Managing Director Bmst

And this is true not just for the hearth itself, but especially for the chimney. And here we come in play. No living air ventilation for living space heating, geothermal heating, no air heat pump works during power failure. Since only heating with a stove is possible. Therefore we recognize lately an increasing demand for LAF fireplaces (air exhaust chimney for solid fuels) in passive and low-energy houses”, the weight forward. Managing Director Bmst. ing.

Edmund Drohojowski the positive feedback. Where does the journey go? There are different currents of opinion on the future of the tiled stove in the passive house construction. Also, this topic was discussed in common conversation. About short or long passes there is no way to save energy. Follow the predictions of some experts and researchers, will be an energy crisis with security. The trend is that every new building in passive quality is built in 5 years at the latest”, Adolf Strigl by Holzbau Strigl shows glimpses of the future from Lunz am see. Wood will the fuel be also in future, which is relatively easy to procure and inexpensive when compared to other energy sources.

The local supply creates a high degree of independence from other energy suppliers and the House Builders appreciate it. And this trend will further increase. “, considered the developments Hafnermeister Nemecek. We also see the trend towards passive house building with a tiled stove. Energy efficiency is an increasingly important topic at the House farmers. And this trend is right in our direction because by appropriate chimney systems for new construction or renovation long term money and energy are saved “, as the gew. Managing Director Bmst. ing. Edmund Drohojowski. I can join the. I’m oven Builder for 36 years and we work together successfully for about 30 years with Ahrens. A well-trained staff, quick and accurate solutions, know-how and highest product quality are critical for me and I get that when Ahrens,”Nemecek Hafnermeister describes the years of Cooperation with Ahrens. See for the full interviews on the subject. For further questions regarding the ambient air-independent heating the free energy available hotline: 0800 / 201550. For more information see: Ahrens chimney technique GmbH pond way 4A 3250 Wieselburg Tel.: + 43 / (0) 7416 / 52 9 66-0 fax: + 43 / (0) 7416 / 52 9 66-33, press contact: Mag. Petra Punzer, like. (FH) “Ursula Puhringer fresh blood” brand management & Communications GmbH at the Winterhafen 13, a-4020 linz, tel.: +43/(0)732/ 37 16 16-18,