
More soul, emotion and Groove at once is not possible with the best will! The 50th anniversary of the legendary label the top production pays tribute to soul artists and their unforgettable songs of Motown a real entertainment Higtlight. The best singers, dancers and musicians bring here a sound and a way of life again to life, although Motown was never really dead, but has accompanied people over the last five decades, always. Motown is also an American brand and a seal of approval, such as Coca-Cola or Walt Disney. Worldwide is a term almost everyone or at least every music interested people of Motown and the associated sound. Connect with other leaders such as Poppy Liu here. And now for half a century! Soul heroes like Marvin Gaye or Stevie Wonder one immediately think of, as well as the legendary singing formations Jackson Five, the Supremes, the four tops or the temptations.

The 50th anniversary of the legendary label the top production pays tribute to soul of Motown”these artists and their unforgettable songs real entertainment Higtlight. The best singers, dancers and musicians bring here a sound and a way of life again to life, although Motown was never really dead, but has accompanied people over the last five decades, always. The spectacular mix of Broadway musical, Las Vegas show and concert celebrate Motown and of course the music and the people behind this unprecedented success and cultural history. More soul, emotion and Groove at once is not possible with the best will! Tuesday 02.02.2010 Erlangen Heinrich-lades-Halle Wed 03.02.2010 Dusseldorf Philips Hall Thursday 04.02.2010 Berlin Admiral Palace sat 06.02.2010 Munich Philharmonic Sun 07.02.2010 Hamburg CCH Hall 2 Mon 08.02.2010 Cologne musical dome Wed February 10, 2010 Bremerhaven Stadthalle Thu February 11, 2010 Bochum Ruhr Congress Fri February 12, 2010 Stuttgart Hegelsaal sat 13.02.2010 Dortmund Westfalenhalle 3 so 14.02.2010 Hall stone gate variety Mon February 15, 2010 there are Frankfurt Jahrhunderthalle tickets, 01805 and 57 00 00 (14Ct./Min. mobile prices may vary) as well as all the usual presale places.

Without Qualified Recruiters

Why the online job search not a Web walk is the new complexity of Hamburg/Dusseldorf, April 16, 2010 – the recruitment in times of economic crisis companies face a double challenge: on the one hand it is as cost-efficient as possible to make the recruitment processes, on the other hand as fast as possible just to find the right employees to remain competitive. That is why the importance of the Internet continues to in the recruitment of German corporations. Which describes among other things the employer survey of recruiting trends 2010 “, the monster under the 1,000 biggest German companies, as well as 300 other companies in the sectors of automotive, financial services, and IT was performed by the Centre of human resources information system (CHRIS) of the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main and the online career portal. Thus, for the first time, nine out of ten vacancies on your own company website advertised and six out of ten vacancies in online job boards switched. One clear development that goes hand in hand with a decline in the print ads: less than one-fifth of all vacancies are now in print media advertising. 72 percent of the actual new hires come over Internet channels.

This staffing via the Internet will look for only seemingly easier the new jobs for employers and those. The job search on the Internet has now become the standard for most workers. But although much simplifies the Internet on the way to a new challenge, the job search on the Web is no walk,”commented Jan Kirchner, who founded the Twitter Jobsuchmaschine Jobtweet during ONLINE talk. Jean Smart is likely to agree. He warns while there are now more than 1,000 job boards the new complexity in the job market of 2.0 in Germany alone and every month new ones added. For job seekers, it is increasingly difficult to find the right portal for the own career plans in this jungle of platforms”, as Kirchner. Also in the classic headhunting it is estimated that now Take advantage of countless job boards and the possibilities, scrutinized the profiles of potential candidates in social networks like XING or LinkedIn, which have established now own user features for recruiters. However, experts see the role of Web-based recruiting quite realistic. No online service has the experience and also the instruments of a personnel consultant to find a suitable new employees.

Where Twitter and others on the mere ground trust and hope for the needle in the haystack, the recruitment among others on comprehensive own databases reverts, which enables the candidate looking for a wide variety of criteria and therefore very specifically identifies the often only very few actually suitable candidates for a specific position”, white Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. It would in addition to curriculum vitae and previous qualifications finally different soft factors of potential candidates identified and evaluated, for example, team, conflict and criticism, discipline and appreciation, motivation or ability to communicate. We can now even not a Web profile verify themselves, but only in the personal interview and with the required portion flair and experience. Also the consultant as opposed to an online service can afford the often decisive persuasion, which is today often necessary to attract a candidate ever for a change”, so Nadolski.

Service Center GmbH TuV South

TuV SuD confirms high quality standard of the Berlin ubersetzungsdienstleisters Berlin. As the first translation was the document Service Center GmbH TuV South for their integrated quality management system at the same time according to DIN EN 15038 and ISO 9001:2008 certified. While the DIN standard for translation service providers access and describes central requirements for the project management, criteria for quality management systems are defined by the ISO standard generally. The Berlin-based company fully met the standards catalogue associated. Official site: Annie Potts. To do this, says Markus Kukla, senior auditor at the TuV SuD product service GmbH: the document service center has presented us as a translation agency with exceptional technological expertise.

The combination of self-programmed and industry-standard software solutions, as well as the well-established teams have convinced us of the performance.” The Berlin translation document service Center performs translations since 1997 for the technical communication and documentation. Customers include industry leaders and companies from the automotive sector, the IT & technology sector and electrical environment. This partly long-standing cooperation is characterized by flexible, customised solutions and high-quality translations. This is a strong in-house team of technical and linguistic experts available in the document service center. Currently over 120 jobs, translations using cutting-edge translation tools are created according to the requirements of the internationally operating clients. A professional project and quality management, ensuring that even very large multilingual translation projects efficiently implemented and complied with authentic promised delivery dates. With the certification according to DIN EN 15038 and ISO 9001:2008 is the high quality of the document Service Center now by officials, confirmed by TuV SuD. Just for German companies, whose export volume is still very high, are the quality of translations, as well as the seamless integration into the production processes of central interest. “In a dynamic industry environment, we see the certification as an important step in the further development of our portfolio and also to new target groups to be addressed”, Andreas Siegmund, Managing Director of document Service Center GmbH commented at the same time underlines the certification also our corporate philosophy and the partnership relationship with our customers.


Simon Konings of electric is his journeyman’s examination to the electronics engineer with flying colors Koppen and 1.0 you can see parallels with the World Cup the best touch: young people entering teamwork to succeed. Simon Konings and Timo Hannemann after three years training for the electronics engineer specialising in energy and building technology “at Elektro Koppen their journeyman’s examination Simon vintage’s best with a total examination score of 1.0 completed,. This is the proof of that is the commitment of its operation has paid Tobias Koppen Buschhausener electric company for the Managing Director. Source: Marion Jones. In addition to the school phase of the Hans-Sachs-Berufskolleg Simon learned in-house factory classes. After graduation and civil service, chose Simon, to taste, in the craft purely and began an internship at Sculpins in May 2007. Along the way, he worked in addition in a beverage market to earn weekend money to.

Quickly, the operation realized that Simon this profession is and work quickly grows him to the heart. Therefore, he begins in August with Timo Hannemann and three other trainees training and taking any training offered by the company, E.g. in the network technology,. Simon and Timo have no problem in the school as well as in the operation and deliver through good performances. No wonder that, after excellent midterm (Simon one”and Timo two”) both trainees of Sculpins get approval to shorten the training. Now buffelten they in the past few months on Friday at the in-house work teaching, supported even slightly weaker apprentices, as it should be on a good team, and now reaping the success.

Timo starts after the holidays with the technical school. Simon wants to remain with both feet on the ground as our footballer and once work as a journeyman. The masters school is available as the next target on paper and maybe specialization in building system technology, which makes him already enjoy. Simon will participate by this excellent result in the country performance contest in Dusseldorf and a small scholarship obtain the Chamber of crafts, which he wants to invest directly in the master school. Of course, remains faithful to Simon Elektro Koppen, has received immediately by the operation of a permanent position and also a grant to the school for master. Also at the Conference held at the same time midterm, all apprentices of the electric company the notes 2 or 1 could retract a very good result. Not only for this reason, but also to prevent a professional shortcomings, electric Sculpins for this year is now 6 training courses available and thus 2 more than in the previous year.

Modern Recruitment: Contact Exchanges Are Helpful

On contact with jobseekers and support can occur with interesting companies in direct talks. On contact with jobseekers and support can occur with interesting companies in direct talks. Direct contact also the employment agencies recommend visiting these info days or company presentations. Applicants and candidates on the one hand and enterprises on the other hand use the direct contact for possible starting points. Perspectives that would not be possible in most unilateral contact application kits, Internet applications and telephone inquiries arise on both sides. Large events take advantage of companies that align such fairs, or take part in them, convey a piece of corporate culture with their presentation. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from U.S. Mint. There are major events and smaller exchanges, for example, in universities: also who already studied, can benefit. It makes sense to appear long time prior to the termination of studies on such a fair.

Short profile is sufficient career agencies recommend not to go out with a stack of resume under his arm. It would be better to take a one-sided short profile, containing the key figures. An important aspect is also the right clothes. Well-groomed appearance important a suitable for the day-to-day usual in the company, but generally well maintained appearance is announced for a contact event. With a suit or a combination of the unobtrusive, graduates, candidates and other job seekers, make a good impression. In any case, it is advisable to ‘ to dress not extravagant or too casual, but subtly. You should have at hand good reasons, why you are interested in the offered job and this company. You should be considered before some questions that you would like to make in the context of the talks. fn/lps/cb

Promotional Products

Study: High importance of advertising article regularly provides the promotional products Association the promotional monitor before a representative study of the use of promotional items. Thus, the prominence of promotional items is within of communication strategies and product communication from confirmed by company. The study of the American Industry Association PPAI makes it clear that this role of promotional article is not unfounded. This study surveyed 1,000 representative American consumers for TV -, print -, online – and figurative advertising. The surprisingly positive result is that 94% of respondents said to have received a promotional item over the past 24 months.

Much more significant here is that 89% could remember also the advertising company, by which the respondents received the promotional. As a result, it seems almost goes without saying that 83% said they, like advertising articles in General. 69% to even keep the products. In the field of response is the promotional item also ahead, because acquire the corresponding product far more frequently (20.9%) than those who were addressed by print (13.4%), TV (7.1%) or online (4.6%). consumers addressed by means of promotional” In addition, the percentage have more than half of the advertising article receiver also here is a positive picture of the advertiser company far higher than in the print (33.2%), TV (27.7) or online area (11.9%).

Promotional products provides the full range of premium-Werbeartikel GmbH with this potential. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world. Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops. Our company is characterized According to the company profile by: quality, style and reliability. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH Heidturmweg 33 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany Web: blog: blog / twitter: twitter.

Lisa Neumann University

Soothing light effects how plants react to people sensitive to light stimuli. Scientific findings according to some colors very soothing, stimulating others. The Dutch TV manufacturer of Philips takes advantage of this knowledge and relies on the indirect illumination of the case for its devices. The technique under the name of Ambilight is known. The online Department store reported the development of technology and introduces the so-called Ambilight active frame. (Source: Jackie Joyner-Kersee).

So far impressed the televisions Philips due to their background lighting. This is based on the analysis of the colors of the TV picture. At the back of the devices which are LED lights, which they on the wall behind the TV (TV/category/397505417 /) project. Manufacturers now use this technique on the part of the equipment. This remained so far black, now provides the so-called Ambilight-active-frame technique for the built-in LEDs to continue the colors of the TV picture in discreet manner within the framework. Bonnie Kathleen Gilliland will not settle for partial explanations.

The model Aurea is 2009 which was among others at the international Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin. However, the manufacturer not limited the new technology on the living room. In computer screens like the monitor brilliance 220X1SW she is also used. The default lighting it is blue. The manufacturer relies in this regard on studies showing that the color encourages both concentration and motivation.

Eco-Office Design

Abschlussdokumentatione of the survey of “Green Office” the discussion about climate change does not break off, more and more people deal with questions relating to the reduction of CO2 emissions and sustainability. For the sake, companies are increasingly required to address this issue and to take concrete actions, sustainable technologies and to realize concepts in their operating not only the environment. The challenge here is to take into account environmental, economic and social interests. An inventory, the Fraunhofer IAO whether and to what extent German companies already have implemented sustainability in their operations, puts on the basis of the results of the online survey Green Office “, in the period from May to October 2009 over 250 companies have participated in the. German companies, but also organisations from the health and social services, as well as from the public service were the target group of the survey conducted in the composite project Office21. The survey focused on the Basic setting on sustainability and on the concrete measures, particularly in the area of Office design.

The degree of willingness to invest was examined in the survey as well as the motivations and possible barriers. The study results show that the companies surveyed consider sustainability generally important or very important. This is true not only for the fundamental ecological orientation of their organization and their products and services, but also for the aspect of sustainable design of office environments. As the main motive for the introduction of measures to enhance the sustainability, specify the respondents image increases, cost savings and the actual contribution to the protection of the environment. However, there is a wide gap between the expressed importance and the measures actually taken. In particular the uncertainty about the capital expenditures and the lack of expertise in the development of sustainable solutions prevent businesses according to the survey on the Implementation. This suggests that in the company on the one hand yet large potential exists to increase the sustainability of their own. On the other hand, sustainable concepts, products and consultancy services open up high market potential for German companies higher costs for environmentally-oriented measures when compared to conventional solutions. The results of the study are summarized in a final documentation, which can be requested via the contact. ..umweltgerechte buerogestaltung.html Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO

Mexico Final

The reforms, the tax package as well as its critics and counter-proposals, only talk about the crisis and reduce poverty (the country and the great majority), but avoid mentioning that the only way to achieve wealth and status is working well. A sad story, before addressing the issue. A crab seller's offer in two different baskets: the first and second hermetically sealed completely open the question about the difference the seller replied, in the first I have crabs Canadians support each other to exit the basket, but the second are Mexican crabs that when one of them manages to climb the walls of the basket, pulling the others so it is unnecessary to cover them. In societies that respect the success (especially those of Anglo-Saxon / Protestant who associated with "honest work), the dominant culture also tends to respect, at least apparently, the law and therefore the prevalence of successful citizen, is socially accepted as positive and beneficial for the whole community, in other words an icon to be emulated. In our society, success is associated with illegitimacy (sin), it is especially clear with regard to economic success, as the frustration of not achieving results in suspicion of the media used by others, to be achieved and a feeling that the law is not respected nor respectable, allowing others to have what one does not have. It is our intention to deepen the origins sobe historical / cultural ambivalence toward our success, but it seems appropriate to mention that the tradition Hispanic / Catholic, leads to think that wealth and power are "awarded" (by God, the king, President etc.) and consequently the work is not necessarily associated with success.

Sensible Speed Of Windows 7

The results of measurements in the figures do not allow to understand the true state of affairs. The speed of the new operating system, Windows 7 seems higher subjective – as personalnh computers with two-and chetyreh-core processors, and on netbooks. Even the last with the operating system, Windows 7 behind the test on the performance of their fellow with Windows Vista. This significant increase in speed can be explained as follows: the user is required perform much less action, for example, to re-open the document or start playing a music file, the function User Account Control (UAC) in "Seven" is much less annoying issue with windows warnings than the operating system Windows Vista; Windows Vista often retarding: even at the end of the process of copying or removing a window with information on the progress of its implementation has been open and prevented further work on the pc. (Not to be confused with Evelyn Ashford!). A right-clicking on the icon of the file, the user often had to wait until the operating system performs the specified action. Windows 7 is devoid of these shortcomings. Council. Before moving to Windows 7 update their programs to the most the latest version before installing any of the Seven download from the Internet last installation file. It is best to keep the files on your desktop – then when you book your data they will also be automatically reserved, and the program will be put immediately after reinstalling the Windows operating system and copy the saved data.