New Opportunities In Crisis

Still remember the terrible times of the end of 2008, when the whole world economy was shaken and we are all anxiously looking to the future. Some were fired from their jobs, someone has lost half of their income, some business or completely collapsed was not selling, here it is globalization in all its glory. But how people reacted to the crisis and that they felt at that time? Someone has lost heart and dropped his hands, on the contrary, some glad, that was fired from the hated work and Dual energy began to build their future. There were those who absolutely do not hurt, but the most crafty, even managed to earn money for this crisis. What brings such a socio-economic phenomenon? Crisis new opportunities and not the other way, here’s what you say every optimist, let’s see, so whether he’s right. The very first opportunity that opens up every crisis – is buying up cheap assets. Everything, from the shares on the stock market, and ending with the real estate, cheaper by tens of percent, and in places at times.

Just look at the dynamics of the shares of the Savings Bank: 80 rubles in the summer of 2008, 13 rubles in the toughest moment of crisis in November 2008, early 2010, 90 rubles per share and a no limit. Exactly 1 year, an increase of capital in 7 times. Risks? Almost minimal, Sberbank may not be 0 if this happens, it is itself the ruble is worthless and cease to exist. Such large companies, who never let go bankrupt, you can dial with a dozen and invest. Is it worth buying now? Yes worth as soon as the correction over the next 10 years the stock market may grow back in 2-3.

Confuse the stock market? Then You can try to buy real estate, which fell by 30-40 percent, and if you find a buyer who needs to sell immediately, while cheaper and can be taken. Investing in art is also very good, because many things have fallen into price, and in quick time once again will cost more. Do not know the basic principles of finance and are afraid to invest, so it’s time to learn. Benefit there is a lot of literature and websites where you will find all necessary information. The second great opportunity this crisis – it’s changing workplace. You fired? And you probably thought that few receive, but were afraid to go, there you have come out by itself. Or you absolutely did not like the job, but his conscience does not allows you to leave work, you just got lucky. Yes, today you are unemployed and without money in my pocket, but are free to you and the whole world. Maybe we should change his life and start something new. Can look at the program government to support business start-ups? Well, if you cool a specialist, then other companies will take you to a new job for a large salary. Incidentally, the fact that 50 percent of retired people in crisis, found it more highly paid jobs. The crisis gave us the opportunity, so let’s use them and cease to blame the global conspiracy of evil uncle on Wall Street.