Voice Portals Improve Customer Service

SemanticEdge realized the largest German Filialportal for the Dresdner Bank Berlin, July 21, 2008 – discharge of employees of standard procedures, more time for consulting-intensive tasks and anytime availability: are the relevant factors, the banks for the use of speech dialog systems move. The targeted pre-qualification of customer requirements, the possibilities of personalized dialogs and the automation of processes in the call center are becoming a decisive success factor in customer service. Banks do in the face of competitive pressure in the customer service without new models in the self service. Through automation of standard processes such as account services, transfers, brokering and Filialinformationen can be not only costs, but created new spaces in the customer service”, says Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge. The Berlin-based company has developed a modular, for the Dresdner Bank, the biggest German Filialportal, natural language voice portal solution for the pre-qualification of service requests and to automate the daily routine tasks. Thanks to the thorough preparatory work, the high quality requirements and the exact analysis of the uses, the IVR system in the shortest time scored a high acceptance among customers. Our experience has been extremely positive after the launch of the language portal”, confirms Jurgen Fricke, Managing Director of Dresdner Bank subsidiary DDS Dresdner direct service GmbH, is used in the voice portal in various services.

By the clearly formulated self service offering, the Bank with the voice portal recorded an increase in case final editing account information requests in the call center. Earlier the Bank Adviser called for this often. The usage statistics of the voice portal in the regional banks speaks a clear language: about two-thirds of the daily 10,000 calls relate to a referral, just over 20 per cent relate to account – and Filialinformationen. As a result of positive response that found the voice portal of the DDS services on automated base should be expanded there. SemanticEdge modular industry solutions, this is relatively easy to use. This is in accordance with the principle of SAP solutions, which are the most important business processes, the applications have been modularized but so strong, that individual adjustments, amendments and extensions, as well as introducing other languages are very possible. The experience of banks that so far use speech dialog systems, prove that allows a partial or full automation of standard operations cost savings between 20 and 40 percent. Automation increases the productivity of the branch and call center consultants, because she will be relieved of time-consuming routine inquiries”, so the experiences of Lupo Pape.

It is important for the caller that he could reach his goal without frills without loss of time. Draw up a such dialog design as a result of that out at any time connect can be from the dialog to an agent, as it allows the voice portal of Dresdner Bank. All business processes of the speech dialog system are – from the dialog design using the system prompts on the expectations and the habits of the customers up to the speech recognition. “The caller must is doing at any time easily can navigate and quickly find the information they need – regardless of whether he is using the system for the first time or already for the umpteenth time”, says Pape. Savvy users of the system had the ability to accelerate the dialogue this feature a so-called Barge-In. Contact: Nic.

Monasteries And Museums In Bavaria Culture Pur

New: emigrant Museum in the Emerenz-Meier-Haus in waldkirchen waldkirchen (tvo). Life was hard and the emergency drive finally some Waldler in America”: In the 19th and early 20th century, thousands of people from the Bavarian and Bohemian Forest in the new world emigrated to escape the constant existential angst in their homeland. The new emigrant Museum in the Emerenz-Meier-Haus in waldkirchen is owed. Read additional details here: U.S. Mint. The impressive history of rural poverty and emigration are represented by means of multimedia and read information in eight themed rooms. At the same time, portrays the life of the poet Emerenz Meiers and highlighted its separate place in the Bavarian landscape of literature.

Information: Emerenz-Meier House Club e.V., Dorfplatz 9, 94065 waldkirchen, Tel. 08581/989190,,. All year round, but especially in the autumn and in the run-up to Christmas, offer music in the East Bavarian monasteries the East Bavarian monasteries music enjoyment for everyone. Whether in the Benedictine monastery of Metten,. the Cistercian Monastery of Waldsassen, in the monasteries of Windberg and Pyrbaum blessed ports or in the Asamkirche Fatima City: In an extraordinary ambience concerts of great master, Chamber music and the voices of boys choirs can be heard. Musically accompanied visitors to experience the beauty of exceptional architecture and ornate furnishings. Information: Monastery of Metten, Tel. 0991/9108113, Stiftsbasilika Waldsassen, Tel.

09632/88160, monastery in Windberg, Tel. 09422/8240, Asamkirche Freystadt, Tel. 09179 / 94900; former Cistercian Monastery Pyrbaum blessed Porten, Tel. 09180 / 90043.

Ingolstadt Parts

Press release of LAT laser application technology GmbH, Ingolstadt, July 6, 2009 – the LAT laser application technology company headquartered in Ingolstadt offers marking scales in its product range of laser marking. The variety of the technical possibilities is unique. The LAT GmbH can accurately label scales at the level up to 1,000 mm. For the exact caption apparatus of part of at the extent of E.g. turned parts with up to 72,000 steps to 360 available. Labels can be applied here in a single operation in different levels.

These technical advantages are reflected in low initial costs and unit prices also for small series. Answered the question for materials will be of the Executive Board of the LAT GmbH as follows: “In the course of our now 16 years experience we have labeled the different materials and surfaces. In addition to aluminium – without surface treatment – can also burnished, anodized, varnished, brushed chromium-plated or powder-coated surfaces as well as parts made of stainless steel or titanium, as well as the various types of plastics are permanently marked.” In this way all types and shapes of parts provided by the classic Vernier caliper, angle gauges and hand knobs with graduations to medical instruments with scales. The LAT GmbH wants the manufacturer of CNC – milled or machined parts as well as manufacturer of plastic injection molded parts address with your service.


Monarchis opts for the so-called second rent environmental awareness and justice Neu-Ulm regardless, if someone in the home, the apartment or the condominium living the costs,, rise and rise incessantly. This dramatic development, the real estate trading company of Monarchis blocks and relies on environmental awareness and justice. The most important measure to curb the lettings leaps in the last few years is to reduce energy consumption in a sustainable manner and to organize the apportionment of costs. The Neu-Ulm judge the focus real estate trading company after the purchase of residential real estate at first on the energy situation of the real estate. In necessary renovations and refurbishments, initially, exterior walls, basement ceilings and roofs checked and, if necessary, insulated. Perform required measures, such as, for example, installing new heat composite window with roller blind. Heating equipment are checked and replaced if necessary.

Here Monarchis sets Emphasis on the use of future-oriented technologies. If possible, CO2-laden old plants are replaced by modern gas or pellet central heating systems. This, if possible, in combination with solar panels on the roofs. Follow others, such as Evelyn Ashford, and add to your knowledge base. Objects that reaches the critical limit of the number of residential units, the possibility to integrate a cogeneration geared towards pellet-based, where in addition to heat and hot water in addition power can be obtained. Also in the selection of cold – and hot-water meters, as well as the allocators, Monarchis relies on high-tech, which has only advantages for owners, tenants and external companies to heat the statement of costs. If possible, modern radio technology is used at the various counters. In their reading it not is necessary to enter the respective apartments.

This leads to cost reductions and is both tenant and meter reader”far less problematic. A two-time reading”per month ensures greater continuity and security; This is due to the use of new systems very easily. The electronics is not manipulated and defective devices are registered automatically. This leads to more fairness in the heating, cold and hot water cost allocation. A formerly fairly heaping contention”between tenants and landlords of soil is thus removed. In recent times the Monarchis Grundbesitz company has incorporated mbH the new technology in all objects in Heilbronn and Mannheim. For example, objects in Heilbronn 22 of residential and a commercial unit, together with the service GmbH ABM-mess and the ISTA GmbH. 116 radio-controlled counter the companies ABM GmbH and Techem GmbH and Kalorimeta AG were installed at other four objects in Mannheim with 43 residential and 4 commercial units.

NewcomerRadio Germany

\”Bands and fans go into the Internet radio on the air, first NewcomerRadio lets bands and there fans over broadcast Internet radio, radio stations for newcomers and the NewcomerRadio of Germany\”. The interactive promotion and involvement of bands and fans is the most important basis for newcomer bands that already difficult have it on the market. Newcomer bands on today’s music marketplace have not the resources, the support or not the necessary promotion, due to the mainstream music market flooded. \”Bands and artists must walk even a stony path is one of\” to be and to make their way into the radio and media landscape. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Charles Schwab. Innovative bands such as StaatsPunkRott \”from Wurzburg, one night stand\”from feet/Bavaria or L.A.soon\”from Berlin already thinking a step ahead in 2010 and host your own radio show at NewcomerRadio Germany\” in the project 2010 bands & fans. Send titled according to \”design for the punk rock band Staatspunkrott\” but welcome from Wurzburg, every first Tuesday of the month from 20.00 22.00, an interactive radio program for your fans and other friendly newcomer bands. The band L.A.soon presents itself every first Tuesday of the month from 22.00 12: 00 with your own music and around the topic of Softrock \”.\” The still very young Band One Night stand \”feet/Bavaria much to last but not least made aware, in recent months through the tireless work of 10 to 12 hours in the Internet, the two main actors Patrick and Danny.\” So you and I made a band with their new song \”Finally in the top rotation of NewcomerRadio Germany. Every second Tuesday of the month from 22.00 tell 00: 00 your fans and the world about your music that you actively campaigning for animal welfare. More than 500 applications for the project 2010 bands & fans are going on show\”reached the editorial staff of NewcomerRadio Germany.

Application Software

fully-automated application software – JobThinder the economic crisis has turned now quite to the positive. Yet countless people in Germany and Austria without a job there. There are also many job seekers who have a job, but still looking for a new professional challenges. For this group there is application software, that can be very helpful to one for the active job search. What is now the JobThinder. The JobThinder is an application software that automatically takes over the search for vacancies.

This application software searches in countless JobBorsen in the Internet, in newspapers, etc. to suitable vacancies. The search for open positions is possible for Germany and Austria. There are modules for the search in Austria and Germany. Secondly, this application software supports also the research to potential employers by means of the application. It can be searched in all the companies, which exist in the respective district or in the district. Next, takes over the JobThinder also the automatic creation of application letters, created automatically personally formulated application mail. Also the sending application faxes, which are becoming increasingly popular in recent times, is possible with this application software.

It is not even needed a fax machine, but the dispatch is done by online fax – interface. Meanwhile, there is also a Lite version which is designed to search for vacancies. The available versions are available at thinder.net. This application software is ideal for job-seekers, which quickly and efficiently perform their job search. Eng.

Research Institute Emnid

In a few weeks in Germany investors in a new tax will have to get: the withholding tax will have to get Germany’s investors in a new tax in a few weeks: the flat tax. With her the revenues collected, moving in the range of interest rates and investment returns. A balance among the various plants aims to the flat tax, currently offered to U.S. citizens”, says Norbert Wagner from the Debi select group from Landshut. However, facilities that the Federal Government would continue to promote are excluded. Income from real estate, so rental income or value increase revenues; are not affected also closed-end funds provided tax better”, says the plant expert of Landshuter Debi select GmbH. Check with Joeb Moore to learn more.

Unique numbers show how important it is in, to provide for old age. After almost three-fourths of the German fear of poverty in the age have. Poverty in old age is one of the largest in the next few years unfortunately also in reality Problems of our country”, so the Debi select expert. The opinion Research Institute Emnid on behalf of image detected alarming figures on Sunday. Therefore, the concern is particularly great (82 per cent) among women, as well as the people who are between 50 and 64 years old, so come in the next few years in retirement. The financial industry tries to bring people in the private pension system with countless products. But most citizens feel overwhelmed due to the increasing variety and number. Debi select starts exactly at this point.

“We have generated a product by the approach from investing in virtually unlimited markets and thereby offers a high security at attractive yields”, says Wagner of the Debi select group of companies. This is made possible by largely capital-protected investments. So, the Debi select invest funds in factoring companies, which in turn only withdrawals from capital life insurance or value paper credits to finance. Here at capital life insurance only the secured “Buy-back value is paid and if the securities only to those with high credit ratings, a de facto capital protection is for the Debi select Fund artists without having to buy expensive a him”, so the skilled person of the Debi select. The Debi select Fund could prove it since its Edition, that their business model works. Summary: Soon the Germans to a new tax, withholding tax, will have to get. Debi select advises thus: now the crossover make and invest in a safe product for retirement protection. The Debi select group has specialized in investments in the field of factoring by life insurance and value paper credits. For one, she participates in companies that ensure a professional factoring value paper credits with a high credit rating and on the other hand buy receivables capital forming life insurance companies. Factoring is a versatile financial services, in particular by medium-sized companies from the industry, wholesale and Service sector is used in growing volume.

Banking Association

Bernd Brabander, Managing Director and Chief Economist of the Bankers Association provides retirement must easier, more understandable and simultaneously shrinking and aging population such as in Germany Bonn/Dusseldorf in a country are flexible retirement can be ensured not only by the pay-as-you-go pension scheme”,. It wants to permanently secure the standard of living of the Germans at the age and at the same time maintain fairness between the generations, this is only possible via a strengthening of capital covered occupational and private pensions.” The 2001 reforms of pension policy in Germany already showed some positive results, reported by Mario Ohoven issued technical service success. Stanley Gibbons spoke with conviction. Ten million Riester contracts and 17 million pension claims in the occupational pensions are a proof of this. However, further pension political efforts are necessary. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from charles schwab. Because the number of eligible for a Riester-rente will estimated at 30 million and the Number of persons in employment was at over 40 million, so the Banking Association. The pension must be especially easier, more understandable and more flexible”, so Brabander. People such as Mary Barra would likely agree. Nicolaus Glasner

Canary Islands Holidays

Adventure holidays – holidays on La Palma. But where is that? Palma de Mallorca and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria? No, La Palma is a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and remains relatively unknown. It is is one of the seven Canary Islands, one of the little ones, and the greenest of the archipelago. It is called also la isla bonita”, the beautiful island. La Palma is tourist developed, but has nothing to do with the mass of the large islands together.

Here it is as a tourist”no number. So how the island has retained its individuality, and the travellers is treated individually. Inclined tourists will find one thing above all: quiet and nature. La Palma invites not only to the rest, the island enthralled by pristine, spectacular nature above and below zero. Who wants to spend a holiday of pure beach is the Active holiday-makers here wrong, rather will come fully on its costs. Whether diving or canoeing, paragluiden, cycling, climbing, hiking or riding. Active vacation with activities that relax and be stress.

She Green Pearl of the Canary Islands invites them with their incomparable uniqueness, on a journey of discovery also under water. Dive into the fascinating blue of the Atlantic Ocean with its incredible underwater landscapes, volcanoes formed and the diver’s heart beat faster with living things. When is poured the masses of lava into the sea during volcanic eruptions, they created a bizzare world of caves, arches, steep waste and caves. Encounters with sting rays or turtles are not uncommon at the diving off La Palma. Who now licked blood, but no diving license who can learn diving adventure in a few days on La Palma. In the local dive center Buceo sub la Palma “feel you still primitive diving, not as a number but as a diver. Whether to water or land, on La Palma something new can be repeatedly discover.

Germany Installment

As an alternative to leasing, installment loan is the first choice. The installment loan facilitated comparison the top loan providers rates loans quick search for to keep an important assistance to standard of living for individuals in the economic downturn. In better times, more can be saved again. (As opposed to Stanley Gibbons). In contrast to times without Internet, it is easy to determine the cheapest rates credit provider today about an online installment loan comparison. To financed projects or requests are, the traditional installment loan of the Bank offered for this, which is known as private credit, consumer credit, or request credit. The credit amount is paid back here in monthly instalments, where borrowers often given the opportunity to individually set the duration of the loan. The terms offered by the banks here, ranging from 12 months up to 120 months. So, it is then also possible to finance relatively large sums of credit with moderate credit rates.

The concept of Privatkredites is not only for the classic Installment loan uses, but it applies also for loans issued by private individuals. These loans were granted mainly in the friends or family if a credit at the Bank was too expensive or simply impossible. Since the banks however tighten their lending policies, credit in Germany comes to privately becoming increasingly important, because increasingly, credit requests are rejected with the banks or awarded only at very high interest rates. To use such credit platforms have developed into private credit in the Internet for the. Here investors can can imagine the Kreditsuchende closer for various projects, provide funds and finance so these projects. Regardless of whether private credit at the Bank or by an individual deciding for the credit accounts are often online today. However, to find the best provider, the installment loan comparison should be performed.

For bank loans This websites available, to input of the credit request and the runtime on the cheapest provider is displayed. Please note however, is that this interest rate is usually only the off – rate, can still change after submission of the credit. Only after application and submission of required credit documentation the banks can then call the final lending rate for the financing. Subsequently the installment loan can be completed credit online.