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Book Shop in Ukraine enjoy the reader more and more popular. And this trend is not unfounded. About that, why Ukrainian knigomany prefer shopping at online bookstores stores, we'll continue Today, online booksellers offer not only convenience for the purchase, but also a better pricing than their off-line counterparts. So, what is the the benefits, cost and what are the trends in online book trade, see below. Why is it comfortable and I save And it is very easy. For example, in a short amount of time sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee, you can "go on shopping" at least ten books online stores. Moreover, under the same conditions and for the same period, you will not be able to visit ten bookstores. It is also necessary to take into account that the range Book online stores simply enormous and even find a rare book is not a particular problem.

As a result, you will save a lot of time, have found a better price and retain power for more important things – reading favorite books. In addition, before making a purchase at a book shop online, you can read reviews and comments on the book, and this can greatly affect your choice. Little about the numbers Statistics shopping in online stores shows that the potential buyer is the one in four active user Uanet. In this case, the total number of purchases in the Ukrainian Internet-shops to share the book online stores have 12.03%. This high and growing percentage of purchases of books in the online store is already talking about a lot. Geography Today, in Ukraine, a leader in the acquisition of products via internet book stores takes Kiev it accounts for about 60% of all purchases of books. Eastern regions of Ukraine in this sense is a little less active, share the same western, southern and central areas in the aggregate approximately 15%.

And this trend is not unpredictable. If you recall the statistics of all users Uanet, she distributed about the same. After thinking carefully about these figures, we can see the following – the inhabitants of the largest metropolis of Ukraine, and Kiev is having at hand a lot of bookstores and the widest selection, still moving smoothly on a book shopping in online stores. Thus, it is safe to say that every year, the popularity of online book stores will not only keep growing, but also acquire its loyal customers.