Nonverbal Interview Behavior

Nonverbal interview behavior can drown out your verbal self-presentation. Practice interviewing in front of a full length mirror or, better yet, video tape if you have access to that computer. Turn off the sound for yourself and watch carefully. How do you sit in your chair? Upright with an aura of energy and care enthusisam or collapsed as if there? Do you maintain good eye contact or look down on their hands when a question is difficult to answer? You lean forward to make a connection with the interviewer or appear distant and disconnected? Do you use your hands for a casual gesture, to emphasize a point, or are always in motion, as distracted as ex-athletes on TV who constantly flail away, regardless of what they are saying? Can you cross your legs at the ankle and sit still or constantly changing in his chair and irritate everyone in the room? Do you have unconscious habits or gestures that distract from your professional behavior, such as twisting your hair, nose rubbing, licking his lips, or cracking your knuckles? How is your voice? It's monotonous, clear, nasal or sharp? Do you smile – at the right times, not always as a beauty contestant on the track? Be aware of everything that you are presenting to a potential employer can make your oral presentation more effective and increase the chances of a successful outcome. Virginia Bola operated a rehabilitation company for 20 years, the development of innovative job search for disabled workers, while serving as a professional expert in Administrative Law, Civil and Workers' Compensation Courts. Author of an interactive and supportive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, border workers, who can be reached at or.