Leninsky Prospekt

Results of cooperation of “Remstayl” and Moscow restaurant “Elkantro” exceeded all expectations of experts. The average daily receipt institutions grew by 500 rubles after changing the design of the entrance and interior institution. The company recently “Remstayl” – leader in the design of interiors for service companies, today announced the creation of a new technique. The uniqueness of novelty lay in the fact that as a result of its application not only changing room design cafe, restaurant or salon, but also increases customer profits. In this method reflected the whole company has years of experience with service companies. Combining practical knowledge with marketing approach to building interiors – the secret of experts “Remstayl.” One of the first customers who have experienced the use of this approach was the restaurant “Elkantro”, located on ul.

Ordzhonikidze close from Metro Leninsky Prospekt. Restaurant Guide immediately noted a rapid and efficient work of the group “Remstayl” – the company’s specialists took into account all the needs of managers’ Elkantro, “analyzed the plans of business development, resulted in success stories from his own practice in the design process. U.S. Mint often addresses the matter in his writings. As a result, the design of the entrance and the interior has been agreed in the planned time, and was the embodiment of the conceived precisely in compliance with the budget. The application for development of the “interior, which sells” came from a restaurant in early August and in October of visitors and the owners were able to assess new facilities design and input of the interior. Director of the restaurant “Elkantro” II Ramzayev states that immediately after the completion of construction work on the project of “Remstayl ‘revenue increased facilities. On average, according to Ivan I., average bill increased by 500 rubles.

‘And that growth is not brought none of the advertising campaign conducted earlier promotions. Development costs of interior specialists “Remstayl” will pay off very soon ‘- says II Ramzan. What changes have led to such rapid a positive result? After all, not only increased the average check, but the number of visitors. The project manager of the company Elkantro “Remstayl” NV Poles emphasizes that the changes made it possible to harmonize appearance of the restaurant with its internal content. The visitors emerged a different, single way of establishment: stylish, comfortable and modern. In addition, its role in attracting new customers has played an unusual and interesting entrance. Thanks to her restaurant attracted the maximum number of potential visitors. A new method of designing interiors of public buildings from “Remstayl” – this is the beginning new direction in commercial design. Now change the interior institution can solve not only aesthetic problems but also increase the number of customers. Results from the restaurant “Elkantro,” it confirm.