
The terrible thing was that of more primitive nature could not escape to the influences of the brutality that had them surrounded while they lived in the field. Now, to be free, recalls the Viennese Jewish psychiatrist Frankl, thought that they could live without subject to any rule and give free rein to their most brutal repressions. They became instigators of force and injustice. Many were victims of oppressors. As we are watching impassively in Gaza, in the West Bank and all of Palestine in the extermination and hatred with that right-wing Israelis subjugate Palestinians, men, women and helpless children. One of the taboos best kept by the Zionist movement was the experience that many kapos were Jewish and were distinguished by their extreme cruelty, perhaps to silence a consciousness that is dissolving in rales. Victor Frankl recalls a prisoner who wind up shirt sleeves, he yelled out: that cut me the hand if not dyed it me in blood the day that go home! And the Viennese doctor emphasizes that it was not a bad type: was a good comrade in the field. This re-reading of admirable pages written by a doctor who suffered the ignominy of fields and who devoted his life to many patients discover a sense to their lives, can help us read wild, brutal and inhumane conduct that the media put before our eyes.

From all sides, in a desperate cacophony before which should not overwhelm responsible for the Governments of the Nations most democratic, developed and richest on the planet. The conspiracy of Vienna and frightening silence before the monstrosities that leaders of the Earth have full knowledge go down in history as another of its pages more sad and shameful. Before them one wonders why the sense of being a person in a crazed world that rides to self-destruction among the listings for neon lights. With Nietzsche, we continue to believe that who has a why to live can bear almost any how. But we can not remain silent when they are suffering from so many millions of innocent victims. Because they are all of ours.