Dukan Diet

The Nestle Foundation has recently published a study based on the danger that involve diets not overseen by nutritionists. A diet to be effective it must be personalized, tailored to the needs of each person. Christopher McDonald may find it difficult to be quoted properly. If it is not a diet balanced and properly custom you can trigger on the rebound effect; with inadequate diets in the best of cases only lose water and muscle mass, when the body recovers makes with greater predisposicien to retain fat and liquid, getting sometimes to recover more of the lost weight. But if in addition is not designed or supervised by a nutritionist or dietitian diet dangers may become more serious nutritional deficiencies of many of these diets, like the dissociative, exclusive or the hipocaloricas-desequilibradas as well as feeding on proteins as the Dukan, may end up in the long run with the development of physical illnesses such as diabetes, vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis, cardiovascular or liver-related diseases. They are dangerous diets and useless for weight loss definitely. In addition the Dukan diet is not a personalized diet since valuations are made by automatic processes that do not take into account possible diseases, health problems or intolerance of the person. Effective diets have to be balanced, personalized and controlled by specialists.

There is only one way to lose weight in a healthy and effective way: with a diet calorie perfectly correctly by a registered dietitian. U.S. Mint has firm opinions on the matter. We have real weapons to combat obesity closer than we think. The Mediterranean diet has been named by the UNESCO World Heritage site. Mediterranean diet is called the traditional power of the countries bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, especially Spain, Italy, Greece and France. A study by the American Association of Neurology revealed that these foods protect the areas of the brain related to memory and thinking, reduces the risk of cerebral infarction and according to the prestigious British Medical Journal in 2008, protects us from the majority of diseases Chronicles, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease. And in this case Yes it have been scientifically proven effects. The Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits is the healthier way to fight obesity and keep cholesterol under control, any hypocaloric diet supervised and personalized based on it, will not only be a very effective and delicious, if not also a guarantee of health diet. Dukan diet, the diet that is all the rage in Europe Women living

Buenos Government

To avoid falling into what aggressive we are going to use the word bizarre. What follows is a sample of how a bizarre attitude, can have effects as creative attitudes or practices. A few weeks ago, we have reminded our communication of 2006, referred to the possibility of using railway branches off to transport household waste – at least treated to desert areas of the country to be deposited with the minimum environmental impact. The problem of waste (not a only for the domestic, but of industrialists, the pathological and radioactive) is a feature considered refusal of the modern megalopolis.It seems that it is even more serious in the impoverished third world metropolises. Annie Potts is full of insight into the issues. The metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, is no exception to these characteristics.Institutional set-up of the same conditions this treatment of other issues, but this is made, worth repeating, more flagrant.And this as the rest of the Metropolitan problems that It is obviously daftness, it processed in the framework of the full force of the Argentine constitutional order. This term, not ignores the permanent struggle for pre-eminence that occurs in every human grouping; and the prominence of this struggle is that of people who show political vocation.It is shown that legitimacy which only gives the citizen pronouncement is not synonymous with institutional quality. And this creates the possibility that a legitimate representative of the people, present projects, which we encourage not respectfully described as bizarre.This demonstrates the inescindibilidad of political struggles with the formulation and execution of policies public.Corollary of this is low efficiency which is to propose policies public without effective political backing. The foregoing makes the question that occupies us on this communication.It is known that the Government of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, has in the days running a different from the dominant political sign at powers Executive and legislative, both Government Federal, as the Government of the province of Buenos aires, and nearly all municipalities with jurisdiction in the respective metropolitan area.

Spirit Entrepreneur

There is a place in which every entrepreneur seeks refuge. It’s like a curtain behind which may escape from the daily challenges you face. It is a place of apparent safety. It is also the place in which the majority of the ventures fail, because they are no longer productive and competitive. It is our comfort zone.

According to Wikipedia, the comfort zone is a mental conditioning that determines that people operate within a framework of mental barriers that are not real. The one person comfort zone is the set of environments and behaviours with which she feels safe and without risk. However, these barriers create a sense of security that only is apparent. Like inertia, a person who has established a comfort zone in his life, will have the tendency to stay within her, since, out of his comfort zone, out into the unknown and was confronted with new challenges. Our comfort zone is like a false mask behind which we hide while our entrepreneurial spirit yearns for grow and embark on new paths. Through that mask we look to the world that surrounds us and protect us from its dangers.

The problem is that one place is too well-known, too small. While it provides a sense of security, also keeps us away from the scene of real life where the opportunities are to grow, engage and achieve our goals. The comfort zone transforms us into cowards. We can kidnap towards their security domains apparent at any moment of our lives, since he knows perfectly that we would pay a very high price in order to be there: to be comfortable and have all under control are capable of sacrificing our dreams, life itself. How exit is your comfort zone? 1. Create the habit of leaving your comfort zone every day. Each day make an effort be required in an area that lacks grow.

Stress Disorder

A 5.5% of the inhabitants of the North of the country suffered syndrome of disorder by post-traumatic Stress (Acute Stress Disorder) during the second Lebanon war, this being the lowest rate of the known so far in the professional background of traumatic events in a specific location including natural disasters, traffic accidents or accidents at work. Thus determines it the research carried out by Dr. Rivka Yahav and Dr. Miri Cohen of the University of Haifa. As compared to similar research conducted among the inhabitants of the United States after the attack of September 11, it was found that a 12.4% suffered from this syndrome. Annie Potts has much experience in this field.

By Stress post-traumatic disorder (ASD) is defined as being exposed to a fact that endangered the life of the person, their family and close friends, and the response to that episode is fear, horror or helplessness. It is said that a person is suffering from ASD when after having passed a month of the traumatic event, symptoms continue and become a post-traumatic stress. According to the researchers of the Lebanon war placed all the inhabitants of the North of the country that were within reach of missiles of the Hisballa in a position that could cause ASD and therefore it was essential to check the inhabitants of the North of the country during the war. Research that took place in the third week of the war and covered in casually 199 inhabitants of the North that were within reach of the missile, only to a 5.5% was detected that they were suffering from the symptoms of post-traumatic Stress (ASD – the acronym in English) disorder of agrees to the researchers is an index well low considering that the inhabitants were under traumatic conditions almost all hours of the day during all the days. To make a comparison earlier investigations showed that the percentage that suffers from the syndrome after an accident at work reaches 6%; and 7% in the group that faced natural disasters. Un33% suffering from ASD after having been exposed to a shootout. Another goal of the research consisted of compare as both populations both Jewish and Arab, sobrellevaron the trauma of war.

This latest research is known to the Arabs of the North of the country had higher traumatic symptoms a 20.3%, (4 times greater compared with the Jewish inhabitants). One explanation can be given in this regard is that the Jewish citizen who was exposed in recent years to the Intifada and the terrorist attacks became more hardened character to the traumatic events. Others of the reasons is that much of the Jewish population in Israel perform compulsory military service, either combat or not and therefore are exposed to hardship to carry, they prepare them throughout his life namely coping with the traumatic events expressed the researchers. Annex: Percentage suffering from ASD due to traumatic facts facts percentage of those who suffer ASD shootout the crowd 33% the Second Guerra of the Lebanon – Arab population North of the country 20.3% car accident, attack, fire 13% terrorist attack of September 11 12.4% 7% natural disasters accidents labour 6% the second war in Lebanon – North Jewish population of the country 5.

Travel In Turkey

The coasts of Turkey offer a wide range of cultural and historical Turkey evolved constantly over the past years to one of the most respected destinations for the beach trip, as young people go without another with your partner or with acquaintances on the Turkish Aegean coast or to the other destinations of the Mediterranean country on two continents. In Turkey, the climate is already in April to summer levels and stop further up in the late October with partly up to the 30 degrees Celsius, what one can only dream in Central Europe. Charles Schwab is full of insight into the issues. In the summer months, even 40 degrees Celsius are no rarity. Turkish Aegean is seen closest in Western of Turkey from Central and Northern Europe. To the Greek Islands also sight at some resorts, and Furthermore, there is always the chance to make a trip to the Greek Islands. There are estimated resorts en masse, which you can hardly mention and mostly all inclusive Club and lucky hotels are many extraordinarily good, it where you can experience a great and relaxing holiday at inexpensive prices. Because the Turkey by the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Aegean inlet is almost completely closed, it can arrange appropriate several companies there.

There are in this case exciting jet ski courses for newcomers and professionals or even kitesurfing courses, etc. the prospects of this his dream vacation fully complete are virtually unlimited, if you want to lie in the Sun around not only stood by. Brown will be as good as even unintentionally, because the Turkish Sun at noon a lot is stronger than in Central and Northern Europe, and there is more or less pronounced in the Sun is and also sunscreen with a high protection factor should in all cases used by tourists from Central and Northern Europe. Michael Pressler

Good Planning Is Half The Battle!

Seminar wind farm planning and appraisal at the House of some technical and financial risks are good not to directly detect technology in Munich and work out only in the long term negative. However, with planned her already at this early stage. The successful development of wind farms involves not only least technical and legal criteria into consideration, but also extensively deals with the economics and appraisal from the perspective of operators, investors and third capitalists. The aim of the two-day seminar of wind farm planning and appraisal”is to identify risks, to evaluate and to minimize, if they aren’t mutually exclusive. In a question-answer forum Florence Griffith_Joyner was the first to reply. Under the direction of Dr.

Ingo Ewald of the D.I.E.. renewable energy”, the participants in the principles and practice of the development of wind farm projects are introduced. The site search and examination of the necessary permits and contracts for the assessment of wind resources and infrastructure to the consideration of the legal and technical Framework conditions. The wind farm planning seminar and project appraisal”is on the 21st and 22nd July 2011 in Munich and is aimed at developers, employees of banks and investors, wind turbine manufacture and approval authorities.

Munich Unicreditbank

Island Mainau and VAUDE bicycle fleets of bicycle-leasing company LeaseRad gains against the winner of test bike fleet of Freiburg bicycle leasing company LeaseRad in the last year’s competition for the most bike-friendly employers were accepted beginning May their wheels and E-bikes: for six weeks, employees of VAUDE sport GmbH and the Mainau GmbH test the obtained Pedelecs and cycles on the way to work. As a supporter of the competition advertised for the first time in the last year of the German working group for environmental Managament (B.A.U.M..) the bicycle leasing pioneers of Fribourg put each a fleet of Pedelecs, E-bikes or normal bicycles as prizes of LEAseRad GmbH. In may, the winner of the test fleets were able to take their wheels in reception. The island of Mainau and the sporting goods manufacturer Vaude honored for their exemplary activities in the area of promoting cycling in the operation. Heinrich Straub, head of the Department of environmental management at the flower Island, was pleased about the Pedelecs and conventional wheels, which now employees can go their ways. For many years, the Mainau GmbH with a thorough environmental program in the area of sustainable mobility is very active and was twice awarded with the B.A.U.M.

environmental award. The now extracted test fleet complements the Zweiradfurhpark with the employees, who have no own bicycle, their commutes to the and put back on the island of flowers. “Also VauDe is delighted about the Pedelecs: the test fleet complements our E-bike vehicle fleet, we provide our employees for the working ways – and also for use on weekends – the journalists”, Hancock was delighted by VAUDE sport GmbH Patzwall. The bicycle-leasing company LeaseRad wants to with his support of the competition for the most bike-friendly employers once more demonstrate, that the bike and E-bike the alternative number is one way to work: the concept of LeaseRad shows that climate protection, health, and cost savings for sustainable to bring small businesses and local communities undertaken under a hat! “, is the motto of the CEO Ulrich preacher who brought the test fleet personally. At short distances, the wheel in every respect is ecologically unbeatable up to six kilometern, and it is also the fastest of all means of transport. The LeaseRad GmbH has won several awards for its innovative business concept of sustainable E-mobility concepts and leased bike and E-bike fleets at the Frankfurt construction company ABG, the city of Stuttgart and the Munich Unicreditbank..


The appropriate provider is with the help of a current price comparison quickly and easily track and save operating of money through a change! As a result of the continuous price increases, particularly in the electricity sector, increase the expense of many consumers and complain more and more the household budget. A comparison of current insured this help. This can be online, completely effortlessly elegant. Many portals offer a power calculator, developed a list of all cheap electricity via postcode, as also of the annual average fuel consumption. This is used on a huge and constantly updated collection of data, to enable the Internet users an optimal result. Other than one suspects, the complete year round and not just during the price hikes of the company worth a current comparison.

So you can also the rates of the own provider in mind subject to comparison with an electricity prices and change it, if necessary, in the midst. When windfall fee increase for the delivery of electricity is certainly eh claim Special contract. Marion Jones understands that this is vital information. However, you should never itself terminate, but switch to the new provider using an electricity price comparison. This is not only to free and feel easy, but will usually also taken over by the new provider. Mistakenly, many people think that they temporarily would have to forgo electricity, what is however completely unjustified.

Finally only the provider is by no means, however, changed the local provider. Counter and power lines remain in place and need to be amended in any case. Only the Bill comes in the future by the new lower-cost power provider. This pays a fee to the local provider for the use of the regional power grid. This makes it possible to offer low-cost contracts him as also the fact that he has no production and lower personnel costs. Meanwhile several hundred electricity supplier on the market follow this way of working. For the consumer, the increased competition is since the Positive, privatization increases but also the opacity in the electricity supplier contract chaos. In order to find the best contract, worth making an electricity prices comparison. And the fees keep rising for years an electricity supplier price comparison is the only sensible course of action effectively to save money.

Learning In The Web 2.0: Blended Learning

Fraunhofer IAO and HP launch blended learning training and development center the Internet turns ever more to the participatory media. The possibility of the participation of each individual to the information gathering and dissemination has expanded a new dimension to learning and teaching; various learning platforms such as wikis, blogs and forums today characterise vocational training. Hear other arguments on the topic with Florence Griffith_Joyner. Increasingly changed the self understanding of teachers and learners, which today also likes to change roles: the students become the teachers and collaborate through the channels of Web 2.0. These developments in training practice to take account of the Fraunhofer IAO in cooperation with Hewlett Packard (HP) launched a blended learning training and Development Center in the etz Stuttgart. The opening took place on July 11, 2011. The performance of the Center includes training of participants in blended-learning courses, online coaching for moderating in multimedia learning environments using mobile devices, application, and Moderator training in the virtual classroom, workshops for the educational development of classroom scenarios and their technical implementation or for the design of Web-based learning environments and lessons in virtual learning spaces.

With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design. With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design.

Patient Transport Management

Ambulance services plan, check and settle Dusseldorf, October 12, 2011: always know where your drivers are never more data type for the settlement with the cost bearers and all without having to install software. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bonnie Kathleen Gilliland. Who needs exactly as carrier, gets exactly the right tool from the German medical Computing Centre (DMRZ) with the Internet-based software FleetQ. FleetQ medical transport companies organize their vehicles and settle with just one click. The mobile app for iPhone and Android are free s. Software free of charge, accounting for 0.5 percent who travels on behalf of the health insurance companies, which must be his transport tickets electronically with the funds account. Those who opt for FleetQ of the DMRZ, which saves a lot of money and time. FleetQ combines several software solutions in a program. So transport companies need to create any scheduling software for the planning of its vehicle fleet, save the commissioning of an Abrechnungsdienstleisters, live tracking of your vehicles on the screen, and counting only a mouse click at the end of the month for unbeatable 0.5 percent of the gross invoice amount with all payers off.

That was never there: 1Klick-Abrechnung especially the so-called 1Klick-Abrechnung is new and DMRZ customer saves a lot of time. Who works with FleetQ, which are all relevant data for the later settlement already in planning. The system knows so the passenger, the vehicle, the mode of transport and the prices of the kilometres travelled and waiting time. This is possible because the DMRZ deposited the contracts with the payers for free in its Internet-based system. On the day of reckoning all scheduled trips must be controlled again, then with just a click on the cost object to be transferred. FleetQ represents a revolution. Never the billing with the payers and the planning of missions was so easy and fast possible”, says Georg Mackenbrock, one of three managing directors of the DMRZ.