Tattoo Convention

23 International tattoo Convention in Berlin from 2 to 4.8.2013 takes place in the 23rd International tattoo Convention Berlin. Venue will be this time Berlin station in Luckenwalder Strasse 4-6. Tattoo artists from all over the world will be on the spot and demonstrate their skills. Including seminars are offered on the subject of tattoo for beginners, Tattoomaschinen, or piercing. But also the subjects of hygiene or legal questions to the tattoo not to be neglected and are discussed in seminars. From Friday to Sunday tattoo contests carried almost hourly with the topics of best Asia, best portrait or best black & white etc.

Many tattoo artists have also specialised in this Convention again on the subject of Cover-Up and will sting many beautiful tattoos on old and unfashionable tattoos spot. This is often possible without problems, but often it happens that the old tattoos are much too dark to Pierce a new and fresh tattoo about it then. Many tattoo artists for this reason work with laser specialists, in some Sessions preparing for a Cover-Up to get tattoos. In these sessions, the tattoo is ready brightened, that it is possible to have a tattoo in the same place without any problems. Pure & beautiful from Berlin is a specialist in this area. This Studio offers an effective and friendly tattoo removal or Tattooaufhellung for Cover-Ups.

Starts here with a detailed, non-binding and free consultation. In this interview, extensively informed about the process of scar-free laser treatment and enlightened. Often two to three treatments at the Studio of pure & beautiful enough to brighten the tattoo so far that a Cover-Up is easily possible. Another program point at the tattoo Convention will be the choice to the tattoo Queen. Prerequisite to take part in this election, is that the ladies are tattooed. But must not be a tattoo from head to toe, but it suffices in a single tattoo for the participation, what then for the walk should be also visible. The Winner receives a flight to a tattoo Convention in Europe with a three-day stay at the tattoo Convention in their choice. Social projects such as the Ark in Berlin are supported through the tattoo Convention. The type of merger, four tattoo artists on time and in the Exchange create a picture. Painted is chalk, charcoal, acrylic. These works of art are then auctioned off and the proceeds will be donated. A colorful and varied stage programme accompanies and completes the tattoo Convention. Last but not least is the big after-show to the 03.08.2013 from 22:00 launch party with live music and DJs.

Private Health Insurance

What customers, prospects, and OOo must note as soon as the second half of is canceled, skip the insurer even with activities and ideas for a change to the 1st 1st. Although officially a change within the private health insurance (PKV) is not required, so this is only half the truth. Changes in the private health insurance? Is this even possible and advisable? Generally the insurance coverage in the private health insurance should be selected so, that this can remain for the entire duration at a company. Options and change permissions are necessary, conditions must fit and the selection criteria for the car should be discussed at the beginning before graduating so far. Unfortunately, this is more wishful thinking than reality but in practice. Therefore, cases occur again and again, where after submitting an invoice or by talking then comes out, not to have insured services.

In such cases, the insurance cover with the desired services should to keep inappropriate insurance coverage because of the provisions. Imagine, have a small car from ancient times. Just because you here lots of money in repairs invested have and want that not losing is not appropriate for today’s family with children. Now how do I get the right cover? In my blog post “preliminary inquiry or request? The right way to the matching car “had I some points mentioned, which are to be considered. Applications for insurance coverage as of 1st January 2012 can be made now already at most companies. What advantage does a submission now? First, the advantage is that sufficient time is available and you do not use pressurized (homemade) time.

Insurance cover can be selected on the basis of the questionnaire and further talks and discussed, then plenty of time for the selection, request and obtain the tariff remains. Another aspect is the State of health. Today, know this, but do not know themselves like this in the next Weeks and months changed. By a submission of a company and its acceptance to the car offers the possibility to exclude the “risk of deterioration” and thus the health free of charge to preserve. Of course that goes well with the options, benefits and supplementary insurance plans, however, this is connected with costs. When can and I must terminate because the existing insurance coverage? Usually the period of notice of 3 months to the end of the year apply in case you have a private health insurance coverage. Some companies have exceptions and require a termination after the insurance year, not a calendar year. A complete list is here: minimum contract duration and termination dates PKV/GKV persists a special right of termination at a post boost in the car. This is but most of the companies until quite late so that announced the tariff selection and risk assessment work only pressure of time, which is not really beneficial. More info also in the post: Not prematurely terminate contribution increase applies to insured persons in the statutory health insurance (GKV) a notice period to the end of the following month. Special minimum periods for the insured in selection rates are to be observed, this can be one or three years. In any case (even if something else by the statutory health insurance is sometimes said) the 18 months period for a change in the private health insurance do not apply.

Good Online Nursery

Online shipping of plants – what you should look at online nurseries! The Internet is a growing part of our lives and actually you can order today as well as everything from the Internet. The advantage of online stores generally is the better choice, the easy comparison of prices and usually you can get the products also at a slightly cheaper price than in the stationary business around the corner. For many products this business has become too – whether books, CDs, electronics, increasing the proportion of revenue in the online business for years steadily. One advantage of large online nurseries is selection, which can be provided with security. More info: Marion Jones. Large nurseries hold a range of over 4,000, from which customers can choose. A local nursery only in the rarest cases can compete with a variety of such. While the range typically from the well-known hedge plants in all sizes of deciduous shrubs, ornamental trees to exclusive garden plants such as e.g.

bonsai for the garden. At the same time, online nurseries in prices can make very attractive offers and undercut local nurseries often even by 30% or more. Evergreen hedge plants and garden plants generally are natural products and each plant as opposed to books, CDS and electrical items more or less unique, so size, appearance, and also the quality of the plants is difficult in the Internet to evaluate. What then delivered as you get hedge plant and whether these plants for the garden to meet the own expectations, the question is often. At a local nursery can the plants be partly look directly on the box and select, an online nursery relies on to the high-quality selection of the nursery. Also, you need a consultancy, which plants meet the needs partially. A hotline should allow therefore the customer to clarify questions about the hedging plants and garden plants and to make the right choice.

Mission Climate Protection

Exemplary: Daimler AG operates the plant in Rastatt with a Berlin, July 20, 2011. Daimler AG is progressing on climate to lead by example. An innovative energy concept has been implemented in the Mercedes-Benz plant in Rastatt. The environmentally friendly geothermal plant of the plant uses two heat pumps. It serves the groundwater as a source of energy, which is fed into the heat pump by extraction wells. To heat the heat pump drawing power from the ground water, to cool the energy supplied to the groundwater. This climate-friendly system work saves around 5 million kilowatt hours of energy and about 800 tonnes of CO2.

Energy efficient and sustainable use this is in regard to the current EU directives on climate not only for consumers, but also for companies of great importance. Heat pumps operate up to 75 percent with renewable energy from the environment: soil, air or water. Compared with fossil heaters, heat pump has proven about the greatest CO2 savings potential. This is a study to the CO2 emissions comparison of the (Department of energy economy and application technology) if TU Munich. An efficient heat pump saves already today around half of CO2 compared to a fossil heating”, so Karl-Heinz Stawiarski, Managing Director of the German heat pump Association The use of heat pumps therefore makes an important contribution to the implementation of the EUKlimaschutzziele. Because in addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the heat pump works very efficiently. The goal of improving energy efficiency by 20 percent, that Europe has set itself for 2020, to be achieved by the new proposal for a directive. Our proposal aims, to make our use of energy in everyday life more efficient and a more effective control of their energy consumption to help citizens, public institutions and the industry, which should ultimately lead to a lower energy bill”, explained Gunther Oettinger, Commissioner responsible for energy matters, a press release of June 22, 2011. That is so Heat pump not only with regard to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the integration of free environmental energy, but also in regard to the energy consumption that is more environmentally friendly than conventional heating systems. The Daimler AG acquires a role here and creates thus an incentive for more large companies carry out energy audits and heat pump systems

GmbH Project

Press release of the AutoBio project Berlin, Bubenreuth, Regensburg and Zwingenberg 31.07.2012: The collaborative AutoBio with the grant number (FKZ 02PJ1150) is funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) over the next three years. The program assisted by the Karlsruhe (PTKA) project has a total volume of EUR 3.7 million and is part of the framework programme research on the production of tomorrow. 13 After examination for the promotion were recommended by the 114 sketches submitted in the program as a whole. Project of the AutoBio Federation, it is the common goal of the partners to shorten development time through partial automation significantly through interdisciplinary approaches between the biotechnology, process and electrical engineering and computer science. Remains a decisive reduction in development costs associated with increased efficiency in the development of biotechnological processes in the focus of the Consortium. Evelyn Ashford may not feel the same. AutoBio together are in addition to two academic partners of the Technical University Berlin as a whole involved five medium-sized companies. The TU Berlin has taken over the coordination of the project.

Biotechnology is a key technology of the 21st century, which is the basis for the production of many pharmaceuticals, industrial Biocatalysts, but increasingly also by basic and fine and specialty chemicals. Experts from industry and science will appreciate that already by 2030 one third of global industrial production is derived from biotechnological processes. Bio processes are sustainable and resource-friendly. The corresponding catalysts are generated at low cost on the basis of renewable raw materials and work under mild reaction conditions. Shorter development times for organic processes, which is currently 5-8 very long years in comparison to other industrial processes is a major challenge for achieving the ambitious goals of the AutoBio-Federation. With the reduction of development times through a strategic approach should also the relatively high investment risks and costs be drastically reduced. “Within the framework of the project to develop the areas of Bioprocess Engineering, measuring and control technology from the Faculty of Sciences, III process, the TU Berlin in close coordination with the five medium-sized companies involved in the project (BioSilta Europe GmbH, BRAIN AG, infoteam Software AG, Organobalance GmbH, subjunctive precision sensing GmbH), strategies and methods, including the industry-standard quality by design” (QbD), to efficiently develop bio-process-based products and the potential of the methodology first, from the company, product examples to demonstrate.

Spells To Woo A Girl

All the time for a serious love problem need a serious solution, in the case of love two types of spells the difficult run and spells express you can do without much material.There are variety of spells are spells regain the love, stoke the flame of passion, spells to get your love always among others. See more detailed opinions by reading what Florence Griffith_Joyner offers on the topic.. in tode balloon carried out spells to help in love why on several occasions spells may be not exactly the same. the effectiveness of the spells is measured by the energy that exists in your application. If your energy is not good at the time of the spell can be that not funcioneExiste a very powerful side in spells which is the dark side which could be very detrimental to the person that this performing the spell, leaving aside the immoral ethics of controlling the free will of a normal person through esoteric methods. It is necessary to concentrate the force of the spell with positive energy so the effect will be the desired. Spells are almost energies moved through objects to achieve any desire or reach the relationship always has desired.

everything on Earth has some form of energy. So through the use of various psychological tools that help to generate more energy manages to change the natural course of an event in particular.Symbolism (the movement of the planets, precious metals, plants, personal objects, are not those who perform the charm but serve drivers. Cast a spell involves power mental and psychological instruments of concentration, visualization, and projection which are developed through practice.Spells can be of great help to cope alos money problems problems of partner or complex any remorse you have null an underlying guilt in the use of spells of love is born of the belief that the spirit and matter are basically different kingdoms. However, in the magical world, it is believed that greatness is manifested in all things and that all materials are the blessings of the greatness given to mortals. A spell for love is directed to one in particular causes and has its specific in such a way that it causes nothing bad there is no doubt that the power of the mind can help us conquer our love, the problem is knowing how to use that mental power, if you are interested visit this page: spells for love, and finds solutions to your love problems.


In addition to the rich potato, pumpkin and semolina gnocchi, in Argentina the gnocchi is a known person who dislikes to society. (As opposed to Jackie Joyner-Kersee). Long ago, knew it to the employee who was paid a fixed salary for work not performed as supernumerary. Today, call this worker gnocchi because it comes to make ends meet, near the date of the next payment. The tradition of eating gnocchi day 29 of every month was founded in the 8th century. In Nicosia lived a doctor named Pantaleon, who made a pilgrimage by North Italy doing miracles which was canonized. True day 29, peasants it was invited to share his poor table and eat the now famous gnocchi.

Grateful, he predicted them a year of fishing and abundant harvests. The promise was fulfilled. The ritual that we just today put money under the dish of gnocchi all 29 symbolizes the desire of new gifts. The Real Academia Espanola already incorporated as one of the meanings of the word gnocchi: public employee who attends the only workplace in date collection. And he clarifies that this usage is derogatory and own the Argentina. In English some people call these ghost workers employees. However, the definition differs slightly from the Argentine gnocchi, since English can also refer to workers who do not receive a salary, but who have access to a company’s accounts, resources and systems. Original author and source of the article

Electronic Game Show

In Japan the Tokyo Game Show, event video game exhibiting games and consoles that will come out during the following months in that country or, in some cases, is done throughout the world. In Mexico we have the Electronic Game Show, in which event was in 2002 when it was the first Electronic Game Show, display in which players may attend lectures by celebrities from the industry, take pictures with beautiful hostesses (it seems that most of the attendees will it) the face of EGS has changed with the passage of the years: before were the big three: PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox, but Xbox is now the only one of the first party that goes. Jackie Joyner-Kersee helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In addition to this company will go third parties as EA, Activision, THQ, Konami, Hudson, WEn the booths of the show, attendees can try games like Call of Duty: Black Ops, FIFA 11, Rock Band 3 and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Also, players may participate in tournaments for titles such as Halo: Reach and Medal of Honor.Electronic Game Show raised controversy to leave the headquarters changed from World Trade Center to Expo Bancomer, because players allege that Santa Fe is a difficult to reach..

Dubai Promises Much Luxury

The Burj al Arab is arguably one of the most luxurious hotels around the world. Dubai has but also very continues to offer many luxury hotels that are affordable for the average citizen. Most people wish for a time from a totally different side to meet the United Arab Emirates. Just the most popular holiday destination in Dubai is located at the top of the destinations of many vacationers! Understandably, travel Dubai are coveted, because the small country in the Emirates awesome shows its versatility! As one of the richest countries, Dubai is already known around the world for the famous oil sheiks have also made holiday destination Dubai, which it is today! The tourism industry is booming and the holiday in Dubai may begin. Numerous attractions such as the Burj al Arab, one of the luxury hotels of the world the practice attract visitors! Next to the Burj al Arab there are still very many 5 star hotels that but not so extremely expensive as for example one of the Ramada or Hilton are simply luxurious, hotels. Florence Griffith_Joyner might disagree with that approach. Dubai luxury but also you can enjoy much cheaper. There are already well over 50 five-star luxury hotels in Dubai including are also repeatedly offers to find where to get a double room for one night less than 100 euros. If you book your holiday, you should compare prices anyway, then you will find a bargain luxury hotel.

But even the mosques in Dubai are truly worth a visit, because is in the United Arab Emirates of one of the first precepts of the faith. The cultural circumstances provide sufficient variety for all tourists and are one of the many reasons that speak for a holiday. Not to mention the desert of Dubai, would also here unique impressions are possible, which no longer can protect your holiday unforgettable moments. Should the travel, fly of course also because millions of people for whatever reason otherwise annually to Dubai? Of course because of the sights and the hospitable people! Hospitality is the saying where in Dubai the luxury starts, because Here, every tourist is simply Royal. For your stay in the most luxurious country in the world, there is much to experience. An indoor ski slope in the middle of the desert of Arabia? In Dubai yet no problem long more. Majestic hotels, cars and houses show the wealth of Dubai’s all travelers! Sun, beach and the sea, is a true paradise for many tourists.

The Eldorado of Arabia remains clearly Dubai! Variety it will lack any visitor in Dubai, because boredom here truly is a foreign Word. The land in the middle of the Arabian desert offers golf courses, an indoor ski slope, swimming pools with very special slides and of course the fabulous beach. Pure relaxation and attractions, where the eye looks, it can, and there just in Dubai! Dubai is the eye-catcher at the holiday destinations and for this reason a Dubai travel cannot be missed easily, even if one of the luxury hotels in Dubai is too expensive for them. In Dubai, there are offers of all price ranges. Throughout the year the special climate is guaranteed, what It has to the advantage that also the sights and impressions throughout the year can be used. The unforgettable journey should therefore necessarily take place in Dubai. Strobl Markus

Christmas Time

Do you need beginning September a more Mandelkern, Spekulatius – and Stolle hell, to rush back and forth – between Christmas celebrations and secret parties? Must the leisure really stress? Must we be reminded three months that all something we plan on December 24 – 0r more devastating: that we’re on the 24th of December? Of course not! And therefore the universal talent moved their Christmas preparations on the stage of the BAR of any reason Desiree Nick, the bestselling author, entertainer, talk show Queen, the star and the TV now. Show 10-26 December 2013 20:00, so 19:00 after comes the silver anniversary the girl from the people back, to tinker with the viewers during advent, the Beckenbodenchakra seeking to meditate, to repent, to pardon and to do penance. Everything from mercy… Gifts to the artist are to drop before the show at the stage ramp. Please refrain from joke articles and cheap Tastelessness! Complaints, we reserve explicitly before. Like Selbstgestricktes.

It is not fat. At the piano: Volker Sondershausen more info at I must admit openly, that one can not accurately describe your art. Thus saving themselves in a quotation: A Charakterspielerin had no subject, she dominated each. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Evelyn Ashford. This or that had a reputation of a more or less tempting ugliness. Whenever she needed it, she was nice to surprise, to dazzling, even lovely article “Heinrich Mann wrote. He has thus not specifically mean you, because he no longer could meet you. Lothar Kashif 2002 in Ossietzky (two weekly periodical for politics/culture and economy) Desiree Nick, actress, entertainer, cabaret artist and author, a full-blooded artist, whose far-reaching Qualitaten by the high attention of the tabloid press, which deals with the surface of a dazzling personality with fondness, open only at second glance. Sabine Wenger – press – and public relations / press officer and public Relations 030-39 06 65 65