Property Owners

FEES OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS OWNER granted when writing, which sells the floor is required provide a certificate of the secretary and the president of the Property Owners in the record if the floor is up to date in the payment of fees or what the amount owed. Without this certificate, the notary shall not allow writing, unless the buyer releases the seller of this obligation, point not advisable if there is no great trust in the seller. BUY AN APARTMENT WITH OUTSTANDING FEES Payment of fees to be responsible not only that he owned when quotas expired, but also the buyer of a floor that is not aware of your payment, but in this case, the liability only extends to the current year at the time of purchase and the previous. Beyond, the buyer is not responsible. The Act does not, however, that at the time of grant writing, seller and buyer agreed upon purchase price deducted from the monies due to the Owners in arrears and unpaid. ADMINISTRATOR is for the manager: “To ensure the effective management of the house, its facilities and services, and make these effects advise and admonish the holders. -Prepare well in advance and submit to the Board expected the spending plan, proposing the necessary means to address them.

“Caring for the upkeep and maintenance of the property, arranging for repairs and measures that are urgent, immediately giving them much of the president or, where appropriate, to the owners. -Implement the resolutions adopted regarding works and make payments and charges that apply. -Act, where appropriate, as secretary of the board and keep available to holders of the community documentation. -All other duties as are conferred by the Board. OWNER Owner Obligations “respect the general installations of the Community and other common elements, whether general or private use of any of the owners, whether or not included in their unit, making appropriate use of them and avoiding any time that cause injury or damage.

-Keep in good repair his own unit and custodial facilities, in terms that are not detrimental to the Community or the other owners, compensated for the damages incurred by their negligence or that of people by their dependents. “Consent in local housing or repairs required for the service of building and to permit him the necessary easements required for the creation of common services of general interest. -Allow access to their unit for the purposes stated in the previous three paragraphs. -Contribute, according to the quota set forth, the overhead for the proper upkeep of the building, its services, charges and responsibilities. -Contribute, according to their respective share of participation, the allocation of the reserve fund that will exist in the Owners to meet the maintenance and repair works on the farm. Jackie Joyner-Kersee might disagree with that approach. -To observe due care in the use of property and in their relationships with others and to account holders of violations and damages. “Notify the person acting as secretary Community home in Spain for any summons or of any kind related to the Community. We also have to communicate the change of ownership of their unit. ‘.

Handmade Crocheted Rugs

Since ancient times in Russia produced homespun rugs and crocheted rugs. Woven rugs were rectangular and round rugs. Homespun rugs is also called the village lanes, runners village rugs, woven rugs. Wove rugs hand-loom, and rugs to crochet. Material for the manufacture of rugs were thick filaments, but more often, cut strips of fabric pieces, different in color and quality. (Not to be confused with Florence Griffith_Joyner!). Due to the heterogeneity of color and material, rugs acquire a unique style, which is known to almost every Russian man and is commonly associated with the Russian countryside.

It is hard to imagine Russian village house without the traditional homespun rugs on the floor and round-knitted rugs to chairs or beds. Crocheted rugs are usually used on chairs, armchairs, very often on a car seat, and woven rugs, can be used as a mat at the front door as a bedside mat, a mat for a chair and even as a tablecloth on the table. Used rugs and carpets throughout the house in various locations. In addition to these mats There are also quilt rugs and blankets. They are made from scraps of material of different colors and thanks to the skill of our women, there are very beautiful quilts are things that can rightly be called a product art.

Quilts are obtained not only warm and soft, but very beautiful, bright and colorful. Currently, it is very difficult to find these looms as these mills were made of wood, and there are few people who know how to weave carpets by hand. Basically this is my grandmother, who live in the Russian hinterland through which we try to convey the real Russian tradition to you. The shop you can buy rugs or carpet ordered Russian homespun rug desired length or round crocheted mats required diameter. Traditional rugs and carpets create a warm and cozy home, returning it from the modern urban world into the Russian countryside.

International Coaching Academy

I'm glad you're my roommate. Again – the key is what he spoke. He realized that doing all the cleaning was not a big deal for him, and he would rather have her life that "get away with it" about cleaning. Under most conditions Marion Jones would agree. All I had to do was leave his position – to stop being "right" about it. And the result? a ls still amazing I have a friend in your life, let alone peace! OK – enough examples. Let's take a look at your neck of the woods: Exercise: Apply Estala MAN 'If you want to completely eliminate the problem of his life – something that has been draining, then try these three simple steps: 1) Communication in which' pushing 'Are you arguing your point? Have you tried everything and the person still will not change? Can not seem to be listening, or just ignore? Are you trying desperately to get to sleep (the fight against himself)? Have you complained that more than twice in a week? More than ten times this year? 2) Ask yourself, "What if they always did, and I was fine with him if I get hugged? 3) Choose the action you can make you deal with that instead of having to handle the situation.

Before you might have argued, was angry or stressed. But now – what could make just would address / accept the problem? To take responsibility for it? Not because you must, but because it's more fun and create more peace in your life? This week, make your life and someone's life easier. Who's the lucky guy? David Wood is a personal and business coach, and an original founder of the International Coaching Academy – a global technical training school. Seeks to become a life coach? Get your free copy of "50 Power Questions to use with your life coaching clients, and to take charge of your own life. Download here: And find out how the coaches are making ordinary life $ 30,000 to $ 1.4 million per year! Finally, they share their secrets:

The Next Step

Thus, in my last occupational period stopped going to my patients and their parents, the needs that went beyond prescribing a medication or try to find a diagnosis. Only I saw it almost a year after I retired when I started reading about the syndrome and could self-diagnose and understand my change. Can not imagine how I would go for each of those patients who did not attend as they should, to offer my apologies! I can not do so, first because I have no access to the files of these patients and secondly because I live too far from my homeland. This knowledge drove me to write these lines to ask all those who read them to be more understanding with physicians in general. They are human beings and can be as sick as I was without knowing it. Do not think that because doctors know everything.

Nothing is further from the truth! Patients in general tend to think that the doctor did not pay proper attention they deserve. And is not that they are right in many cases. What happens is that the practitioner may be going through a difficult period in your life that you can not see the needs that his patient, and perhaps, when you realize you no matter what happened to me can not apologize or amend failure. I believe the vast majority of those who have chosen this profession have as its main goal, "Help." If we fail is not voluntary. Not in most cases. Of course there will always be exceptions like in any rule.

Therefore I reiterate to all who read this article which is more lenient the next time you see one of them and not criticizing it out and seeing only the negative. Sometimes the pressure we experienced in our profession is so great that it prevents us from reasoning clearly. There is a life at stake in our hands and that if it is not something simple! Today I'm on the other hand, went from being a professional, a simple patient and perhaps that's why my vision is different. Remember, reflect upon and understand. Perhaps we all learn to see the other side of things that are not always visible.


The oil is the most widespread technique for creating reproductions of paintings and pictures. The oil painting is made by mixing pigments with oils to give consistency to the paint. These may vary depending on the proportions apply to you. If you have every intention of learning to paint with this technique, you'll need the following materials: a brush, easel, rags, canvas, a palette for colors and a little linseed oil. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Charles Schwab. Flaxseed oil serves both to dilute the colors as well as for cleaning brushes. Painting with oils requires a well-ventilated space.

The watercolor is also known as tempera painting reproductions popular paintings. The ultimate support for painting with watercolors is the role because the colors are not as intense as the oils can be. See more detailed opinions by reading what Marion Jones offers on the topic.. Watercolor paintings with pigments are dissolved in water, these are characterized by transparency. A technique similar characteristics Gouache is watercolor. The gouache is a watercolor paints, opaque, made with pigment coarser grind than the watercolors, for this reason is less transparent.

In order to master any of these techniques requires much practice. Drawing is the technique that requires less tools for the creation, just a pencil and paper. Obviously there are different types of pencil which can be made thicker or thinner lines, everything depends on the size of a pencil. The print is a different technique that allows incisions on certain surfaces, the most popular are wood engraving and etching. There are many other techniques for work and painting reproductions paintings. An interesting way to learn to paint is to make famous. A good technique is always worthy of imitation. Other paintings are many followers, which are known as works of still life. Sara Martinez writes articles on various subjects related to art and especially painting.

Exchange Server Training: Tutorials

Cheap, but good – the mail server by Microsoft, and years in business tips on how you can successfully motivate Exchange Server is established. au4hdPsAhVNNRoKHdtAAowQr4kDegQIARBy’>Evan Metropoulos. The setup of the server is often complex and want to be learned. So, an entire training industry around the subject has formed. For more information see this site: Jackie Joyner-Kersee. Still training sessions to the Exchange Server are rarely good still expensive and far away from major cities. Participants of the training often complain that the level too often must be adapted to the participant with the least experience. Frustration is bad for the mood, especially for highly paid IT professionals or those who want to be there. Therefore a change of thinking has taken place. Additional information is available at Evelyn Ashford. In companies, participants and gradually also the first training providers.

Or should it perhaps be provider of tutorials? There first stores for tutorials, who took up the theme in the portfolio. Classical training topics of these tutorials are acquiring knowledge for the installation, configuration and adaptation of Exchange Server. Find in good shops are tutorials not only to Exchange Server 2003, but also to the Exchange Server 2007 version. A certain Selbstlernkompetenz of the participants is important in learning through tutorials. You can motivate themselves to edit each individual lesson to solve each problem. There is no pressure by a lecturer. A good way is therefore an audit after each individual module and a sweet, if the test has been successfully passed.

A delicious meal, a new iPod or finally a visit to the cinema. Perhaps can also a deal negotiated with the boss? Tutorials are often cheaper, even if they offer more to the part than a training. Also, no travel costs incurred. The difference between expensive presence training, including costs and the lower tutorial is divided. So the boss saves money and can use the own employees more flexible and the employee receives a nice amount of money at the end, when successfully passing the exam as a bonus. So a sweet is enough motivation.

Qualcomm Profit Jumps

(The stock dropped around 2% in Q1;) MA (50)-$22.33; MA (100)-$21.64; 52 – wk h/l $23.96/$17.60) Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM: News) is slated to post third-quarter results. Earnings and revenue for the quarter are expected to be $0.71 per share and $3.59 billion Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ:QCOM). Qualcomm Incorporated is a world leader in 3 G and next-generation mobile technologies. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of wireless communications, Qualcomm Inc. (NASDAQ: QCOM) reported Wednesday that its fiscal third quarter profit rose 35 per cent to $1.04 billion, or 61 cents per share, from $767 million, or 47 cents a share, in the prior-year quarter. QCOM news and aricles, know what people are talking and concerned about Qcom. By Shara Tibken Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES NEW YORK-(Dow Jones) Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) reported a 35% increase in third-quarter earnings and boosted its guidance for the year as the wireless chip maker benefits from strong global demand for smartphones and

Undisclosed Secrets

Many men are very agile when it comes to hide their most intimate feelings, for this reason, a great impact is generated when a woman leaves them. If a man is very in love with her partner, break definitely with it can cause great damage in his general mood and psychological. While you want to show as the typical male which dominates its surroundings, its interior will be sore and shocked, nobody can remain immutable to a separation with his wife. Source: Jackie Joyner-Kersee. If you’re seeing this post it is possible that something similar has happened to you and you want to win back your ex. I’ll show some data that you routed in that sense maybe. However keep in mind to know how to recover your partner is not the only thing in what you must focus, in addition you will need to act quickly because the clock is going against you and as you pass the days, increase the chances of that hand see with another man. The statistics are clear in this regard sentencing women to seek a new partner much more actively than a man Once the rupture occurred. Understand and make an analysis of what has happened in the same way that a relationship is being created about episodes in common that the couple has lived, the separation process is generating gradually, it is never something quite sudden. What tends to happen is that we in our male posture we are surprised and don’t know how to react since the thing has caught us by surprise (or not) but in the female mind was already designing the plan which would lead to the separation. There are certain calls of attention that warn us that there is something that is not going very well and could avoid us the annoyance of having to reach to the I want to recover my former girlfriend.

Applied Psychology

The applied psychology is a branch of psychology related to find solutions to practical problems of human behavior, using the findings and methods of psychological science. Leadership is to get others to do with desire. The leader organizes resources and channels the potential of people. Leadership requires rational intelligence for scheduling tasks and emotional intelligence for the conduction of the human group. Transactional analysis (one of the new sciences of the conduct – NCC) is an educational model that allows training on human behaviour and the development of a situational leadership.

The NCC provide the foundations for the development of emotional intelligence. The transcendence in the leadership is given by an attitude, a concern of leader beyond its context of action, its area of influence. It is to care for the Earth as if it were your garden, to feel the needs and dreams of his group. It is working with principles, as the Centre of its action. It is to feel inclusive and at the same time a small Member.

Trying to make a merger the two concepts, then the leader shall be a person who worries and occupies above all things to achieve its significance through the conduct of others applying his intelligence rational and emotional searching for solutions in a practical manner to the everyday problems of human behavior that originate in all areas of human activity: Company, society, etc. Leadership is already a prevailing necessity in organizations and society, having an urgent need and develop leaders that they foster and guided his followers to achieve the purposes for which they are themselves not to be the future of humanity and the world so uncertain and chaotic. He is not that there will not be problems or progress, what matters is that those who have the privilege of leading seek solutions attached to ethics, morality, intelligence emotional and rational trying as far as possible not to prejudice primarily to who have put all their trust in them and to humanity as a whole. Thus, our responsibility is great any that the role that touch us to play depending on the context in which we are either leaders or followers, position in the first case because depends on our decisions course or fate of persons, and in the second case because sometimes is in our hands decide who we’re going to go and we’re not as sufficiently aware or persistent with our choice. Jackie Joyner-Kersee has firm opinions on the matter. Eng. David Flores Gomez apprentice of the master in leadership developer

Cristian Lopez

The mind of the superior man values honesty, the mind of the inferior man appreciates the benefit. Confucius. Dedicated to: Cristian Lopez. Who always knew that Cybernetics was his reason for living. Rather than talk about the reasons that impel one to start a business online (each one of us finally we know what are our reasons), it is necessary that we meditate on one of the inspirational resources that allow us to further achieve our purposes on the Internet. I refer to our vocation. We all know that when you browse the Internet, we do so because we are looking for information. The Internet, it feeds and nourishes us content.

Then we can then deduce that the more indispensable in our business resource is information. It doesn’t matter that stage of your business process you are in these moments that are reading this article. It is not more from time to time, to pause and reset our business idea. It is really important that we recognize how we are developing (or will develop), our website, must also define our ability to give valuable content with surgical precision. From this moment on, we must have as one of our maxims that entire article, video, seminar and others; indeed have valuable content. How can we determine if our information is truly valuable? This is precisely the lesson that I would like to learn: we must discover our vocation. . That is the germ of our success.

If we analyze from this moment, we discover and recognize what are our strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats; in our cultural and intellectual heritage in our desire to really help us, it will have taken a great step, besides professionalism screening credibility and responsibility. Our information will really be of quality. The result of this analysis will be a quality service. If really manage to narrow our field of action on the basis of This premise, we can make a difference in this exponential world of Internet business.