second largest exporter of this product. Is classified into three categories: the elongated shape rice known as rice long-grain, which gastronomically speaking, is used to the paellas, rice dishes and salads; rounded rice known as rice round grain, used to make risottos Italian in addition to all types of desserts such as arroz con leche and little long rice called rice from Asia, short grain, which is used to make the famous dim sum Chinese, Japanese sushi and some desserts. This classification are derived from a variety of rice dishes: rice long-grain, precooked rice, instant rice, arboreal rice, brown rice, bismati rice, wild rice. Rice specialties are around the world. In the India and the Middle East, the pilaf rice that is cooked Browning the rice in butter or oil hot before cooking broth, to keep the grains separate.

The Japanese used the higher starch content of rice to make sushi; in china served in breakfast dish known as congee. In Thailand steamed rice is prepared so sticky that you can eat with your hands. In Spain and Latin America (from Mexico to Patagonia) prepares the rich rice with chicken flavoured with tomatoes, peppers, onions, peas and sweet pepper or spicy (Chili) and is painted yellow with annatto, yellow colour or oil of yaguaraparo. Special mention for the world-famous Spanish paella dish containing a mixture of chicken, seafood, sausages, pork and vegetables, that saffron contributes its yellow color. Finally here in United States prepare the Jambalaya a version of paella, which is prepared in New Orleans, based on ham and shrimp, saffron substituting the cayenne pepper. Also New Orleans dirty rice whose name is that in its preparation takes chicken liver. Due to its absorbing power, rice is soaked easily in liquid or fat. It normally comes to triple its volume to cook it. The objective is to obtain a firm grains that do not cling between if and absorb the desired taste. The exception is the rice pudding, which should be creamy. The basic forms of cooking are: steaming (about 25 to 30 minutes), boiled or with fat.We ended this week with the recipe of the week prepared with a fat Persian Rice Pilaf.

Buy Air Conditioners

So you can enjoy the different seasons of the year, performing everyday tasks without difficulties, I offer them for sale of electrical appliances, the best air conditioners. Buy air conditioning is very simple, but you must have a good pair advice to be able to choose the product that fits your needs. In addition to the model must take into account the dimensions of the place where you want to install since the space available will also vary the choice. As market in aires theme novelty we offer air conditioning Cassette, a Superfine model that you can place it where you like. In addition this model allows greatly increase driven air flow. Thanks to its great power can acclimatize two contiguous environments with only append one or two pipes according to the distance.

Isn’t it phenomenal? You can enlarge the surface of a cosy atmosphere and save at the same time the purchase of other equipment. In addition, a very important detail is that this appliance can acclimate rooms at any time of the year since it has capacity heat and cold storage. Apart from this original and innovative product, have other offers to buy air conditioning. One very convenient is the air Split by its super compact dimension, low silhouette. These teams of air conditioners as the Split ducted Inverter has an effective detector that through a luminous signal will indicate if filters are properly clean.

This detector is very important since maintaining neat filters will ensure a safe operation of the equipment. Besides all this, it brings to facilitate the handling of air, a remote control that we can implement different functions. And if you want to economize resources, mainly light which is one of the most expensive and most we consume, this air conditioner has exclusive technology V-Pam, which coupled with their compressors and fans DC subtracted significantly the amount of energy used. As you can see, there are numerous offers for sale of appliances tailored to the needs of each client. We are waiting for you so that you make your inquiry and power advise you on what you need.

General Pathology

This first topic it’s define some basic concepts of general medicine, that will later be necessary to understanding and understanding of the rest of agenda. Short reminder of the State of health or disease: there is not a single and fully satisfactory definition of the concepts of health and disease. Below are two that may be useful for the development of the subject: health: complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or disability (who) disease: alteration or deviation of the physiological state in one or more parts of the body, by generally known causes, manifested by more or less characteristic signs and symptoms and whose evolution is more or less predictable. Illnesses, depending on your course can be acute or chronic: acute illness: starts quickly, and is of short duration. Usually cured even if it may lead to death or leave sequelae. Infections are typical examples. Chronic disease: can start way more or less acute.

It does not cure. It evolves slowly, affects the quality of life of the patient and, depending on its characteristics, can lead to death in the medium or long term. Examples are cirrhosis, rheumatic diseases, chronic labroncopatia, etc. 1. Concept of General Pathology: from Greek: pathos = disease, suffering and logos = Treaty, study.

Connect basic and clinical science. You can consider the introduction to the clinic. It is defined as the study of the common reactions of the organism against diseases. Example: general pathology studies: syndrome diarrhea, fever,… A: special pathology contrasts: studying specific diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, disease of Crohn’s definition of internal medicine: specialty that is responsible for the study and treatment of any disease that would affect any organ, system or device. Does not cover the surgery, Gynecology, orthopedic surgery or Psychiatry within the General pathology have include the concepts of the Etiologiao study of the cause that determines the appearance of the disease, pathophysiology, or study of the pathogenic mechanisms that determine the production of injury, semiology, studying the manifestations or signs that warn us about the existence of the disease and, finally, the clinical Propaedeutics, which deals with the interpretation of those signals, signs and symptoms, addition, studying theoretical and practically, the means and methods of collecting them or what is the same, the clinical exploration and instrumentation.

Ken Robinson

Since we are in the womb, our parents are initiated in the crusade of having us certain projects to comply with the time. Before even that we breathe for the first time on our own, our relatives have already joined an idea of aspiring us to get or what you would like them that we get to reap. Evelyn Ashford takes a slightly different approach. Logically, this has just been taking a toll. Both our parents and our our circle of acquaintances and the community of which we are part exercise exceptional authority in our selection of path to follow. If we decide to carry out training courses, to say the least, our choice is influenced by all the elements mentioned above. This event does not always connote perjuciales circumstances (most parents want the best for young people), but that can lead to unintended consequences. If not assimilate the importance of choosing free-form, the most common is that we feel disappointed.

However decide independently not only entails not be influence by the others, but also leave the own misgivings and those of the community. On many occasions we debunk us and we refuse to do training courses that we are interested because we judge them not sufficiently good, advantageous or prudent. Other times, we believe that we will not be able to achieve enough in that area dimension as to be experts. In either of the two cases, suspicious of our skills, and also, giving up on getting our projects. According to Ken Robinson, author of the element: discovering your passion changes everything, we all have an activity that excites us and also us is simple to perform. It is what he calls our element.

If reach our item, we will find ourselves in a zone of ideal balance and feel grateful and made. Following the reasoning of Robinson, the importance of our professional selection can lead to definite consequences in the progress of our life. The choice may depend, to some extent, our happiness. And as you know, happiness is the goal which We all aspire.

Gustavo More

It was in the second hand of playoff that the Portuguese seleco won the Bsnia-Herzegovina for 6-2. If you are not convinced, visit Marion Jones. The meeting elapsed in the Stadium of the Light dictating the apuramento of the Seleco for the final phase of the European of the next year. The markers of this goleada had been, Cristiano Ronaldo and Postiga with bis and more two of Nani and Miguel Veloso. Ronaldo one more time bet in its talent and shone, already with 32 golos for the national Seleco. Cristiano Ronaldo is with less 9 golos that Eusbio and 15 to arrive at the 47 of Pauleta, optimum marker of all the times with the nightgown of the quinas. In the end of the game the festejos had joined it the consternation before the drama for which it passes the Gustavo young, son of Carlos Martins.

The petiz needs a transplant of ssea marrow with urgency, nobody of the family next is compatible. The Seleco if exactly showed sufficiently solidary with the player, having dedicated the victory to the medium. The doctor of the Benfica Joo Pablo Almeida, explained the situation for which of the son of the player he is to pass and appealed to the Portuguese for the donation of ssea marrow. In accordance with the doctor ' They can be donors of marrow, people with more than 18 and less than 45 years, that have 50 kilos more than and that they are healthful. It is a very simple process, being enough a simple retraction of blood, without costs, to evaluate compatibilidade'. A wave of national solidarity was created around the Gustavo young, appealing to the donation of ssea marrow. A page of the dedicated Facebook also exists to help to the son of Carlos called Martins ' ' We go to help the Gustavo' ' , with information on the case.

Rid Of The Unnecessary

Rid of the unnecessary currently we are discovering that we do not understand what it means to treat others well. Nobody thinks that he is doing something wrong. All say, I well try everyone. I have a family and treat them well. I’m not lying or theft.

We are not able to observe that a transformation in our mode of relations is necessary. But if we are all so blessed then what causes the crisis? How you can of a few evil affecting everyone globally be. On the basis of all this are not the evil of humanity, is our way of relating with others. Until now we have been concerned of our own love, but the crisis will gradually make us to understand what is really treat well the neighbor. This means that I can assure me that all others have what it takes.

It is saying that I only worry of what is necessary for them and achieving a balance with nature in union with the rest of the people! All of this is going to discover the world with total clarity. The wave of the crisis It will make disappear all that which makes no sense in the world. This will be revealed soon and quickly. He had never before been humanity and the world in a situation like this. We will soon see how with the help of various forces and external media people will want to get rid of the excesses because they will feel that it gets in his way and deprives them of something. In the end, anyone who has more will feel embarrassed by the rest of society pressure and just want to rid of the unnecessary. The balance and mutual equilibrium and mutual guarantee terms nature are admirable and beautiful. However, its meaning is unclear still in society. The balance in nature means that we are all equal and everything belongs to us all, including the Earth and which contains (such as oil, gas, minerals, water, etc.).

New Trend

This is the most important time to start having success, lifting the mood in this sensitive age, taking consciousness of the global crisis as an opportunity for renewal, not a danger.It is vital that you leave now without some fear aseek with fervor, hold on alternatives powerful, deal with the period of crisis as a challenge, developing creativity and generating new business ideas. The road to success is not without some difficulty, you need courage, thrust, perseverance, perseverance and great faith in that you will achieve what you have planned. Everything depends on you and your strong desire.You’re the only owner of the success of your life and your business.Without a doubt, with an insightful dedication, learn to face any obstacle in your path, pushing you with energy to achieve even the impossible, always pointing toward a future better. Educate yourself with thoughts from Charles Schwab. It is possible to take advantage also during the crisis, adapting you to current circumstances and to make progress in what they do. Having a positive attitude, constructive, fluid it will motivate you to use your unlimited potential and get the best of you. The positive attitude will take you a long way towards your success and your maximum potential, therefore, keep this vibrates charity as much as possible.Motivation is a key factor in what you undertake, it helps fight tirelessly to conquer your goals, provide a way to high to your family life and offer something better to beings that surround you. This reason will become your passion and business in a vehicle to make your greatest dreams.This will allow you to discover your skills, the kind of person that you aspire to be, and the real purpose of your life.

Moving forward with passion up, each day brings you a new hope for a bright future. Click Jackie Joyner-Kersee for additional related pages. Everything has its time and perseverance is the key to dominate what breathe. The objectives are important in terms that help you realize your dreams. The Internet business are a powerful system and a model of life in which success is reach helping persons who are willing to improve their current situation.It is possible that all go forward, helping each other to grow and giving a fruitful sense what they are going to perform. It is important to be present in the market trends and detect the transformations that lie ahead, capturing the opportunities in our environment. This will allow you to be a part of the tiny percentage of people who earn fortunes today and for life. Used privileged information you receive and make nice things in your life to happen. Indicates clearly that it is a business opportunity that is worthwhile to test.

In all aspects of your life, the action is essential and represents one of the main keys to success, which will give form to everything.It addresses the challenges with an open mind, as an art, not as a difficulty. Be flexible to try something different. You have the great opportunity to completely change your life if you’re willing to wake up to the new conception of life without fear of changes. Now the time to see our world in a different way. Creates a mission with yourself, become a successful person, enjoys the lifestyle that you dream of having, improving the world that surrounds you, takes the winner what’s in your interior!

Web Host

10 questions and answers 10 about hosting Web Part I if you are thinking in creating a website and purchase the service of web hosting, you can find a little confusing technical terminology at the beginning. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Angela Zepeda. Don’t worry, in fact, is not so complicated to understand what you need to know. Some of the questions you should ask relate to your business, and others are related to the company that will provide you with the web hosting service. Let’s take a look at some common questions that typically arise in relation to the web host. You may find that Florence Griffith_Joyner can contribute to your knowledge. 1.

In the first place, what is a Web Host? It’s another way of calling the web hosting service that is not anything other than a service provider that monitors many different web sites hosted on a server. It is the host that provides accommodation or the platform on which your website resides. Most web servers have a reasonable size, and also offer different packages of hosting based on the requirements of your site. The package type of accommodation that you choose will depend on what you require for your web site. 2. Where is your business? If you have recently started your business, keep costs low is undoubtedly one of its current priorities.

However, if you view future rapid growth, will have to consider how this can affect things such as your web site and the package or web hosting service that wants to hire, should therefore plan. There are many offers and basic packages of web hosting on shared servers, but most have a limit on the bandwidth available to you. If your business is successful and rapidly expanding, it is possible that you need to upgrade your hosting package. Not all web servers offer upgrade services and this can make updating your hosting service is an arduous task.


With the advent of video games, and free games on the internet, you can see how girls have fun for hours playing different, fun and colorful games. Contact information is here: CMO Hyundai. That they learn playing and do not need companions many times to play, though most of the times, make groups, and even competitions between them. The dress up girls games is one of the games free Internet most famous among the girls of all ages, these innovative free games, encouraging several areas that should be developed in any girl, so reported large profits, in intellectual and motor development. These dress up girls games has great variety of designs of clothes, shoes, purses, bags, and make-up, and all of them comes in a great range of colors, light and pleasant. With all them girls begin practicing the taste for good clothing, harmonious and modern. They are activating an area of the brain in which they must learn to combine forms and colors, giving way to his creativity, since models are not given them facts, games of dress the girl, give you the mechanism to make them which believe. On the other hand the development of a short term memory, many of these games consist of creating a design and then play it, selecting between clothing and accessories scattered in different places.

Where the girl must choose correct wardrobe, which has already been designed, exercising in this way her immediate memory, since you will have to remember everything you saw and play it again you. In other games combines design with the use of a certain time, with what will be putting to test the motor of the girl, and coordination agility, since you will have to remember and search and do everything in the shortest possible time. This time gives it a little more excitement to the game, and this is why this type of game is very well received among the girls. These games play Dressup girl, are very beneficial from the point of view of psychomotor, because as we have seen they help motor skills, coordination, development of immediate memory or short 0