Small Middle Class

Market and SMEs reported experience of axanta AG in smaller Unternehmensvermittlunge Oldenburg January 2014. Business transactions are often similarly complex as big deals in small SMEs. This is the gist of an article in market and SMEs, which is dedicated to the challenges of small business transactions and also reported the experiences of axanta AG. U.S. Mint is open to suggestions. Even if large transactions are the focus of the reporting significantly more and smaller acquisitions mostly away from the media attention are: the amount of work is generally the same. Editor Sabine Reifenberger draws great effort in her article for market and SMEs, smaller deal,”, the focus on mergers in the smaller middle class. As an expert in business negotiations, also Udo Goetz, Director of axanta AG comes to Word. Detailed information will be provided to the trade post and of axanta AG under. Poppy Liu takes a slightly different approach.

Buyer search is often difficult not only small decorated Transactions very elaborately, the market is also very much alive. While large takeovers and mergers are currently rare, this area in the small middle class is very active. Small deals”tend to be in the bottom two-digit and in the single-digit millions. The search is one of the challenges of M & A transactions to the appropriate buyer so Sabine Reifenberger. This she cited axanta AG Executive Board member Udo Goetz: “many companies in the small-cap sector are too small to appear automatically on the radar by strategic investors or private equity investors, when they come on the market. They are but too big for a management buy-out”.

The axanta AG is specialized to actively seeking buyers for its clients and uses it in addition to the in-house database with over 4,500 qualified prospective buyers also targeted market research. M & A transactions: personal base is important tyre Berger arrives on another difficulty: the different expectations of the seller and buyer. These to bring together and for both sides to find satisfactory solutions, also belongs to the tasks of the axanta AG. Data presentation or business review (due diligence): structure guidelines alone not solve all problems, Udo Goetz is quoted in market and medium-sized businesses. The emotional side should not be underestimated, because often, the company is also the life’s work of the old owner. As a consultant, it is important to build on a personal basis. Last but not least mergers or corporate succession be triggered frequently late, namely just before retirement. The axanta AG advises therefore Board: from the 50th birthday begin to deal with the transfer. The full market and middle-class article by Sabine Reifenberger can be seen here: images/stories/Artikel_MuM.pdf about axanta AG the founded in 2006 axanta AG belongs in Germany the market leader among the independent consulting companies in the M & A business. Her focus is on the Advice and support small and medium-sized companies in the purchase and sale of companies, succession and quiet and active participations. In the focus are small and medium-sized companies of all sectors of the economy, which across comprehensive support the axanta AG through all phases.

Solar Industry

Reduction of State aid no good omen for investors Munich, the 02.03.2012 – until recently were investments in renewable energy in great demand. The idea to multiply his money and do something good even the environment, was well received by many investors. But the increased demand led to counteract according to economy Minister Rosler and Environment Minister Rottgen’s, and the solar subsidies will be reduced. According to Cape law firm on investor protection and investor rights, this will apply especially the so-called ground-mounted plants lawyers and they were built as investment properties. Thorsten Krause, partner of the law firm Cape lawyers reported: “the State promotion of solar power falls so earlier and stronger than previously planned. Not for July but already for April of this year the promotion not by 15%, but even by 30% to sink. In addition, all produced current is no longer encouraged, but only a percentage of 85% – another Loss in the promotion”. Politicians justify this step so that considerably more solar power plants have been built than expected.

The restriction in the flow should help that producers of solar electricity either consume the non-funded part of the 15% (which comes with private solar systems into account), or otherwise market. This will make several solar fund facing substantial problems according to Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt, who previously predicted the full feed of the produced current and higher State funding. Lawyer Appelt explains: “were the calculations too much involved as to the profitability of a plant on these factors and too close, this will lead that many funds can work not more economically. Just for funds, which have recorded even loans from banks in addition to investor funds could thus come in liquidity bottlenecks. Joeb Moore spoke with conviction. It is to be feared, that – as in the example of the Ship funds shows – margin calls investors to bankruptcies and a total loss of investor money follow”. It remains to be seen how the declining support ultimately will affect the Fund. Investors who are not restrict to the wait, should consult a specialized lawyer, what possibilities there are to phase out the Fund. In many cases lawyers of the investors protection law firm Cape observed already lawyers in Munich failed discussions through brokers and banks, which degraded can lead investors to pay damages.

Stage Fright – Quick Solution!

So you can free themselves in the Kurzzeitcoaching presentation anxiety! Some people know long the fear of failure, at a lecture or presentation. This fear occurs when others suddenly and causes the person concerned are simply inexplicable. Check out Mary Barra for additional information. Despite days preparation, exercises in front of the mirror, or the day of the event (speech, presentation, examination) as an insurmountable hurdle in the room faces of familiar people and extensive self reassurance. If you are ill-prepared for the event, the mere fact that one feels not competent enough to put the sovereign responses against all eventualities, questions and objections unsettled. All confounding factors in advance have been cleared but and still the uncertainty falls over at the decisive moment, it can cause the sudden blackout.

In the context of the audit, no more questions can be answered, what you learned is how spirited away. At the lectern, the vote failed, cold sweat covers the body and the hands begin to shake. A cough, a laugh or a yawn from the audience brings the speakers completely from the concept. The presentation of a new strategy, the marketing of a product or a concept is a complete disaster, because the lack of sovereignty of the Narrator is automatically equated with the insufficiency of what is said. Preparation is absolutely necessary to develop security. However, stage fright and fear of presentation to point out that our emotional memory due to an already experienced, negative event will be placed on alert. If you are not convinced, visit Jean Smart. At some point in the past the brain stored a negative emotion, which repeatedly leads to stress, as soon as we find ourselves in a similar situation.

All of the information that our brain takes in the course of the day, are compared in the oldest part of the brain–in the so-called limbic system already experienced and checked out a question: feels much like a positive reminder feels so much like a negative memory? The decision is positive, nothing in the way is the transport of the information in the appropriate drawers in our brain. The information is added to our wealth of experience. Selects the information than comparable negative with an already experienced experience, our brain blocks the removal. The information gets stuck. The brain responds to stress. All information and events of the day are processed in the so-called REM phase (rapid eye movement) sleep, when our eyes run fast right-left movements and thus the cooperation of our hemispheres of the brain is stimulated. Who does not know that: we are emotionally upset, we often get the advice: sleep times in one night! And indeed: the other morning, the experienced less appears threatening. Our brain had time to process the information and to reassure our emotional world. In the coaching years on this made is therefore in the 1990ziger a method from the trauma research advantage Builds on findings of brain research. Fast eye movements are initiated externally in the waking state using a wink technology. Previously determined the exact timing and the kind of stress a muscle test. Precisely, the coach with this method can resolve the causes of stage fright and presentation fears and greatly facilitate the handling of these situations the client. This method is called Wingwave reminiscent of the metaphor, the flap of a butterfly’s wings can cause big changes at the other end of the world.

Soothing Lights

With the help of dazzling sunrays that help in waking up to dimmed light of blowtorch sprinkles over the pages of our favorite novel, light mechanism us throughout the day and the night. This means light is essential. If you need more light in your life and your home, there is a wide range of lights like LED, Grow and Neon lights and track lighting with their accessories to choose from. From standard light bulbs to complicated light controlling equipments there are websites out there to serve you in form of helpful and dependable guide in today s competitive lighting industry. A dependable website will feature a wide range of unbiased reviews on lighting fixtures and its accessories, as well as the impartial ratings, online experts advices, and tons of other useful info on just every aspect of lighting with every detail you would be interested in. Also, those interested in purchasing the lighting fixtures from indoor and outdoor lighting, novelty lighting accessories, lamps, chandeliers, torches, and other similar products there are tons of websites available to meet your need. If wall-mountable lights that can jazz up the beauty and elegance of your home exceptionally is the thing you are looking for, there are some trustworthy and helpful websites to help you browse with ease and confidence through thousands of similar handpicked lighting accessories and similar products offered by the best lighting manufacturers like trizo21 supply.

Incidentally, if Trizo21 Min-im lighting is in your mind this time to buy, this idea is indeed pragmatic and praiseworthy because these wall-mounted lights are entirely innovative and will definitely create a huge difference in your home setting. So there should be no longer any delay in purchasing this groundbreaking product by trizo21 maxim when it comes to put a spark in the decoration of your home. With this article, our main goal is to familiarize you with the nitty-gritty concerning the best lighting products and consult the dependable online experts in order to ensure the best choice. We suggest you to check the comprehensive catalogs with numerous photos and videos featured at a leading online lighting resource that also keeps the products up to date on a regular scale. All popular lighting fixtures, LED lights, neon lights, track lighting and stage lighting products, light controlling supplies and many other broad ranges of lighting supplies and accessories that you are seeking to buy are offered by a very dependable online store at very affordable price rates. You can check this lighting store now to get your lighting products delivered straightly to your doorway affordably and without delay.

Internet Resource

Teacher years online rights in the IHK Giessen-Friedberg tell you themselves. Since May 17, 2010, new, expanded information duties apply to service providers, which the customer must precede the service available. June 11, 2010 new mail order rules. Who promptly implement the new regulations, avoiding expensive warnings. Internet law is not exotic or special legal matter, it is bound to a variety of existing laws and standards. However, should companies in matters relating to the diverse and complex Internet law consult specialized lawyers, to avoid warnings or fines. With the Sprechtagen online law “Everything is right on the Internet” the IHK Giessen-Friedberg wants to make available tailor-made information its members.

In these deliberations, lawyers and professionals turn to individual questions and the operating situation of the company. Arguments and explanations for solution approaches are presented clearly and comprehensibly. Finds the next speech day on June 14, 2010 (15: 00 19:00) in the IHK Giessen-Friedberg (Friedberg Seminary building) instead. Login to the Web site of the EC-M: (event summary). There is also the other dates. Your registration will also gladly by phone 309 1357, the contact persons accepted under (0641) in the EC-M are Andreas Heine and Edgar Reinhardt. The EC-M supports targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information technology with free and neutral advice.

The EC-M is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. EC-M Company portrait: The Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse works since 1998 success, to promote the development of e-commerce by businesses in Central Hesse. The EC-M supported targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information and communication technologies. Missing small businesses in trade, craft and industry often the necessary information and knowledge to appreciate the benefits of the new media. As one of 28 knots in the network of e-commerce is the EC-M direct contact person for interested companies as well as for the technology provider. The competent services of the EC-M consists of many basic services that are specifically tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs such as neutral and free initial information, an initial consultation about the possibilities and modalities of the use of the Internet and other networks for business purposes, the presentation of basic and advanced examples of new media in e-commerce companies. Press contact: EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse of Andreas Heine Gutfleisch str. 3 5 35390 Giessen Tel.

Active Environmental Protection

Thermally modified wood (Thermowood) Thermo environmental protection, resulting in a special high-temperature treatment, which significantly reduced the natural water absorption of the cells of the wood and causes so long-lasting protection against fungus and other environmental influences. This thermal process causes active environmental protection without the addition of adjuvants because for particularly demanding areas in outdoor and wet areas on the use of tropical wood can be omitted. Connect with other leaders such as Hannah Einbinder here. Thermo is a uniquely treated in its quality raw materials from local European woods such as pine, beech, birch, ash and radiata pine; the basic properties of these types of wood get a proven resistance where so far only of teak wood bekundetem by thermal treatment. The thermal treatment of individual local wood causes also a high resistance against insect infestations without additional required protective coatings in addition to the enhanced weathering properties of the raw material. It offers the use of Thermowood the user a long-term economic and environmental advantage. Other positive properties of treated wood are the durability, dimensional stability, and last but not least the noble look of the final product. As also any chemical additives are required in thermal processes, the ecological safety of the final product is a further plus point in the application.

Thermo is can be used for many applications in the outdoor terraces and facades or window – and door areas as well as in the design of a garden for private or public use. The Interior of options available stretches extremely variable from the floor to the sauna facility by a closing of cracks or appearance of finished products Thermo wood also offers a wide range of colours, with the natural growth of the raw material wood and the associated grain should be expected with different colour distortions of used Holzarten.Das. The silk gloss the appearing shades resembles those of the tropical Woods and makes a noble as well as comfortable overall for the Viewer. Usually plants from German and Finnish forest areas used for the production of Thermoholzarten; This allows short transport routes from the extraction of raw materials to the finished product.

Finally, Tribute Package Is Online!

Memorial free now on long ER live. If Internet users die, is often unclear what to do with the whole remains in the network. Anyone need worry about it. Long ER live… Death does not break and is our constant companion. The death makes life so valuable and only he himself determines the end of worldly existence. Charles Schwab may find this interesting as well. Love is stronger than death and mourning is the continuation of this love. offers help to overcome this grief.

Create a memorial for your beloved deceased in a few steps. “What long ER live in the tribute package offers: create a biography up to 600 photos videos in highest quality process blocks secure book of memories of your own pages for family, profession, for the story of a beloved deceased hobby they go completely in your possession over the unique contribution we Euro 79,-guarantee the security of the data with the tightly bound book of memories” all visitors have the opportunity to leave a condolence entry which immediately becomes visible. Another highlight is the Preview”button. The page designer can always show the preview of the tribute. It is unique among the existing portals in mourning. If Internet users die, is often unclear what to do with the whole remains in the network. Anyone need worry about it.

Long ER live, cares for as a digital executor, in the event of death to your Facebook and email accounts. A loved one dies, it is not always easy to align the right funeral for members. For most Christians, the burial is carried out still frequently viewed. “But you knew that even a diamond funeral” (diamonds from ashes of deceased persons) are? More on

House Keeper

Luxembourg, the Switzerland and now: Denmark the House sitting agencies Association of German can look back this year on a 25-year-old success story. There began at that time overlooking the security of private buildings, houses and apartments as a deterrent to burglars and thieves, the use of the House sitting changed in subsequent years and to the present form of the care of animals. Animals: these are the usual, in domestic dogs, cats, small animals and rodents. Very rarely, reptiles or fish are the sheltered animals. It is important that can house keeper to stop during the whole time in the House / apartment of the customers and also for extremely short reaction times. Reactions may be necessary for vet visits but also for such mundane events like a water pipe burst, or (increasingly) for a weather-related flooding. Countermeasures can be taken in the short term, then. In recent years reflected a further growing area as a task for House keeper.

This is not the care of seniors, who live mostly in the household of “children” and in the holidays or want to leave not more with, on the other hand not alone but want to stay or remain alone for health reasons can (must). To find a solution that is not (yet) care but is also not paternalism, for this is the increasing task of members in the Association. They are active in different locations nationwide. Also the leap across the borders has proved in many years of activity and today there are customers in the neighbouring countries, such as Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, and now also in Denmark. No success without generic. It years turns out in the last 2-3 that not VDHA operators offer services to take care of such animals and to water flowers and call this “House sitting”. However particularly cheap, because the overall presence is missing. Even it it is advertised that this performance against the resident House keeper is particularly inexpensive.

The Advantages for customers who have been set up by members of the VDHA in 25 years, namely to guarantee, that the customer is not worrying about home has to do, is therefore repealed. Animal and person care in conjunction with the overall presence but is performance proven for years by House guardians. It was time to respond. It was therefore 2009 obtained a trademark for the field of animal and person care at the Patent Office in Munich. The document bears the No. 30 2008 056 078 and is issued for Klaus Adam in Neuss, Germany. Klaus Adam is Managing Director of Homesitters GAD-altos and author of this paper.

Thuringian Hightech Companies

Vistec group presenting itself at “SEMICON West 2009′ Jena/San Francisco, July 13, 2009 the Vistec electron beam lithography group takes part in the most important trade fair for the semiconductor industry in North America. From 14-16 July 2009 the Vistec Group on the joint stand of the Central German semiconductor and electronics network Silicon Saxony will present its range of products and performance. In the Moscone Center in San Francisco more than 1,400 international exhibitors have announced on an exhibition area of 60,000 m. “As an international company, is for the Vistec group important to follow current developments in the very important North American market. “This the SEMICON West offers us an excellent opportunity”, explains Ines Stolberg, Marketing Manager at the Vistec electron beam lithography group. “Also, we want to maintain existing customer relationships and new customers for our high-performance electron beam exposure systems in the areas of application of electron beam direct writing for” rapid prototyping and design development as well as for the mask write win.” On the industry gathering, the company introduces the two electron beam instrument series Vistec SB3055 and Vistec SB250 visitors. Both series are developed in Jena (Thuringia) and manufactured. Based on the variable shaped beam technology (VSB, principle of variable shape beam) are both device lines in semiconductor manufacturing and scientific research facilities used.

Vistec electron beam lithography group Vistec electron beam lithography group: Is an internationally active manufacturer of electron beam exposure systems. The group, a world leading manufacturer of electron beam exposure systems, which work according to the so-called point beam principle, and the Thuringian Vistec electron beam GmbH, includes the American Vistec lithography Inc., which more than 30 years of experience in the development and manufacture of VSB devices (variable shaped beam technology) has. Due to this broad technology portfolio, Vistec systems worldwide in the industry both in research institutions and universities are back. Applications include semiconductor, Nano – and biotechnology, and photonic applications.

Dolly Buster Exclusive

Painting exhibition on Sylt in Morsum with about 25 paintings will present in October 2011 on the island of Sylt in Morsum approximately 25 paintings in a special exhibition the versatile talented artist Dolly Buster. In the renowned Court Gallery Sylt is Dolly Buster personally on October 6, 2011, 19: 00 welcome the guests and present their latest works. In cooperation with the established Furth art gallery at Kannegiesser”, the Court invites a more prominent figure Gallery Sylt now. The courtyard Gallery already exhibited the works of art and music greats such as James Rizzi and Udo Lindenberg and is now from 7 to 27 October that latest works make Dolly Busters of public accessible. Now 10 years, Dolly Buster is a passionate painter, she attended art school in Prague, as well as the State Art Academy in Dusseldorf. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mary Barra has to say. Dolly Buster, a woman is never on rutted trails ride”, so the gallery owner Mrs Heidrun Kannegiesser. The artist does not surround himself with a standstill satisfied and sees in the development of their styles and the challenge. “Your new theme: physicality as a secret”.

You turn of the precision of forms, which was evident in past works and now chooses the hidden game. At the same time their flexibility and willingness to clear to the flexibility, thus their supporters and the general public again and again with special topics, but always their own unmistakable handwriting is to recognize, she surprised. Some works will be exclusively on Sylt. A highlight of the exhibition will be therefore the representation of the person Tatjana Gsell. Dolly Buster has intensively dealt with the past and focuses on the drama of her then-husband Franz Gsell in one of her pictures. The address of the exhibiting Gallery: Courtyard Gallery Sylt Serkwai 1 25980 Morsum/Sylt phone: 0 46 51 / 89 17 62 on the 07.10 can be arranged in the period from 13:00 16:00 appointments for interviews with Dolly Buster. For enquiries and press accreditation, please contact: Christian Schonfeld 0176 / 61725708 for high-quality photographic material please contact Christian Schonfeld. There is more information about the artist and the Gallery links below: