LDL Cholesterol

This it is the famous cholesterol of low densidad or bad cholesterol as much people call to him. First that we must know with respect to the cholesterol it is that the same is necessary in our organism although evidently in the suitable proportions. The same Cholesterol LDL also is very known as bad cholesterol and moves in the sanguineous torrent. The same is formed by lipoprotein proteins and lipids and their function mainly consists of transporting lipids. One of the negative things by which one always must have well-taken care of of its health doing the controls which they are always required is that the bad cholesterol lodges in the walls of the arteries and this is the cause of serious problems of health.

We really cannot say that the cholesterol is bad in itself but everything depends on the type of cholesterol and the level in which is lodging in our organism. There are many products that are high in cholesterol and these are those that of a form or another one we must control in its consumption. A good selection of the products that we bought in the supermarket and that soon we consume can help us to achieve this objective in favor of our health enough. When one goes to doctor generally one of the analyses that the doctors always indicate to him is the measurement of the cholesterol level that you have in the blood, because if this he is very high, there are majors probabilities that you undergo some kind of cardiovascular problem. Metric of the cholesterol With respect to the recommended cholesterol levels it is important that you maintain these the most controlled and low possible in approximately 100 mg/dl which is a standard like determining if your cholesterol level is normal or no. When your cholesterol level exceeds the 160 mg/dl is considered elevated too much and therefore a fast medical action must take place to take it to normality.

Why is so bad the bad cholesterol? The good cardiovascular health depends much in the form in how the blood circulates from the heart towards the rest of our organism. Cholesterol LDL is bad indeed because it lodges in the walls of the arteries and produces serious problems in the circulation of the blood. When one consumes foods that have an excess of fat, like meats, you graze among others, the tendencies to that the cholesterol level increases are of a 100% and is important to control this to avoid cardiac problems that soon we did not prune to revert.