Marine Mammal Protection Act

“A dolphin-deadly’ tuna label to the sharp U.S. rules for the import of dolphin-friendly” to circumvent caught tuna “the IATTC 2001 picked up the agreement on the international dolphin conservation program” (AIDCP) launched with an own dolphin safe label “. International conservation organizations such as the EII reject this label as death certificate for dolphins”off, because it tolerates a dolphin death rate. “Tried several times the US administration under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush of the Marine Mammal Protection Act” failed to change, but each time so in court.

Still, canned tuna goods excellent with the AIDCP label may not be sold in the United States. The EU lags as often afterwards In contrast to the situation in the United States is not only not prohibited the import of the AIDCP label of excellent canned tuna goods into the EU, the EU has even 2003 officially recognized this label. Voluntary control program for really dolphin-safe”tuna in Germany and other EU States exists an agreement between major parts of the tuna industry and the EII, under the terms of the IATTC with purse seines in the tropical Eastern Pacific tuna caught not to process and to introduce. This agreement is the German partner organization of the EII, which the dolphins e.V., Germany monitored the rescue. For the control in the other EU Member States the European dolphin safe monitoring established by the EII care organization”. SAFE for the life in the oceans is the EIIS and its partner organizations, the purse-seine net fishing wiped out not long ago all dolphins in the tropical Eastern Pacific.

Under the private label SAFE, the other Dolphin deadly’ fishing methods such as drift-net fishing bans, operate around the world almost 400 in the international tuna trade involved companies from more than 50 countries. All are committed contractually to comply with the SAFE criteria, which must be kept from the fishing vessel to the supermarket shelf. SAFE is one of the largest non-governmental food control programmes and the comprehensive programme for the conservation of biodiversity in the seas.