YELLIX Innovative Caller

YELLIX: Innovative caller ID for mobile phones launches in Germany Vienna, 14 December 2009 with YELLIX a smart caller ID for phones starts full operation in Germany today. Smartphone users will get the name of unknown caller telephone numbers in a matter of seconds on the display of the mobile phone. So far unknown telephone comfort even during the call from commercial customers: occupied lines or not answer alternative professionals, stores or restaurants are proposed. Checking article sources yields Charles Schwab as a relevant resource throughout. YELLIX in Germany receives the necessary information through a real time search in 30 million inventory of. We are a call 3.0 “-company.” With our services we add previously worthless call info – like an unknown number on the display or an unsuccessful call at a company – with an immediate added value for the user”, says Claudia Popperl, adaffix founder and Managing Director of YELLIX inventor. YELLIX on private calls…

The YELLIX application, for all relevant Smartphone operating systems is available, has two main functions. In the Anruferkennungs function, matched the unknown number with in the background, and the caller’s name is displayed in real time on the display. If a missed call, the name of the caller and the call time display remain visible. With one-touch call back the missed callers. Name and number are also added to touch to your own contacts. For maximum user comfort YELLIX runs automatically in the background, without that the battery life is noticeably shortened.

… and commercial phone calls the second application follows the reverse logic: the caller makes an unsuccessful call attempt, for example, at a pharmacy, a pizza service or a craftsman, and receives additional contact data of the desired person like other mobile and fixed-line numbers. In addition, three alternative companies which are located in the immediate proximity of the dialed number are displayed. If so you have a Installer in Schwabing in Munich does not reach then YELLIX offers additional contact info, as well as three other installers in the same catchment area”, so P2. An again call takes place at your fingertips, also here, contact details of listed companies can be stored in the contacts. The free service was designed for smartphones and works on BlackBerry, HTC, LG, Nokia, Motorola, Palm, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson devices, which one of the following mobile Operating systems support: Android, RIM BlackBerry, Symbian S60 or Windows Mobile. Also an iPhone app for download will be available soon. On, user can check whether the application is already available for a particular Smartphone. YELLIX works over any network provider worldwide. Download of the YELLIX app for Smartphones: YELLIX social media release and press download: press / YELLIX on Twitter: yellix on YELLIX YELLIX is a product of adaffix GmbH based in Vienna. The start-up With an international orientation, the company deals with the development of telecommunications services. “a call is adaffix 3.0 company” around the theme calls”and are called” in everyday life. Calls are enriched with additional information in real time.


At last, arrived hour to declare its patrimonies to concur for an elective, either municipal vacant in State, Federal the chamber of Councilmen of one singela cidadezinha, or to the Presidency of the Republic, elect higher position for the people, all candidates must also present everything whom they had accumulated either through its true professions, of inheritances, prizes of lotteries and those values accumulated during its day in some mandate that presided over. When it comes the public such information, although to be the disposal in the site of the TSE information on each one of the candidates in all Brazil, where few are the people who have access these information, however for laziness however because they are not interested, however, when published as example in Periodicals of interior, the increase of the patrimony of Councilmen, some of first public mandate, she finishes for calling the attention the voter, to read all the substance. What it occurs in referring Brazil to the wages that politicians receive for its we prstimos is very beyond of what the great majority of diverse working categories and for much less hours that this great part of the population needs to destine its monthly drudgery. Further details can be found at Florence Griffith_Joyner, an internet resource. In such a way, and that it passes, it passes without the least to awake in this great mass of people any will to change this, cause many times bigger courage in these same politicians in more legislating in its proper favor increasing each time the expirations that must to it, what it would have constrangedor and shameful to have to the Country to have still to surpass an edge of very great misery. can be concluded despite when this candidate is elect and following its mandate many times the outcry of position in a bigger sphere with bigger profit can awake it will not to make something for the people chose who it, but yes in increasing its patrimony still more, he has seen what if the news in the media in general on as many values that they not only gain of wage but aerial allowances for expenses, tickets, aid of cabinet and other diverse ones, that a sum perfazem that stops some, the value already would be good if an only one was a lottery prize time, but for these politicians these values are monthly and during four years and still other benefits as vacation beyond days that a worker, has right annually. . Jackie Joyner-Kersee may not feel the same.

Early Development

Currently, there are so many different games for children of any age, from puzzle games to play for the development of motor skills. At an early age children should not sit still with folded hands, but must evolve, and in all directions. Now the Internet there are many online stores that offer to buy a variety of games for early childhood development. We will try to evaluate the usefulness of developing games for the development of child. Every child is born with a unique view of the world.

He has his own vision of the world. Therefore, children tend to put it in their actions. And parents must help them do that. The child should be constantly engaged in some activity. Go to Marion Jones for more information. For example, collecting the puzzle, the child develops the qualities as logical thinking, creativity and perseverance. It develops fine motor skills, imagination, color perception, patience, produced by observation and ability to concentrate. Puzzles for children – a useful educational game.

It is recommended to buy puzzles and puzzle for children aged 2 years or more. We must remember that adults need to all to help their children. It should be of interest to the child, make it clear to him that the puzzle – it's very interesting. If you begin to assemble a mosaic, a child sitting nearby, will watch with interest what is happening, and then turns himself in Children bring a great contribution to child development. Now such a variety of puzzles that just eyes run! Color mosaic puzzles in the form of cheerful and amusing pictures, and study the cognitive puzzles. All of them are in the or less of the developing child in the right direction. Jigsaw – interesting, fun, loved children. Developing games for children can play an important role in the development of your child. Do not forget about it.

Triana Hotels

One of the more attractive tourist centers of Spain is the province of Seville. Between these attractiveness they are the Cathedral of Seville (considered patrimony of the humanity). This is the greater gothic cathedral of the world and owns a bell tower that receives the name of the Giralda. Also it will be able to be with the Casillos of San Jorge, to enjoy Triana, the old factory of crafts, to enjoy the obispal palace and the Sandy ground, with his well-known gold tower, among others so many attractions. All the architectonic beauty that offers east place, will be accompanied by the chords by the folklore Andalusian, the flamenco one. Igulamente will be able to enjoy the beautiful spectacles of operates that they offer on a daily basis. If it has already arranged to visit this imposing city, and needs to look for cheap hotels available in Seville, we recommended to him to enter This Web site, grants the contingency to him to find lodging in Seville and any place of the world, to a very accessible cost.

It must enter the Web site, place Seville in the option destiny and only complete other data of the form; as the date of entrance and date of debit, amount of rooms and people by room. When it has realised east procedure, it already can begin to program his trip., offers the alternative him to interchange information with passengers who already have lodged in those hotels of Seville that he has looked for, being able to accede to photos and commentaries of people who were in that place. To obtain cheap hotels in Seville does not have intermediary costs, the prices that appear in their search, will be those that will pay if it decides to lodge in that place. Also, it will have direct access to the pages of the hotels that you choose, being able to communicate directly with the reception of these hotels. is a completely gratuitous option, where it will find the lodging in Seville that wants, comparing between different hotels and costs. It would take too much time to him and it would generate too much confusion to him, to carry out this search by means of a common finder. But in this website, it will find everything what looks for: different options of cheap hotels in Seville, recommendations of other passengers, direct access to these hotels, photos, videos and the comfort to contract a hotel from its house. For that reason, it does not look for more. If the best option needs cheap hotels in Seville it is Hotelesnow.

Strategies De Marketing That Make Buy Part 1. 9999 Repeatedly. The Present Time

Entrate What Happens In the First Sale? The first sale is only a beginning. Any business does not exist that can stop benefitting using direct marketing, to sell more its existing clients to him. But What happens if you have a product of a single purchase? Good, to begin there are not many products that are only sold once. In average people buy between 35-45 pairs of shoes, 6-7 cars, and 3-4 houses in the course of her life. Hear from experts in the field like Evelyn Ashford for a more varied view. And probably they will paint, they will change the carpets, and they will renew another 5-6 times. Therefore it is good that your strategy of sale is the correct one, so that the clients return and they return to buy. How much it costs to you to send a few letters to him to which finishes spending thousands of dollars with you? If you do not have another product to sell, it finds other complementary businesses with products and services that your clients will want a logical aggregate to which already you sell.

Results To To use Appropriate Strategies Empecemos with several examples so that it can see where use the different techniques from marketing, for a light truck 4×4 could be a rolling house or things of camping. For a house, they would be carpets, curtains, alarms. For a store of dresses, they would be shoes, accessories, portfolios, etc. If you have a product of multiple sales like shoes, Why not to take note from the number of footwear of the client, favorite color and to notify of new line and models to him? Or to give the privilege them of special supplies in its figure? (It give account you that if you have a clothes store, video club, florera, etc. you can adapt this strategy of marketing to your business) Example One tends fashionable of men who I know, sells more in his ” Supplies only for clientes” during four days that in a month of normal sales.

This is a strategy that will allow him to attract existing clients and futures also (Prospectuses) and by all means to increase its sales. Some of my clients are asked, Will be able I to also become an expert in marketing? The answer to this question is yes. Nevertheless, one better question is How begin the experts in marketing? In fact, How he begins whatever it is very good in his enterprise or personal field? Which is its SECRET? It wishes to know as the experts begin, which are their secrets, the same that make them better in this field. Then, all these contents and many more, will be developings in the following article.

Monitors Heart Rate

Have you ever been that sports change our bodies, not only outside but inside? As far as safely and correctly matched to your body exercise used in training? How can I make All our sport more effective and useful? I hope that thought. Then, let's talk about absolutely indispensable things in training – heart rate monitors (monitors heart rhythm). For a start try to understand what kind of heart rate and how it affects the body as a whole. Heart rate (pulse) – the most accessible indicator of cardio – vascular system of man. To broaden your perception, visit Jackie Joyner-Kersee. Frequency heart shows us – how many cuts should perform heart to supply the necessary amount of oxygen the body. The average heart rate adult at rest is about 80 beats per minute. Angela Zepeda will not settle for partial explanations.

For comparison, in humans, leading a sedentary lifestyle (car – office – car – home), heart rate can not exceed 90-100 beats per minute! That is, the heart must contract more likely to a person could perform the most common household activities, not to mention the physical stress. To the heart was not so hard, you have to train. And it does not necessarily do it in the gym. For starters, you can simply do walking. The easiest route – home – work – home.

The main thing is to watch your health. For us, this is just to help monitor the heart rate. All monitors show the current heart rate heart rate, average and maximum heart rate during training. Depending on the model you can get data on the number of calories burned, the individual maximum, and so on. Monitors heart rate can help determine the optimal parameters of physical activity and make it more efficient. In addition, there is the possibility of information back and forth on training in computer and further analysis of the training process and its effectiveness. Some models may set distinctive mark, locating the transition to different parts of the workout and, consequently, change the load. A detailed analysis of the results makes it possible to adjust the exercise program and make it more suitable for you. If you use a heart rate monitor, analyze his testimony after a workout, remember: Your heart gets stronger! The number of coronary vessels that nourish it and provide oxygen! The number of blood vessels in other organs and muscles! Improves the condition of your blood vessels! You become more healthy! Practice! Analyze! Healthier! Stay in shape!

The Mystery Of The Schizophrenia

In order to begin, I want to remember some news that strongly hit the public opinion in the city of Madrid, where alive and because not to say it, also it hit the information in the rest of Spain, although in fact, the misterior of the schizophrenia, is a problem that we can consider world-wide. One is that we can consider an example of certain we say, theoretical insufficiencies, about the mental problems. It is the history of a woman and another story, of a man, that appeared in press and television with few days of difference. And lla, was a young woman, seemed well, that behind schedule it entered the casualty department of the Hospital where it worked and with a knife it attacked, mortally, without mediating word, to another medical one that it was occupying the job, that she had occupied until days ago, arriving even to attack other patients, users who were close. The other case, a man, guard of the forces of the order, went to its command and shot two mortal shots, to the turn official.

It, was diagnosed of Schizophrenia, but anybody the wise person in her hospital. , She was of loss by mental upheavals of conduct and, but she allowed herself him to conserve his official weapon. One is a mental disease, the Schizophrenia, that represents a problem, of first magnitude anywhere in the world, supposedly civilized and, that has an incidence, comparativily greater, than the Alzheimer, the diabetes or the multiple sclerosis. Apparently, one of each one hundred inhabitants of the planet earth, she suffers his effects. Official science, indicates for those cases, medication of by life or at least, periods very prolonged of time, since it does not arrange than we can call, curative treatments, they are only had physical or chemical vests of force. The international organisms of the health, speak of a phantom of variable group of symptoms and they are not decided to classify it like mental disease in as much, maintain the controversy open if the mental upheaval it brings about cerebral changes or if the cerebral changes bring about mental diseases.

Diabetic Patients

The lack of orientaes related to the feeding, use of medications, habits of hygiene, cares with dressings, sleep and rest and many others can provoke serious risks high the hospital one of the patient after. One knows that many times the patient receives high hospital with no necessary orientation to the continuity of its treatment and in result of some factors she finishes occurring reicindivas. JUSTIFICATION We can make with that the implantation of the process of Nursing is a tool to improve the assistance and to guarantee a more active and humanizada performance. To incorporate the high plan of hospital in the planning of the assistance is essential for an effective care of nursing, as well as, the comprometimento of the nurse with this activity. Florence Griffith_Joyner understood the implications. While, it will not have professionals of nursing who provide a systemize attendance, and controllers who prioritize the adequate number of professionals for an assistance of quality, the patients will continue without access to an important support for its high preparation for hospital and probably the number of reinternaes due to adhesion to the treatment will continue burdening the services of cares to the health. The occurrence of reicindivas has relation with the work of the nurse, a time that are of ability of this professional to educate the patient for return of its normal activities fastest possible, as the correct use of medicines, feeding, hygiene high etc.

after the hospital one. This fact leads to a reflection on the education developed in the formation of the nurse on the preparation of the patient for the whitewashing in its domicile and, over all, the necessity systemize the work of the health team, what it implies in changes of attitudes of the professionals. WHITE PUBLIC Patient of the Surgical Clinic that to receive high hospital.

Partner – Sponsor Of Sleep Apnea E. V. Since Now Over 10 Years

Land pressure Wuppertal supports our Organization in terms of sleep apnea – snoring – sleep disorders now over 10 years when we founded us in 1996, didn’t know we still, how large the scope of our work will be. End of 1999 we our first Snorer brought news out, with a circulation of 20,000, still in black and white printing. All cost estimates, however, were too expensive for us, because I came across the idea, my old friends, Carmen & Dieter, but time to ask. They didn’t know at the time still, what you’re getting into. Of snoring, sleep apnea, by snoring, had no idea at the time, but even now “professionals”.

Over the years developed a connection that has kept until today. We could not send the annual more than 6,000 newsletters, the many, many prints, without your help. promotion/159.html how important the topic: “Snoring treatment” is, it became clear very quickly either. At a small snack to the 10-year support, it was agreed that, as long as this allows the economic situation, our Organization is further supported and land shall be pressure of Wuppertal, next a major sponsor of us. currently on 16 January 1996, the Club sleep apnea e.

V. of Germany’s patient organisation sleeping in the register of associations of the Amtsgericht Wuppertal was registered. Our goal is and was to use us for publicity and the topics snoring – sleep apnea – sleep disorders to publish, where it always goes. In January 1997, we got our own PC, and in the spring of 1997, we went with our first “Sleep apnea” homepage on the Internet. Contact: Sleep apnea e. V.

Summer Freshness Without The Noise Of Bombs – Cycling In The Fontane

For the Bombodrom Kyritzer Heath in July 2009 after the panting a whole region. The organizers of cycling holidays mecklenburg wraps the adjacent Ruppiner Switzerland for the first time in his program. Creativity in planning was required to experience the beauty of this landscape on navigable due to wheel walkers. The individual tour, which combines the most impressive Lakes and landscapes of this area completely organized headlines of the Muritz in the Margraviate of Brandenburg. Bomb throwing and holiday cannot be reconciled just. The crippling paralysis of the past 17 years has left traces in the development of tourist infrastructure of the Margraviate of Brandenburg. The future is positive: without bombs noise recreation and Summer freshness at can connect ancient traditions. The ruppiner see Switzerland South of Rheinsberg is a stunningly beautiful landscape, which enchanted not only Frederick the great or Theodor Fontane. Binenwalde, Raine, Tornow Lake – time seems to have stopped. The King of Prussia is here his love affair have taken if he bathed in the crystal-clear and turquoise shimmering lime Lake, who knows. The Inviolacy of nature has to do also with the thin settlement. Serenity is the cyclists, perfect cycle paths are hard to find. But a landscape, which acts on all the senses. With the week-long tour of Lake Muritz are in the Margraviate of Brandenburg “succeeded the organizer with the wild, romantic beauty of the Ruppin land to connect the expanse of the Mecklenburg Lake District. The peace and quiet of the Woods, the shady narrow paths and the crystal clear water will leave a lasting impression. Away from the large tourist flows, you can discover a land that far more than a century summer resort unimpressed has survived. The cyclist at the end of the journey not unlike going to as Fontane: who wants to say when he wanders through the ruppiner see Switzerland, where your most powerful spell “.” More information/press contact: cycling holidays mecklenburg R. Tetmeyer wheel travel for individuals most Track 6 19386 Kreien Tel.: + 49 (38733) 229816 fax: + 49 (38733) 29023 Internet: email: about wheel travel mecklenburg cycling holidays mecklenburg is a special operator for individual cycling. This year’s program includes over 30 additional individual wheel travel offers. cycling holidays mecklenburg has worked since 2001. The high quality of service and the adaptability of the travel to the needs of the guest set standards in terms of individual travel. From the planning to the Organization and carrying out everything in one hand is located. Guests can expect a comprehensive service: selectable arrival flexibility in the duration of the trip, beautiful and exceptional hotels and luggage transport, useful and interesting additional services, comprehensive travel documentation with mostly private maps, & of course tested routes. In the program are up to the Mecklenburg cycling tours, site wheel travel and track cycling holidays by the Baltic Sea Lake plateau and the Northern Brandenburg. cycling holidays mecklenburg sees itself as a natural Organizer and loves more the quiet as the loud sounds. Therefore, the cyclists with the current itinerary can discover areas that are slightly off the tourist track. cycling holidays mecklenburg has an extensive Internet presence, which contains also information on land and people. Who holds dear in the hands of the special offer, which requests the current catalog directly from the organiser.