Leninsky Prospekt

Results of cooperation of “Remstayl” and Moscow restaurant “Elkantro” exceeded all expectations of experts. The average daily receipt institutions grew by 500 rubles after changing the design of the entrance and interior institution. The company recently “Remstayl” – leader in the design of interiors for service companies, today announced the creation of a new technique. The uniqueness of novelty lay in the fact that as a result of its application not only changing room design cafe, restaurant or salon, but also increases customer profits. In this method reflected the whole company has years of experience with service companies. Combining practical knowledge with marketing approach to building interiors – the secret of experts “Remstayl.” One of the first customers who have experienced the use of this approach was the restaurant “Elkantro”, located on ul.

Ordzhonikidze close from Metro Leninsky Prospekt. Restaurant Guide immediately noted a rapid and efficient work of the group “Remstayl” – the company’s specialists took into account all the needs of managers’ Elkantro, “analyzed the plans of business development, resulted in success stories from his own practice in the design process. U.S. Mint often addresses the matter in his writings. As a result, the design of the entrance and the interior has been agreed in the planned time, and was the embodiment of the conceived precisely in compliance with the budget. The application for development of the “interior, which sells” came from a restaurant in early August and in October of visitors and the owners were able to assess new facilities design and input of the interior. Director of the restaurant “Elkantro” II Ramzayev states that immediately after the completion of construction work on the project of “Remstayl ‘revenue increased facilities. On average, according to Ivan I., average bill increased by 500 rubles.

‘And that growth is not brought none of the advertising campaign conducted earlier promotions. Development costs of interior specialists “Remstayl” will pay off very soon ‘- says II Ramzan. What changes have led to such rapid a positive result? After all, not only increased the average check, but the number of visitors. The project manager of the company Elkantro “Remstayl” NV Poles emphasizes that the changes made it possible to harmonize appearance of the restaurant with its internal content. The visitors emerged a different, single way of establishment: stylish, comfortable and modern. In addition, its role in attracting new customers has played an unusual and interesting entrance. Thanks to her restaurant attracted the maximum number of potential visitors. A new method of designing interiors of public buildings from “Remstayl” – this is the beginning new direction in commercial design. Now change the interior institution can solve not only aesthetic problems but also increase the number of customers. Results from the restaurant “Elkantro,” it confirm.


Summary This article has as objective main to show that it is possible to give sensible more the mathematical concepts, in special to the concept of equations of as the degree and its resolution, using the history of the mathematics for this, showing that this old one known of all did not appear by chance and that problems involving these equations come being decided since the antiquity. Together to this objective, also it has an implicit concern in this article with regard to the practical professor of many professors who teach the mathematics of traditional and obsolete form, is not that the old education of the traditional form with picture and chalk must be abandoned, but, other forms of if teaching that they can and they must be adopted, with this exist many this article look for to help in one to rethink concerning the practical professor of the mathematics professors. Word-key: History of the Mathematics. See more detailed opinions by reading what Bonnie Kathleen Gilliland offers on the topic.. Degree As equations. Practical Professor of the Professors of Mathematics. Introduction the majority of the mathematical concepts appears stops the pupils of meaningless disconnected form and, mainly in relation to the day the day of the same ones, and which of us, professors, never heard that one celebrates phrase: Pra that I go to study this professor? Where I go to use this in my life? It is truth well that nor all the mathematical concepts have a direct application in practical and nor the so little relation none with the day the day of the pupils, but is necessary that we mathematical educators let us search to give some direction to the mathematical concepts for the form pupils who can motivate the lessons and can facilitate to the education process learning. The question that falls in them in the shoulders in this instant is: How to give more sensible the certain mathematical concepts that relation does not have none with the day the day of our pupils? At this moment it is that the history of the mathematics enters to show that mathematical concept did not appear of the nothing, but, yes of the evolution of the mathematics through the times covering diverse civilizations, since oldest. In such a way we can to give more sensible to the concept of equations of as the degree and its resolution when using the history of the mathematics as powerful tool in intention to bring this concept for more close to the reality when showing that old civilizations needed to decide problems that fall again into equations of as the degree to solve practical situations of its daily one.. .

Security Council

In 2003 Washington it led the invasion on Iraq adducing that republic owned massive arms of destruction that could send on Europe in minutes. When it was discovered that causal happiness military was false, Bush, Blair and its allies went away discrediting and the Iraqian resistance went away exaggerating. For days the 16 agencies of intelligence of the USA have been being developing that Iran from the 2003 left its attempts to equip itself with nuclear weapons. This wants to be profiteer by the Ayatolas to demonstrate that Bush has tried to return to lie to prepare itself to attack to them. Even though that today France has turned towards supporting the hard line of the USA before Iran, it loses weight to go towards a military offensive against the Persians. Bush comes losing popularity and the elections to release it are in less than 12 months. The USA is clogged in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has friendly like Russia, China, Vietnam and Libya in the new Security Council of the UN and its regime has more money, arms and internal support that the one that had Saddam Hussein. International analyst Original author and source of the article..

Pertenecer Travel

To belong to a Club of Trips, has made our dream possible to travel more in one go to the year. inistrator. Due to the numerous thing of my family, a club of vacations has solved ours limitation to travel together to dream places. We have enjoyed together the pleasure to travel thanks to the accessible prices that only a club can offer to its members. If you are the type of person who *Suea with viajar.*Disfruta of the sea, the swimming pools, the sun, the nature etc.*Le likes to travel in familia.*No wants to always travel to the same sitio.*Gana money but multipropiedad.*Adems does not reach to him after hoteles.*No must to buy one. To its it absorbs it work. (Source: Charles Schwab). For you, not to give to your family those Vacations of Dream that deserve in order to rest and to enjoy, it can get to become a great frustration. In a while historical to obtain a time-sharing it was part of a solution to those problems, but You knew that time-sharings are in the long run a weight on the familiar budget? Due to the comparisons that you I do in the following video, nowadays he is little viable and nothing economic to decide on a time-sharing, so: *** Pertenecer to a Club of Trips has partly become of the solution *** It reviews in the following connection, a comparative synthesis between both options and it makes your decision objectively Something that our numerous family has enjoyed all the life, has been to vacacionar together. We have always done it thus and has been for all an enriching experience that strengthens our familiar bows still more. Definitively To travel in Family is a dream made reality and it is what definitively we have found belonging a Club of Trips. It receives a warm greeting of Dawn Vivir must be something more than to exist It enjoys the Wonders that to us God Gives!

Muscular Dystrophy

It is a genetic disease, inherited in the majority of cases. Apart from rare exceptions, only males are affected the myopathy of Duchenne. Mothers are carriers of an anomaly in one of the x chromosomes are can transmit the genetic abnormalities to their children: If you have a child, this has, in theory, a chance between two of having the disease. If it’s a girl there is a possibility between 2 be a carrier. Children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have a nearly total lack of dystrophin, a protein essential for muscles that is allegedly responsible for the maintenance of the structure of muscle cells.

You can avoid the appearance of this illness when it occurs in a family in which there are known cases of this disease, resorting to genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. In other cases you can not avoid. Table Clinicola DMD affects 1 of 3000 to 4000 newborn infants. Is clinically manifested between 2 and 6 years with pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles, weakness of the lower limbs and muscles of the pelvic girdle, which progresses to the waist girdle and upper extremities; muscle alterations are symmetrical.The first manifestations may include the difficulty for climbing stairs or getting up from the floor. Patients are confined to a wheelchair at the age of 15 years and who die around age 20 for respiratory infections or heart failure. The DMD is a disease of the fibers of skeletal muscle with changes physiopathological involving heart, diaphragm and nervous system. Therefore it is necessary to study abnormalities of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex of the heart and the brain. Laboratory data and gabineteLos creatine phosphokinase serum CPK values are very high in the affected in the preclinical stage, as the condition progresses tends to decrease. Points out that bilipidicas layers protect the release of CPK from the protoplasm in the normal muscle, so due to the absence of dystrophin in the DMD during muscle contraction, is damage in the lipid layer.

Diets For Acid Stomachs

Options without acid fats and assist in the recovery of the stomach You already felt queimao in the stomach or already it was caught to the mumblings because of that bothering pain in the high one of the belly? These are some of the symptoms of the gastrite, that also include nauseas, folloied or not of vomit. Inflammation in the mucosa of the stomach, the gastrite reaches many people whom, when receiving the diagnosis, they need to adopt some alimentary restrictions – and with reason: according to Carla Fiorillo, nutritionist of the Equillibrium Consultoria, who has the inflammation must prevent acid and greasy foods, between them acid fruits (mexerica, orange except rasp, pineapple etc.), vinegar, coffee and frituras. However, nor of restrictions in the diet who only lives has gastrite. It sees which habits are welcome and which foods do not attack its digestive system and still they control the illness – some, also, help to recoup the wound in the wall of the stomach. Lactobacilos – Natural Yoghurt ' ' To times, the gastrite kills the good bacteria of the stomach and, and without them, the fabric not if recupera' ' , the Fernanda nutritionist explains Farm. Therefore, the replacement of the lactobacilos is important to populate the stomach with beneficial bacteria e, thus, for the cure of the gastrite. Lactobacilos is found in yoghurts and, even though, vendidos in dust. A good option is the Natural Yoghurt Caretaker made from the Milk mixture and leavens milky BioRich that contain bifidobactrias and lactobacilos livings creature that help the fabric of the stomach if to recoup.

Caretaker sees as to make Natural Yoghurt. Habits in the table the nutritionist Carla Fiorillo indicates that the five meals per day – with calm are made of four, in few amounts. Another tip, of the nutritionist Andria Ceschin de Avelar, is to eat water big cookies and salt or maisena (nothing of stuffed big cookies, therefore they are very greasy) and fruits in the intervals of the meals, to prevent that the stomach is empty (since, when empty, the gastric juice it will corrode its walls, aggravating the wound).


Alicante, 25 November 2010-after the huge success that has experienced the sale of Turkish delight, delicious pastries, pistachio and walnuts, and pods (100 gr) their most successful blends of tea, managers of the tea shop the thousand franchise and a night have decided to lend a hand to their clients and carry out an expansion of its salesby providing the perfect gift idea for Christmas. To do this, they have released a wonderful and complete Christmas lots, consisting of a small or large kettle, a set of six glasses of tea, a colander and a teabag, with most requested mixes by customers. In addition, all this is accompanied by an explanatory booklet, where the client can find the keys to find out what is the best way to make tea. And, to complete the gift, stakeholders can also buy hookahs, in two sizes, large and small. All these products can be purchased at very affordable prices, in the tea shop or in some establishments partners where there is installed a few special corners that are home to all these products. THE ENSIGN on social networks the Ensign continues offering the best of itself, with performances by actors, monologuistas and artists, that make the Thursday night a special night each week.

Different. Posters for the Cafe-Teatro are advertised on the web monthly, by sending emails that are recorded in it. Furthermore, as it could not be otherwise, because now social networks are the fastest way of communication on the Internet (and one of the most effective), the Ensign has created its own page on Facebook, and from it, invite your events to all those who add them as friends. The page name is thousand nights. In this way, anyone who wants can be informed of actions that occur within the circuit of the Cafe-Teatro, which every Thursday attracts more than 90 local people, with interesting and original, put in scene that make the Viewer to enjoy a night unsurpassed, knowing laughs each week is different.

Social Media

Social media is one of those tools that everyone has and few know how to use. If you find yourself in that situation, with a lot of profiles on social media, but without any idea of how to link them, continue reading. I want to talk about how to use social media not only proper, but also to get possible subscribers for your company. The dilemma of the media social here is the problem with which most of us grapple. Almost everything we do leads somehow to make money.

We created a site that collects and converts to subscribers. We get in touch with them to be able to become members of our downline. We attend seminars to increase our list of contacts. On the other hand, social media have always been an ambiguous tool. At first glance, are nothing larger crucibles of people who do not necessarily have something in common. But beneath the surface, if you know how to leverage that massive melting pot, you can make a big impact on your final results by obtaining of Subscribers. But this cannot be achieved by itself alone.

You can’t enter Facebook and asking random strangers to register in your multi-level marketing company. It has no class do and probably you see you expelled for this reason. Inspire confidence through social media Los social media do not make sales, but they do something much better and potentially much more profitable. Help you to create an image of expert, that others will find attractive and that you can take to get to new potential recruits in addition to those that you have tried to convert. It is a way to powerful and extremely easy to create a kind of funnel that can give a tremendous boost to your downline, but only if you inspire confidence and demonstrate how incredibly valuable that is your friendship to people who you want to have in it.

Business On The Internet

If you want to start a business on the Internet is best to bear in mind that you cannot do all the work alone, so you can consider the idea of hiring people who can help you with tasks that you cannot do them, or that it would be very difficult for you to make them. This is the subject of the article leadership and teamwork – Director and Sweeper to the time first part published the 22.02.11, on the web site, what is my main blog, because we Let’s go there! If you want to start a business on the Internet if you have a business online, or want to have a business on the Internet, think it well if you want to be the director of your company, Sweeper, goalkeeper, the accounting, the presenter, programmer, animator and the seller of your business at the same time. What do I mean by this? Therefore, I want to say that your business, your venture has some specific features on the Internet, a few components that together make up the Assembly, your online business, and some components of your business are more familiar, more known, but others are not. By example, to have a business on the Internet, it is advisable to have a website, but can be that you’re not an expert in web programming, or know designing web pages, but you don’t have time, because your main activity is to create content quality, be of value to your subscribers of your list. In this case, you can seek help from someone who is dedicated to designing web pages, a specialized Designer, or a specialized company, because this designer already has experience, already know how to make web pages, to achieve this, to be an expert Web page designer, you must invest time, long time, the web design is a world in itself sameThere are a number of impressive information and if you want to be in the latest fashions from web design, you will virtually no time for anything else. Practical exercise: 1. If you want to start a business online, consider the possibility of seeking help for the parts where you’re not a specialist. 2 Seeks and employs someone with experience in the required field, the best technique is to employ someone on the recommendation.

3 Meditates 10 minutes on the subject if you want to succeed as soon as possible, you delegate, you delegate, you delegate 4. He studied constantly, choose a topic and study everything you can on this issue, until you feel that dominate it, then, you choose another topic, and so on, so you’re always on top of the wave, have to study and apply, educate yourself and activate, put into practice what you’ve studied. At the end let me a comment on this article, your opinion is important to me. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei DominTuNegocioMultinivel.com the corner of the wise: your time is the most valuable resource of his life.

Different Personalities

There are 3 types of people when it comes to business and life. See if you can find here. Receptive, skeptical and cynical of people people are receptive open-minded, curious and quick to receive new knowledge and different ideas. Say Yes in life. They are really interested in you and what you have to say.

They are usually optimistic, fun, friendly and comfortable to be with them and find what works, what is good, what is right. skeptics, in general, have an attitude doubt. They question the validity of everything, even when it is shown to be a fact. They do not believe that much of what they see and hear. They tend to resist until they get what they need, and sometimes, it can become more open once they have received the information they need to overcome their skepticism. Once they have made their decision to accept, to join you, that could be a great team members, since they have overcome their skepticism and are now more positive. the cynics are often bitter, suspicious with disdain, contempt, or pessimistic.

They are closed minded. That plane you don’t trust anything or anyone. They are suspicious of the motives of others, that make up what you think the other person is saying or meaning. They make decisions before you have the complete picture. In a Word, the cynics are often miserable and try to make people around them too miserable. They tend to be negative, sarcastic and angry often. Cynics see the dark side of things and believe that the worst is going to happen. Nobody wants to be near them. They are killers of success and happiness. Be careful. Well, now let’s be realistic. Be very honest with yourself and ask yourself: what am I? After many years in the business, I think that the most successful people in life tend to be more receptive and open mind.