Not Just Another Hollywood Actress

When nbc reporter Kerry Sanders was represented by actress Nicole Greenwood in the tv show "Today", aired Feb. 3, 2010, he spoke not about her role in the tv series 'in sight'. Kerry Sanders talked about responsive girl in a bright yellow T-shirt from his hospital bed stricken girl in the hospital of Port-au-Prince. 'In 20 minutes we saw a little girl stopped by Nicole frown and began to laugh,' – said Sanders. And for Nicole Greenwood, voluntary priest of the Church of Scientology, assistance to victims in Haiti has become one of the most important 'role' in her life.

Nicole Greenwood was born and raised in Vancouver (British Columbia). She took part in performances on Broadway, and then moved to Hollywood and worked briefly as a nanny, paving his way into the world of television and film. At that time she became acquainted with Scientology. 'I had a feeling that I've gained something long lost, – says Greenwood. – You know, I always had to defend their views. My 'friends' teasing me for my commitment to the 'old fashioned' values. And finally, I met people who just like me, believed that honesty and fairness to the other are very important. In many respects they looked at life like I do.

" 'I like that I did not have to take' on faith '- Nicole continues. I passed the course, looked like what I learned working in real life, and it really worked. Then I took another course, and he also helped me in life. I could own decisions. I saw results with my own eyes and just could not deny the obvious. " Nicole's first tried on a t-shirt Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology in September 2005. 'I've always loved helping people. Even before becoming a Scientologist, I helped rescue at the blast site of the World Trade Center September 11 – says Nicole. – I saw there the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology and was amazed at how well and efficiently they worked My mother is originally from New Orleans, so when the southern U.S. states hit by hurricane Katrina, I felt that I should go there. " By the time Nicole has been a Scientologist. She joined the team of emergency aid of the Church of Scientology on its way to the Gulf Coast. Greenwood worked shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of volunteer priests, doing whatever was necessary. It was there that she learned about Scientology assists, which she later used in Haiti. Assists – are methods of assistance developed by L. Ron Hubbard, affecting the spiritual aspects of the injury or disease. Nicole sincerely hope that it will never happen to see such destruction. However, they faded in comparison to what she had seen in Port-au-Prince. Nicole signed up for the first flight from Los Angeles to Haiti, chartered in January 2010, the Church of Scientology, to help hundreds of doctors, nurses, emergency medical equipment and other specialists to assist during natural disasters, directed by the Church in Port-au-Prince. 'Haitians – the most sincere and cheerful people I ever met. Despite the fact that they went through, they do not lose Hope '- said Nicole, now the third time this year, going to Haiti. In New Orleans, and Haiti Nicole learned a good lesson. 'I realized that the motto of the Volunteer Ministers are very accurate – she says. – No matter how tragic circumstances', it is possible to do something. " Watch a video about Nicole Greenwood site.