Managing Director

The Berlin financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann informed about the essential aspects of independent asset management and investment advice on a pure fee basis. The German Institute for retirement (DIA) has examined in January 2009 for the first time, what impact the financial crisis arising for the trust, confidence and activities of German citizens in the area of pensions: 46 percent of employed Germans worry due to the financial crisis and the current bad economy more to their statutory pension than before. Confidence in private pension plans has even though total at higher levels a significant damper, so get the result of a long term investigation of IfD Allensbach and own investigations of the slide. 22 percent of the respondents want to do something for their retirement in the next twelve months. Because 57 percent still adequate for the age believed in January 2006 to have made, there are still 36 percent. Exactly with this concern currently many new customers come to us.\” explains Stephanie Niklas, Managing Director and general partner of financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann oHG in Berlin-Grunewald and Berlin-Mitte. Due to the existing uncertainty from the financial crisis, many customers are looking for above all really independent advice on a purely honorary advisors like us.

When assessing existing pension products we are often stunned.\”so a sechzigjahrige customer enters for example last week to us, whose previous consulting to return-rich pensions has recommended an asset management with over 70% equities and a corresponding Fund.\” Ulf Niklas, also managing director and general partner of the Berlin financial planning offices, leading to off. That was certainly profitable, but too risky for the client and their pensions for the earnings situation of the consultant. The current result is shocking.\” Again and again you meet on these cases, in which a stable and serious retirement for the customers behind the profit interests of the respective consultant and product provider stand back.