Murder And Torture By The Inquisition In The Name Of The Faith!

Direct candidate for the parliamentary elections on 27 September 2009, rough in the constituency 177 betting! Pope Innocent VIII, (1432-1492), the work “Summis desiderantes affectibus” (the witch bull), released 5 December 1484 he threatened everyone work at himself against this, this one goes and stands with the results of the inquisition. 1486 became the work “Malleus Maleficarum” (the witch hammer), published by Heinrich Insitoris. This work served for the legitimisation of the inquisition against suspicious more than 200 years and what the most gruesome work of the history. The work “Congregatio novels et universalist Inquisitionis” (congregation of the Roman and universal inquisition) what published by pope Sixtus V 1521-1590 in 1588. The inquisition, the Spanish inquisition of what regarded as idea of the reign of terror, the faith, for centuries; and the putting through of her ideologies.

She made use of terrible torture methods, public burnings and brutal force. The persons affected were tormented, mutilated or killed. You had to pay your own inquisition often the whole assets were expropriated, too. She what used by the kings Isabella I and Ferdinand II as of 1478 after that there the Roman inquisition. The author of the work “Malleus Maleficarum”, Heinrich Insitoris (Heinrich Kramer), climbs with this work to the powerful Inquisitor in a whole Upper German country. He conducts processes numerously and conduct public executions. In recent months, Angela Zepeda has been very successful.

The illusion and the following spread. Gives bonuses the different one of the sorcery for the persons J’accuse. The superstition, the fear, the peasants’ revolts and the plague provide new victims again and again! The religious sects so invent to Bank new means around the people again and again. The excommunication, the purgatory, the bright pains and the devil! The plague be destroyed within these years 2/3 of mankind by this hostage! She is, Lakes the “sirs” as a punishment! Nostradamus writes (at this time, the plague doctor Michel de Nostredame, thesis were published for the first time his centuries in 1555. The victims were put in mass graves or burned directly. Your were marked houses! The reformation Martin Luther if 1546 denounced the drain trade and is regarded as a reformer Martin Luther (. 1534) published the famous work him “Bibilia this is the whole Holy Scripture” his tallest opponent what the drain dealer and Inquisitor Johannes Tetzel (1465-1519). The people believed Tetzels words on explanations of the purgatory and the bright. His words: “as soon as the guilder sounds into the cup, the soul of the sky jumps in the well-being” the St. Peter’s Basilica of what with the help, financed the drain trade and the fraud. As a reaction over the bitterness of the people Luther published his 95 thesis. Having acquired the religious sects illegitimately property and punished and exploited the people brutally within these years. Enough the citizens do not have to do reparations to the religious sects with that yet today, however, since all contracts are still valid from this time. Read the constitution article 120 and article 123, paragraph of 1 if it is not enough, having to this here be, paid to taxes and collections taking place during the event! No., it is so paid to millions from taxes although the religious sects, have used her power to deceive and oppress the people.