Mail Schools

This commentary was written at the beginning of the month of October of year 2009, I make this mention, so that the commentary does not seem anachronistic. Yesterday Jaime Bayly in its dominical program nocturne; transmitted the presentation of its book the cripple and the crazy person, realised the day Friday 2 of this month, in the city of Arequipa. When going to the multitude (that was like 10 thousand people, according to the newspaper the Mail) did not speak anything of the thematic one of their book, rather I am dedicated to make a threat of electoral campaign. A speech net Populist, who concentrated in three points, of which I want to make a small analysis. Although it is certain that said journalist never will arrive has to be president (although everything can pass in Peru, by experience ) I agree with some of its ideas, but I believe that one skipped some aspects that stopped mentioning within each subject. In his first point it said: That the public education must have the quality of the best particular schools.

It mentioned that breakfast to all the students in the schools would have to occur them. Account did not occur that the students of rich families who attend good particular schools (like its daughters, as she said the same it), they take breakfast in its houses. It did not mention that to equal these aspects, the schools public must have the same infrastructure of the individuals; the quality of the educational ones, way to see is relative, because in the state schools, if educational ones of excellent pedagogical quality exist some. Fodder that stops not to fall in cheap populismos, we have to well first do that it locks up all this, without clearing you validate of the proposal In its second point it said: That the congressmen, did not have to acquire pay; in other words, that its collaboration in the parliament, serious as I say collaboration for charity.