NLP Mirroring

The Mirroring or reflect or mimic, is a technique of NLP that you may be very entertaining and very useful to carry out job interviews, sales, resources human and more. This NLP technique consists in imitating certain postures and gestures of the person with whom we are interacting. It will no do put us next to that person, but when we’re forehead to her taking a conversion job and personal level. In our culture they always forbade us imitate others, he is considered one. The secret to apply the technique of Mirroring is subtly copy small details of the gestures of the other person. It is very important to be cautious and implement these movements or postures once the person no longer make them, and not while ago, since that makes it less obvious.

So does this technique of NLP? Consciously the person to which we’re imitating doesn’t notice, and if it comes to perceive, you can take it as a coincidence. However our unconscious if currency it and at that time establishes a link towards us, a connection by identification, as when one someone is familiar. One feels more comfortable, more open, ceases to be on the defensive. To generate is a connection between two people who are interacting is much more easy to establish a bond and achieve the other listening with more attention what we are saying. Either a person who’re not interviewing for a job; You can feel comfortable with us, and thus more willing to see our positive side for work, either to arrange a sale for example. The person to be at ease with us take our explanations in a more open manner and relies more on our recommendations. Application practice of Mirroring.

Once you carry out this technique of imitation, you will immediately notice that the person to whom you are reflecting as if you were their mirror, will match you in opinions, accept your suggestions more easily. Practice it: speaking with a co-worker about a subject that you know that they are in disagreement and test copy some of their attitudes or gestures. You’ll see how softens his point of view. Then try with another person and another subject which are in disagreement and no applique Mirroring NLP technique. You’ll see how different each conversation will be. You can use this technique when you need to persuade someone to take a decision; It is your wife to go see any movie than your you want to see, or to achieve an important sale in your work. You not discouraged if the tests and does not work, you will improve with practice. (You can see other techniques of selling with NLP in my article improves your sales with these simple NLP techniques.) Also you will find hands-on exercises of NLP NLP Online workshop). Everything on the web: this does not mean that it is a mathematical question and each time that you apply it it will work perfectly. But I assure you that you will increase your chances of achieving your goals.