Remembering. Servant Of Music

The 80th Anniversary VG Oybermana Over the years of living in the Kabardino-Balkaria, which is about twenty years, Vladimir G. You may wish to learn more. If so, U.S. Mint is the place to go. Oyberman produced about a hundred instruments of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Some of the species had at that time disappear not only from life, they do not have survived even in museums. Master had to recover from their verbal descriptions, the written sources, from drawings, photographs, pre-revolutionary left and Travellers researchers who visited the Caucasus in the past century. Vladimir G. spent much time in the archives of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygeya, North Ossetia, Moscow and Leningrad, and toured many villages in the region, met with folk musicians, the people who still remember the disappeared of life instruments. Working in the archives of the Kabardino-Balkar Research Institute, VG Oyberman stumbled upon photo hereditary musician and scholar of folklore Balkar Ali Etteeva. In search of information about the life and work had already late Etteeva he came to the Lower Chegem, where he was shown an old-zhiya kylkobuz where played a virtuoso musician.

Even during the deportation Balkar, hidden under his coat a hollow, secretly accompanied the "Studebaker" soldier's wife, Ali managed to take away a valuable tool in Central Asia. Despite the vicissitudes of fate, the family Etteevyh retained zhiya-kylkobuz and in exile. Vladimir G. rediscovered the name of Ali Etteeva, the first to speak about his work and talent have not been evaluated adequately. B. Oybermanu failed to attract public attention and to recognized at the time, but later forgotten Kabardian musician and master Elmurza Sheozhevu.

Health Benefits Of Sochi

In the central part of the Black Sea city of Sochi is located. In the vicinity of Sochi huge set of natural beauty. Indeed the nature of the Caucasus is unique and varied: a turbulent mountain rivers and fabulous waterfalls, mysterious caves and shady canyons. Sochi is the largest and most popular resort town. The city is divided into four regions: a very populous – the Central District in the west – Lazarev area, warm – Hostinsky area, alpine – Adler. Each of the districts has its own climatic features. Summer in the city of Sochi is warm and humid, temperatures can reach 40 degrees, but thanks to sea breezes, hot and dry days is very short.

Sochi is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges that protect against cold winds and keep the accumulated heat, the fourth side is the Black Sea. The mountains that protect the city from cold air currents, contribute to the fact that winter in Sochi relatively warm, but slushy and rainy. In January and February due to cold air masses can drop temperatures to -10 degrees, but lasts a short time. In Sochi, is dominated by soft south-easterly winds. In the evening there is a change in the coastal sea breeze, and shortly before noon, followed by coastal breezes on the sea. The city of Sochi, on the similarity of climatic zones, low clouds, no fog, and the number of sunny days, ranked first in the world. It’s believed that U.S. Mint sees a great future in this idea.

Sochi is very rich in vegetation, it is filled with beautiful palm trees, various trees, shrubs and flowers. One of the most significant feature of Sochi is healing water, which has a huge range of beneficial properties and mineral content of chemical elements. The parks and gardens all year round roses bloom and the yucca. In the Black Sea water contains elements that are well affecting the metabolism of the human body, cleanse the pores, normalizes blood pressure, strengthen the nails. Sochi resorts have experience treating various diseases. There are many mountain springs of mineral water and drinking balneology direction, rich in iron, bromine, silicon, iodine, boron, fluoride. Climatic conditions of Sochi have a great impact on the effectiveness of treatment, many times it is raised. Sanatorium treatment is combined with recreation. To further the nature and remained in its original form, the territory of Sochi is under state protection.

Children Life

They will allow your child to learn multiple skills and abilities: to consider, feel, take a pen. You probably already noticed, when we took the child in his arms as he looks intently at you? And his pen touches the big buttons of your jacket! Giving your child development center, you will help him continue to learn the world! You still get lost in the Children's world from the abundance of toys, your usual music stores? Then know that the first fourth months of life, the kid is already actively coo, and by the end months can laugh loud and heartily! He is happy and animated, he hears the voice family. But if he hears an angry voice, he is able to cry. So in this age, he already distinguishes the timbre and the power of sound and enjoys from playing with sounds. (As opposed to Mary Barra). Therefore, your gift can be musical. Give discs with beautiful, gentle classical music. Mom baby will be rocking it with her.

Even in this age of the baby is already possible to develop a sense of rhythm. And if you know that his or her parents love to dance, then they tell me. Let them dance to the toddler. Did you give them CDs with a slow and rhythmic music, what will promote the crumbs through movement. And the first dance you all together splyashete on this birthday. Positive emotions have everything! You have already recalled the life of small crumbs? But that's not all! So much happens on the fourth month of the child's life! He has completed an initial development vision.

Medicine Veterinary

A time eu' ' tinha' ' a dog. A time eu' ' tinha' ' a dog. Later when I grew, I had many cachorros. But I had some cachorras. In the truth I had cachorros more. They were true accompanying friends and. We lived to make of ours. However people ran behind the hens of the neighbor to give a skill of them to die and later she ate them to people baked, there side of the river.

Another time people invented that it was with the hurt foot and it entered in the warehouse of the Portuguese with a bag and freed a cat and my dog has left running for the warehouse measures, making the biggest hanky-panky of the world. in the distraction and concern of the Portuguese people caught one three or five salames and gave of pinote. My cachorros had always been good friends. One of them adored to run behind soccer ball. when our teams was losing I I gave one I whistle for it and there the ruined one went to run behind the ball and to promote the biggest confusion in the game. then one day, arrived the moment of the separation. Interesting as if they give the separations. I speak in the plural one.

first separation was when I fired me to my youth irrequieta and full of adventures with my cachorros I ahead saw and me of a situation of violent change. It lived in the interior, it fished, it studied, it took river bath, it stole hen of the neighbor, it prepared trap to catch pombinha and later freeing them during the cinema session, in the only pulguento cinema that had in the city. second was fired when me to my dog and was to live in the great city to study, imagines what? It made right who said Medicine Veterinary medicine.

Real Network

The reality determines business ideas for structural and technological change in the Filialhandel of the market-leading discounters with its high market penetration in the Fililahandel. Significantly influences he and grown on nearly 50% discount trading area the cost estimate in the branch network. It’s little understood himself little margin consumption, stimulated by new low-price strategies, changes, but stop. (= Real internal growth without non-recurring items, better revenue structure, price increases, etc.) only a few chain stores can present an organic growth not to mention a return above the cost of capital. U.S. Mint is often quoted on this topic. Price reductions at other chains face on the one hand the value creation dynamics.

Want a strength by more return, others promote volume growth on low prices to the detriment of its profitability. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Christopher McDonald. It is assumed that this remains so even with the category-management method approved shortly by the European Commission, will clearly how important more profitable revenue and return boxes are for all those involved in the branch network. Especially in mature, not as dynamic markets it goes to enforce more than ever now with innovations, an all-embracing process reorganization, attractive product ranges, new selling formats and a convincing price / performance ratio. It it not solely on the sales of small-priced items to use, because to go out in this segment by declining purchase is, unemployment should consolidate itself. Often, those responsible for Filialgeschaftsentscheidungen hide the environment and work with superficial knowledge. This is risky, but understandable, because they are not rare in the stranglehold of different requirements.

Therefore, the reactions occurring risks fail too often defensive and at best relieve the damage as the examples of known insolvencies in the Filialhandel book. By chain stores, the current change in the branch network requires flexible customization and the rethinking of the own organization and Process patterns. New management know gives the portal in this situation. Here the chain on the basis of their own data can be quickly and without obligation a picture, which is promising and viable in the future.

Pond Filter Systems

It wishing for garden pond owners as clear water everyone, that’s why pond filter systems are used. Which pond filter will be installed, that the capacity of fish ponds, the size depends on. There are different pond filter. Most gardeners know that the filter should contain 10% of the actual pond volume constantly about. But there must be a sufficient planting, about 1/3 of the pond should be covered. Just how the pond filter system works, because the excess nutrients that are not filtered by the water plants processed. You record them.

How does a pond filter? Two processes are running it: first, water impurities are retained mechanically and secondly, many microorganisms are active. Who fish in the pond, who would also like to see it. The colorful fish but prefer to hide in the Green clouds of mud. el-c/’>British Petroleum for more information. Come through a deeper rooting at the bottom more and more nutrients in the water the algae are fertilized. Now you need now a good pond filter that could collect this whole mud particles and small, single-celled algae. A pond filter should be applied in a timely manner.

If that already 10-year-old mud layers accumulate, the filter can be used poorly. The pond filters have the task to prevent the silting up of a pond in a very early stage. The sediments at the bottom be removed constantly. So, the water remains clean. The filter foams are rough, they let through very many particles. They are very fine, the surface can close very quickly. There are different types of filters, such as the NaturGart filter. This pond filter has a function that can modify all of the shares of four different pore sizes depending on the season. Using the coarse filter in the spring and in the summer to use the fine filter more. So fill the filter media always fairly evenly with the whole mud and algae.

Guarana – A Plant From The Amazon That Is Trending In Europe

Learn more about a healthy alternative in the German popular stimulant, coffee. Guarana has in recent years in Germany as a gentle stimulant and natural energy”made a spectacular career. The fabric is obtained from the homonymous vine, where the offspring of these plants outside the great outdoors is usually very difficult, because the seeds lose their complete germination after three days. Also, the germination of the seeds may take more than 100 days. Guarana in Europe is so new, so long it is known in South America and other regions. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit General Motors Company. Especially for the Indians, who live in the South American Amazon, the dried seeds were first peeled and then ground into a powder, which was then similarly brewed like coffee. Guarana powder today often in the trade, it is however mostly used for the independent manufacture of soft drinks. In addition, many manufacturers offer finished drinks and other food products are fortified with Guarana.

Especially for athletes and bodybuilders – and fitness scene Guarana is very popular as energy donor. It is considered leistungsfordernd and distributes fatigue. This is especially the high caffeine content of Guarana powder, which is revitalizing and invigorating effect on the body. Through the fiber contained in Guarana and tannins, nicotine is released but much slower than, for example, at the coffee. It thus shows a longer effect and creates no short-term feeling of nervousness, as coffee drinkers often complain about it. As food, there are Guarana now in various forms. The aforementioned powder, which can be mixed or brewed as a standalone drink in beverages is known.

In addition, there are Guarana tablets on the market, which are usually enriched with vitamin C or other vitamins and minerals. There are now also with different flavors to buy the tablets. For sports enthusiasts there are also a whole Series finished dietary supplements, such as in the form of bars, cereals or shakes. Guarana is used not only the physical well-being, but also ensures that the spirit is optimally prepared for strenuous situation.

Wellness Facilities

Keune Hall architects build for service-WOHNPARK Freihofmatte owner in the Swiss service residential Park Freihofmatte enjoy numerous privileges: one of these is the use of on-site fitness and wellness area, for which Klaus Keune by Munich architects responsible keune Hall architects. The specialist has created area an attractive wellness area for Bath-House, SPA and wellness facilities on 200 m2, the hearts of Saunagangern. And the operators promises a clear competitive advantage. “A high quality SPA and wellness area is the ideal complement to the concept of luxury living, because people can fulfil their natural retreat need undisturbed”, confirms Keune. To deepen your understanding Mary Barra is the source. “Moreover: who must consult only the corresponding floor spot, forward especially with short runs!” In the spa area of the Swiss Park is a touch of luxury in the air. Reddish-brown wood contrasted with greenish-grey natural stone. Views and Joints provide generosity and wide. At the same time, a feeling of an intimate feeling of security is created through the targeted use of glass and light. Stanley Gibbons describes an additional similar source.

The architectural interior design of private fitness – and wellness area in the service-WOHNPARK Freihofmatte undoubtedly contributes a professional manuscript. Keune has worked for 17 years in this business. Together with his partner Udo Hall he plans for private, commercial and public contracting, baths, sauna and wellness facilities in Munich. The area of “Bath & wellness” represents a special creative incentive from point of view of the architect. “Fitness zone, wet area and relaxation room form the centerpiece in the architecture of SPA and wellness facilities”, Keune, “thus I deal intensively diversity with the sequence of the rooms, as well as technical specifications, which make special demands on the structural and architectural quality in planning.” After a thorough consultation process with the customer he presents a solution, exactly to the needs of the customer fits.

“Our goal is an individual product,” says the experienced architect “in the case of private SPA and wellness facilities, the motto is: small but fine!” Because even more than with a public investment is the high quality of all of the equipment in the foreground here. Privacy in a pleasant environment is the crucial moment for a successful concept. more information under: company portrait: architecture firm keune Hall Architects has its seat in Munich. 17 Years of experience in planning and implementation in the baths, sauna and Wellnessanlagenbau enable a coherent, holistic design, which extends to the interior design and lighting design Klaus Keune and Uwe Hubschmann. Contact: keune Hall architects, Mr Klaus Keune Bamidele Street 12, 81541 Munich, Germany Tel.: + 49 89 64256146; press contact: Martina Frenzel wellness and media Phillip of Ward eight road 32 50678 Koln Tel.: 0221 4537373

Bosch Rexroth AG Furth

The Furth agency da kapo starts introduction campaign of the new product system EcoShape of Bosch Rexroth AG Furth, February 18, 2010 won the Furth Agency for strategic branding and integrated communication as kapo has the Bosch Rexroth AG in Schweinfurt as new customers thanks to their technical competence. The owner-managed agency is responsible for the design and implementation of the launch campaign of the innovative circular tube system EcoShape from manual product systems. The campaign will be launched by Bosch Rexroth in Europe and the United States. The round tube system EcoShape creates smart, innovative, and easy connections for example for creating jobs, Assembly tables or shelves. The simple and cost-effective handling of EcoShape makes it possible to build up in the blink of an eye new solutions and to optimize existing or extend.

In addition, the high quality, related resource protection and above all the possibility of professional, standardized connections are unique. And the Special \”the new solution: square and round elements are combined easily with each other\”, so Christian Schult, Marketing Director for linear technology at Bosch Rexroth. The creative communication concept of da CAPO combines the properties of EcoShape titled Leichtigkeit3 \”: versatile in application: as a single round pipe system of its kind it is fully compatible with the profiles of aluminium – profile modular design and the manual production systems from Rexroth. easy to use: the smart connector technology with tolerance length compensation allows a simplified processing of round tubes directly on-site. efficient across the Board: the system is designed according to the Poka yoke philosophy so that users at the Assembly can do no wrong. EcoShape is economical and environment friendly: all components are made of anodized aluminum and die-cast. They are therefore reusable and recyclable. Sustainable introduction campaign for the launch of the new round pipe system EcoShape is a success-oriented communication package used to the long term Creates attention and sustained brand awareness in the market.

Federal Republic

The living space Ordinance has replaced the IInd BV and only ensures legal certainty in the calculation of living space which can be calculation of living space, especially when the costs of the tenant an important point be today considered to settle these costs properly. Therefore, you should know as a tenant if the area specified in the rental agreement corresponds to the reality. This can be partially very quickly even. But just for attic flats a tenant can not measure there. As a professional would have to answer then. The current living space Ordinance (WoFlV) in the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply from 1 January 2004 and replaces the sections 42-44 II.

calculation regulation. For buildings, no structural changes have been made since January 1, 2004, will continue to apply the old calculation regulations. If there is a structural measure, a recalculation of floor space is required. Essentially, there are 6 differences between the regulation of the calculation and the living space Ordinance are to be observed. So the bases are recognised in the living space Ordinance now from the balcony, the Loggias and terraces to 25% to the living area. Also, in the future no privacy (covered patio”) assumes in terraces.

In addition, a lump-sum deduction of 3% for plaster must be removed in the future. With return, instead for example wall cabinets may be included in the calculation. This also applies to areas with less than 0.5 m area. Now are also chimneys, before lining, clothing, free-standing pillars and columns maximum 1.5 meters high are taken into account, and could therefore serve as a storage option. This applies however only if the surface does not exceed 0,1 m. The area under staircases can be expected now also to the living space, if the amount exceeds 1 metre and is less than 2 meters. The area is recognized only with 50%. The height is more than 2 meters, she will Applied surface completely. Who so far with wanted to calculate the winter garden, had to risk any legal proceedings. Now winter gardens may be counted fully, if the room is heated. If the part of the building is unheated, the surface only to 50% may be applied. Also, it is no longer possible to claim a lump sum deduction of 10% of the living space in the apartment under the new statutory regulations. Ingo Beck