
The most risky choice of mortgage product is in circulation – its banks estimate extremely low – by a factor of 0,4 to 0,5. Not everyone knows that there is a possibility of taking a pledge not only available but also acquired property. In this case, bank transfers the loan amount directly to the supplier, but the borrower must pay on their own from 10% to 30% of the cost, depending on the requirements of the bank. Commercial mortgage commercial mortgage scheme hardly differs from the mortgages for private individuals. As collateral for the loan stands purchased the premises, the recipient of a mortgage to pay their own expense from 10% to 30% of the cost, timing Lending up to 30 years.

The loan transferred to the seller and at the time of registration of contract of sale is recorded encumbrance on the purchased property. Thus, the owner prior to maturity Credit can not be realized in pledge property. A distinctive feature of the commercial mortgage is that it purchased the premises must be registered as a non-residential fund. Leasing For some companies with a large amount of equity, it makes sense to take advantage of leasing. In this case, the leasing company on their own to acquire the required property of the borrower and passes it to finance leases, and reserves the right to property. At the end of the lease agreement, the property becomes the property of the lessee. The advantages of leasing include a fairly simple design and minimum list of required financial documents (usually just the balance sheet and profit and loss statement).