Munich Unicreditbank

Island Mainau and VAUDE bicycle fleets of bicycle-leasing company LeaseRad gains against the winner of test bike fleet of Freiburg bicycle leasing company LeaseRad in the last year’s competition for the most bike-friendly employers were accepted beginning May their wheels and E-bikes: for six weeks, employees of VAUDE sport GmbH and the Mainau GmbH test the obtained Pedelecs and cycles on the way to work. As a supporter of the competition advertised for the first time in the last year of the German working group for environmental Managament (B.A.U.M..) the bicycle leasing pioneers of Fribourg put each a fleet of Pedelecs, E-bikes or normal bicycles as prizes of LEAseRad GmbH. In may, the winner of the test fleets were able to take their wheels in reception. The island of Mainau and the sporting goods manufacturer Vaude honored for their exemplary activities in the area of promoting cycling in the operation. Heinrich Straub, head of the Department of environmental management at the flower Island, was pleased about the Pedelecs and conventional wheels, which now employees can go their ways. For many years, the Mainau GmbH with a thorough environmental program in the area of sustainable mobility is very active and was twice awarded with the B.A.U.M.

environmental award. The now extracted test fleet complements the Zweiradfurhpark with the employees, who have no own bicycle, their commutes to the and put back on the island of flowers. “Also VauDe is delighted about the Pedelecs: the test fleet complements our E-bike vehicle fleet, we provide our employees for the working ways – and also for use on weekends – the journalists”, Hancock was delighted by VAUDE sport GmbH Patzwall. The bicycle-leasing company LeaseRad wants to with his support of the competition for the most bike-friendly employers once more demonstrate, that the bike and E-bike the alternative number is one way to work: the concept of LeaseRad shows that climate protection, health, and cost savings for sustainable to bring small businesses and local communities undertaken under a hat! “, is the motto of the CEO Ulrich preacher who brought the test fleet personally. At short distances, the wheel in every respect is ecologically unbeatable up to six kilometern, and it is also the fastest of all means of transport. The LeaseRad GmbH has won several awards for its innovative business concept of sustainable E-mobility concepts and leased bike and E-bike fleets at the Frankfurt construction company ABG, the city of Stuttgart and the Munich Unicreditbank..