North America

In such sense it is clear that exportacin has advantages with respect to the cost of the product that can be or or a service, thus is clear that it constitutes an advantage for the exporting company like for their clients or buyers, leaving certainty that these two trmimos ltimos do not have meant equal or does not mean the same. 14. DISADVANTAGES OF the EXPORTS Some jurdicas institutions have disadvantages, in such sense the studied institution has disadvantages like are for example that the costs by international transport are lifted for example the costs of transporting from Spain or the United States to Sud Amrica. Consequently it is clear that the exports that are the studied institution not slo have advantages but tambin disadvantages, thus is clear that we must be careful at the time of studying the exports, since an important cost that it increases in price the product or is the international transport, putting to record that although it is certain that many exist specialized companies tambin is certain that also the cost of exporting continues being high in the Peruvian right. 15. EXPORT OF CAPITALS the trmino exportacin is genrico and in this order of ideas other trminos exist that are but especficos as exportacin of capitals is for example the trmino, trmino that by the way tambin we must know to have slidos knowledge on exportacin, economy and enterprise right, which as much lack makes to the economy and world-wide right, Peruvian, foreign and compared. Other jurdicos trminos exist and econmicos but especficos that to define which we will study to conrtinuacin, like for example exportacin of capitals, in such sense we will take advantage of the present one it soothes to define the same. Trminos agree our propsitos to define but especficos that exportacin like is for example exportacin of capitals, that consists of transferring capitals (money) of a state towards another one, for example is an assumption of exportacin of capitals from Per when it moves capitals from this Pas to the United States of North America or from Per to Spain, or Per to Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, among others states.