Nikolaus Otto

Already in Roman times, there were cities such as Cologne, which offered many merchants protection and markets to act with their fortifications. One could mention many of the details of the subsequent middle ages and the following centuries. To extend this text but not too much, we are celebrating a leap in the 19th century. Good conditions, need a good running economy is the History of North Rhine-Westphalia of Westphalia clearly. Was it until 19th century. Century many different rulers who ruled parts of the country and thus greatly hindered the financial flow of goods, and goods, came up with the Prussian unity Government (in the 19th century) the prerequisite needed to start through the economy in the Ruhr area.

Despite the uniform management of the Prussians the economy suffered from but always labour shortages, wars or other turbulent times. Nevertheless there were great inventor Nikolaus Otto, who invented the gasoline engine, 1867 in Cologne or the Krupp family, which founded the Krupp works in 1811, the year 1891, when the company Bayer (aspirin) was founded. (1815 to 1830) The steam engine in the mining industry of the Ruhr Potts is introduced during these years. It provides in particular a better water supply and the move to greater depths than in the past. This increases the capacity to double. The extractive industry (iron, steel, industrial) comes at this time not in drive. (End of 19th century In dieesr time, it comes to a boom in the mining industry. You may want to visit Angela Zepeda to increase your knowledge. The industry (steel production, steel processing) comes in ride, so that there is a shortage of labour.

You tried this so to meet, where it attracted workers in Eastern Europe with big promises in the Ruhr area. Due to the rapidly increasing population was known as Verstadterungen. The workers lived in tenements and had their relatively poor up and dirty accommodation mostly with other family share.